• Published 6th Oct 2020
  • 1,996 Views, 39 Comments

My Little Pony: Living the Future - Harrison Sparrow

A mysterious comet suddenly brings Twilight Sparkle and her friends into the future, where they end up in modern-day life!

  • ...

2. A Whole New World

Twilight and Spike are strolling through the woods, still finding the other ponies.

"We travelled like a million miles, and we still haven't found them yet?" Spike said.

"We can't stop searching, Spike, they have to be here." Twilight said. "A pony should never leave their best friends behind."

They see something moving in a tree. Spike hugs Twilight in fear. It is revealed to be Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight said.

"Twilight! Spike! You're okay!" Fluttershy said.

Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike hug.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Twilight said. "Where are the others? Are they all right?"

"I don't know where they are!" Fluttershy said. "I got sent here somehow, and I had to hide in the tree. I'm too scared of the dark!"

"It's okay, we're together." Twilight said, trying to calm Fluttershy down.

"Where were you two?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think we were in some kind of junkyard?" Twilight said.

"A 'junkyard'?" Spike said. "Say, since when did Equestria have a junkyard?"

"I don't know anything about that, but we have to keep going." Twilight said.

"Great, more searching! Just what we need!" Spike said, getting more annoyed.

"Spike, this is serious!" Twilight said.

"Yeah, I know. I just hope they're not too far now." Spike said.

"Ooh, I really hope Rarity is here..." Fluttershy said with worry.

"Me too." Twilight said.

They continue walking through the woods.

Many minutes later...

"You know, Twilight, I'm actually getting a little less scared when I'm with you." Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy." Twilight said. "I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, or my friends."

They hear some rattling through the bushes. Four creepy sets of eyes are shown. Fluttershy is scared.

"M-m-monsters!" Spike said, shaking in fear.

"Get behind me!" Twilight said as Spike and Fluttershy get behind her.

The eyes emerge from the bushes and are revealed to be Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie!

"Twilight!" Rainbow said.

"Guys?" Twilight said in surprise.

"YAY, YOU'RE ALL ALIVE!!!" Pinkie yells as she hugs them tightly.

"Pinkie!" Twilight said as the others gather for a hug. "I'm so glad you're all okay!"

"We're glad you're okay too, Sugarcube!" Applejack said, and she sighs in relief. "We can all relax now."

"'Relax'!?" Rarity said. "I thought you said we were going to find out where we were! There's not much to see in the dark, you know!"

"Whoops, sorry, my mistake." Applejack said.

"Where were you guys, anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"Me and Spike got sent into a junkyard somehow." Twilight said.

"And it was so stinky!" Spike said. "I need a bath."

"And I've been sent into a huge tree!" Fluttershy said. "I didn't know where I was!"

"Well, I'm sure you ain't kiddin'." Applejack said. "We didn't know where we were either."

"Until we found something!" Pinkie said. "You guys need to come and see it! IT'S A ROTATING GIANT!"

"A 'rotating giant'?" Twilight said, confused.

Rainbow scoffs. "She's obviously talking about a windmill." She said.

"AND IT IS WHITE!!" Pinkie said, getting louder.

"And it is white." Rainbow copied her.

"EVERYPONY FOLLOW ME!!!" Pinkie yells as she zooms off.

"Pinkie, wait for us, darling!" Rarity said.

"You guys must've seen some weird things already." Twilight said.

"Oh, we've seen a lotta weird things, Twilight, and the one we saw did look like a white windmill." Applejack said.

Pinkie stops near the huge white windmill.


They all look up, seeing it is actually a wind turbine.

"That's a white windmill?" Twilight asked.

"Whoa! It looks huge!" Spike said.

"I've never seen anything like that before." Fluttershy said.

"I know, right!?" Pinkie said. "It's making me spin my eyes out!" She moves her head with the wind turbine's blades.

"Pinkie Pie, can't ya see we're tryin' to figure out where we are right now?" Applejack said.

Pinkie won't stop moving her head.

"I got this." Rainbow said, and she yells at Pinkie. "PINKIE!!!" Pinkie yelps. "Snap out of it already!"

"Sorry..." Pinkie said softly.

"I don't remember Equestria having any of these either." Twilight said.

"Do you have any idea what it really is?" Rarity asked.

"I'm not sure, Rarity." Twilight said. "It seems odd, but it's moving with the wind, just like any other windmill does."

"Hey, whoever made this, I think it already looks awesome!" Rainbow said.

"You keep sayin' 'awesome', do ya, Rainbow?" Applejack said.

"Duh, it's in my DNA!" Rainbow said. "What's in your DNA? Calling everypony 'Sugarcube'?"

"Please don't fight, guys." Twilight said.

"What? We're not fighting, we're just having a friendly discussion." Rainbow said.

Suddenly, an airplane flies over them.

"WHOA! What is that?" Rainbow asked in shock.

"Oh, I hope that's not another dragon!" Fluttershy said with worry.

"I don't think that was a dragon." Twilight said. "It must be something else."

"Where is it going?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know, I think we should follow it. Come on!" Twilight said.

They all follow the airplane to see where it's going. Then, they see Manehattan as a future-styled city in the distance, which looks very similar to New York City!

"Holy moly..." Spike said in shock. "What the heck is that?"

"That isn't Manehattan, isn't it?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, I just remembered; we were going to visit Manehattan one day!" Rarity said. "But I don't think it was like that!"

"First day as a princess, and I'm already seeing things!" Twilight said.

"Me too!" Spike said. "What are we going to do?"

"I think we need to talk to somepony for help." Twilight said. "Maybe they can tell us where we are. But, is any one of you feeling tired?"

"Me?" Pinkie asked. "I'm not tired! This is too exciting!"

"Well, seein' it is dark, I would say I am." Applejack said yawning.

"Yeah, me too." Fluttershy said.

"Then let's find somewhere to sleep." Twilight said, as she and the others walk down the hill.

"Oh, come on!" Pinkie said. "We're on an adventure!"

"Sometimes adventurers need rest, dear." Rarity said.

Pinkie sighs. "Okay. And may I ask, what did Manehattan really look like?" She asked.