• Published 19th Aug 2020
  • 820 Views, 18 Comments

Robo-Ponies - Ragnarok17

Equestria is threatened when a robotic creature plans to turn every ponies into robots

  • ...

The Conquest Begins

The Crystal Empire

At nighttime, Shining Armor and Cadence are watching the stars as they are having a conversation about Twilight, Spike and others visiting them on tomorrow.

“Cadence, I’m so proud of my little Twily!” Shining smiled at his wife.

“Not only she’s Princess of Friendship but also the Headmare of School of Friendship, she’s come the long way from being a student of my aunt to a potential ruler of Equestria!” Cadence nuzzled to her beloved.

“Yeah, me, you and Flurry Heart are looking forward of spending time with Twily. Let’s hope no one messes up our time with her like that jerk Iron Will did!” Shining frowned of mentioning Iron Will for almost ruining Twilight’s vacation and making her missed The Northern Star, “I swear if I see that Minotaur again, I will....” Shining raising his hoof before Cadence grabs his face and look at him smiling.

“Now, now. Don’t let Iron Will get into your head, he’s not worth your time.”

“You right, Cadence.” Shining smiled, “Let’s focus on each other instead” Shining and Cadence placed their lips on each other and started kissing each other as they are making out with each other.

While Shining continues to kissing her, Cadence notices something wonderful in the sky and stop kissing Shining.

“Look! A shooting star!” Cadence point her hoof to a shooting star which amazed both of them.

“If Twily was here, she would go crazy about it!"”

“What kind of crazy? The one where she almost thrown the entire Ponyville in chaos because she couldn’t find a lesson for my aunt?” Cadence joked

“No! I still can’t believe she would act like a filly over finding a dumb lesson!” Shining is still flabbergasted over "Smartypants Incident", “If I see my sister doing something like that, I would bring a lot of ladybugs to swarm all over her body as her punishment for risking the town over a petty reason.” Shining chuckles but he stopped when he see Cadance frown at him, “What? It was a joke, Cadance!”

“Still Shining, do you really have to joked about ladybugs having extra spot eyes to Twilight?” Cadence scolding her husband, “Because of your joke, she can’t go one day at picnic without going crazy on the sight of ladybugs.” Cadence rubbing her head with her hoof.

Shining sighed “You’re right, Cadence. I may got too carried away with teasing Twilight with ladybugs stuffs.”

Cadence’s frown expression changes to smile “It’s okay, Shiny. Let’s forget about that and focus on the shooting s-“ Cadence didn’t get to finish her sentence as she notices something wrong with the shooting star.

“What’s wrong, Cadence?” Shining asked in concern.

Cadence’s eyes widened “Shiny, I think the shooting star heading toward The Crystal Empire!” She point her hoofs as the shooting star heading toward their home.

“Cadence! Get Flurry Heart now!” Shining yelled, “We must evacuate the castle before it’s too late!”

Cadence nodded as she went to her daughter’s room and put Flurry Heart in her hooves.

“Don’t worry, Flurry. Mommy got you” Cadence assures her as she quickly rushed out of the room

Shining Armor, Cadence, Flurry Heart and the rest of Royal Guards including Flash Sentry are outside of the castle.

“What’s going on, Your highness?” Flash asked Shining.

“Look!” Shining point his hoof to the shooting star that about to collides the castle which left all Royal Guards both amazed and terrified as they knows that if the shooting star collides the castle will cause a lot of collateral damage and possibly casualties.

Flash get very terrified, “Your highness! If we don’t do anything to stop that star, all innocents will die! We must form a plan!” Flash trying to come up with a plan but Cadence laid her hoof on Flash’s body.


To their surprise, the shooting star misses the castle..... barely.

“Huh?” Shining said.

Before he can say anything, the shooting star crashes land outside of The Crystal Empire.

“Dang, that’s rather aggressive landing.” Flash nervously said.

Shining rapidly shook his head “There’s no time for jokes! Come on! We’re going to investigate it!”

The rest of Royal Guards nodded as they head out to find the shooting star and Shining turns to his wife

“Cadence, stay here and take care of Flurry Heart. We don’t know what we dealing with.”

“I will and please, be very careful out there.” Cadence said worriedly.

