• Published 12th Aug 2020
  • 1,732 Views, 7 Comments

MLP Equestria Girls - You Don’t Own Him - United States of Earth

Flash finds himself in a war of possession with the Rainbooms and the Shadowbolts

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Chapter Two

Flash was slightly behind, due to staying up all night finishing his homework for chemistry class, but managed to get to the car park just in time before Vice Principal Luna would get up him (*again*) But as soon he got out of his car and locked it, he soon got a text from Micro Chip.

‘Hey Flash, just overheard that the Rainbooms are looking for you’ the wiz kid’s text said.

Flash knew that the Rainbooms must’ve found that he took the Shadowbolts to the concert and probably want to ask why, but he didn’t really cared as he wanted to get through his day as normal, but because of the text he received, he now had to keep an eye on his surroundings.

‘Thanks Micro, see you around’ Flash responded then heading to his first class of the day.

He arrived at English class, however remembered that he had it with Sunset and Applejack. Soon Miss Cheerilee arrives, “okay class, hope you all are set for today as we are beginning our speech assessment for the term, over the next few weeks I want you all to find a subject of your choice and prepare a speech for the class” she explained as the students pulled out their books and their cases.

In the back Sunset and Applejack, who were sitting at the back of the class, tried to plan a way to get into contact with Flash, so Sunset can use her geo to see why he took the Shadowbolts to the concert instead of them.

“How are we gonna get close to Flash in order for you to get in touch with him?” Applejack asked noting that they were in the back of the class while Flash was in the second row.

“I really want that to be a last resort Applejack, I’m gonna see if we can just try talking to him” Sunset explained.

“And how are you gonna do that? Miss Cheerilee gets quite intense when students talk in her class” Applejack pointed out.

“Don’t worry, but I think I might have something.....” before Sunset could finish, the entire class was looking at her.

“Something you and Applejack wish to share with the class Sunset Shimmer?” Miss Cheerilee asked, folding her arms in disapproval.

Sunset and Applejack go red in embarrassment, before Sunset responded, “No, Miss Cheerilee” she said quietly.

“Good, okay class! I took the liberty of getting the laptops for everyone to use for their speeches, be sure to work hard as this does could towards your final grade at the end of the year” Miss Cheerilee points out and eventually everyone got to work.

As the students logged on into the computers, (and taking over 10 minutes to do so, cause school laptops are so *censored* slow!) the class began starting their assessments, however as Flash was working on his, the school messaging program popped up on his screen, with a message from Sunset.

“Hey Flash, you busy?” The message bubble showed.

Flash knew she was gonna ask him about his decision to take the Shadowbolts to the concert, and quickly wrote back, “Yes, have to work on the assessment, so should you” he typed back.

Back at Sunset’s desk, she was surprised of the blunt message she got back, gasping and gaining Applejack’s attention. Upon being told of his response, Applejack soon started to typing her message. Flash soon receives the message from Applejack, he of course rolls his eyes when he accepted the message.

“Don’t you have some explaining to do?” Applejack asked.

Flash decided that he had enough, and he simply put a block on Applejack and Sunset, but this sparked something in Applejack.

“WHAT THE HAY?!” She shouted and jumping out of her seat seeing the blocked notification.

“Applejack! Do you plan to get anything done today or are you and Sunset just trying to disrupt my class for no reason?!” Miss Cheerilee demanded, hands on her hips.

Applejack soon sunk down into her chair while Sunset went red with embarrassment, the two had to conceive that their only option now is to get in touch with Flash after class and read his memories.

Eventually class came to an end, Sunset and Applejack knew that this was their final chance to get in touch with Flash and use the geo so Sunset can see his memories, however after Miss Cheerilee announced that everyone can go, the two friends soon get some bad news.

“Sunset Shimmer! Applejack! Please stay behind” Miss Cheerilee announced, much their the two girl’s annoyance. The two girls stood at the desk of Miss Cheerilee and awaited their scolding. However they watched as their chance was completely blown as Flash left the classroom and headed for his next class which was Chemistry.

( Later - Chemistry Class )

After making a stop over to his locker and grabbed his text box for chemistry class, Flash arrived at Chemistry room, and sat at the second row bench, however in the front row was the class ace, Twilight Sparkle.

As soon Flash saw SciTwi arrive at class, he braced for the eventual questions to head his way.

“Morning Flash” SciTwi said with a sheepish smile and awkward wave, but Flash responds with a half-hearted wave back before looking over his homework, “so..... anything interesting happening?” She awkwardly asked, clearly after information about his choice to take the Shadowbolts to the concert.

This clearly made Flash very annoyed, “I’m guessing you already know” he looked up to SciTwi and saw her face in surprise.

“Um..... Um.....” SciTwi looked left and right with her eyes, clearly she was backed into a metaphorical corner.

“Also if you don’t mind, I’m looking over my homework” Flash adds while looking at the papers he had stapled together.

“Really?” SciTwi asked, clearly surprised at what he said.

“Yes, I’m looking over the homework given to us, do you really think so little of me?” Flash’s voice started to raise a little and showing some case of hurt.

SciTwi couldn’t get another work out until the teacher soon made an announcement.

“Okay students, bring out your homework that’s due, have it ready as I walk by” the teacher announced as he walked by the bench’s and also reprimanding those who didn’t bring their’s.

SciTwi was now in a complete wash of confusion, “homework?!” She asked.

“You know the one we received several weeks ago?” Flash reminded her.

SciTwi soon remembers it, and to her credit she actually managed to finish it in less than a day, while everyone just chilled for a week or ten days then actually started working on it, that being said, cause she along with her friends were focused on discovering why Flash chose the Shadowbolts, she completely forgot about the homework.

And because of that...... “Miss Sparkle?” The teacher asked, causing SciTwi to slowly turn round to face the teacher, “your homework?” He asked.

SciTwi went into her awkward phase, “oh that..... um..... funny story about that.....” she trailed on, but the teacher wasn’t impressed.

“Do you have your homework on you?” The teacher asked, losing his patience.

“I believe it’s still in my locker” SciTwi responded, “but I guarantee it’s perfectly done!” She adds with praise of herself.

“Hope you’re good at remembering what you did, cause you will be doing during First break” the teacher responds.

SciTwi went pale, a sound of glass shattered went though her head, all the colour in her went full non-existence, the all start student that never puts a foot wrong when it comes to school work, was now in tatters as a result. For the rest of the class, SciTwi couldn’t think about what she originally thought as she was more thinking of her now tardy status or not brining in her homework.

However as a result of this, Flash was given his chance to get though chemistry class without a hitch nor any form being asked about his choice.

( Canterlot High Entrance - After School )

The day for goes on, finally without a hitch for Flash as he managed to evade the ever hunting Rainbooms, but the magic group was not going to give up with their hunt for answers.

At the end of school for the day, the Rainbooms gathered by damaged statue monument, to discuss their fruitful attempts.

“He simply said to me to focus on my work and his tone was completely different, like he didn’t want to talk to me” Sunset pointed out.

“He did the same to me in Chemistry class, it was like he kinda hated me or something” SciTwi adds.

However Fluttershy had a different though, “are you actually sure about that?” She asked, causing Sunset, SciTwi, Applejack and Rainbow Dash to look at her.

“I agree with Fluttershy, is it possible we’re missing something” Rarity states.

“Like what, Rarity?!” Applejack barked back in defence.

“Well, lucky for us, Pinkie Pie and I overheard from lunch, that Flash is going to meet up with the Shadowbolts at the mall, so maybe we could just talk to him instead of prying answers from him” Rarity explains, then folding her arms.

But then Rainbow Dash soon started to speak, “what if he’s actually being manipulated by them?” She asks.

Rarity soon drops her arms in disbelief, but what annoyed her in ever more, was that the others seemed to follow the wild goose chase.

“I mean it’s not totally against the standard Crystal Prep student mindset” Rainbow Dash states.

“Is is true, that a lot of students at Crystal Prep Academy would use others for their own gain and this was a staple among all students, not just the Shadowbolts” SciTwi adds.

Rarity couldn’t believe what she was hearing, sure Crystal Prep students seemed to all have superiority complexes, though she was the only one who believe that the Shadowbolts were willing to change and embrace a more friendlier atmosphere, especially thanks to Principal Cadence who took charge of Crystal Prep Academy.

“Sooooooo......... you plan we go to the mall and stop the continuing brainwashing?” Pinkie Pie even had difficulty putting that sentence together, and that was Pinkie Pie saying this, the epic master of all that is party related and all that is random.

“So what are we waiting for?! Let’s go save a Sentry!!!!!” Rainbow Dash jumped up and the others followed in agreement, however Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had their doubts.

( Canterlot Mall - Much Later )

The Rainbooms eventually arrive at the Canterlot Mall, the typical place for high school students to head to for their free time.

That being said, as the Rainbooms arrived, Rainbow Dash decided to take the lead group and started looking for Flash as they saw his car in the car park.

However Rarity was having her doubts, “so, might I ask, what do you all plan to do when we find him?” She asked, clearly not happy, while she also wanted to find the truth on why Flash chose the Shadowbolts, she felt this was the wrong thing to do and had high doubts of the Shadowbolts being manipulative.

“Sometimes when finding the truth, you have to do things you’re not proud of” Rainbow Dash responded.

“I don’t like it as much as you do Rarity, but if he’s being manipulated by the Shadowbolts, then we need to find out why” Applejack pointed out.

Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all look at each other in complete disbelief.

“While I’m not fully onboard with the manipulation theory, but I want to know why he’s being more blunt and distant with us” Sunset Shimmer stated and SciTwi nodded in agreement.

However Rarity had a good clear reason why he was being as is, but before she could say another word, Rainbow Dash had already lead the group into the Mall.

The first place, to look seemed to be the default choice for all patrons of the mall, the food court, however the Rainbooms seemed to be sticking to the second floor of the mall, looking down to the food court.

“Anyone see him?” Applejack asked, as she looked down below.

“Well I see, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare, but I don’t see Flash yet” Rainbow Dash responds, looking towards the table booth the Shadowbolts sitting at.

“They’re probably waiting for him and for Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat as well” Sunset pointed out.

“Wait! I see them!” Pinkie Pie points, surprisingly Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest walking with Flash.

The Rainbooms spoke watched in surprise as the Shadowbolts welcomed Flash warmly, even seeing Indigo hugging him in welcome and then seeing Flash give her a present of sorts. Even more surprising was that when Flash and the Shadowbolts sat down, Sugarcoat, the most blunt of the Shadowbolts was getting chummy with Flash.

This seemed to grate the teeth of the Rainbooms, especially Sunset, but what was more surprising is that Flash seemed to be happy, more so that before. But the Rainbooms wanted answers and it’s time to go get them.

( Meanwhile - With the Shadowbolts )

Indigo was chuffed with the gift she got, “Thanks for the gift Flash, but you didn’t have to, you already took me and the girls to see Countess Coloratura” she stated.

“Yeah, but since you were on cruise with your family and missed out on some fun events, I guess it was a nice thing to for ya” Flash returned, to which Indigo blushed (seemingly for the first time she remembers) and the others seem to like Flash’s actions, “that being said it wasn’t just me, Lemon and Sugarcoat helped” to which everyone laughed.

But then Sour Sweet saw the Rainbooms, “uh Flash? Did you tell the Rainbooms that you’ll be here?” She asked.

“What?” Flash was confused, then he turns his head to which he saw the coming Rainbooms and his facial expression went from positive to negative. “You have got to be joking....” Flash spoke before getting up.

“Hey Flash, we want a word” Applejack called out.

Soon the Rainbooms stood before Flash and the Shadowbolts, and the atmosphere became tense.

“So I’m guessing you all know” Flash said as he folded his arms, clearly not happy.

“We just want answers” Sunset claimed, before continuing, “why did you choose that Shadowbolts instead of us to go see Countess Coloratura?” She asked.

Now two of the Shadowbolts, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap, soon joined in standing by Flash.

“You ask why, yet clearly the answer is obvious” Indigo states, before putting her hand on her hip.

This seems to confuse the Rainbooms, however since Flash knew they wouldn’t know why, he took a step forward, “since you all wanted Sunset to use her magic to read my memories without my consent, you want it so badly?!” Flash raised his voice, then holding out his arm, “here, read them”.

The Rainbooms soon look at Sunset, but all of them now had second thoughts, but they gotten their far, its time to go with it. Sunset soon stepped forward and places her hand into Flash’s wrist and her eyes soon glowed and she went through the memories.

( Flashback - Memory Sequence Activated - Several Weeks Earlier )

Sunset began travelling and reliving the memories of Flash, before the current events.

She soon arrives at the first memory which was in the previous year, It was during the time at Camp Everfree, where Flash was talking with Sunset, and she abruptly left him, and while Derpy helped console him, it did feel like a punch to the heart being blown off.

“Sounds great, gotta go!” Sunset soon ran off.

“Cool... yeah.... I wanna start over too....” Flash responded sadly and kicks a rock away.

While he knew something was amiss at Camp Everfree and Sunset wanted to find out the cause, was it too much to ask if he could help out?

Sunset watched the memory and it did bug her that the two never really had a proper talk after the fiasco at Camp Everfree, however soon time goes forward and it was a moment in chemistry class, where Twilight was having problems with getting the chain reaction she was after.

