• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 629 Views, 14 Comments

Rain Drops and Apple Scented Rainbows - DarthBall

Rainbow Dash sleeps on the job, a soaked farm pony is not amused.

  • ...


“Rainbow Dash!”

“Huh! Oh, hey Aj! What’s up?” Rainbow sleepily asked. The annoyed and wet farm pony craned her neck up to the pegasi’s napping spot upon a large, thick tree branch. Her green eyes bore holes directly into her while she stretched her limbs and yawned.

“Nothin’ much sugarcube,” Applejack replied with a twinge of irritation. How does she not notice the pouring rain? And why isn’t she wet? Applejack thought to herself as she cleared her throat. “So, um… have ya’ll noticed anythin’ out of the ordinary, Rainbow?”

Rainbow tapped a hoof to her chin. “Hmmm.” She stared down at Applejack inquisitively. Frazzled strands of hair poked out from underneath a damp Stetson hat. Her sodden coat of fur was faring little better as it clumped into knots. “You seem a bit more wet than usual. Long day on the farm?” Rainbow snickered as she grinned widely. “Wait…” She scrunched her nose as the scent of damp wood wafted to her nostrils while her fur stood upright as she felt the air grow heavier. “It shouldn’t be raining today! There was no mention of this on the schedule!”

She’s tellin’ the truth. Applejack sighed as she rubbed her eyes with a forehoof. “So, if that’s the case, then why is it- “


“Woah, aaahhhhh-!” Rainbow cried as the tree shook with tremendous force. She was unable to keep herself steady on the tree branch as she began to fall.

“Hold on there, partner! I gotcha!” Applejack yelled through the cacophony of the sudden downpour as she braced herself to cushion her friends fall. “Oof!” Applejack yelped as the pegasi crash landed onto her back. Applejack groaned in pain as they tried to untangle themselves.

“You ok Aj?” Rainbow asked worriedly as she pried herself off her friend before offering a helping hoof. Applejack nodded and grasped Rainbow’s foreleg as she was helped to her own hooves.

“I’m fine, don’t you worry bout’ it,” Applejack lied breathlessly as she shifted her gaze to the red barn at the center of Sweet Apple Acres. “We gotta find some better shelter, let’s head to the barn!” She yelled; her voice barely audible over the surging storm.

“Why not stay here! This tree is big enough to… look out!” Rainbow eyes became pinpricks as she immediately sprung to action. Grasping the farm pony’s spaghettified golden tail, she pulled Applejack out of the way of her old perch as the tree limb tumbled to the earth. “Sptt! We’re even now!”

“Thank ya kindly,” Applejack said before tapping Rainbow on the shoulder. “Let’s get to the barn! C’mon!” Rainbow nodded before spanning her wings. Applejack shook her head in disapproval. “No, we need to hoof it there! You’ll get us both blasted out of the sky!”

“But your back! You need my help!”

“I’ll live, Rainbow! Sides, we got no time to waste!”

Another resounding boom nearby only strengthened her argument as they were both pelted by a torrent of rainwater. “Stay close! Giddy up!” Applejack shouted as she ran towards the barn.

Rainbow remained glued to her side as they both braved the thunderstorm. Heavy smoke-gray clouds blotted out the sky as they raced through the darkness. Crushing winds threatened to throw them off balance as they fought against the current, their manes and fur being whipped into a frenzy all the while.

“We- alm- there!” Rainbow cried out as she sped up subconsciously.

“What! Ah Can’t hear ya!” Applejack huffed and puffed as she practically crawled towards the barn after her, shooting pains wracking through her spine all the while. She could barely even hear the plodding of her own hooves over the soaking dirt roads. Consarnit, I can’t see a Faust damned thing! Applejack’s clouded mind thought to herself as she lost sight of Rainbow Dash through a dense fog.

“Slow down Rainbow!” A wave of exhaustion washed over her as she fought against the biting cold and her recent injury.

“Said- al- re oof!”

“Tarnation!” Agony racked Applejack’s body as she collided into the side of the barn. Right or left? She scrambled in a blind panic. Another thunderclap sounded nearby. Light illuminated the area briefly.

“OVER HERE!” Rainbow hollered. Another thunderclap. She beelined towards cyan pegasus.

Applejack pressed against Rainbow as they both squeezed through the barn entrance before quickly closing it shut. They fell upon their haunches as their lungs burned from their strenuous sprint. All was silent, save for their labored breaths and mother nature beating down upon the barn like a drum.

“Are you ok, Aj?”

No, Rainbow. No, I’m not. Her spine felt like it was on fire but feeling anything at all was a good sign. At least I ain’t gonna be a stinkin’ vegetable.

“I’m fine,” Applejack lied, refusing to meet Rainbow’s gaze.

“No, you’re not,” Rainbow responded, concern plastered over her face.

I hate being such an open book. Applejack thought to herself as she finally glanced back at Rainbow. “… It hurts a little.” Applejack conceded.

“I’m sorry.” Rainbow’s ears drooped as her eyes began to water.

“Sugarcube, this wasn’t your fault. Ya don’t- “

“But it is my fault! I’m on the weather team! My job is to take care of things like this!” Rainbow fretted as she paced back and forth. “We never had freak storms or anything like that on my watch! And, and I… I hurt you! I saw you lagging behind on the way here! I’m- “

“Sugarcube, stop!”

