• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 205 Views, 10 Comments

Embrace Your Dreams - TheWingman

Azure Glide has dreams of being a hero. He'll soon be tested to see if he has what it takes.

  • ...

The Duel

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter done. I was busy with other projects and school work that I was able get done. So, with that said I hope you'll like this as I had fun writing the fight scene and always loved doing one.

Note: I have a feeling that some of you will be alarmed by how Shining Armor is portrayed. With this chapter and the next, it'll hopefully clear things up.

The sun had risen, giving way to a new day. Celestia floated elegantly in the air as the light washed its warmth over the land. She smiled warmly at another job well done before landing in her room. With her magic, she tidied up her room while humming a tune, one she remembered being sung by her mother, Galaxia.

“The staff shouldn’t be burdened by this matter,” hummed Celestia as she finished her bed, “Perfect.”

Stomach rumbling, she started toward her private dining room. The cooks were prepping her favorite pancake recipe, fluffy and sweet. The moment her head peeked through the door, a sight got her curious. She expected her son to be there waiting for their breakfast but he wasn’t. She first thought he slept in or was getting ready for his big day.

Walking to his room, she saw the guards standing near either side of the door making conversation. Though she only got here, the utterance of her son’s name made her ears twitch. Only when she approached them did their talking cease and stood at attention. Nodding, she opened the doors to a sight that concerned her.

Azure stood in front of his mirror, clad in his armor made for his duel. He mimicked various combat stances and strikes he saw the guards practice from time to time. From what she could tell, he had been at it for no more than an hour. He also looked weary as if his mind was in a constant state of activity.

“Azure, dear,” Celestia said, catching her son’s attention, “why aren’t you at breakfast? It’ll get cold.”

“Oh, hey mom,” Azure replied as he returned to his practicing, “Sorry about that. Just feeling anxious about today.”

“I see,” Celestia said as she entered his room. She got a good look at him and nodded with worry. His eyes were slightly baggy and red, “Did you get enough sleep?”

“No, mom,” Azure exerted with another stance, “I tried and I tried. I just could barely squeeze in two hours.”

“And you’re tiring yourself out further with that?”

“I gotta keep myself ready, no matter what,” Azure grunted, “As you said, this is important to me.”

Celestia worried about her son pushing himself too hard. He had always been an easy-going colt since she bought him in as her own. She had a feeling that her telling of the fight would excite him but instead, it changed him significantly. Underneath the toughness he displayed, she saw it to be a cover.

“My son,” Celestia sat on Azure’s bed, beckoning him to join her, “I know you feel… apprehensive about today,” Azure pulled himself from the mirror and joined him, “It’s okay to feel that way but pushing yourself too hard will only hurt you.”

“I have to keep doing this,” Azure replied, “I’ll be in front of Ironwall and all the other lieutenants. I can’t show any weakness.”

“I know you’d like to take it seriously but to this degree, it worries me,” Celestia nodded, “There’s a way of getting things done that doesn’t involve hurting yourself over it. Even though you got little rest, you can’t worsen it that way and expect to succeed.”

“What if I follow that and I lose?” Azure snapped briefly to his mother’s shock, “Would I become a laughing stock? A prince who got his flank whooped by a seasoned fighter?”

“Azure, the guards like you and they wouldn’t even think of laughing at you.” Celestia noticed a growing apprehension in her son, “Son, is there something else that’s bothering you?”

Azure remembered what woke him up from his slumber. From the blows to the laughter, it all felt and sounded real. He even still heard a bit of it, like a specter clawing at his mind. The residual feeling from what he experienced only forced him to train, to defy what haunted him. However hard he endeavored, it never went away, even while he’s at rest.

Desiring to know, Celestia used her magic to read his thoughts and memories, something she always felt hesitant about. She looked through his mind, bit by bit until she saw his dream. Then, she understood why he acted so strange.

In Azure’s dream, he was in the fight, doing his best to hold his own against Shining Armor. As hard as he tried, he kept getting knocked down and struggled to get up from the pain. It got to the point that he couldn’t get up and a sea of roaring laughter surrounded him. He began tearing up as the laughter grew louder.