“I’m promise that I will be safe and sound.” Shining winked at his wife before heading out to find the location of the shooting star.

Outside of The Crystal Empire

What Shining and the rest of Royal Guards doesn’t know that the shooting star is actually a pod-like vehicle and the pod open itself to reveal a shadowy figure with robotic-claw hands with lot of flys surrounding his body.

“Look like I finally arrives at Planet Equestria, home of Ponies and other creatures.” He grinned as his claw-like teeth glowing and his eyes glow too before light bulbs glow to reveal his robotic body with his face is like a deranged robotic demon, “According to my research on Planet Equestria, theses Ponies are big on friendship and yet, they let their emotions get the best out of them and end up causing conflicts with each other especially Elements of Harmony.” He push a button on his gauntlet to bring out a holographic profiles for each of Elements of Harmony, “Those ponies always baffled me with their fatal flaw! I don’t understand why they’re Elements of Harmony?”

Each of their profiles listed their fatal flaws

Twilight Sparkle: perfectionist qualities and neuroses over potential failure or disappointing peers.

Fluttershy: lack of backbone.

Rarity: vanity or materialistic nature.

Applejack: stubborn pride or self righteousness.

Rainbow Dash: narcissism and self obsession.

Pinkie Pie: tactlessness and overall eccentricity.

“Those ponies disgusted me! They’re nothing more but bunch of simpletons who let their emotions get the best out of them and cause nothing but conflicts!” The robot make a disgusted look before smirking as he grabs a syringe from his pod, “That’s why I developed a serum that turn any creatures into robots! That way, it will bring no more conflicts once they turned into robots! Hehe....hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

The robot stop laughing when he see Shining Armor and the rest of the Royal Guards approaches the vehicle.

“Great, here comes Twilight’s pretty boy big brother, Shining Armor! I better hide myself from them!” he quickly put on invisible cloak to hide himself from them.

Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and the rest of Royal Guards arrives to the location and they are bewildered by the sight of a pod-like vehicle.

“What’s that?” Flash asked

“I don’t know, I never see anything like that before.” Shining answered

Flash Sentry walk toward the vehicle to inspect it and he rubbed his chin as he try to figure out about the vehicle.

“Well, we know this is not shooting star but I still don’t know what to make of this.” Flash shrugged before continuing to inspect the vehicle.

While the rest of Royal Guards are still looking at the vehicle, Shining Armor heard a noise and try to find the source of the noise.

“Alright, whoever you are, come out right now or else you’ll face the Royal Guards!” Shining yelled.

When he doesn’t get the answer, Shining sighed as he’s about to use his magic when........

“Your Highness!” Flash called out to Shining Armor as he holding a syringe to him and the rest of Royal Guards.

“What is that?” Shining asked.

“A syringe.... I think. But why this thing have a syringe?” Flash asked.

Suddenly, Flash grabbed by a robot who reveal himself to Shining Armor and Royal Guards while holding him hostage. Shining Armor and the Royal Guards about to use their magic or weapons but they stopped when robot pointing a syringe to Flash’s neck.

“Ah, ta-ta-ta. Make one move or else, this pony get it!” The robot threatens to hurt Flash.

Shining Armor and the rest of Royal Guards glares at the robot before lowering their magic or weapons.

“Who are you?” Shining asked robot.

“Me? The name’s Dr. Soul-X76. Sorry if my introduction disappoints y’all, I guess I didn’t planned it.” Soul-X76 joked but Shining wasn’t laughing as he was glaring at the robot.

“What do you want?!” Shining yelled

“Awww, why you gotta be so rude to me? We just met and you already antagonize me. I guess Royals are nothing but snobbish people after all.” Soul make a sad face before he change to more threatening expression as he pointing his syringe to Flash’s neck closer, “Those kind of people made me sick!”

“Stop! Alright! We’re not going to hurt you! Just please don’t hurt him!” Shining pleaded to Soul who smirked at him as he lowering his syringe.

“Ah, I see you let your emotion get the best out of you!” Soul gleefully taunted at Shining Armor.

Shining Armor and the rest of Royal Guards are confused by his words

“Emotion? What are you talking about?” Shining asked

“Well, the reason I came to the Planet Equestria because I spend years of watching all the creatures around the planet and you are no exception, Shining Armor.”

