• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 197 Views, 2 Comments

A prank between friends. - Light Heart101

When Light Heart decides to prank his best friend for the first time, we get to see who is the better prankster. Light Heart or FlashTruth.

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Light Heart's prank.

FlashTruth, a crystal pony was sleeping soundly in his bedroom, not noticing the pony that was quietly sneaking into his room. A bright green glow of magic came over a few articles of clothing as they flew out of the room.

"Sorry Flash, but I figured I'd borrow these. I know you won't mind." Light Heart whispered gently as he walked out of the room with his prize. He had never had the chance to prank Flash before, and this was a perfect opportunity for him to show his skills. Light gently walked back through the vale that hung from the doorway as he picked up the articles of clothing that Flash often held close to him.

He chuckled as he placed the hat that was covered with pins on his head, seeing the horn that made the tip of his horn stick out like a sore thumb. "Oh yeah, that thing. It's a little small, but not bad." Light mused to himself as he looked at the jacket with no holes for his wings.

"Flash, didn't you know that one of your best friends was going to wear this?"Light giggled as he summoned his sewing kit, using a seam puller to open some holes for his wings before putting it on. "That's more like it. I like how breathable it is."

Light then turned his attention to the shades. "Now, I wonder why these are so tinted?" He asked himself as he tried to put them on, only to realize how snug they were on him. "Wow... this is wonky! Are these some kind of tinted glasses?" Light asked, wincing as he tried to pull them off, only for one of the pins to give out as the shades fell to the ground. Light looked shocked as he picked up the broken pieces. "Okay... that's on me. Keep calm. Big rule in pranking is that if you break it, you fix it." Light muttered softly to himself as he quickly teleported the shades to his little brother. "There, Fuze can fix it when he gets up. Now..."

Light froze in place as he saw the camera sitting on the table. "Oh... that's too perfect." Light said as he picked it up, looking impressed by the quality of it. "Flash, you have gone all out on this. Now, how to go about using this. I know that he uses those magic horseshoes, but shouldn't there be a thing for earth ponies to use these?" Light played with the buttons, accidentally putting the flash on before two rods shot out and connected behind Light’s neck. “Perfect!”

Light quickly ran over to a mirror, getting a good look of himself in Flash’s clothes. He gave a mischievous chuckle as he started trying to mimic Flash’s voice. “Hello, ladies. I’m FlashTruth. That’s one name. Not two. It’s a thing my people have. Are you all going anywhere? I like dating hot mares because I am a bad…”

“Light?” The lights turned on as Light turned around to see Flash standing at the doorway, looking like he was trying to wake up. “What are you doing here?”

Light stared at Flash nervously before giving a cheeky smile. “Your window was unlocked.”

“Window? Why the hey would you go through my… Why are you wearing my clothes?” Flash asked as he started to realize what Light was doing.

“Oh… I had nothing to wear.” Light said as he tried to keep from giggling.

“Light, you are the one who told me that ponies normally don’t wear clothes,” Flash said as he saw what Light did to his jacket. “What did you do with my clothes?!?”

“Hey, you know how you always dreamed of being an alicorn? Now you don’t have to worry about having this thing mended if it happens.” Light said as he started trying to fiddle with the camera.

“Light, why are you doing this?” Flash asked before he was nearly blinded by the flash of the camera.

“I just wanted a pic of you in a more natural position. Well, I think I will take a walk around the block. I’ll see you later.” Light said as he started to run away from Flash.

Flash’s eyes widened in horror as Light was running around in his favorite clothes, with a camera with his photo in it without them. The thing that Flash hated about his natural look was that he looked so bland and generic without them. Then there was the fact that those clothes had been with him for a long time, tied to many memories of his childhood..

A Light was running off with them.


Flash instantly took off after Light as they ran around the house. “Light! You know I don’t go anywhere without those! Give them back! This isn’t funny!!!” Flash pleaded as he ran after the giggling alicorn, now wishing that he had put on his magic horseshoes to be able to catch Light.

Light was having the time of his life, enjoying being able to prank Flash like this for the first time. “Awe, come on! We’re inside! I just wanted to try them on. I’ll give them back when I am done… in an hour or two…”

“LIGHT!!!” Flash yelled as they were running around the table like a couple of kids, switching directions in unison as Flash was trying to catch the giggling alicorn.

As the two grown-ups were acting like kids, Flash’s adopted daughters walked in, being awoken by the noise that the boys were making.

“Dad, what is going on?” ShyStone, the zebra asked as she was wiping her eyes, not having her glasses on.

Flash was trying to think of something to tell his daughter, cursing his curse that stopped him from telling any sort of lie. “Well, we have a thief in the house, stealing my iconic clothes that had the appearance of Light Heart.” He told his daughter as he glared at the prankster. “Can you please get your sister, so that we may cash this imposter, and get my close back, please?” He asked his daughters nicely.

“He’s lying! He’s a changeling imposture that kidnapped your dad, so I grabbed your dad’s clothes and tried to stop him! Help me tie him up and force-feed him ice cream until he tells us the truth!” Light said dramatically, trying to hide the grin from the kids.