“You see it, don’t you?” sighed Azure, snapping his mother from the spell “I want to win this. I have to!”

“Son, it was just a nightmare,” Celestia reassured, “It was a figment of your worries about today. You shouldn’t have to worry.”

“I know, mom,” Azure answered as he collapsed, “I worry about being seen as weak. What would the other guards think of me… or even you if I were to lose?”

“Azure, Ironwall made it clear to me that even if you were to fail but fight hard enough, he’ll consider it a success. You’d think he and the other guards will look down upon you in such a way? It’s never a good thing to always assume the worst out of everything.”

Still, she saw her son doubting himself. Celestia figured that the bad dream had affected him a little more than she guessed. Nonetheless, her motherly instincts hadn’t rested for even a single moment. She scooched closer to Azure, beaming the warmest of smiles he was familiar with.

“Azure, dear,” said Celestia, “every now and then, even the strongest of heroes had their bouts of doubt. Ironwall, The Pillars of Equestria, even I went through the same when I took sole rulership of the night and day. Doubt is something that every hero, big or small, goes through but overcoming it is part of that journey.”

“Really?” Azure asked.

“Yes,” Celestia answered, “Your aunt and I struggled hard to get to where we are. Even keeping Equestria safe was no small feat for me or those who founded this land. From all my many memories throughout my long lifetime, I worried about many things. But eventually, I came to one conclusion.”

“What is it?”

“Nothing worthwhile obtained is easy,” Celestia frowned momentarily, “The road may be hard and difficult. It will test you greatly. If you persevere, you will know your true strength. Be strong and carry on.”

“Woah,” Azure nodded, contemplating his mother’s words. He knew she lived a long life and shared many experiences. To hear she struggled as much as other ponies made him see his mother in a different light, “I… goodness. I guess we’re not so different.”

“I try not to think of myself as a princess or as what they call me, a goddess,” Celestia nodded, “I just do my best and let others render judgement. Remember that when going through life.”

Azure’s smile slowly came back as he considered her wise words. Though doubt still existed within him, her words started to make sense. He wanted to be a great hero but worried if he had what it took to be one. Again, he felt his mother’s words had weight but started to regain his confidence.

With a sigh, he felt a golden hue wash over him. The exhaustion from his lack of sleep began to fizzle away and a feeling of rejuvenation came in its place. Azure knew his mother to have a vast knowledge of many magics and such a spell wasn’t unheard of. With a big yawn, he stretched his legs.

“I’ll try to do my best, mom,” Azure nodded with a measure of confidence, “But, I can already feel the potential pain. I hope I don’t get thwacked in the eye and get called a pirate.”

“Ah, don’t worry,” Celestia giggled, “Your helmet will keep your head safe,” She took a look at Azure as he readjusted his helmet. “Come now, let’s get ready. We don’t want to keep Ironwall and Shining Armor waiting.”

With a relieved sigh, Azure gathered as much mental fortitude as he could muster. In his mind, the idea of being a hero someday instilled a drive in him. It would be his first step, though rough as it is. Through experience, he will grow step by step. It will be his biggest test yet.

Sitting in the courtyard, clad in his gear, Shining Armor looked toward the clear blue sky. As with the past several times he sat there, it offered him an opportunity to contemplate life. He looked back on his graduation from the academy, the same one his father, Night Light, had attended. Even several years since then, the memory remained as vivid as the day he got his cutie mark.

Just as he was about to enjoy a few more moments alone, Ironwall entered the area, whistling a tune from his childhood. In place of his armor he usually wore, there was his officer’s uniform that would only be used for ceremonial purposes or special occasions. The moment his commanding officer appeared in the corner of his sight, Sining’s eyes blinked twice.

“Greetings, Lieutenant,” He raised a hoof as if to preemptively halt any formality, “I trust your rest was well.”

“That it was, sir,” smirked Shining, “Certainly helped after a night of no sleep yesterday.”

