• Published 21st Aug 2020
  • 5,364 Views, 65 Comments

So Long Old Friend - Silver Butcher

The Immortal Main 6 Spend time with an old Spike

  • ...

We will always love you

Spike’s funeral was a private affair and only the Elements of Harmony and Discord had attended. He was taken to a very special place Discord had created on the Elements request. He was taken where all their other friends had been taken. A place where flowers never died, where the graves and their inscriptions never grew old and dull. It was a place where they could all be at peace, and a proper place to say goodbye. The entire graveyard was a floating island in a space that didn't exist, and Discord had created a new Island next to it for very Special burials. Here was where Spike was going, with the only other two that were there. He would be laid to rest next to his wife, Starlight. Their time together had been short, but now they could be together forever. They both lie now next to his unnamed child who had passed with his wife during birth. Spike would finally be with the family that was taken from him long ago. The funeral was long, everypony wanted to say so much, but it was Twilight who said it all.

"Here lies Spike Sparkle." She began "He was a great brother, a great husband....and would have been the best father. He lived a long life, and he has done too many heroic things for me to name. We’re all here to remember and thank him for everything that he has done for both his friends and for Equestria. We’re here to send him on his way, to tell him we loved him and still do, and will continue to forever. He may be gone and we will never get to see him again..but we will never forget him. He was my first friend..." Twilight was on the verge of breaking down when her friends joined her.

"He was the kindest dragon there ever was." Fluttershy said with a quiver as she tried to hold back the tears before she placed a yellow gem in the shape of a butterfly on his grave.

"He was always happy and full of joy." Pinkie said, as she placed a pink gem in the shape of a balloon on the grave.

"He was always honest and happy to help." Applejack said as she placed an orange gem on his grave.

"He was loyal to the end, and never left anypony behind." Rainbow said as she placed a blue gem on his grave in the shape of a lighting bolt.

"He was generous, and will always be my little Spikey Wikey." Rarity said as she placed both a white crystal and the Fire Ruby he had given her so long ago on his grave.

"He was my first friend, and was the best assistant you could ever hope to have." Twilight said, placing a purple gem, like a twinkling star, on his grave.

"We will always love him, we will never forget him, and we hope he and Starlight are up there right now, playing with their little filly." They all said as one and as soon as they stood back, Discord snapped his fingers and Spike’s grave glew bright for a second and once the glow died they could now see the 7 gems embedded in it with a small inscription beneath them.


Here lies Spike, The Brave and Glorious, best friend of the Elements of Harmony, envoy of the changelings. May he rest in eternal peace.

Comments ( 44 )

I'm not crying! *Tries to hide the tears currently fall from my eyes*

Damn, so sad. I loved it. Did I say it was sad? Short chapters but they held a good amount of emotion in them. Also liked the fact the main 6 were all immortal. Great story. Definitely gonna read again.


Very sad.

Amazing story ^^ it reminded me of this one as well, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/34857/a-summer-twilight

So, you misspelled immortal in your short description wanted to point that out.

Marked the story to read later.

Phenomenal story, one that has earned a place in my favorites to return to again whenever I'm in dire need of a powerful tearjerker. I suspected that Starlight had died in the first chapter, but I hoped beyond hope that my suspicions would prove false and I would be proven wrong. Alas, this last chapter made my predictions clear and I can't help but feel irreversibly sad about the entire ordeal. I always thought Ember would be the one that Spike courted in marriage, but here I stand with this fic with a new ship that I haven't considered since it was never one that I thought, especially since both of them have a lot more common partners. Not to say that this surprise was unwarranted, I love the introduction of this new ship and her story of dying in childbirth was absolutely heartbreaking.

I have to commemorate you on having the Mane 6 have a separate burial island for Starlight and Spike alone, shows just how much of an impact the two had on all of them. I loved the callback to Spike's greed binge with Rarity parting her Fire Ruby, and considering that this is 6 millennia after the shows end just shows the pure dedication she had. Must've been holding onto that one for this occasion and this occasion alone. And to know that they have a special burial island for all the friends they've made makes me far more emotional than it should, everyone that stuck with them on their journey to bringing peace to the people of Equestria all resting in a place where they could visit and remember them for eternity. Pulls at the heartstrings like a Pixar Movie.

I may have read this masterpiece in one sitting, and a short one at that, but the shortness of it only contributes to the sweetness of ending it because I cannot imagine such a narrative being presented in any other length. Truly a favorite to be remembered, cherished, and loved for the ages.