“Okay Spike, this time it should work!” SciTwi explained.

“I don’t think that’s gonna work Twilight” a voice calls to Twilight and it was Flash telling her that it wasn’t going to work.

“Trust me, this will work” SciTwi responded and started to sound agitated.

“Are you even sure?” Flash asked clearly worried.

“FLASH! It’s fine!” SciTwi snapped at him and indicated him to leave, to which he leaves the textbook on the bench and left the classroom, however after he leaves and SciTwi begins doing her experiment, it completely blows up in her face, covering her face and spoke in pink redish goo.

Sunset could only mentally bite her lip as a result of her friend’s outburst, but she soon was forced to watched more moments of her friends particularly Rainbow Dash, Applejack, SciTwi and herself being harsh or unfair towards Flash.

She watched during one memory, at Sweet Apple Acres, where Flash volunteered in helping with the painting, he proposed in painting the barn white with two coats before doing the main coat in red, to which Applejack berated Flash and sent him home, but not before using said idea to which he watched and overheard being done by Applejack’s approval.

The next memory was during a track event qualifier, where Flash achieved in the top to help challenge Crystal Prep Academy again for the regional track cup, however when the list of participating candidates for the event, Rainbow Dash deliberately dropped Flash for Fluttershy, who was underperforming in comparison. When Flash asked why he was dropped for Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash only responded that it was necessary for Fluttershy to improve her athlete ability and improve her confidence as a person. However predictably Rainbow’s team failed to achieve a top 3 spot in the event with their best result being only 5th place.

Sunset soon started to feel unwell, as the next memory was during a game night where she ran a raffle of who will be her partner for a co-op play through, on the good old Halo MCC, and to her surprise Flash won the raffle, but Flash decided to play online with her to make things easier, however during the game night, Sunset was getting pushy and critical of how Flash was playing in a more relaxed mindset, and when Sunset was getting very angry and started insulting his mother, Flash had enough and disconnected from the session and ignored Sunset for the rest of the night.

Soon Sunset arrived at the time where it was when Flash tried talking to the Rainbooms, but it first showed her that he was at his table where he was having lunch with Micro Chips and Sandalwood.

“So you guys are gonna go see Countess Coloratura?” Flash asked the others.

“Not me cause I got some days booked at the local observatory, gonna be a great few days” Micro Chip responded.

“Already got my tickets, and will be chilling with my group” Sandalwood responded, “what about you?” He soon asked.

“Well, as much things are rough with me and the Rainbooms, I managed to get a few tickets and I plan to ask them to come along” Flash states.

“Very nice of you man” Sandalwood claimed.

“They’ll like that, I heard that they were having problems with getting tickets” Micro Chips states.

“Alright guys I’ll go ask them” Flash returned and then left the table to talk to the Rainbooms, however Sunset saw the responses they gave him which resulted in him leaving and to Sunset’s surprise, holding back tears. “Why...... why do I even try anymore?” Flash said to himself, however Flash soon gets a phone call and it was Lemon Zest.

“Hey man!” Lemon called.

Flash managed to hide his emotions and put on a happy voice, “how’s things Lemon?”

“A bit dull, my friend are upset right now” Lemon explained.

“What’s got them down?” Flash asked and gaining his curiosity.

“Same with most, Countess Coloratura is coming and we got nothing” Lemon explained.

Flash soon looked towards the Rainbooms but after giving it a though, “hey Lemon, are you and your friends busy this afternoon?” Flash’s voices soon echoed and then the memory reading came to an end.

( Canterlot Mall - Present Day )

Sunset soon came back into the present and began gasping and looking at Flash with shocked and apologetic look.

“So you find anything Sunset?” Applejack asked.

“He was gonna ask us.....” Sunset quietly spoke out.

“What was that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“He was going to ask you guys to go see Countess Coloratura with him, but he had enough of you lot treating him like he was a nobody” Sugarcoat spoke standing up and joining Lemon and Indigo standing by Flash.

“So he then decided to ask us since we were willing to treat him with respect” Sunny Flare pointed out.

The Rainbooms all looked at each other in surprise, but then Rainbow Dash started to make things worse.

“Yeah..... well...... you guys are manipulating him!” Rainbow Dash blurted out, but it seemed like she was clutching on straws.

“WHAT?!?!” Was all the Shadowbolts and Flash responded with.

“Y-Yeah! I mean it’s what you Crystal Prep girls do best!” Applejack adds, but in the same unsure tone.

Rainbow Dash soon started to take steps towards the Shadowbolts “S-so you better leave....” but before she could say another word or step......

“Leave. My Friends. Alone!” Flash spoke in a authoritative tone, and stepping in front of Rainbow Dash.

“Aren’t you’re friends standing here?” SciTwi asked, point to herself and the Rainbooms.

“Who said you were my friends?” Flash asked bluntly.

(*Insert Glass Breaking Sound Here*)

The Rainbooms were shocked, Rainbow Dash took a few steps back, and they all look at each other in hurt.

But they weren’t the only ones hurt, standing up and in tears was Sour Sweet, “After..... after everything we did together, even when we all worked together in the music video.... you still see us as horrible people!” She cried and Sunny Flare ran to comfort her.

The Shadowbolts soon had tears developing in their eyes, Rarity tried to say a word but was unable to, due to her shock.

“I think we’re gonna go Flash, we’ll see you around” Lemon Zest spoke out then leaving with the upset Shadowbolts.

As the Shadowbolts left leaving Flash with the Rainbooms, the atmosphere remained tense and emotions were still unpredictable, however as Flash watched his true friends; the Shadowbolts leave upset, he decided to leave with them, but Sunset soon walked up, “Wait, Flash....” she tried to reach out to him for his arm.

However he turns back to her before should reach him, with his face clearly showing he wasn’t in the mood making Sunset back up, the Rainbooms soon all mentally agreed on that this was the first time they all seen Flash this upset and angry, but then the final nail in the coffin came down, “I think it’s best you and the others just left me alone, Sunset” he spoke bluntly, exactly the same way Sunset did to him a week ago.

( Play this song during this part : https://youtu.be/M6C3CGArkQk )

The inside of Sunset, (especially her heart) was completely shattered, a feeling that ran through all the Rainbooms. They all watched as Flash who was also holding back his tears walked away from the emotionally struck Rainbooms, they all felt hurt and worthless, the same sort of feeling they gave him. They all watched in ache as they see him finally leave to go after the upset Shadowbolts.

The Rainbooms all seperate and soon left the mall to head home and reflected on their actions and soon the following hours that came all felt like a bunch of falling dominos of emotion.

Pinkie Pie went to her work at the cafe, but her workmates saw Pinkie’s hair was now deflated and down, and despite her manager being nice to give her the day off and her usual choco-cheer up smoothie, it was a wasted shake.

Fluttershy arrived for her volunteer work at the Canterlot Animal Shelter, but she cried her eyes and heart out from the entire situation, but her animal friends came by to help comfort her.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack arrived home, while her family watch in surprise as she ignored Apple Pie making day, Applejack went to her room, threw her hat on the floor and flopped onto her bed and eventually cried all night, thinking about her actions and treatment of Flash.

Rainbow Dash came home after cancelling all sports practice events and went to her room where she cried, however her mother soon arrived with a cup of her favourite warm drink and helped console her daughter who was crying about her brash and impulsive nature, but luckily her mother stand by her and help comfort her until her tears came to an end, which didn’t stop until she went to sleep that night.

SciTwi came home trying to hold back her tears and to make things more tough, Crystal Prep Academy Principal, Cadence came over, to which SciTwi confessed to everything, and while Cadence was not happy that the Rainbooms had a negative view of her students, but she knew SciTwi was really upset about her actions and Cadence stood by to help console SciTwi, eventually her parents noticed their daughter’s upset nature and prepared cup of tea for her.

Rarity meanwhile came home, and despite creating fashion was a good pass time for her, she couldn’t bring herself to do it, after getting to her room, she immediately grabbed a tub of ice cream and box of chocolates and begun chowing down on both, while she believed she and her group deserved it all, she was more upset that Flash doesn’t see her or her group as friends anymore. After finishing her tub of ice cream, she looks at a photo that was taken during the music video made, of her, her friends and the Shadowbolts happy and enjoying each other’s company.

Sunset came home and she cried her eyes out, she felt very guilty of everything she had done to Flash, even though she when she became a good person, she still treated Flash poorly while he at the time was willing to start things over in a more positive nature. As she cried on her bed, she soon pulled out a box, which contained some old memorabilia and she begun looking a for a photo she always cherished when she stayed in the human world, and surprisingly it was a photo taken when she was a bad person at the time. It was a photo at the end of the first year at CHS, which had her and Flash happy together, with a message saying ‘Great Friends always be together’. Sunset ran hand over the message while a tear fell down her face and on to the photo.

However for three of the Rainbooms, it was time to make things right and do what had to be done.