• Published 29th Aug 2020
  • 2,807 Views, 101 Comments

What any husband would do - Postwarmonkey50

This one is set during the events of Fame and Misfortune. The Mane 6's husbands protect their wives.

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Putting Your Foot Down

Author's Note:

This is dedicated to Israel Yabuki and every single fan who admires the Mane 6.

Watch as their husbands defends them. Oh, and wait till you read what Rarity's husband Silver had done to the two ponies in the end. I think you'll recognize the reference.

The Ponyville train station was quiet and about like what any train would do. Then arriving on time, the Ponyville train express arrived straight from Canterlot. The moment the train carts had opened its doors, seven figures, seven humans, six men and one woman, ran out the moment they saw an opportunity. They were none other than the Mane 6’s husbands. Beau, husband of Twilight. Bucky, husband of Applejack. Silver, husband of Rarity. Genus, husband of Fluttershy. Bolt, husband of Rainbow Dash. And Frosty, husband of Pinkie Pie, with his sister Emily in tow.

“I really hope we’re not too late.” said Emily whilst they ran.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” said Genus, as he was just as worried.

Bolt was the first to arrive at the scene, but was shocked to see what was going on. “Uh, guys?” he said the moment they arrived with him “I think we have a problem.”

The moment they arrived, they were all shocked when they saw what was happening. Many so called admirers (But you know them as stuff up critics), were all arguing of who is best, and some who disliked Rarity and Fluttershy, which made Silver and Genus angry just by looking at them. But don’t get me started on Frosty or Bolt.

“Oh I knew this would happen.” said Bolt “I had no idea what Twilight was thinking.”

“Hey, watch it.” said Beau ‘twilight and the others only made the journal because they wanted others to learn more about maintaining friendships and to make them realize that when it comes to problems, they’re not alone.”

‘she thought as a Princess but she didn’t think like a writer or a publisher.” said Emily.

“Emily’s right.” said Silver “Back when I was younger before I lost my parents, we spent some time with some writers in the past. They think carefully about what they write, and they also write something before they wrote the rest of the book.”

“Like what?” asked Frosty.

““This book is based on actual events. All characters that were written in this book are actual and real live characters that have been interviewed and desired to share their experience to those who would want a friend” “. said Bucky, gaining Emily and the guys” attention. “What, I read too ya know. I don’t get why she didn’t write something like that in the first place.”

“No kidding,” said Genus “Why else did you think we asked Princess Celestia to ask the Ponyville military to take those journals off of the shelves and restore order because of the critics.”

“Guys, look.” said Bolt.

All of them looked and saw their wives walking back inside of the castle. Distraught, hurt and above all else, discouraged. “Oh, those poor girls.”

Emily noticed that the guys were now enraged, for now it was on. “Oh really?” said Beau as he and the husbands walked towards them “We’ll see about that.”

Back inside the Castle of Friendship

The girls groaned after they were inside. ‘so that just happened.” said Rainbow.

“Girls,” said Starlight “I found two ponies who have something I think you should hear.”

From around the corner, were two fillies named Coconut Cream and Toola Roola, ones that Twilight recognized from earlier, stood next to Starlight as they smiled.

“Um, we just wanted to say thank you. To all of you.” said Toola Roola.

“Yeah,” said Coconut Cream with a smile of her own “Our friendship? Well, we were having trouble until we read your journal. It showed us that friends can go through all sorts of tough times and come through stronger than before.”

“It made us better friends than we’ve ever been.” said Roola Toola as she placed her hoof over her friends” shoulder.

‘really?” said Twilight with a hopeful smile.

‘mm-hmm.” said the two fillies as they held each other close, with Starlight standing next to them.

“Oh, I can’t tell you how much it means to hear that.” said Twilight as she and her friends feel relieved and happy ‘thank you for telling us. We’ve had a tough couple of days, but knowing we’ve helped fillies like you…”

“Yeah,” said Applejack as she and her friends feel hopeful too “It makes everything we’ve been through worth it.”

“Absolutely” said Rarity, no longer stressing and smiled normally “Fads come and go. Friendship is forever.”

Rainbow, back to her ego self, said “There are worse things than not being able to do anything without being told I’m awesome.”

“And we can’t change the way other ponies think about us.” said Fluttershy, no longer feeling discouraged “But we can change how we let it affect us.”

“Or how we don’t let it affect us.” said Pinkie as she instantly chucked a pie in her face. She giggled, back to her old self, when she said “Go ahead! Laugh!”