“No! I… other ponies are going to get hurt too! All because I’m just a lazy featherbrain who takes naps all the time!” Tears streaked down her muzzle as she curled up on the floor and sobbed.

“CONSARNIT RAINBOW, THAT’S ENOUGH!” Applejack shouted herself hoarse before she pulled the distraught pegasus into a hug. “You’re not lazy, Rainbow. I also ain’t gonna stand here and let you call yourself a featherbrain either, ya hear me?” Rainbow melted into her embrace and hugged her back. “It’s just a storm, Rainbow. Ponyville has survived Nightmare Moon, and Discord. Ya really think somethin’ as simple as some storm is gonna be the thing to do us in? Nopony is gonna buy the farm, Rainbow!”

“Who cares about the stupid farm! Innocent ponies are going to get hurt and all you care about is your stupid apple farm!?!” Rainbow barked into her Applejack’s ear.

Applejack pulled back and stared into Rainbow’s eyes directly. “Land sakes, Dash! It’s an expression! Nopony is gonna die, alright! Ah promise! And for the love of Faust, stop beatin’ yourself up over this! Its! Is! Not! Your! Fault!” Applejack hugged her distraught friend harder.

“But- “

“No, Rainbow. This is not on you. Didn’t you try to tell me earlier that this was unscheduled?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow sniffed. “I also triple checked to make sure there were no clouds over the farm before I took a nap!”

“I believe you, sugarcube. I’m just… I need to apologize to you Rainbow,” Applejack said as she suddenly broke away from their hug and slumped.

“I… I don’t understand, why do you need to apologize?” Rainbow’s voice cracked.

“I haven’t been treatin’ you fairly,” her green eyes refused to meet hers as she sighed. “You’re not lazy. Ah know you aren’t. You’ve been workin’ so hard towards joinin’ the Wondercolts- “

“Wonderbolts” Rainbow Dash corrected her.

“My mistake,” Applejack paused for a moment before getting back on track. “Like I was sayin’, you have been workin’ yourself to the bone. You’ve constantly been pushin’ yourself to the limit every time you practice, and you’re the one holdin’ the weather team together! Celestia knows they never were able to get their act together before you came along!” Applejack exclaimed as she caught her breath.

“Not only that, but no matter what happens, we can always count on ya to watch our backs! The element of loyalty chose you for a reason, sugarcube! Now I want you to promise me that you won’t be calling yourself lazy or a featherbrain again! You understand me, partner!”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Rainbow timidly replied as she crossed her legs.

What brought this on Rainbow? Where’s the boastful and pegasus I’ve come to know and love? Applejack pondered. Have you been bottlin’ this all up ya silly filly? And ya’ll never told me about this?

“Hey Aj?” Rainbow squeaked out, her low spirits tearing at Applejacks heartstrings.

“Yes sugarcube?”

“Can… can we… can I have another hug?” Rainbow whimpered.

Anything for you, sugarcube. Applejack stomach churned as she wordlessly snaked her forelegs around Rainbow. I’m gonna get to the bottom of this, I swear it. She promised to herself as planted a quick kiss on the top of her head as Rainbow Dash clung to her tightly.

Great, now I gotta patch up the barn. Again. Applejack internally groaned as her bleary eyes blinked in sunlight. Ill deal with that later. Applejack heard whispered, incoherent murmuring to her right as she tried to untangle herself from the heap of limbs.

“Mhm. Mmsmmm,” Rainbow rambled in her sleep as her drooling muzzle remained buried in Applejack’s damp neck. Her wings remained clasped around the farm pony as she suddenly began to wiggle her body, snuggling in closer. Rainbow soon settled down as Applejack ceased her escape attempt.

Screw it, I never get to sleep in anyhow. Applejack allowed herself to melt into the pegasi’s embrace as she took a moment to truly appreciate the feeling of closeness overcoming her. The soft snore emanating from Rainbow’s snout, the calm breathing of her chest into her sore spine, the soft touch of her feathery wings… there was nothing else in the world that Applejack would rather do.

Applejack’s eyelids grew heavy as she allowed herself to drift off into blissful unconsciousness as the pain and stress from before washed away. For a few short hours inside an old red barn, everything was right with the world.

Author's Note:

This may be my first attempt at writing, but please let me know in the comments if there are any ways for me to improve upon this! Thank you!

Comments ( 14 )

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Nice job on your first story. :) You wrote Applejack and Rainbow's respective characters quite well, and the ending was sweet. My only suggestion would be to note the time period in which this story takes place (maybe in the long description box) to prevent readers from getting confused. The setting appears to be before Rainbow joined the Wonderbolts, but after the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Discord. Thus, I recommend stating an approximate time of the story's occurrence (i.e. around Season 3). It's not absolutely necessary, but I thought I would give you the tip. ;) Aside from that, good work overall. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the feedback! Where should I include the season timeline? In the description or the authors note etc...

I added it to the long description, thank you for the input!

This was good. Also, did she get to the bottom of who caused the storm?

I think I'll make a sequel to this, and possibly explain that in time. I was on a bit of a time crunch so I couldn't add everything I wanted for this.

This is on a good track. Speaking of, I’m gonna track this. Hope to see something soon!

I'll try my best! I already started a bit on the first draft but I'm balancing work and other things along with this. I also need to make sure I'm taking this story in the right direction as well.

I waiting for more similar stories:rainbowdetermined2:

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