Man this was so sad, I loved every word.


I've read a few Spike outliving his friends stories as well, but one day I read a story where the main 6 became immortal and that inspired my then outlive spike story, im just glad you enjoyed it enough to leave a comment that full of thought, thanks you and I'm happy you enjoyed the story.

yeah either way it sad

don't mind me, just going to the attic to cry.

I read this before and as much as I want to read it again, i can’t go through that again. Great job butcher

*loud, teary applause*

They both lie now next to his unnamed child who had passed with his wife during birth.
And the hits just keep coming in this story.

As I read this story, I keep hearing the song, "So Long Old Friend" from the TV Special, "Here Comes Garfield"

I encourage everyone who read this story to go and listen to this song.

Here is a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLxc9gvDrc4

I'm not crying it's those Damn onion cutting ninjas always sneak into people's house

I still have the original one, the only real difference is that this one had been heavily edited for a better reading experience.

when you say edited do you mean grammar-wise, plot-wise, or both because I also had already read it and want to know if I just reread it. I am currently loving "Reincarnation" and don't want to miss anything at all that might refer back to this story post rewrite.

P.S. congratulations on the most recent feature between just this story and “Reincarnation”. I haven’t read any of your other stories yet, but I’m sure you have a fifth feature there somewhere or a least will get one

It was mostly Grammatical with a few minor changes, that being said me and my editor are planing to edit Reincarnation soon and it'll be mostly Grammatical to, but a few minor things might change as well

My goodness that was sad. I couldn't take it. That was definitely a tear-jerker. And I loved every moment of it.

Damnit, sweet and simple yet still a tear jerker :fluttercry:

Wait... he doesn't get a scene with Twilight? His sister, the pony he spent most of his formative years around/being raised by? Literally the pony who gave him life... and she doesn't even come to visit in his final days? That's... kinda fucked up. I mean, no matter how you quantify their relationship, be it brother/sister or mother/son, there is no question that he is very special to her, and vice versa. And all she can muster is a nice speech at his funeral? Come on, man.

I'm not crying your crying.... shut up
That was beautiful.

That hit the heart hard.

I rarely cry, this story broke me. I tip my hat to you!

This last chapter was hard to read at the end as my vision was suddenly getting clouded.

Those are tears silly... :pinkiesad2:

What? Tears! NO!

FUCK YOU BRO:pinkiesad2: i cant stop sniffling:raritydespair:

God damnit, I was trying so hard not to cry. I'm wiping away tears as I'm writing this, f**k you man for making me a tear and snot covered mess.

no one makes it through So long old friend without crying. And One day I shall get this story an Audio Reading, I'll do it myself if I have to!

This honestly could use another editing pass— there was a lot of stuff that could use fixing. And I agree with 10646702, there really should have been a chapter devoted to Twilight before the funeral chapter. Maybe even after Rainbow's chapter so we have an immediate reaction from Twilight.

That said, this indeed was a heartbreaking tearjerker, and you earned my upvote. Good job.

I did not cry at all. I am not a heartless jerk tho. Me on the verge of tears. Maybe its because one of my songs is playing

Strange that Thorax didn't attend the funeral. The first of any creature to truly give him the chance to prove he was good and wanted to be friends, and he doesn't come to pay his respects?

Yes, I get that he could be dead, but even then, there should've been a representative from the changelings there to say some final words. If Spike hadn't done what he did, then they'd never have reformed and old crazy Chrissy would've led them into death.

(I cannot express my feeling in the end into words, but I will though song. The one that is shown is the song I chose to be the most expressful, while the others are to be links)
I Will Always Love You
Gymnopédie No.1
Sad Violin

I loved Spike as a character and had a lot of respect for him. Seeing him old, frail, and dead, makes me gravely sad.

this is realy depressing

I wanted to say good but that kind of feels mean-spirited so I'll just say I went out to do something and the consensus is that I did it well.

oh no i meant that is good, i read these to be depressed cause i dont know, yes i am mentaly stable

Well this sure was depressing.

F*** you man, how dare you make me cry:fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritydespair:

How dare you start this story not already prepared to cry

I underestimated how good your writing was,OK!

well maybe now you've learned your lesson

No that would require too much self reflection, and would hurt my ego, So I much rather blame Someone else for my problems🙃, But in all serious great story😌 I usually go for more action packed stories but this is really good.

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