Everyone in the room started to laugh as the Mane 6 started to hug, with Starlight relieved that they were back to normal. Well, almost, until Applejack said ‘reckon we have to deal with them, don’t we?”

They noticed the ponies outside were still arguing outside. Twilight just shrugged it off as she said ‘stay in the friendship moment Applejack. They can wait a little longer.”

As they continued their embrace, they suddenly heard a loud scream that said ‘shut the fuck up!!!

The Mane six, even Starlight, Coconut Cream and Toola Roola, were startled by the loud scream. “Beau?” said Twilight as she was surprised to hear his voice “I thought he was still in Canterlot with Princess Celestia.”

“He must’ve come back early.” said Starlight.

The ponies went over to the window, and to their surprise, it wasn’t just Beau, but Bucky, Silver, Genus, Bolt, Frosty and Emily, who all gained the so called admirer’s attention and had some harsh words for them, with Beau saying “What the fuck is going on here?!!!”

“We’re here to…” said one of the ponies.

‘stuff it fuck face!!” shouted Bolt, causing them to be silent.

Frosty looked at his sister and gave her a communication stone, a stone that will allow to contact anypony throughout Equestria. He signaled her to broadcast this all over Equestria, which she did. Sure enough, every pony began to see what the Mane 6’s husbands wanted to show them.

Beau then walked up to the reporter pony from the Canterlot Chronicle. “I hear you were the one who thinks my wife is a character.”

“Yes, from the…” said the pony, only to be interrupted.

“The pony you think is a character, happens to be my wife.” said Beau as he gave him a very dirty look.

“Your wife, really?” said the reporter as he didn’t believe him “Who would want to marry a hairless…”

That did it, it set Beau off and gave him a hard punch in the nose, breaking it in the process, shocking many ponies, even the Mane 6. Beau then grabbed the reporter by the shirt whilst the reporter’s nose was still bleeding and pulled him straight towards his face. And ended up telling him what he went through ever since they tried to set the public straight and they didn’t listen.

“You listen here you worthless deadweight!!” shouted Beau “Ever since the journal had been published, we’ve been run over by a cart, been dragged around a city butt naked, threaten by an angry mob, had our heads set on fire, attacked by angry animals, beaten up by a very large woman, we’ve been wrapped in a potato bag, nearly starved to death, and now you’re treating our wives like garbage, so if you don’t shut up with your crazy shenanigans and listen to what I have to say, I will do something not nice!!!!!!

And that moment, the reporter pony wet his pants when he saw how angry Beau was, with him quickly nodding and stood up, then took out his notebook and wrote everything down of what they had to say.

“You wanna know the reason why they printed those journals?” said Beau as he looked at the ungrateful idiots. “They wrote those journals to write down their experiences to remember their adventures and learn to remember to keep their friendships strong. They made copies of it so that all of you could learn from their experiences and help become better friends, not just yourselves, but to those around you. Instead all of you are so focused on them, that all of you are missing the whole point of the lessons they tried to teach you.”

“Yeah,” said Bolt “It’s obvious of the messages they were trying to send, but all of you are too dumb to realize that!!”

Everypony gasped at what Bolt said, with him saying “Yeah, you heard me.”

“All of you are extremely prejudice and have no respect for others,” said Silver “Just like all of you judged Zacora, even when you didn’t know her. And not to mention a long time ago, all of you had mistreated Discord so much, it was the exact reason why he went on a rampage against all of you in the first place.”

“No wonder every creature beyond Equestria’s borders hated Pony kind,” said Frosty “And given what we’ve seen what you did to our wives and the rest of our friends, so do we.”

That again shocked them.

“You wanna know why we hate you lot so much?” said Bolt as he took a step forward “Okay then, I’ll tell you.”

But before anyone could react, Genus took a step forward. Though he too is a kind and gentle spirit like Fluttershy, many know how scary she can be when she’s angry. But now for the first time, they were going to see how angry he is as he told them off.

“All of you are the worst ponies I know” said Genus as he started “You constantly criticize Twilight and her friends wherever they go, the seven of them saved all of you from death and destruction from the likes of Tirek, Chrysalis and many other monsters and this is how you repay them? And to add insult to injury, you have the gall to insult them behind all of their backs. And all of you are such sponges and tools, you ask and pay them for nothing in return, you always say that you’ll gladly help and repay their help in return, but that never came or happened. And what really bothers me, is that all of you pretend that all of you are big shots and care about others, when all what all of you do is mess things up that others have to clean up your messes and falsely blame others for something they didn’t do because all of you are too lazy or stupid to do anything. Yeah, Twilight and the others may have also made mistakes in the past, but at least they’re honest about it. They don’t go around being a nuisance around everypony else and lecture them about how both Filthy Rich and Spoilt Milk happens to be profound business intellectuals. They weren’t, they were a bunch of spoiled brats. And it’s no wonder all of you like them so much, because you’re obsessed with the same cruddy products like baby foals sucking on their momma’s teats from what they sell. Darn it all of you are so pretentious. And all of you delude yourselves by thinking that all of you have made a difference in helping making Equestria into a better place, even though it’s not. And it’s no wonder Princess Celestia never bothered to write all of you letters and say thank you in person, she would’ve known there’s no such thing as being perfect. And what I really hate most about all of you, is the fact all of you think you can judge many ponies and other beings from all over the kingdoms because all of them are different from you, how powerful tyrants attempted to take over, how the poor suffer with no food, water or any means of survival. Well what have all of you done to help!! Twilight, her friends and I constantly go around helping those in need, we’ve never seen you morons over there, you wanna help, stop being selfish!! Oh and by the way, having all the bits, kingdoms and cities and whatever doesn’t exactly make all of you Princess Celestia. Oh, wait, all of you don’t believe in Princess Celestia’s rule or her faith in helping her fellow Ponies, or any of the Princesses of all of Equestria for that matter; because “royalty and ruling is for idiots”. Well who the heck are all of you to talk down to anypony?!! You failed to protect Equestria and run away like cowards like five hundred times whilst your homes and lands are destroyed, which doesn’t come near as bad to all of your failures as family and friends!!! How the heck are all of your family and friends that all of you never bothered to see if they were alright?!! And you know what, I would’ve forgiven and help you with it, all of it. If all of you weren’t such bores and selfish ingrates. That’s the worst of it you lot. All of you are just a bunch of big, sad, pathetic, poor excuse of a pony kingdom, bores and selfish ingrates.

Many of the ponies were shocked over what Genus had said, with some of them who’s feelings have been hurt. But from inside the Castle of Friendship, the Mane 6, Spike and Starlight were just as surprised, especially Fluttershy, for she had never seen Genus like that since they day they met. Genus walked over to the woman, Lemon Chiffon, who criticized Fluttershy because of her Inconsistent assertiveness.

“I don’t like the way you’ve been talking about my wife.” he started and gave her his own version of the stare, which frightened her. “Fluttershy’s not like you because she’s not comfortable with things around her. If you had any brain cells you would’ve realized that. She was bullied a lot back in Flight School when she was little, and she was so scared, she couldn’t make another friend. Why else did you think she’d prefer the company of animals. You ever heard of Autism? It’s a condition that someone develops that when you’re in their position and it’s so bad, so bad, that you won’t be able to communicate or interact with someone. You can’t just overcome it overnight. It’s a long and slow process and she wouldn’t have been like this if you lot hand fucked up the situation any further.”

“Oh please,” said Glasses Stallion “What would you know about…”

And just like that, Genus back handed the stallion in the face, making him collapse onto the ground, shocking everypony, but not as shocked as Twilight and the others were when they saw him. Genus stood over the pony as he watched him in shock.

“Because I used to be like her when I was little,” said Genus as he spoke to him whilst he grabbed his shirt and pulled him right towards his face “But if it weren’t for the encouragement of my friends, I wouldn’t be who and how I am today. And you wonder why your son ran away from you years ago when he had Autism and you ended up beating him over it.

That part, even the ponies that knew Glasses Stallion, shocked them greatly. With Lemon Chiffon saying “What?”

“Yeah, you heard me,” said Genus as he looked at her “I bumped into him a few months ago and he told me everything, why else did you think he filed a restraining order against you and the court told you that you weren’t to come within a hundred and fifty feet of him.”

That part shocked the female pony. Silver then walked up to Diamond Cutter and Daisy, along with other ponies who didn’t like her. And from the look on his face, he was the angriest of all.

“And you!!” he said as he placed his finger against his nose. “How dare you treat my wife like that!! What did she ever do to you?!! Sure she may be like that, but that doesn’t give you the right or reason or even an excuse to just judge her or boycotting her fashion, I mean what would you know, if you’ve got nothing but poor fashion sense.”

“Oh like we’re supposed to…” said Diamond Cutter, but he was cut off when Silver punched him in the neck, making him gag as he couldn’t breathe.

“As I was saying,” said Silver, but then continued where he left off. ‘sure she may act like that, but she’s not selfish, she’s one of the most generous ponies I know. If you’d even read her entry from the journal, Suri Polomare was the one who was selfish, who stole Rarity’s ideas and tried to claim she was the one who did it, if you wanted to blame someone blame her. Not to mention she even risked her life trying to save her sister, my sister-in-law, when Chrysalis, the former queen of the Changelings, kidnapped her and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She works and slaves away none stop, working her fingers and magic to the bone, trying to satisfy you ungrateful lot, not to mention so that she could make sure that her sister and family has food on the table, a roof over their head and pays for Sweetie Belle’s education so that she could have a future.”

The Mane Six were surprised to hear this, then looked at Rarity, but Rarity was focused on her husband, who was busy defending her from the ungrateful.

“Not to mention, all of you are so stupid,” said Silver as he continued “You wouldn’t know how to run a business and take care of your family, because if you did, then you’d know, that it’s a full time back breaking grind, just to try to make a few bits profit to provide for their friends and family, not something you do on the side, like some kind of hobby, because you think you know a thing or two of how to run a business or take care of a member of their family. Cause any schmuck, who tries to put on clothes every day and raising a kid right, think they’re some kind of expert. But you’re not special, you’re not even average. She’s one of the kindest and most generous ponies I know, what have you done besides being stuck up, huh? She works hard trying to please all of you, and this is the thanks she gets.”

Diamond Cutter was able to clear his throat, but he was still being horrible to Rarity “Oh please, what would that whore know about…”

Now that part, set him off. Silver took a step forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘do you know how to play golf?” said Silver with an evil sneer.

“Uh, what?” said Diamond Cutter, not liking the look in Silver’s eyes.

And within a split second, Silver looked at Daisy’s sign that she was holding, grabbed it, and gave a hard sock against Diamond Cutter’s groin and balls, making Diamond Cutter wince in pain and ended up on his knees, making most of the male ponies wince when they saw what happened.

“Then why don’t you get yourself some fucking golf clubs.” said Silver, with Diamond Cutter standing on his knees. “But if you still want lessons…Fore!!!”

And with one huge swing, he struck the sign against his face, making Diamond Cutter collapse on the ground, with many Ponies shocked by what he did, even Rarity. As Diamond Cutter groaned in pain, Silver said “And like I said; nobody screws my wife.”

Silver tossed the broken sign away as he said “First of all, there’s nothing wrong with who Rarity is. Second of all, if you’d pay close attention, she helped everypony to reach their potential and helped others be what they were meant to be and helped them whilst others treated them like dirt. That’s real generosity, unlike some ponies I know.”

Silver then looked at Daisy, whom he was disgusted at the most “And Daisy, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been friends with Rarity for years, she’s one of your best customers, even bought every flower you had when she made them for her Spring Collection last year. And this is how you repay her; slandering her and said she didn’t deserve to be in the journal. If anyone who doesn’t deserve a business or friend it’s you.”

Silver then grabbed her by the shirt, frightening her as he said “If you don’t treat her with respect and apologize, I’ll go over to your shop and step and burn every single flower you ever grew or own.”

Daisy was shocked by what he would do as she said “You wouldn’t do that.”

“Oh yes I would,” said Silver as he showed Daisy her flowers, the one he bought when he and Rarity wanted to have a picnic when their baby Crystal Gem was born, to which Daisy recognized. ‘starting with this!!”

Silver tossed her flowers on the ground and stomped on it like an elephant and rhino would, much to Daisy’s so called horror.

“My flowers!!” exclaimed Daisy “Oh the horror, the ho…”

Silver grabbed her mouth, picked up the stepped on flowers and shoved it in her mouth, with him saying “Will you stop saying that, they’re just flowers. You wouldn’t know horror if someone got beheaded. No wonder Roseluck thought you were annoying and stopped working with you.”

Daisy was shocked by what he said, causing him to shove her sideways, for now she was really scared. After Emily was able to pull Silver away to calm him down, Frosty had his turn and spoke to those who kept laughing at Pinkie Pie.

“And seriously Sassafras?” said Frosty.

“That’s…” the pony as she wanted him to say her name right.

“I don’t care!!!” shouted Frosty, causing the pony to wince in fright. He looked at her and a few others as he said “What’s wrong with you? You laugh at Pinkie at everything she does without her even trying, do you have any idea how annoying and unnerving that is? Do you have any idea how ungrateful all of you are?”