Shining Armor and the rest of Royal Guards gasped

“How did you know my name?” Shining asked.

“Bah! Didn’t I already said that, you simpleton! I been watching you and Cadence since both of you are part of my research along with Elements of Harmony!” The robot explained to them with a smug grin.

“Don’t you dare laid one claw on my little sister!” Shining growled

“Why do you care about Twilight? You abandoned her at the wedding rehearsal, you simpleton! Don’t give me an excuse of you being brainwashed by Chrysalis, I know you really did said those harsh words to her on your own. What kind of big brother would do that to their younger sibling?”

Shining Armor sadly sighed and lower his head as he was not proud of what he did to Twilight at the rehearsal and he really did let his anger get the best out of him.

The robot smug at them, “That’s why I’m here to get rid all of emotions from every creatures know to man!”

Shining Armor and the rest of Royal Guards are baffled by his comments.

“Emotion? But you can’t get rid of them, it’s part of us!”

“Ah, you see, Mr. Armor, I already found a way to get rid of emotion and let me demonstrate for you.” Soul injects the syringe on Flash’s neck.

“FLASH! NOOOO!!!!” Shining Armor yelled

The robot let go of Flash as the orange Pegasus putting his hoof on his neck and cried in pain, Shining Armor and the rest of Royal Guards ran to Flash.

“Flash! What’s wrong?!” Shining asked as he and others watch Flash continued to writhe in pain, Shining glares at the robot, “What did you do to him?!”

“Watch.” Soul said in calm and yet creepy tone.

When Shining turn his head, he and others are horrified when multiple wires came out of Flash’s body and his hooves turn into a mechanical hooves, his blue eyes change to dark red eyes, his mane and coat are fully grey colored metallic, his wings turn into a sharp metal wings with piercing knife attached to it. Shining and others are slowly backed away as they are shocked of Flash’s transformation.

“F-Flash?” Shining Armor shuttered asked.

The now metallic Flash Sentry look at them with vicious dark red eyes which terrified some Royal Guards.

“I am ordered all of you to assimilate into robots.” Flash speak in an emotionless voice.

“Flash! What got into you?! Why you talk like that?!” Shining Armor asked

“Flash Sentry you speak of is dead, I’m Unit FS-13.”

“Unit FS-what?!” one of Royal Guards yelled in disbelief.

“If you refuses to assimilate into robots, you leave me with no choice but I will assimilate all of you by force.” His metallic wings pointing at Shining Armor and the rest of Royal Guards.

Shining Armor sighed “Forgive me, Flash but I will not lose my emotion to you!” Shining Armor’s horn began to glow while the Royal Guards get their weapons out to fight him.

“So be it.” Unit FS-13 responds in an emotionless voice.

Shining Armor charges his horn to blast FS-13 but he dodges it as he fly around them and the guards try to aim their spears at him while the Pegasus guards chasing him.

“Flash! Snap out of it! This is not you!” The Pegasus Royal Guard begging the formerly Flash Sentry but he doesn’t listen to him as he fly faster than them.

“Sweet Celestia! When did he get so fast?” The other Pegasus Royal Guard is amazed and terrified by FS-13’s more faster ability.

Shining Armor tries to blasting him while the non-Pegasus Royal Guards throwing their spears at him but FS-13 continues to dodge them which frustrates the Royal Guards.

While they are fighting FS-13, Dr. Soul yawned as he was getting bored by Shining Armor and the Royal Guards being unable to destroy FS-13.

“Wow! This is the captain of Royal Guards with so many accomplishments and yet he couldn’t shoot Flash Sentry? How pathetic! I wonder if the reason he was selected as the captain of Royal Guards because he was dating Celestia’s niece?” He hummed about it before he chuckles, “Yeah, no doubt Celestia pick him as the captain of Royal Guards because of that! I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason of how Cadence become Alicorn so young is because of Nepotism! Celestia is one terrible decision maker!” He laugh evilly as he relax in his vehicle while drinking red wine.

Cadence who is holding Flurry Heart are waiting at outside of The Crystal Empire as she comfort her daughter.