“Ah, don’t stress yerself none,” Ironwall took a seat next to Shining, “A soldier is only effective when well-rested.”

“That I know all too well,” Shining chuckled briefly before turning his mind to events soon to unfold, “So, today’s the day, huh? Putting the prince through the wringer.”

“Aye, though I wouldn’t call it as such,” mused Ironwall, “We’re just seeing what kind of warrior the young master is. The fight will measure that.”

“I know, sir,” Shining sighed, “It’s just that… I don’t feel right about it. I mean, he’s the prince. But, putting him through this at a young age… I dunno.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it, lad. He and his mother both are aware of it. I’m sure he understands,” Ironwall still saw a semblance of hesitation in Shining’s body language. He knew what it was about and understood, “You’re still worried about what Lady Cadance thinks about it.”

“Yeah, I still do,” Shining sighed with a slight smile, “She told me she’s okay with it, that she knows about it and what not. But, I feel that sh-”

“Shining, listen,” Ironwall smiled, “I got the privilege to know Cadance for a while, long before you were a fresh-faced recruit. If I can read her as anything, a liar is certainly not one of them. She wouldn’t say anything unless she meant it. I know you love her and that isn’t a secret to me. I heard from her aunt that they talked about it and she’s okay with it. She understands.”

“I hope so,” Shining nodded with a hint of a chuckle, “Otherwise, I’ll have to have a long conversation that will be… embarrassing.”

“Just have a little faith. You’ll be fine,” Ironwall hummed for a bit, “So, how’s your baby sister?”

“Twilight?” Shining asked, “Yes, she’s doing fine. My folks enrolled her in school yesterday and I could tell that she was nervous.”

“She’s a smart filly, that young one,” smirked Ironwall, “I have a feeling that school will be a bit of a cakewalk for her.”

“Oh, I don’t even have a shred of doubt about that,” Shining tapped his back hooves, “It’s just that… I have no idea how she’ll fit in. Like, will she be able to make friends?”

“As her brother, you have every right to worry,” Ironwall replied, “But, I have a feeling that she’ll figure that one out.”

“I hope so.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Ironwall saw a small group of five on approach. Two figures he recognized almost immediately were Celestia and Azure Glide, clad in his armor. The other three were what he assumed to be the medical team, personally picked out by the princess. Turning to his side, he nudged Shining Armor, getting his attention.

“Look alive,” Ironwall whispered, “They’re coming. Remember, don’t go easy on the lad.”

“Yes sir,” Shining nodded.

“Greetings, Your Highness,” Ironwall and Shining bowed, “I trust that your day went well so far.”

“That it did, Captain,” Celestia smiled as Ironwall took a good look at Azure. He had a stern look on his face like one of determination. He crooked an eyebrow before Celestia nodded, “Ah, don’t worry about him. He’s just focused on today’s duel.”

“That he is,” Ironwall chuckled with amusement, “The lad looks ready for a good fight. He reminds me of when I was his age.”

“Really now?” Celestia smirked, “If my memory smirks you correctly, you were one of the more… timid yet goofy colts in your class. Waving around a wooden sword, making noises to go with it, it was adorable.”

“Aye,” Ironwall audibly groaned with embarrassment. He remembered his childhood and though it was years ago, that period made him cringe. One would typically look back on their childhood with a sense of nostalgia. For the most part, his childhood had been one where he was called by some, a ‘dork’, “Okay, let’s get down to business then, your majesty.”

Walking past the prince, Ironwall got a good read on Azure, even from just a quick glance. While the colt’s disposition radiated confidence and determination, he could tell with ease that it was just a cover. From the small droplet of sweat flowing down his forehead and the way his eyes twitched and moved, he was still as nervous as any prospective recruit.

Taking another glance, he briefly locked eyes with the prince and nodded. The gesture didn’t escape the prince’s notice and neither did his sincerely somber expression. Having spent a decent amount of time to understand body language, Azure knew what the nod meant:

“I know, lad.”