Frosty then walked back and forth, trying to sort things out with them. “When she was a filly, she saw a rainbow that brought her joy, which earned her cutie mark because she wanted to share her happiness and laughter with all of you. She came to Ponyville, she helped others laugh, she hosted parties for those around her, she gave them gifts, she gave them hope, she taught them what it meant to be happy. And what do all of you do, you make her feel like a failure, devalued her as a friend, even making her unhappy, especially when she kept a promise to a friend to always keep smiling moments before he died.”

Many were surprised to hear that, but none were more surprised than the Mane 6 and Starlight. Pinkie was surprised that he knew about that, whilst he continued speaking to the crowd.

Frosty continued as he said ‘she met a young colt named Sunny. When she was visiting her mother in the hospital, he was an orphan and he had cancer. Before he died, she promised him, on his deathbed, that she would always keep smiling and help others in any way she can. And every smile she brings, she lives up to a last dying wish. And if you lot don’t see it that way, then you don’t deserve to be happy. You should be ashamed of yourselves for tarnishing that pony’s dream.”

Those who kept laughing at Pinkie by every word she said were shocked beyond words, for they had no idea why she kept throwing parties and wanted others to laugh and smile. Now that they do know, they felt guilt written and discouraged. The rest of the Mane 6 comforted Pinkie whilst she slowly shed tears, remembering that night when Sunny passed away.

Now it was Bolt’s turn, and he was not in the very least in the mood. He looked at the fillies up there, they were at first frightened at Beau, Silver and Genus, they didn’t want to imagine what he would be like.

“And seriously?” said Bolt as he looked at the fillies and a handful of other ponies who were fixated on Rainbow “What’s the matter with you lot, didn’t your mothers ever teach you not to harass or annoy anypony else?”

Bolt then pointed at the ground as he said ‘sit down.”

At first, they didn’t want to, until Bolt stepped on his cloud and flew right towards them, were standing above them and shouted “I said sit down!!!”

Immediately obeying him, the fillies and handful of others sat down on the ground as quick as they could. Bolt immediately hovered low enough, stepped off of his cloud, and spoke directly at them.

“Rainbow Dash is cool and all, yes,” said Bolt as he spoke down to them “But harassing her and mistreating her friends like that is uncool. If you had actually paid attention to the journal, it’s because of her friends she became a Wonderbolt and helped her make her dreams come true, and every day she thanked them by being there for them. She may have an ego, but at least she’s trying, and at least she’s honest about it. She wouldn’t be here without her friends. That’s why she admires them, because they’re like the sisters she never had.”

Again, the rest of the Mane 6 and Starlight were surprised, for they had no idea Rainbow felt about them that way, with Rainbow blushing because she doesn’t like to talk about things like that.

Bolt continued further as he scolded them. “You wanna know how she’s cool? She learnt to tell the truth from Applejack, even if she didn’t or couldn’t. She laughed because of Pinkie and her sense of humor, she learned to be kind to folks like Scootaloo and Fluttershy, she learned to like the finer things in life and be generous like Rarity, and it was because of Twilight she became a better friend. You know nothing of friendship or loyalty, and she’d never abandon them. At least she does her best, what have all of you done that was so great, I’ll tell you what…”

Bolt picked up a Pegasus filly named Erriora by her shirt as he said to her in his coldest stare “Nothing.”

He dropped her as she sat back down, cowering in fear. Bolt continued on as he said “At least Scootaloo, president of Rainbow Dash’s fan club, knows better. She admires and all and both Dash’s parents and Scootaloo support her but even they know when to give her space. If they want to hang out, they’d ask her. They chose to support her and not be constantly in their faces, that’s true loyalty and a true friend.”

Bolt then crouched as he looked at them face to face as he said “But then again all of you are just a bunch of stupid kids, you don’t know any better.”

The fillies looked away, now they feel ashamed, for Bolt was right. As Bolt backed away, now it was Bucky’s turn, and considering what the ponies did at Sweet Apple Acres, he was not happy or satisfied.

“And are you all really that much out of your minds?!” shouted Bucky at the so called admirers “Just because Applejack wrote that friends are like family, doesn’t mean that you are family. I mean come on, you’re not our family, you’re not our friends, heck, we don’t even know any of you!!”

Bucky then grabbed one of the Apple Admirers as he said “And how dare you come onto our property and eat what doesn’t belong to you. Why I have the right mind to skin you alive. And back where we come from, humans also eat ponies.”