“It’s okay, Flurry. Your father will be alright, there’s nothing to be worry a-“ a loud explosion cuts her off as she quickly to notices multiple blue beams coming in not far away from her and she hit with a realization.

“Shiny?!” She yelled in disbelief as she flew fast with Flurry Heart on her hooves to the location where her beloved at, “Please, don’t let it bad happens to him!” She quickly flapping her wings.

Despite their best efforts, FS-13 manages to dodges the attacks from Shining Armor and the Royal Guards and the Pegasus guards become very tired at this point.

“He..... so..... damn..... fast!” The Pegasus Guard coughed

As they tries very hard to keep up with him, both Pegasus guards’ eyes widened when they saw FS-13 turn around to face them and 2 syringe are coming out of his wings as he target them.

“Target spotted.”

“Oh crap.” The Pegasus guard gulped

“Fly faster!” The other Pegasus guard yelled

2 syringes flew toward 2 pegasus guards and despite trying to avoid from 2 syringe, they ultimately got hit by 2 syringes and they crash land on the ground as both of them appears to be knocked unconscious.

“Oh no!” Shining Armor yelled

Before their eyes, 2 Pegasus guards transform into a metallic robots similar to Flash and they glares at Shining Armor and the rest of non-Pegasus guards as they along with FS-13 flew toward them while holding syringes.

“Watch out!” Shining Armor yelled as he dodges them but unfortunately, the rest of them weren’t lucky as they’re injected by syringes.

Shining Armor is horrified to watch his men turn into a soulless and cunning robots who willing to assimilate any ponies into robots.

He turn around to glares at Dr. Soul, “What kind of things you put on that damn syringe?!”

“Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, you really are a simpleton?” He said disappointedly at Shining’s obliviousness, “Well then, I guess I will answer your question.” Soul get off from his seat as he walk toward Shining Armor while the rest of robotic guards stares at him as they corner around him, “Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you see, the word you looking is Nanomachines!”

“Nanomachine?” Shining Armor asked confused

“Yes, when I inject someone with Nanomachines, these tiny creatures go inside of a person’s body system and they assimilate all of their parts into machines to the point..... the person become fully robots with no emotion at all.”

Shining Armor glaring at the robot.

“You are insane for thinking about that! What’s you doing is basically taking away their freedom and turning them into slaves! That’s not how to end the conflict!” Shining Armor growls at him.

“But this is the only way to end the conflict once and for all! Plus, you ponies should know that your kind’s friendship speeches are useless against me!” Soul smirked at the stallion

As Shining is too distracting by Soul’s insane behavior, one of robotic guards walk toward him as he pull out a syringe to inject Shining Armor, but before he can do that.


A robotic guard is blasted by Cadence who arrives to save her beloved from them.



Soul frowned at Cadence for ruining their attempt to assimilate Shining Armor “Well, Isn’t that so-called Princess of Love, Cadence!” He put on a fake smile.

Cadence glares at him

“You! What have you done to them?!” Cadence scowling

Soul frown at Cadence’s attitude toward him “Geez! I was expecting kindness from you! you damn racist Princess!”

Shining Armor growls at him “Don’t you dare talk back to my wife!”

Soul rolled his eyes which irritates Shining Armor even more.

Cadence glares at Soul “Why are you doing this?! Answer me!”

Soul casually walk around the lovebirds while Shining and Cadence get in their fighting stance while Cadence holding Flurry Heart.

“Like I said to your husband, my goal is to assimilate every ponies on this planet in order to remove their emotion permanently. Their emotions are the reason why you guys always get into conflicts with each other like that time when you were being prejudiced toward Thorax when he want to learn about friendship and both of you denied him.” Soul smirked at them.

Cadence hung her head for despite being Princess of Love, she didn’t give Thorax a chance to hear him out and was very hostile toward him.

“Okay! You get the point! We weren’t kind to him but Spike changed our mind when he was willing to throw everything he have to protect him! He wouldn’t sacrifice it if he wasn’t friend with him.” Shining Armor point out this to Soul and Cadence couldn't help but smile of Spike protecting Thorax from them.

Cadence put on a brave face “You can’t take away our emotion! The emotions are too powerful to be destroy by your thing and that’s final!”

Flurry Heart blow raspberry at the crazy robot.

