• Member Since 1st Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

My Little Pastafarian

Comments ( 35 )

Can there be a rimjob part in this story?

Hadn’t planned on it, but that is something I haven’t seen much here. I’ll take it under advicement :raritywink:

Fluttercord is a very good ship for magic shenanigans during sex and I can't wait to see what you make of it!
Here's hoping for a chapter of genital swap role reversal

Fluttercord is top on my ship list

I only wonder if he spiced novel up before it went to editorial or after:P

He tinkered with Fluttershy’s copy after taking the liberty of reading it when she wasn’t looking 😘

Bah! Boooring (in Q's voice)

Lovely start to the story, looking forward to seeing what you do next. :)

(as a random aside, I've always thought Discord should have two very different sizes testicles, just cause it would fit with everything else about him).

First chapter and it's looking great so far (*fluttercord fangirl scream*). Really amazing and I alredy can't wait For read more. Great job!!!

I can't wait to see what he does with the film, other then have some fun reliving the moment later on!

I love NSFW done right. I love how you write it from fluffy and sweet to silly and fun to passionate and wild all within the same scene. It's so fitting for them, especially since it involves Discord.

I just love how you balanced the cuteness and the kinkyness together. It was genius. Great chapter!!!!!. Can't wait For see what other fetish have these two.

So glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy: Fan of your stuff, btw.

Oh, thank you! I appreciate it!

I think this is one of my favorite so far :)

Finally she was spent, and clean enough to wear her dress normally. They exchanged a few soft kisses and sweet nothings, and a promise to continue the fun after the gala.

Also, does this mean a continuity chapter?
Because I wouldn't mind.


Also, does this mean a continuity chapter?

I’m not sure yet. We’ll see 😘

Awww, so sweet with some spice added, but still with plenty of romance and consensual thoughtfulness to balance it out!

I normally hate reading blowjobs (personally I just... can't ever imagine doing it, yuck, but that's more personal and not judgmental at all, and honestly what do I know, I know NOTHING and I'm 28), but this time I didn't mind so much. How you managed to make a blowjob *thoughtful* on Discord's part is a feat that impresses me.

Her dress and hair sounded *gorgeous*. Maybe if I write and need to put her in a dress I'll ask for your help. I tried putting her in a clownfish-inspired dress once, but I don't know a ton about clothes and hair for writing about them.

If I may give you a quick couple of grammar tips? If dialogue doesn't need to end in an exclamation point or question mark, or isn't the end of a sentence with a period, it should have a comma before the end quotation mark. For example:

Not this: "Thank you for a wonderful time at the Gala" Fluttershy murmured to Discord, smiling sweetly to him.

But this: "Thank you for a wonderful time at the Gala," Fluttershy murmured to Discord, smiling sweetly to him.

Also, when you want to have ponies say things all at once, make each piece of dialogue it's own paragraph, not all together. So...

Not this: "Yeehaw!" "Whoohoo!" "Let's go!"

But this:



"Let's go!"

One more thing: when the dialogue does end in a sentence, the period should go before the end quotation mark.

So not like this: "I think I'd like some punch now".

But like this: "I think I'd like some punch now ."

Do note that I only tell you this because you are so close to having top-notch grammar. Usually I don't comment on such small grammar issues, but you're too close for me to ignore it.

Also, the end made me chortle. I've always thought that Celestia would know how to guard against such things, being a Princess for so long. And we know foals are often present, so she's gotta look out for that stuff.

Also "closet of shiny things". :rainbowlaugh:

Glad you liked it!

Yeah blowjobs aren’t everybody’s thing, but I had a fun time writing Discord giving Flutters a man-mojito :rainbowlaugh:

And thanks for the corrections! I’ll take them into account.

I’d be happy to help with outfit stuff. I actually work in costuming IRL, so that is something I feel confident in. I did like the dress in Going Stag, it sounded like a really fun outfit and something different for Fluttershy. She’s usually dressed in green, both in and out of canon, so white and orange sounded really cute!

”There is one every year,” she sighed to herself, shaking her head in exasperation.

Oh. Wait. So that's why celestia have a cupboard for shiny objects. Everything make sense now. Well almost.

It was beutiful, It was cute the part when fluttershy sleep in discord.
And the cute lovemaking was the best.
Favorite chapter yet.

It had been a few weeks since Fluttershy and Discord made love for the first time. It had happened without planning, but it had changed their relationship in a significant way.

I know there is not much of a plot in this fanfic, but is this a continuation of the first chapter?

Wait, If she knew this would happen than why does she still keep that closet there, when it´s time for the gala. Can´t she just use her magic to get rid of it untell the gala is over!? :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

It was sweet, good job on the whole thing. :twilightsmile::scootangel:

Enjoyed this very much. My hooves are damp, my fetlocks ache and I have only one tiny concern. Her Highness' "knowing smile" welcoming the lovers to the gala seems to conflict with her exasperation after they exit the CFSO. I mean, if she does not approve, but she knows it's gonna happen, she wouldn't be smiling. Right?

Thanks! Glad you liked it.
And no, Celestia didn’t know they were going to bang in a closet. But she definitely saw Discord checking out Fluttershy, and knew her old nemesis was putty in her tiny hooves.

I'll cede you the point* and quibble you a detail: a nemesis is an avenger of wrongs, not merely a foe. Now, the only reason I trouble to argue such a common mistake is that now I want to see a fic where Dissy is a literal nemesis to avenge her past sins. That concept wont fit into my head cannon but it sure sounds like fun! DO you feel up to the challenge?

*that H'reince didn't specifically know where the deed would be done

Glad you’re having fun quibbling. But as the author, I’m telling you Celestia did not somehow predict they would end up having sex at the gala. They themselves didn’t know that at that point in the story.

Hello there, we have completed a review for your story over on My Little Reviews & Feedback. I hope you find it helpful! :derpytongue2:

Oh! Coolbeans, thank you so much! :pinkiehappy:

I read it and it was very nice and helpful! I’m glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

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