The Admirers were shocked by what he said, causing Bucky to throw him over Jujitsu style against another apple admirer. Bucky then began to say his piece as he looked at them angrily.

“They are not just some average farmer or anypony.” said Bucky “They happen to be the Apple family, a family that had worked on their farm ever since Granny Smith, my wife’s grandmother, was just a filly. They worked hard, they slave away, producing all the apples they could harvest and sold what they could to you and those in need. It’s because of them, they helped found Ponyville and made the town what it is today. All of the ponies in Ponyville live here because of them, you should be thanking them for giving you a place to live and found a beautiful town, to be happy, not free load and take things that don’t belong to you. Only the Apple Family have a say in matters, and the last time I see, you’re no apple, you’re nothing but worthless pieces of shit, who wouldn’t know a good apple if someone were to shove it up your asses!!! You’re lucky that the guards were merciful when they kicked you lot out, because after what you lot done, they should’ve arrested all of you for trespassing and sent you to jail.”

The Admirers” ears drooped, for some of them hadn’t realize that, and now that they nearly ate their stuff that nearly left them bankrupt. Applejack was surprised that Bucky was not only protecting her home, but the heritage of the Apple family themselves.

“Who do you think you are,” said Bucky as he continued “Judging them for the things they do, huh? The Apple families coming and going or dying, making sure things that everything they grew is ripe for the harvest to feed you sorry lot, providing for those in need, slaving for years, working their fingers to the bone. You’re not Apple Family. So if I were you, I’d give them some decency and respect, if not and so help me, I will tear each and every single one of your hairs, tails and manes off, pour it all in your coffees, teas and milkshakes, and watch you drink it!!!”

Many were now scared and whimpered, for now they were really afraid of him now. Now it was Beau’s turn, and he’s far from finished with them.

“And excuse me?” said Beau to the reporter and the elderly named Pearly Stitch “‘twilight was more interesting without wings and would’ve been more interesting if she stayed in Canterlot”? Are you for real wrinkle tits!!”

That part shocked the elderly mare, with Twilight gasping as she covered her mouth, barely believing what Beau just said.

“If you had paid close attention to the news and all,” said Beau as he explained “Princess Celestia was the one who ordered her to leave Canterlot for both the Summer Sun Celebration and to make friends. Back then she didn’t want any friends, because she thought she didn’t need it and thought they were a waste of time, but she ended up being wrong in the end. Because of that, she was able to learn a lot from her friends; being honest with others, being kind to others, being generous to others, being able to laugh with friends, being loyal to them and not to abandon them. Because of it, she worked hard, she studied, she made friends, made new discoveries, thus in turn, because of the Princess worthy deed, she earned the title of Princess.”

Beau then looked at the reporter pony as he held onto a newspaper. “And seriously, you thought she was a character? If she was, why would she be on the papers that you printed yourself, you idiot!!!” shouted Beau as he shoved the paper against the pony’s face.

“Now because of that,” said Beau as he continued ‘she and her friends were able to go beyond their lands to make friends with those who thought the same as her. And what do you lot do? You disrespected her, whereas the nobles of Canterlot thought that she was a pathetic joke. She’s one of the high ranking rulers, and as thus, you will show her respect. She helped those in need and helped others in need. Sure you may have a few problems with that, but she had done better than any of you standing here.”

Twilight was surprised that her husband is defending her like that, and also amazed. And as such, Emily had her turn as she said “They may be different, but it’s because of the very differences between them that makes their friendships strong. No one’s perfect. A wise man back on my world once said “The thing about perfection, is that it’s unknowable. It’s impossible, but it’s also, right in front of us all the time”, that’s how the world truly is. But all of you are so stuck up about it, you failed to realize and remember what they did for each and every one of us.”

And one by one, the husbands told them of the good they did in the past.

“They stopped Nightmare Moon after her thousand year banishment and saved Princess Luna from her own darkness.” said Frosty.

“They stopped Discord from taking over Equestria and was reformed by my wife.” said Genus.

“They stopped Chrysalis from taking over Canterlot alongside Shining Armour and Princess Cadance and saved everypony in Equestria.” said Bolt.

“They alongside Spike stopped Sombra from taking over the Crystal Empire and saved the Crystal Ponies from slavery.” said Silver

“They stopped Tirek from draining the magic in Equestria and destroyed everything in his path.” said Bucky.