Soul wasn’t amused by them

“Fine, I guess three of you took the hard way.”

Cadence’s eyes widened as she saw FS-13 flying toward Shining Armor.

“Shiny! Look out!” She tries to warn him but it was too late when FS-13 caught Shining Armor.

“Ah!” Shining groaned as FS-13 holding him down as he bring the syringe and point at Shining’s neck.

“Admit, Shining Armor, you’re always have been the weakest captain, With Nanomachines, you can be even more stronger than ever.” FS-13 said in emotionless tone as he inject Shining’s neck.

“SHINY!” Cadence yelled in horror while covering her baby’s eyes

“ARRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Shining Armor let out a horrified scream.

FS-13 get off of Shining Armor as the white stallion screaming in pain as his whole body turning into a silver and yet metallic body, He continues to scream as his moderate cerulean eyes changed to more dark purple eyes and his horn change to a sharp metallic sword. After his transformation, the now robotic Shining Armor passed out.

Cadence and Flurry Heart went to check on him


“Papa?” Flurry Heart cried

Out of nowhere, Shining Armor grabbed Cadence and hold her.

“MAMA!” Flurry Heart yelled

“It’s okay, Cadence. Forget about emotions, being robots made me feel stronger than ever and you and Flurry should be assimilate as well.” The robotic Shining Armor said in emotionless voice while holding his wife’s horn.

“Shiny! Let go of me! You scaring Flurry Heart!” Cadence said panicked while protecting her terrified baby girl.

“Shiny? Oh no, my name is SA-12.” SA-12 replied as he grab a syringe, “This is for your own good, Cadence.” He injects Cadence.

“MAMA!!!!!!!” Flurry Heart crying at the sight of seeing her father hurting her mother like that.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Cadence screaming in pain as she went through the same transformation like Shining Armor did but the difference is her once fabulous pink coat change to more dark purple metallic body and gains not only a sharp sword on her forehead but a sharp razor wings as well. Her light purple eyes are now more sinisterly dark green eyes. Once she completes her transformation, the formerly known as Cadence discarded her tiara and smash them to pieces.

“From this day on, I am no longer Cadence, Princess of Love. My new name is C-12 and I will join my beloved, SA-12 to assimilate every ponies on this planet.” C-12 said in emotionless voice.

Soul clapped his claws if he was praising them “Good! Good! Now, I got the ruler of Crystal Empire as my new allies!” Soul smiled before looking down at Flurry Heart who is defenseless against them.

FS-13 approached Soul “What should we do with this baby? Inject her, boss?” He asked in emotionless voice.

“Oh no! I may want to inject every ponies but for babies? Putting a needle on their body is too much for a baby to handle!” Soul went to his pod, “Now, where did I put that thing somewhere in my pod?” He searched all over the pod to find the thing until he finally..... “Finally! I found Nanomachines baby bottle!”

What he holding is a baby bottle with pink colored drink and give it to C-12 who grabs Flurry Heart on her metallic hooves as the baby is scared by her mother’s metallic appearance.

“Here’s come the train.... choo.... choo.” C-12 said in unenthusiastic and emotionless voice as she forcibly her daughter to drink the bottle.

Because she drank it by force, Flurry Heart go through the transformation as her body is change to reddish pink metallic body and like her mother, she receives a sharp sword and a sharp razor wings. The Flurry Heart we know and love is no more as she’s now FH-16.

C-12 holding her robotic baby as Soul gathered his army of robo-ponies.

“Now, my subjects. I want all of you to assimilate into robots like us so they’re no longer being held back by emotions and we all can live peace and quiet without having emotions causing conflicts with each other, do you understand?!” Soul raise his claws.

“Yes sir.” All robo-ponies said in emotionless voice as they walk toward The Crystal Empire.

10 Minutes Later

All civilians of The Crystal Empire are running from their life while FS-13 and the rest of Robo-Royal Guards chasing them and shooting at them with their Nanomachines Syringes while SA-12 and C-12 are beating up their own royal guards who are confused by their metallic appearance.

“Your highness! What happened to you?!” A royal Guard get punched by SA-12 who inject him with Nanomachines Syringe to transform him into robots like them.

C-12 slashed them with her sword and her razor wings as she inject their wound to transform them into robots.