“If I may have your attention, please?” Ironwall called out as he reached a small podium, “Today, we will take measurement of Crown Prince Azure’s strength through trial by combat. Here, he shall face off against Lieutenant Shining Armor in a training duel to gauge his potential. As such, only training weapons will be permitted. Furthermore, the match will only conclude upon a verbal declaration of yielding or if either combatant is incapacitated. Injury is a possibility. Now, both combatants shall enter the central area and face each other.”

With a silent gulp of air, Azure gripped his training staff with his wing and walked forward. Clad in his armor, he faced down a bigger and more experienced Shining Armor. Though he tried to hide it, his body radiated a slight quiver. He was to face down a veteran that was leagues above what he could do. Bit by bit, his concentration on keeping his nightmare at bay proved more and more taxing.

“Remember, don’t fear failure,” His mother telepathically called to him, “Just try your best and let no fear bother you.”

Nodding, Azure grunted as he got into a battle-ready stance like what he observed on occasion. Heart pounding, adrenaline spiking, he was prepared for his greatest test yet. It wasn't like watching a training fight whilst dreaming. It was the real deal. He was in one such fight now and there was no holding back and neither did he expect it from his opponent.

“Well, little runt, I hope you’re prepared for a real stallion’s fight,” Shining Armor called out in a mocking tone, shuddering internally. He wasn’t wild about badmouthing a foal, much less royalty, “At any time, you can cwy to your mommy and it’ll all end but you’ll prove yourself weak. I’ll teach you a proper lesson, colt.”

“I-I’ll… give you a beatdown… scumbag!” Azure nervously shot back as Shining Armor readied himself for a charge, “I won’t back down! Never!”

“Oh, I think you will, runt.”

With an eye blink, Shining dashed toward Azure and readied to strike. Seeing the wooden staff being swung high, Azure blocked it. The vibration from the impact resonated throughout his weapon as he was pushed back slightly. Recovering from the force of the blow, he saw Shining winding up for a side swing with a grin of aggression. Azure had to think quickly.

In the spur of the moment, he dodged in a direction opposite of the swing, narrowly avoiding being hit. As he rebounded from the roll, he realized he had an opening and an opportunity. Azure swung hard at Shining’s hind legs and made contact with a sweep. The blow was great enough to send him tumbling down and off balance.

Azure glanced on at his first successful knockdown of his opponent. Being his first battle, a feeling had surged through his body, something that was alien to him. Adrenaline coursed through his veins like rivers. It felt intoxicating like strong wine, filling him with confidence. As Shining Armor recovered, he gripped his weapon for a follow-up.

“Hmmm, not bad for a colt,” Shining chuckled, “But, you just got lucky. The best defense is an agile offense. So, stay on the attack, featherbrain!”

Shining didn’t give a warning or any hint when he charged Azure again and struck him on his left forehoof. Despite wearing armor, he still felt a small concussive pain but not enough to debilitate him. He was able to refocus and block the next few swipes, swings, and thrusts before another opening presented itself.

“Noted!” Azure grunted as he thrust his training staff, catching Shining Armor in the ribs. It staggered him and he groaned audibly in pain. It wasn’t enough to put him out of commission. His anger only seemed to grow as did his determination, “Looks like you’re made of stronger stuff.”

“Yeah, and you’ll learn that the hard way, pup!” Shining did a ground sweep that caused Azure to lose balance and fall on his back. However, his head impacted a small stone. Despite the protection of his helmet, his head rang like a bell and his vision doubled. The disorientation didn’t earn him a reprieve as Shining followed up with an upwards swing just as Azure got up, sending him flying back. “Just like that!”

The pain from the landing was nothing like what Azure faced. Apart from a stubbed hoof and the occasional knee scrape, none of that compared to what he felt now. All throughout the places where he was hit, pain pulsed and throbbed. Part of him wanted to cry and yield but he, a prince, didn’t want to be seen as weak.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Shining said in a mocking tone, “If so, why not just give up. It’ll be easier that way.”

“No, I won’t give up,” Azure grunted as he got up, still in pain, “Not even to you I’ll yield!”