“They helped saved both Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer from themselves when they thought friendship was beyond them.” said Beau “They had showed the value of friendship through Equestria and the neighboring kingdoms and jumped into danger with no thought for themselves. They’re heroes. More importantly, they’re guardians of Equestria, and also a friend.”

Beau ended up smiling widely as he said “And we’re the only ones who think so.”

And one by one, everypony whom the Mane 6 met and helped in the past arrived, and none of them are happy.

Pinkie’s parents and sisters, Zecora, the Cakes, Party Favor, Prince Rutherford and a handful of Yaks, Pipsqueak, Roseluck, Gilda, Cranky Doodle, Matilda, Cheese Sandwich, Gummy, Fluttershy’s parents and brother, Nurse Redheart, Doctor Hooves, Lyra, Bonbon, Big Daddy McColt, along with the entire Hooffields and McColt family, Angel Bunny, Gilda Griffon, Seabreeze and her fellow Breezies, Dr. Fauna, Discord, Mayor Mare, Tree Hugger, Rainbow Dash’s parents, Aloe and her sister, Double Diamond, Night Glider, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, Rumble, Tank, Spitfire and her fellow Wonderbolts, Derpy, Snips, Snails, Daring Do, Quibble Pants, Granny Smith, Winona, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the entire Apple and Pear family, Rara, Braeburn, Trouble Shoes, Cherry Jubilee, Babs Seed, Little Strongheart, Burnt Oak, Rarity’s parents, Opel, Photo Finish, Hoity Toity, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Miss Cheerilee, Coco Pommel, Sassy Saddles, Fancy Pants, Fleur, Saffron Masala and her father Coriander, Princess Ember, Berry Punch, Plaid Stripes, Twilight’s parents, Owlowiscious, Prince Thorax, Sunburst, Trixie, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkle Shine, Cadance, Shining Armour, Flurry Heart, along with, to all of their fears, Celestia and Luna, along with their husbands.

Now the critics and so called admirers were in for it, for now they were scared, even Twilight and the others were surprised to see them. Sure enough, Twilight and the others quickly ran outside and rejoined Princess Celestia.

“Princess Celestia!” called Twilight out as she and the others ran over to her.

‘twilight,” said Celestia as she hugged her former student “Are you hurt?”

“Physically, no” said Twilight “But I’m afraid it’s emotionally.”

‘do not worry, we will handle this.” said Luna as she reassured them.

The two rulers looked at the mob, both of them disappointed. “In all of my years ruling Equestria, I have never been this disappointed.” said Celestia, her cold gaze not fading away.

“But your highness…” said Lemon Chiffon “We were only trying to…”

‘silence!!!!” shouted Luna in her traditional royal Canterlot voice, causing many to cower.

Fancy Pants was the first to respond as he looked at Diamond Cutter and Daisy “And seriously you two, I have never met such abhorrent ponies in all my life. Rarity is well respected among the Canterlot society and Nobility, I mean you’re part of the high society’s respected Nobles, the least you could do is act with dignity.”

“He’s right,” said Coco Pommel “Rarity is one of the most generous ponies I’ve ever met, who helped me get to where I am today when nopony else believed in me.”

‘she even helped me see things clearly when I was too blind to see it.” said Sassy Saddles.

“And if it were not for her, our restaurant wouldn’t be so popular in Canterlot.” said Coriander.

“And we thank her every day and invited both her friends and family over as our way of saying thanks.” said Saffron Masala.

“Agh, all of you are a disgrace!” said Photo Finish.

“Indeed.” said Hoity Toity in his disappointed tone.

Next up was Pinkie Pie’s family, with Limestone speaking for them “You dare laugh at my sister like that when she wasn’t even trying? She’s done our family proud and we’re proud to be her sisters.”

‘mm-Hmm” said Marble in her angry tone.

“That’s right.” said Maud in her dead expression.

“Normally when others tease, I let that by with ease,” said Zecora “But when others are tough on our friends, then we had enough.”

“Normally Yaks don’t interfere with pony matters,” said Prince Rutherford “But if ponies treat pony friend of yaks badly, Yaks will not stand for that!!!!”

The ponies were now frightened of the Yaks as they saw them growl.

“I just can’t believe you guys!” said Scootaloo “You guys are the same age as me, and even I know when to treat Rainbow with respect. If I wanted to hang out, I’d ask for it.”

“That’s right,” said Windy Whistles “Even we know when to give our daughter space whenever she feels that way.”

‘dash has a lot to learn yes,” said Spitfire “But she saved us all a dozen times where we failed to do in the past. The Wonderbolts are honored to have her among our ranks. And if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.”

