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I'm Mistake or Delusional Junkie! Sometimes I write, sometimes I prowl and leave (nice) comments on stories I like! [They/Them] (pfp credit is hioshiru-alter on DA)


What if Twilight Sparkle hadn't been such a pushover in The Ticket Master? What if she had been just a little bit more...spiteful?

Remember S1E3: The Ticket Master? It bothered the hell out of me that Twilight just let her so-called friends walk all over her like that, so...call this a dark humor catharsis fic.

EDIT: Featured on 08/14/2020 - Thank you so much!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 37 )

I didn't understand the last line...

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Aug 20th, 2020


They were over excited rather than malicious, but they really did behave very badly. For that matter, Twilight could most likely have warned them that their fantasies weren't at all like the actual Gala, except they weren't even remotely listening to anything she could have said.

Getting a headache over not eating a single snack? Is your Twilight Diabetic?
Orrrrr is she just regular Twilight and she neglected to eat regularly in favor of extra reading?

Well, she's not a very athletic pony, and when combined with my personal headcanon that she probably doesn't eat as much (nor as often) as she should...suffice to say, strenuous activity + not enough food = headache after several hours of hauling big baskets full of apples in the hot sun.

You're absolutely right! At the end of the day, this is a show directed towards...well, not young adults. Any frustrations I may have as a result of my own perception(s) of the characters' lacks of depth are entirely on me.

However, that being said...it was still really fun to write Twilight refusing to simply run away from her problems, all while getting trampled all over by her friends (and pretty much all of Ponyville!)

(I...also realize that I've gone on a bit of a tangent, but I would also like to clarify that I made a vague attempt at writing things from Twilight's perspective. "So-called friends" was meant to be read as though it had been part of her thought process, influenced by the multitude of overall unpleasant and bribing behaviors that they'd been displaying so far.)

EDIT: My apologies, I'm still half asleep. Yeah, that particular phrasing was just me being spiteful.

Their wigs have been snatched.

That’s a phrase?

To be fair people have different reactions to a lack of food. I almost never get hunger pains I just go straight to lightheadedness and light trembling.

And what happened to the tickets? Was Celestia left hanging with the 5 extra ones?

I’ve always found it interesting that only half of them have relatively pure motives for the gala. Twilight wants to visit with her mentor, Pinkie wants to see the party everyone raves about, and Shy wants to visit the gardens. If either Rainbow or Rarity just wanted a chance to speak to some of the guests theirs would also be acceptable. Meanwhile Applejack is the one who has the most unreasonable desire as not only is the party likely to be fully catered, but it would all be free. As well the fact that she believes she will be rich means she either intends to hike the price up, that a large percentage of the orchards aren’t being sold, or that they are but for extremely unfavorable prices. All of which would lead to new problems to worry about.

It sure is! One I'm rather fond of, much to the chagrin of my friends.

You know, that's a good point! Maybe I'll either edit this chapter or throw in a second one that covers the matter of the extra tickets, and possibly the aftermath of Twilight's...colorful behavior. :yay:

Heh, imagine if she cut off their friendships right there on Episode 3.

You should add more chapters or at least an epilogue. This was a fun read, I do so enjoy a good Twilight Trolling story every now and again.

Also, I saw in one of your previous comments a bit about seeing things from Twilight's perspective "so-called friends" I just wanted to let you know that in my opinion that is a perfectly valid thing and you shouldn't apologize for it. I consider myself to usually be a fairly patient person, but even I'd get annoyed at "Heeeyyy Best Friend" over and over again possibly over the course of several days.

I imagine that unlike the show, in real life the GGG would likely send out invitations/tickets well in advance (according to a historical cookbook I got in the mail today regarding the dining fare on the RMS Titanic, a high-end dinner party from the early 20th century would RSVP as much as six to eight weeks in advance).

I like this.

I was expecting her to calmly levitate the tickets up and burn them in front of her friends.

When your friends treat you like a stepping stone it is that bad. You could almost call them gold diggers. In fact there are a great many mean things you could call them. Friends is not one of them. They were (trying) using her as a tool.

Twilight was just as bad (in the second chapter of this fic) but it is definitely not unreasonable.

Problem is that despite living in Canterlot she too had unrealistic expectations of the Gala. The entire episode was a subversion of the ideal that pops into little girls heads. "Reality Ensues" is an excellent alternate name for the episode.

Celestia is the host. Not only does she need to be glued to the front door for the first hour or two but then, then, she has to do her rounds to all the 'important' ponies. Those she misses would be slighted, those briming with self confidence or otherwise uncaring can ignore that. There will likely be a speech at some point, followed by a dance or two for politeness. By then the party is dying down and then she might have time for Twilight.

Oh Rarity... *sigh* your prince is out there... but he unlikely to ever be noble.

Fluttershy... is perhaps the easiest to have pleased. You need more than one night to get animals to come to you.

Rainbow couldn't have known better but the Gala is important for the Wonderbolts. Not for recruiting (which places Dash on the low end of the pole) but for securing extra funding and political allies to prevent the loss of current funding. The captain probably needs to make nice just to keep her job.

Pinkie pie had no clue about what kind of party it was. Nor had she yet received the character growth to allow that. Poor little pony.

Applejack is tied with Pinkie for most under prepared. It is a catered event. Celestia has already paid for everything. I'm surprised Sorin had those bits (unless they belong to the alcohol budget for the afterparty). Again she displays a complete lack of business sense.

I enjoyed Twilight putting her hoof down and also outwitting her friends by taking their actions as favours and not just refusing them on principle.

Didn't like so much her uncharacteristic meanness or her not talking with the girls about what they did. Pinkie getting shoved into dropped food was a borderline case, but Twilight did pushed her roughly away from a podium for interrupting. What she did to Fluttershy here was overly cruel and wasn't pleasant to read.

to be fairer, that had never been a part of my education while growing up. Simply never came up in any context at any time. Since I also wasn't exactly the most social of people (and still aren't, really) I never found that out from speaking to other people, so I would have had no way of knowing (and you can't do research about a subject if you don't even know it's a thing in the first place because it'd never occur to somebody to ask about it) that the were were different reactions to simple hunger of all things.
My question was born of a simple google search asking if diabetics had different reactions to hunger than people without it since in-story it's stated that she had low blood-sugar and that was only ever a term I'd heard in relation to diabetics. Up until then I'd associated hunger purely with the body's need for energy, and headaches were never something I'd gotten when hungry, nor, again, was it ever something that came up in conversation.

I, on the other hoof, get stomach pains and migraines quite easily if I go too long without eating, ever since I was a little kid. And I’ve never been told I was even borderline diabetic.

How It Should Have Ended.
This was so much fun to read! :rainbowlaugh:

That is actually one of the smarter headcanons this fandom has ever made. Mostly because nothing in the show after all of this contradicted it. I think.

I might have missed something though :P

Well, this comment pretty much covers everything i was going to say.

I wonder if Celestia even knew? I imagine she has someone who takes care of invitations.

Twilight and Spike would of course be invited due to their connection to Celestia. Though Im not sure why Twilight wasnt invited before. Plot hole maybe? But im guessing that pony doesnt know about the Elements yet.

So when Twilight sends a letter, Celestia personally ensures Twilight gets enough tickets this time.

Perhaps my best post ever. Certainly one of the most liked. Usually it's an even 50/50 of likes and dislikes.

As for your second post i chalk it up to bad writing but that plothole might have been intentional. I'll have to rewatch that spotlight episode on Twilight's parents but i don't think they were ever noble enough to warrent an invitation. And while there are some good apples i can see Celestia keeping her clear of the nobles. This recent incident might have been a test, which might be called a failure... just not Twilight's. So she might pass out those other tickets later.

It's like the Pilot two parter where it is stated two alicorns rule before Luna was known and Cadance wasn't even a thought. On reflection people will assume Cadence while the writers meant Luna.

Aww, that ending is still sweet.
You know what’s funny,was actually expecting Lyra to come up and answer all the questions perfectly. Only for her to remind Twi how they used to be friends in Canterlot.

Oh, dammit, Lyra completely slipped my mind! Now I've gotta write another alternate ending where she pops up, Twilight interrogates her, Lyra answers, and then shenanigans ensue from there. :rainbowwild:

To be fair, they were more close study buddies. Pre-show twilight wasn’t exactly the talkative typeI

Oh, this is so satisfying to read after rewatching The Ticket Master and getting frustrated with how it went. Thank you for writing this; this is like catharsis distilled into a single story and it's beautiful.

( Also, "their wigs have been snatched." made me laugh out loud— )

I liked how she taught most of those silly greedy ponies a lesson that they wouldn't forget anytime soon and her friends learned that bribery isn't a good way to behave.

Honestly, I would have done the same thing as her.

Screw the ponies who didn't have the basic sense of courtesy to wait until she had eaten.

Screw the ponies who tried bribing her to get them chosen over the others.

In the words of Twilight Sparkle:

Now I want an alternate universe where that happens.

I like those little moments twilight had with spike. Despite how bad her day was going, she and spike are still family.

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