With a surge of energy and determination, Azure rushed at Shining, swinging all the while. Matching his opponent blow for blow, he was able to dodge some but got hit most of the time. Each blow he incurred whittled down his energy but he kept trying with a desperation that made his mother worry. While she watched from the side, Celestia held back her urge to stop the fight.

Azure kept on the attack but was starting to slow down. His energy and increasing pain only further impaired his ability to keep up with the more experienced veteran. Soon, he was forced back on the defensive but even that pushed him close to his limit. He had to keep up or endure more pain.

“What did I say before?” Shining grunted as he whittled away at Azure’s defenses, “Keep on the attack!”

Seeing an opportunity, Shining saw an opportunity to punish the prince for his continued resistance. When Azure thrust forward, Shining sidestepped and grabbed the weapon, countering with a hard jab to the chest. It knocked the wind out of the prince and staggered him, leaving him open to Shining’s attack.

Starting with a vicious back hoof, Azure was sent to the ground, face first. His nose was bloodied and his body ached all over. He struggled to get up, only to be met with a staff to his abdomen and sent him back down. Shining didn’t stop, despite him considering mercy. He continued to beat Azure when he was down, keeping with his promise of not going easy.

Pain upon pain, Azure tried to get up but every hit kept him down as his nightmare came back to haunt him. The laughing, ridicule, his spirit sunk to its depths and doubt surged. His declaration of not giving up was a shield that was shattered. All his desires to prove his worth and might were destined to be cast to the four winds. For Shining Armor, part of him wanted to stop and show mercy but he knew he had a job to do.

“Your highness,” One guard, Mango Breeze, spoke up, “you’ve got to put an end to this. Please! He’s had enough!”

Celesta had been watching the fight unfold before her immortal eyes. Her motherly instincts tried desperately to pressure her to intervene yet were held back. She had committed herself to the plan, for better or worse. All she could do was see the fight take its course and see her son win, just as she was certain of.

“Mango, I understand your issues,” Celestia answered with a neutral but caring tone, “Like you, I’ve worried about this. But, as a mother for four years, I’ve come to understand that sometimes, you have to give a child a nudge to succeed.”

“What do you mean?” Mango asked back.

“Picture a mother bird. Her eggs have hatched and she feeds her young.” Celestia sighed, “Bit by bit, she stands farther away, forcing her children to go further for food. Soon, there’ll come a time where the mother must push them out the nest when they can fly so they can do so.

“So, what are you getting at, your highness?” Mango asked.

“For Azure, this is his push,” Celestia answered, “I know that he’ll have to grow up sooner or later and he has big dreams. This is the push that’ll set him on that path. Though it’ll come through pain, he’ll become something extraordinary in the end. As his mother, I can see it and I’m certain he’ll win.”

Pondering his princess’s words, Mango kicked back against a pillar. Watching Azure getting beaten around by his commanding officer worried him until he remembered his earlier conversation. He had a feeling Celestia meant what she said about Azure winning despite what he’s seeing. All he could do is watch and see if his princess is right.

“Come on, tiger,” Mango whispered, “Get up and kick his ass.”

“Really? Is this all you can do?” Shining scoffed, shuddering internally. He didn’t enjoy what he said, “Some runt of a prince believing he can put up a fight? What a joke,” He sighed internally once more, “Face it, you’re not fit for this at all. Give up and cry to your mother. It’ll save you from any further pain!”

Teetering on the edge of giving up, a small voice called out to him. Then that voice became many, speaking several words at once. Some from memory, some he didn’t recall, they sounded feminine with a motherly tone. Through the chaos of voices, Azure was able to focus on a few, those that stuck with him the most:

“You have big dreams, little one.”
“Be strong and carry on.”

“I just do my best and let others render judgement. Remember that when going through life.”

“Nothing worthwhile obtained is easy,”

“Pain and fear are one and the same. They’re all illusions.”

Hearing the latter words rang an echo in his head. The louder he heard them, the more he understood them, even though he hadn’t heard them before. Yet, it had the effect of inspiring courage in him that melted his fears away. He wasn’t going to run away from them, he would face them head-on.

