• Published 22nd Sep 2020
  • 2,950 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle: The Amazing Spider-Girl - Equestrian Defender

A single spider changed everything. Now, Twilight Sparkle has to navigate 10th Grade at a new school, while also juggling her new responsibilities as New York City's first ever superhero: The Amazing Spider-Girl!

  • ...

2: Does Whatever A Spider Can

The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly, with the tour taking them through most of the labs in the building. Granted there were a few they couldn't get into that were part of the [CLASSIFIED] projects, but overall they still saw plenty of cool stuff. Frankly the Nanofiber lab and the Robotics lab were some of the highlights for Twilight, along with the Genetics lab.

But eventually the tour had to end and Twilight found herself on a bus heading home.

Or she would've had her stomach not decided she was going to stop and get a double bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, onion, no mayo, no mustard, no tomato, and extra pickles. Plus a side of fries and a strawberry milkshake.[1]

Though to be fair she did skip out on breakfast that morning, so she couldn't blame her stomach.

So instead of a bus she ended up taking the subway home, thankfully finding a car that wasn't too full of people. As it was there were only three people. Two of them were a mother and daughter with blond hair and yellow eyes, the mother having eyes that seemed to look in two different directions at once. The mother was talking on a phone to someone (judging by the smile on her face and the words used she guessed either her boyfriend or her husband) and the kid was reading a comic book. The third was an elderly man with hair that was light gray to almost white, a bushy mustache in the same color, and a pair of glasses. He looked at the kid, smiled and said "Try and be careful with that comic, kiddo. It's a first-edition."

The little girl nodded and replied "Got it, Mister Lee."[2]

Twilight couldn't help but smile at that. Nice to see there are at least some nice people in this city.

She was jarred out of her musing by the screeching of the train's brakes as it came to a stop, which for some reason sounded louder than normal. "They should really get that checked," she muttered.

Once she was back on the surface she walked the last few blocks to her apartment, fighting against the knot forming in her stomach as she walked inside the building, as well as a feeling a bit lightheaded. "Ugh... why did I get the double cheeseburger," she groaned.

A slightly pessimistic voice in her head whispered Maybe it was the spider bite.

Don't be ridiculous. I've been bitten by spiders before and it never made me feel the least bit queasy.

True, but those were just common house spiders. That spider wasn't exactly normal. It could've been an experiment that got out of its cage, having been genetically modified or exposed to unholy levels of radiation. And if it bit you, then-

She hit herself on the side of the head. Oh, shut up! It's nothing major. I will go to bed early, and tomorrow morning I'll wake up and everything will be fine. Nothing weird is going to happen to me!

The moment she walked into the apartment she immediately heard a baby laughing. Seeing Cadance in the kitchen cooking something she smiled and asked "What's Flurry Heart watching that's got her so happy?"

Cadance smiled and replied "Gravity Falls."

"Good choice."

"Well, Spike was the one who put it on." She then looked at Twilight and asked "You feeling okay? You look a little pale."

Twilight couldn't comment on that since she didn't have a mirror on hand, but she replied "I think I ate something I shouldn't have."

Cadance walked over and placed a hand on Twilight's forehead. "Ouch. You're running a slight fever."

"I'm fine." Looking around she asked "Where's Shining?"

Cadance sighed sadly. "Working late tonight. Apparently they got a new lead that might help them figure out the identity of the Storm King."

That got Twilight's attention, since it was arguably one of the Manehattan Police Department's biggest cases.

The Storm King was arguably one of the biggest organized crime leaders in the city, with a serious foothold in drug trading, racketeering, illegal arms dealing, money laundering, the list went on. The only thing he didn't seem to deal in was human trafficking or prostitution. But regardless he was ruthless, efficient, and very good at hiding his tracks. The only reason the MPD even got his alias was because one of his goons actually cooperated and told them what he knew (which wasn't much but it was enough to break up a drug deal.)

Two days later that goon was found dead in his cell, poisoned.

Ever since then the MPD has been working overtime, chasing every tip and lead that they managed to snag. But the Storm King remained ever elusive. "So he's gonna be pulling an all-nighter?"

"Unfortunately." Deciding to change the subject, Cadance asked "You sure you don't wanna take some medicine?"

The thought of it was enough to almost make Twilight hurl right then and there. Especially because Cadance and Shining Armor always bought the cherry flavored NyQuil, which never agreed with Twilight's stomach or taste buds. "Cadance, it's probably just a stomach bug. A good night's sleep and I'll be perfectly fine tomorrow morning."

She looked like she wanted to argue, before saying "Alright, you win. Just as long as you actually go to bed and don't pull another all-nighter of your own."

Rolling her eyes, Twilight said "Don't worry, Cadance. I'm going straight to bed."

"Okay then. Good night."

Pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge, she said "Night, Cadance."

She downed the bottle of water before she exited the kitchen. She stepped into the living room-

-and had to clamp a hand over her mouth to stop from cursing as a sharp, searing pain erupted in the bottom of her foot. She looked down and immediately saw the culprit; a bright red LEGO brick. "Spike, did you spill your LEGOs again?"

"Ehehehe. I'd be lying if I said 'No.'"

She looked to see her ten year old little brother, wearing a green tee-shirt and purple cargo shorts. His emerald green hair was in its usual mohawk, which matched his emerald green eyes. He smiled bashfully and said "Sorry about that. I was carrying one of my creations out here to work on it, and Flurry Heart threw her bottle and... well..."

She looked and saw that the whole floor was actually covered in red LEGO bricks, along with a few yellow and some black ones. Some were by themselves, others were clumped into various shapes and sizes, and in the middle of it all was a half full baby bottle. Twilight looked over into the living room, seeing Flurry Heart trying to look as innocent as possible with those sky blue eyes of her. Smirking, Twilight picked up the bottle and handing it down to her before ruffling her purple and blue hair and saying "Wow. For barely a year old she's got a mean throwing arm."

"Why do I get the feeling when she starts going to school she's going to be a total tomboy?"

"Don't let Cadance her you say that." She looked over at the dining room table, noticing what looked like the remains of a bird's talons on a bunch of black and red-orange bricks LEGO bricks formed like a volcano. "So, what movie monster are you trying to recreate in LEGO?"

Spike smiled. "Rodan."

"Which era?"

"Monsterverse. Already got the right paints for when I got the thing put together." He looked over at Flurry Heart and added "Assuming a certain someone doesn't nail him again with a ballistic baby bottle."

Flurry Heart's response was to stick her tongue out playfully at Spike, earning a giggle from Twilight and an eyeroll from Spike. "Cheeky little brat," Spike muttered.

"You probably shouldn't have taught her that."

"I didn't. Shining did."

"Suuure. Well, have fun."

"Can do."

After a quick shower and changing into some night clothes, Twilight collapsed on her bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel a lot better.

Or you could wake up tomorrow with four additional limbs, eight eyes, and poisonous fangs that-

Whatever her imaginary voice was about to say faded out as sleep overtook her.

And the spider's venom that had been slowly spreading through her system began to change her...

Meanwhile, in a shady apartment, a man was have a video chat with his boss on his laptop. "So Boss, how's it going?"

"Very good, Stinger," his boss replied. "I just managed to secure another contract to construct a block of luxury condos over in Chinatown. The deal went down for several million, and the stock for my company has raised several points."

"Well congrats," the man named Stinger replied. "But I get the feeling that ain't why you called me on the encrypted line."

"Too true, my friend. I have a... problem, that needs taken care of."

Stinger smirked. "We talking a 'persuade this guy' problem, or a 'take him out of the picture' problem?"

"The latter, unfortunately. A certain Police Lieutenant is becoming a bit of an... annoyance, if you will. While the biggest majority of the Police in this city can be bribed, bought, or coerced into seeing things from my point of view, he absolutely refuses to. And sadly, he's starting to get a following among his fellow officers."

"Sounds less like an annoyance and more like a major thorn in your side, boss."

"To each their own, Stinger. I believe he needs to be made an example of, to remind the MPD and the mayor who really owns this city. Can I trust you to do that?"

"Have I ever let you down before?"

The man on the other end laughed. "Of course not. I'll be sure to send you your payment in the usual manner."

"Good. Any specific way you want Mister Goody Two-Shoes taken out?"

"Surprise me. Those who dare stand against the King-"

"-shall face the wrath of the Storm," Stinger finished, ending the video call.

And as he walked away past the window, on his right bicep was a tattoo; a scorpion of a sickly green color...

Twilight groaned when she felt the sunlight hit her face. "One of these days I'm going to remember to close the blinds before I go to sleep."

She pulled herself out of bed and stretched, noticing that she was no longer feeling queasy or light-headed. "Well, I feel better. Now to just get changed and... And..."

As she finished her stretch her eyes had happened to stumble upon the full length mirror in her room, and what she saw in her reflection shocked her.

Cadance had always joked and said that she was too skinny, with Shining even adding that she had noodle arms. And the other girls at school all loved to make jokes at the fact that she was a bit short for her age by a few inches.

But now?

Seemingly overnight she had put on a significant amount of muscle. Not enough to be considered a bodybuilder, but enough to look like she regularly attended a gym (which she didn't) or that she was on a steroid regimen (which she didn't and never would.)[3] Hell, she'd even grown a few inches overnight, which made her realize she was now actually a bit tall for her age.

And then she noticed another surprise; she wasn't wearing her glasses, and yet she could see perfectly fine. She quickly grabbed her glasses off of her nightstand and put them off, finding that the glasses blurred up her vision. She repeatedly took them off and on, but the effect was still the same; she didn't need her glasses anymore. "That's weird."

She immediately pinched herself, which confirmed that she wasn't dreaming and all of this was real. "Okay, what the heck? I thought puberty was just supposed to be raging hormones and pimples? Not sudden growth spurts, muscle growth, and perfected eyesight. Unless..."

Her mind flash-backed to yesterday, and the strange looking spider that had bit her at DisCorp. Her hand subconsciously touched the spot it bit her on her neck, feeling the scab over the puncture wound. "No. No, it couldn't be. That's something that only works in comic books."

There was a knock on the door. "Twilight. Are you awake?"

Putting those thoughts in the back of her mind she replied "Yeah, Cadance. I just woke up."

The door opened a crack and Cadance poked her head in. "Well, you seemed to be doing better."

"Yeah. I feel better than ever, actually."

"And I see you finally decided to try out those contact lenses I got for you a month ago."

She was momentarily confused, before she remembered she wasn't wearing her glasses. "Yeah. Figured I'd try something new." She smiled and added "Who knows? Maybe if I like them enough, I'll wear them to school."

"Atta girl. Anyway, I figured I'd check on how you were doing since you slept in till 10."

Surprised, Twilight looked at her phone and said "Wow. Okay, give me a few minutes to get changed and I'll be down for breakfast."

"Better hurry. Shining made pancakes before he left this morning, and you know how much Spike loves them."

Twilight rolled her eyes and said "I'll be down in a few minutes."

Once Cadance was out, Twilight took a deep breath. "Okay, breathe Twilight," she whispered to herself. "Everything's fine. You just, had a growth spurt and your eyes spontaneously corrected themselves. Nothing is wrong."

She moved to her closet to get changed out of her nightclothes, managing to open the door...

...but with a metallic screech she tore the door knob off, the object sticking to the palm of her hand like she'd put superglue on it. Looking at it she said "I take it back. I need to get to my lab to figure out what's going on." Looking at the door knob stuck to her palm, and sighed. "After I make a quick trip to the Hardware Store."

After managing to get the door knob to stop sticking to her palm, brush her teeth and eat some breakfast without any more incidents (though she would be needing a new toothbrush) she fixed her closet door knob and then headed for her lab.

Though calling it a lab was a bit of a stretch.

In truth, her lab was really an abandoned warehouse in an equally abandoned junkyard. She'd discovered it when she had been searching for parts for one of her new gadgets, and had been surprised to find the place still had power. And surprisingly enough, it actually had some old scientific equipment that was still in pretty good condition. Granted, it was a bit out of date and the repairs she did involved A LOT of duct tape, but they still worked. Mostly.[4]

One such device that mostly worked was a DNA analyzer that could scan a blood sample and give a readout of all sorts of things.

And hopefully it would be able to tell Twilight what the hell that spider-bite did to her.

After submitting the sample the computer began to run its scans, which according to its status bar would take roughly 30 to 45 minutes. So while she waited for that to happen, Twilight decided to do a few tests to see what other changes had occurred because of the spider bite.

She found that she was now able to adhere herself to walls, the door knob being a bit of a hint at that. But surprisingly it wasn't limited to her hands. Her feet, despite being inside her sneakers, could cling to the walls of the warehouse just as much as her hands. She actually managed to climb all the way up to the ceiling, surprising herself as she was usually afraid of heights.

However, she quickly found that if she lost focus for too long, she'd unstick and fall. Fortunately, she had managed to save herself from serious injury by grabbing a nearby hanging chain and swinging from it like Tarzan.

Though she did still get a bit of a jolt when she swung into the wall opposite.

Once she recovered from that, she looked on her phone and found that some spiders could actually lift up to 170x their own weight. Assuming that now applied to her, she should be a lot stronger.

So she tested that, by lifting up an old dryer that someone had shoved several car motors inside. It had to weigh roughly about one hundred pounds at least.

She lifted it up like it was nothing, and then threw it all the way across the warehouse, hearing a satisfying CRASH!! as it slammed against the far wall.

Twilight looked at her hands after that, surprised and shocked at these new developments. "I was wrong. It was that spider. But what the hell did they do to that spider that could've done all this to me?"

At that moment a computerized BEEP! and Twilight rushed to the Analyzer to see the results. "Okay, let's see what we got." She began reading the results and listing them off out loud. "Doesn't look like the changes to my DNA is gonna turn me into some sort of half-human, half-spider monster. But the changes are a permanent part of my DNA. Enhanced strength, reflexes, adhesion abilities; knew those already. Moderate Healing Factor? Really hope I never have to find out HOW moderate that is." She squinted at one in particular. "Precognitive radar sense? What does that-"

At that moment she felt a slight buzzing in her head, and almost immediately her head turned to the side and her hand seemed to move on its own.