Up next were the ones who supported Fluttershy.

“We don’t like what you lot done to our friend.” said one of the Hooffields.

“That’s right,” said Big Daddy McColt “If it weren’t for Fluttershy, our families would still be fighting.”

‘she may not be like everypony else,” said Gilda “But the way she handled the dangers are among the bravest things I’ve ever seen, and she has my respect.”

Discord was up next, and boy did he look peeved. “Normally I wouldn’t instill order or anything.” said Discord, until his eyes were all demonic, as was his voice whilst he said “But if you don’t want to face the full wrath of Discord, you will leave my friend Fluttershy alone.”

Now the ponies were quivering in fear.

“Ah just can’t believe all of ya’ll” said Golden Delicious as she and the Apple family said their piece. “We Apples are among the most respected, and what we heard from Granny, this is mighty shameful right there.”

“Ah don’t know why ya’ll could think you could just go in and act like ya’ll are family.” said Cherry Jubilee “Just because someone says that, it doesn’t mean that you can get away with it, ah mean she’s right, they don’t even know you.”

“We’re all mighty proud of Applejack for what she done for the family,” said Braeburn “But if there are folks who treat one of our own like this and just take what don’t belong to them, the Apples will make their own stand.”

“That goes for me and my tribe too.” said Little Strongheart.

Shining Armour took a step forward as he said “How could you think Twilight was better without wings? Do you have any idea how many lives she’s changed because of her status. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be standing here today.”

‘she’s also my sister, and I will defend her even if she is a princess.” said Cadance as her horn charged up whilst Flurry Heart growled like a big scary bear as her horn charged up with energy.

“We owe everything to Twilight and her friends for what they did for us.” said Trixie.

“Right,” said Sunset “If it weren’t for her, we would’ve still been labeled as criminals to other ponies.”

And now it was Celestia’s turn, and she took a more direct approach. ‘twilight’s husband Beau is right, I sent her here to Ponyville to make friends because she always kept to herself, and I wanted to help her become everything she was meant to be. Every challenge and obstacle she faced, I grew prouder of her every day. And in time, I made her a Princess so that she could continue to spread the magic of friendship throughout Equestria. As Beau also stated, they wrote those journals so that all of you can learn more about friendship, but all of you took it the wrong way.”

Celestia gripped her fists, as she was now angry. “And here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to drop what you have in your thoughts, burn away that poor excuse of a merchandise, and you’re gonna read every page of that journal, and you’re gonna benefit from that. So either learn everything on that book and give them the respect they deserve…”

And with one great scream, as she instantly turned into her Daybreaker form with a fiery inferno behind her, she shouted “Or else!!!!!”

Everypony got scared by what they saw, until one of them shouted “Okay, okay, we get it, we won’t disrespect them again, and we’ll read the journals, we promise!!”

Celestia’s temper died down and returned to normal whilst still regaining her cold stare. “Good.”

The ponies were silent for a moment, until Luna yelled “Well?!! What are you waiting for?!!!”

Just before the ponies were going to run away, Silver shouted “Hold it!!”

As the so called admirers stopped, Silver walked up to the woozy Diamond Cutter and Lemon Chiffon. He stood between the two of them as he said “Because of the fact that you rode the “Insult our wives” train.”

Silver gripped his fists tightly, he then said “Choo-choo, assholes!!”

He grabbed the two of them in an instant. Everyone watched as the two ponies grunted, with the sound of clothes being torn of, and suddenly in one massive thud, everyone began to scream and panic at the same time as they couldn’t believe their eyes. Half the so called admirers and half the ponies who supported the Mane 6 were just as shocked when they saw what happened. Diamond Cutter was somehow screaming in pain as what he felt was really excruciating. Even half the Mane 6’s families were shocked, as were Beau and the others, even Celestia and Luna couldn’t believe their eyes, whilst Fluttershy and Zephyr Breeze fainted from what she was seeing and the adults were doing their best to cover the fillies and colts” eyes. For what really happened, Silver stripped Diamond Cutter of his clothing and was screaming, because Silver shoved Lemon Chiffon’s head into his ass.

Silver groaned as he wiped his head backwards, whilst he said “I need a drink.”

Celestia’s human husband, Platinum, placed his hand on his shoulder as he said “I think we can arrange that.”

As the royalty escorted the Mane 6 and their husbands back to Canterlot, everypony were still freaked out over what happened as Diamond Cutter still continued screaming in pain.