ShyStone was looking at both of the grown-up stallions that were running around, and how the one that looked like her dad was having trouble walking around without the glasses on. “Fast, we have a problem.”

“Should we tie them both up and call for grandma?” FastFox, the buffalo asked her sister curiously as she stood next to her sister.

“Based on the way that this one is walking,” ShyStone said while pointing to the white one. “I can tell that it is our dad,"

“That’s not true! I’m Light Heart! I just blinded the changeling with the camera!” Light said as he took another photo of Flash.

“Mhm.,” Fast said to herself while nodding & thinking about that.

Flash winced in pain, not liking the bright lights. “I was sure that the camera was set on no flash.” He said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

“Flash would have known what was set on!” Light exclaimed as he pointed a hoof at him. “I can prove that it’s me! I was the pony who snuck those triple chocolate cupcakes to you behind Flash’s back.” Light said as he was starting to wonder how far he can push this prank before it goes too far.

“That was YOU?!?” Flash yelled at his friend. “My cousin gave me a full lecture about how disrespectful it was from me to spoil their dinner, especially with junk food, while she was preparing a healthy meal.”

“It was an hour after lunch! She needs to lighten up a bit.” Light said as he and Flash kept running around the table.

Before Light could run off, he was tackled to the ground by his friend’s daughters.

“Why did you betray me?” Light asked as he playfully tried to resist.

“We know that you are the imposter.” Shy told Light as she tried to hold his wings back.

“Ya, the real Light isn’t a thief, and was told the silver rules by his mommy.” Fast added.

“It’s called the golden rules.” Light explained to the little Buffalo before using his magic to lift the kids off of him. “And I’m not stealing them. If I was, I would have been out the door before Flash came out of his room. I’m merely pranking him.”

“W… what?!?” Fast asked as she was set down on the ground next to him as Light took off the hat.

“I figured that I’d pull a prank on your dad, namely since I am good at creative ones.” Light said with a chuckle. “So, I snuck in, took his clothes, tried them on, and waited for him to wake up so I could mess with him.” Light said as he used the camera to take a photo of himself. “I was not going to keep these. I was just playing with your dad. No hard feelings?” Light said as he took off the jacket and handed it to Flash. “And may I have copies of those photos?”

“You may not,” Flash said while feeling his way back into his orange cote, and trying to figure out what side was the front of his hat. “Can I please have my glasses back.” He asked, trying to calm himself down and ask his friend nicely, trying to accept Light’s playful intentions for this rude awakening.

“Oh… about that…” Light cringed as he looked at the kids. “Um… remember kids, if things go wrong and you didn’t plan it too, be willing to fix your mistakes…”

One of Flash’s eyes twitched a bit. “W.. what did you do?” He asked with an eerily calm voice.

“Um… nothing that can’t be fixed. I’ll just wake Fuze and have it back to you in a few hours. You’re off work today, right?” Light asked as he gave a rather nervous smile.

“W.. what happENED?” Flash asked, cracking at the end a bit.

“Hey, we are going to look back on today and laugh about this.” Light tried to assure him as he backed away nervously. “That, and the lenses are perfectly fine…”

“W… please explain yourSELF!” Flash asked angrily as he started walking towards Light.

“You know, Book used to wear glasses, and my little brother is a wiz with mechanical stuff. You’ll never notice any difference.” Light said as he was now making his way for the door. “You may also want to put some clothes on. You never know when somepony is going to walk in on you unexpectedly.”

Flash pulled on his jacket, making it onto a long trench coat. “I.. can’t see without THEM.” He told him while walking toward the Yellow blur in front of him.

“Oh… well… I’ll go get them back.” Light said as he quickly opened the door. “I’ll even ask about a second pair for emergencies.”

“You better!” Flash told his friend. “If not you’ll have to be my Seeing-Eye-"Dog”. Then again, would that be a Seeing-Eye-Light or a Seeing-Eye-Pony?” He pondered to himself.

“Let’s think about that later. Have a good morning, and I’ll see you all at lunch. Thank you all for not killing me! I hope we can do this again soon!” Light said as he ran out of the room and started flying back to Ponyville.

Fast turned to her father. “Should I chase after him?” She asked her father.

“No.. we’ll wait for his return,” Flash told his ambitious daughter while waving both of them to his side.

“Light was just playing around, right?” Shy asked nervously, afraid of Light and her dad fighting with each other.

“He’d better,” Flash told his patient daughter as he caressed the corner of her face. “But there are some things that should never be played with.” He said looking at her face, and even though he didn’t have his pair, he could see the lack of her thick glasses on her face. “Fast, may you please go and bring your sister to her bedside table where her glasses are?” He asked in a soft and gentle voice as he started thinking about Light’s prank.

He had to admit that Light got him good, and it sounded like he didn’t intend to break anything. It was most likely a little game that Light wanted to play for some laughs.

Well, every good game has at least two players.

Time to start playing.

Author's Note: