• Published 12th Sep 2020
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Equestrian Phantom: Fragments of Fractured Time - vortex123

Starlight has become too powerful for even Clockwork to stop, and has completely destroyed her previous timeline. The only way to beat her is to defeat the Starlight from the new timeline, with the help of Danny and Vlad from the current timeline.

  • ...

Memories of a past life


I was running as fast as I could, but I was slower then a snail compared to her. I heard Applebloom running right beside me, but unlike me, she wasn't even breaking a sweat. I decided to chalk that up to boundless child energy, and not the fact that I wasn't exactly the most athletic guy around. Thankfully Applejack left behind dents in the earth as she ran, so I was able to figure out which direction she ran in. After a few moments, I can see the barn, but I don't see Applejack anywhere. I stop in front of the barn, and looked at Applebloom.

"I doubt you're gonna listen if I tell you to go back to the house, so just stay close to me, and let me know the moment you see something outta place." I say.

"Alright." Applebloom says with a nod. I then opened the barn door, and stepped in. The moment I set foot in the barn, I gasp as a trail of light blue smoke left my mouth. "Something wrong?" Applebloom asked, having most likely missed what happened.

"You can say that, I just felt a chill go down my spine." I muttered. 'What's with the blue smoke, and why'd I feel so cold for a moment. Am I losing it?'

*It could possibly be a red flag, or a warning. I should be on guard.*

I stopped suddenly, that strange thought catching me off guard.

'That's a pretty weird thought, and oddly specific, why would I think it's some kinda warning?' I questioned myself, but decide to be on guard just for safety, I do have a little kid with me after all. 'Also isn't a red flag and a warning the same thing?'

Shaking my head, I focused on the task at hand. Looking around, it looks like what you’d expect the inside of a barn to look like. Though no matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find Applejack, and I doubt she’d go anywhere other then inside here. Suddenly, I feel something repeatedly poke my side. Looking to the source, I saw Applebloom frantically poking me and looking up, her face filled with fear. I grabbed her hand to both stop her from poking me, and to let her know I got the message, then looked up in curiosity.

“…” Both Applebloom and I could only stand there, completely slack jawed. We saw three green glowing cocoons on the ceiling of the barn. Before we could say anything else, a strand of web the size of my arm latched on Applebloom, and yanked her out of sight. After a few moments, another cocoon appears with the first three. And before I could say anything, the same thing that happened to her, happened to me. I grunt as I slam up against something, most likely the ceiling.

“Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise. I got all four Apples, plus an extra, and I barely had to do anything.” I heard some girl coo.

“Hey, let us out!” I yelled.

“Screem all you want, boy, no one more then a few centimeters outside of these cocoons can hear you. Now just sleep tight, this’ll be over soon, just have to wait for nightfall. Oh I can’t wait to taste you, you didn’t look like you had much meat on your bones, but you’ll make a good appetizer.” I barely heard her say, I then heard her softly laugh. After a few moments, I heard her laughter get further and further away.

“Great, my first day in this strange place, and I’m already about to become some crazy girl’s dinner.” I groan in dismay. I then suddenly feel extremely sleepy, like I had been up for three days straight.

*Don’t fall asleep, yo-I have to get outta this cocoon, and save the others!*

‘On second thought, maybe a little rest wouldn’t hurt…’


I don’t think anything else before I lose consciousness.

I’m in front of the main hall of Ponyville, dressed in a black tuxedo, attending a funeral. Right now I’m hugging a pony the looks strangely like Applebloom, the pony openly crying in my arms. I look to the stage to see a pony with white hair and a tan coat.

“Citizens of Ponyville, it is with a heavy heart that I must officially announce the deaths of three very important ponies. Applejack Apple, Big McIntosh Apple, and Granny Smith Apple. These three ponies lost their lives to an unknown creature that wondered on their land, and left with no trace. We are here to honor their memories, and all they’ve done for us over the years. If anyone wants to come up and say something on their behalf, you may do so now.” The pony says somberly. She then stepped down, and another pony dressed as a sharif takes her place. And once he’s done, another takes his place. It went on like this until it was the pony who looked and sounded like Applebloom’s turn.

“They were the most important ponies in my life. AJ always tried to bring the best outa me, and was a ponies you could always rely on. Big Mac was always there to help me when I was scared, and would help ya without needin to be asked. Granny was always there to give advice when ya needed it, and was more then willing to fight tooth and hoof for the farm, regardless of her age. These ponies were the best family members a filly could ask for. I don’t know what I’ll do now that they’re gone, except for one thing: find the no good creature who did this to them, and make them pay!” Applebloom declared.

Now I’m in a giant forest, and Applebloom is right beside me, though she was much older. I also noticed she was decked out in a red jumpsuit.

Applebloom…” I suddenly say, surprised I said anything at all.

“I know what you’re gonna say Danny, and yes, I’m sure about this.” She says, putting on a hood with goggles. “We’re the only ones who can avenge my family. Plus, it’s not like we’re going up against Vlad, I’ll be fine.”

Applebloom, listen to me.” I urged. She turn and completely faced me. “I know you’ve been waiting a long time for her to reappear, and I don’t blame you. But I want you to remember, you can’t let your emotions get the better of you. She may not be anywhere near Vlad’s level, but doing something reckless because of emotions will get you killed.”

“I know.” She says simply. “Why’re you saying that now?”

Because I want you to try to keep a clear head. You’re one of my best friends, I don’t wanna lose you.” I say, worry clear in my voice. She just grinned.

“Hey, who do you think I am? I won’t die that easily. Pinkie promise.” She says, going through a series of motions.

Applebloom had been the first to find our target, unfortunately, she was also the first to be taken out by our target. The only warning I got that she needed help, was her screaming, which lead me to where she and the creature was. And when I got there, my blood ran cold. The creature was holding her by the neck. Applebloom saw me, and was barely able to choke out a “help”.

It was like someone had injected me with pure adrenaline, the only thing on my mind was saving my friend.


My eyes shot open, having woken up from that strange dream, my body overflowing with a strange energy.

I’m going ghost!” I yelled as a bluish white ring appears around me, and splits into two. My shirt, pants and shoes are replaced with a black and white jumpsuit with a D on the chest. I’m unable to see any other changes, save for the fact that I’m glowing. I’m not sure what happened, but it felt normal, but new at the same time.

‘Where’d “I’m going ghost” come from?’ I think in confusion. Seeing that whatever that was was done, I somehow phase out of my cocoon.

Author's Note:

And to clarify, no, Danny has no experience with his ghost form. The only reason the only ghost ability he used before this point was eye based-

"When I first saw you, I thought you were a Terrain. You know, because you don't have wings or a horn." She explained. "But no terrain shouldn't know about our magic. Plus your eyes keep doing a weird thing. So what are you?

-was because he just had so little ghost energy that none of the more obvious ghost powers could accidentally trigger. Now, he has plenty of ghost energy, so more of his powers will act up.