By the time she registered what had happened, the remains of a horsefly were found squished between her forefinger and her thumb. "Huh. Guess that's what it meant." She quickly wiped the remains off of her fingers and looked back to the computer. "Anything else?"

Before she could read it again the information on the computer screen began to distort and buzz, before the whole screen went blank. "UGH, COME ON," she growled, slamming her hand against the side. "I JUST FIXED THIS THING!"

The only response she got was a few sparks from the machine, an acrid smell and some black smoke coming from behind one of the panels. She groaned, grabbing a fire extinguisher. Once she popped open the panel and blasted out the flames, she sighed. "Great. There goes that machine."

Once she was certain that the analyzer wasn't going to burst into flames and explode, Twilight sat down on a folding chair and digested all the information. "Okay, I have superpowers now," she said aloud. "That's... obvious. I'm stronger, faster, more agile, and I can stick to walls."

She paused and asked herself "So, what am I going to do with them?"

She really didn't want to tell DisCorp or anyone in the scientific community about this. After all, she'd probably end up on some operating table getting dissected or vivisected so they could try and fined a way to replicate what happened to her. Of course that's assuming she didn't end up getting captured and taken in by the government and forced to become some sort of government bio-weapon.

She thought about her situation and how it felt like something out of one of Spike's comic books. Most of the characters that went through something like this usually ended up putting on a costume and becoming a superhero to fight crime.

But honestly...

"That's ridiculous," she told herself. "I'm no superhero. I'm nowhere near brave enough, or crazy enough to do something like this. Frankly if I tried to do something like that I'd be-"


Her monologue was interrupted by her cell phone ringing, which was showing that Shining Armor was calling her. Answering it quickly she said "Hey BBBFF. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just got on lunch and I figured I'd call my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister, knucklehead."

There was a laugh on the other end, and Shining replied "Which automatically makes you my favorite."

She rolled her eyes at his corny Dad-joke. "Is there any specific reason you wanted to call me?"

"Actually, yeah. My lunch break is good for an hour and I'm just a few blocks away from Mom and Dad. I was thinking of dropping by and saying Hi, and I was wondering if you wanted to join me?"

She thought about it for a moment before she replied "I'm only a few blocks out myself. I'll meet you there."

"Cool. See you later, sis."

"See you later, bro."

"Oh, and be sure you pick up some flowers."

She smiled sadly. "I got it. I know how Mom likes her lilies."

Once she hung up she grabbed her backpack and slipped out of the warehouse, keying in her phone the location of the nearest flower shop. Looking at the rapidly clouding sky, she said "I really hope it doesn't rain. I don't have an umbrella."

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Shining Armor of the Manehattan Police Department casually drove down the street, his radio not picking up any chatter. A bit happy at this, he continued driving towards where his parents were...

...unaware of the man discreetly tailing him driving an unassuming black car...

Author's Note:

[1] Am I the only one who's really hungry for a burger right now? It can't just be me.
[2] Hope you guys don't mind the Stan Lee cameo.

Rest In Peace, Stan Lee. Excelsior! :fluttercry:
(Please note that the author was not crying when he wrote out this cameo. He was sweating through his eyes. Really.)
[3] Don't do drugs, kids. It NEVER ends well. Ever.
[4] It may be a bit much to believe, but considering all the weird science crap Sci-Twi has in the canon movies and shorts, as well as the fact that she made a robotic dog to be puppy Spike's girlfriend, I think we can let this one slide.

Okay, so quick note. A writer on this site named Flufux has their own Spider-Girl story

TThe Awesome Spider-Dash: Origins
Rainbow Dash was once just an ordinary teenage girl going to Canterlot High, but then, one day, she got bitten by a mutated spider and woke up with superpowers beyond her wildest dreams. But what will she do with them? (Flutterdash pairing)
Flufux · 173k words  ·  74  29 · 3.1k views

. I haven't read it in a while (and in fact I actually need to catch up with it sometime since I'm kind of behind on it.) so I kinda forgot that they put in their notes that they were planning on having the Storm King be their Kingpin Expy in their story. Oops.
For the record, I never intended to steal their idea. I only used the Storm King in this situation because I already have plans for King Sombra and I didn't feel like using an OC (frankly cause I already have plenty of those lined up for future villains.) But yeah, they technically came up with the idea first. So credit goes to them for the idea.

This chapter covers Twilight getting her powers, her doing a few tests to see what happens, and the Storm King sending one of his best hitmen to take care of a problem. I think you guys can connect the lines on where this is going from here.

So yeah, be forewarned, the next few chapters are going to get a bit tragic. Get your tissues ready.

But before you do that, I feel like asking you guys: "What is your favorite Spider-Man movie?" Please leave your answer in the comments below.

Until then, Equestrian Defender, out.