Soul with FH-16 on his lap sitting on a chair whiling enjoying the mayhem he causes to The Crystal Empire.

“Look at them go! They’re running away like bunch of monkeys! How pathetic they are! That’s what they gets for being too greedy with crystals! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Soul drinks his red wine and touching FH-16’s metallic mane as he watch the fall of The Crystal Empire, “Next Stop, Ponyville! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Author's Note:

Oh man! It took me days to finish this chapter!

I did my best to describe the fight scenes and doing lovely-dovely scene with Shining Armor and Cadence.

I was inspired by a trope called “Unwilling Roboticisation” where a character is forced to become a robot and I thought “What if there’s a crazy robot whose goal is to assimilate every ponies into robots?”

Before anyone ask of why Soul want to get rid of emotions and yet he’s more emotive than any robots, the reason is Dr. Soul-X76 is both hypocrite and psychopath. Think like Thanos’ goal of wanting the entire universe to be PERFECTLY BALANCED and yet he’s very insane about that goal.

And yes, I did give Flurry Heart some lines even through she doesn’t said in previous seasons but hey, this is Alternate Universe fic anyway!

I’m very sorry for what I did to your favorite characters by assimilate them into robots but this is a warning as you about to see your favorite characters end up transform into robots.

List of Ponies Turned Robots

* Flash Sentry- FS-13

* Shining Armor- SA-12

* Cadence- C-12

* Flurry Heart- FH-16

Comments ( 18 )

Dang, where did you get that picture of the Robot Villain? :rainbowderp: He looks like he's from the DC Comics.

Will the Young Six, Starswirl and the Pillars, Sunset Shimmer, Tempest Shadow, Ember, Thorax, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, and other Fan Favorite Side Characters help the Mane Six, Spike, Royal Sisters, Discord, and Starlight stop the Robot Villain?

Maybe.... :raritywink:

How would you feel if this robot villain assimilate you into a robot in order to take away your emotion?

Even though that sounds like a silly question to say. :rainbowhuh: :applejackunsure:
It's press obvious that I WOULDN'T like it. I rather had have the Robot body, but KEEP my emotions and Personality intact.

Kinda like the Twins Android 17 and 18 from Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super. Technically, their Cyborgs if you think about it. Half Human/Robot kind of thing, and having a Infinite Engine with Infinite Stamina is a HUGE Plus.

Is there’s a particular character that you’re not looking forward to be potentially assimilate into a robot like what happens with Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, Cadence and Flurry Heart?

Mostly Spike, Young Six, Sunset, Tempest, Discord, Ember, Thorax, Discord, Novo, Skystar, And the Pillars.

The writing still needs work but it was a fun read still, keep it up can't wait to see when you reach Our Town and Hope Hollow, I always like Cyberiffication.

Also if you are looking for any Cyberpony art design I do enjoy designing ponybots art. If you ever interested in commissioning some art let me know.:raritywink:


Yeah, I would like to see you doing Cyber Pony design.

I didn’t find any cyber ponies art for the cover and i pick an art of a creepy robotic creature that I found online instead for the cover of Robo-Ponies. (Is that’s okay with your art on the cover of Robo-Ponies?)

But if you do one, which pony character would you like to draw for your Cyber ponies art? There’s so many characters to choose for.

If I were to pick one I would say either Pinkie Pie or Twilight Sparkle :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, can’t wait for your cyber-pony art on Pinkie Pie or Twilight Sparkle.

You know normally, I charge for this kind of but I might just do it for the heck of it time.:rainbowdetermined2:

Here's my Deviantart account just in case you finish the art


Oof the grammar

Well, can you give me example? I can fix the words for you.

Hard to point out since it some missing words I can’t evaluate where. Idk use the reader feature and you might hear where words are missing. Sorry if it neck picky it was just distracting

Yikes. Force assimilation is not cool

Yeah, especially the one who is forcing assimilate on the ponies and other creatures is a robot who believes ponies let their emotions get the best out of them and they always end up conflict with each other because of their emotions and he determines to assimilate all of them into robots in order to end the conflicts once and for all by taking their emotions away and turning them into an emotionless and personality-less robots.

Just to let you know im using this book to make an application dont give me copyright issues

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