To the astonishment of shining and everypony else present, Azure slowly got up, using his staff as leverage. Nose bloodied and body bruised, he stood defiantly with a battle-hardened grin. Shining Armor was in shock, partially how he could even get up after what he did. While another part of him wanted the prince to stop, he had to keep with his act and carry on.

“Holy Tartarus,” Shining muttered as he readied to charge, “you don’t seem to take a damned hint!”

The moment Azure saw him sprint, his nostrils flared with his focus. He dug his hooves firmly in the ground, standing tall and proud like a mountain. His rising heart rate quickened his breathing. There was no showing fear anymore. It would be the moment where he shined like a star. There was no fear, only him.

When Shining leapt to strike, Azure smirked as he dashed forward and headbutted Shining in the gut, sending him falling to earth. Shining struggled to get up and recover, groaning in pain. When he looked up at Azure, he saw a determined aura about him. He was fully ready for a fight, regardless of any pain.

As fast as his hooves could carry him, Azure pressed the attack and barraged Shining with various strikes. He returned every blow he incurred from him in kind with nearly equal measure and as much mercy he afforded him. It took Shining a full minute to rebound and gather momentum. The real fight had begun.

“Where did all this come from, pup?” Shining asked, only to be met with another few strikes. He countered some but one was able to catch him in the face, bloodying his nose. All he heard from Azure were grunts of effort and a focused expression that grew more aggressive, “This… this is nuts!”

Azure didn’t respond verbally, not even a whisper. All his mid saw was an enemy, an opponent to conquer. He was fully aware of who he was but his mind was sharp and focused like a saber’s edge. Nothing else concerned him, not even the presence of others nearby. Victory was what he desired, to punish his opponent.

Even as Shining Armor could stand hoof to hoof with Azure and his sudden burst of will, even a seasoned guard like him could get battle weary. Bit by bit, he felt his own stamina beginning to empty and began to slow down. Try as he might, he was soon relegated to nearly the same defensive posture he locked him in.

Azure’s equine heart began beating at a higher pace that was once again alien to him. It was as if a fiery stream of pure adrenaline had replaced his blood and became his drive. Though he felt progressively faint, he just kept on going after Shining Armor as much as he could endeavor. Even pain barely registered to him as it did little to slow him down.

Shining Armor began motioning to sidestep in an attempt to dodge another flurry of attacks but even in his fury, Azure saw an opportunity. He tossed his weapon aside and quickly dove forward and hit the back of Shining’s back legs, causing him to momentarily recoil in pain. It was all the time he needed to shoulder charge, knocking down the seasoned guard once again. He knew he would get back up as he did and he wouldn’t allow it.

Picking up Shining’s weapon off the ground, he proceeded to give him a beating with as much energy he could spare. He gave him no respite or time to recover. He didn’t care until he got him out of the fight one way or another. He kept going and going until the staff broke and resumed the assault with the bigger piece. Shining Armor soon couldn’t take it anymore.

“Okay, stop i-OW!” Shining Armor called out as the attack went on, “Stop! OW! Okay! I yield! I yield! I yield!”

Then, a loud bang was heard as Ironwall used his magic to make a small bang of sparkles akin to a firework. Almost immediately, Azure was pulled from his trance, shaking his head to refocus his mind. He panted and breathed heavily as he observed his surroundings and the guard that laid before him.

“The duel has concluded and the winner is clear!” declared Ironwall as he walked out onto the arena, “The winner is Azure Glide!”

Azure felt a sense of pride when he heard those words. His scowl grew to a smile when he saw the ponies and his mother applauding him. He had no idea how he pulled in the strength to stand up and fight. But, to him, victory was all that mattered to him in the end. He proved himself as strong enough.

Just as he was about to raise a hoof to cheer, exhaustion hit him with the force of a stampeding bull. His already quickened breathing and extreme effort made his head feel light and soon, the rest of his body. Hooves quivering, vision blurring, his legs buckled as he collapsed to the ground as his vision went black, leaving a faint smile.

The medics rushed to his side immediately and gave him a look over before applying first aid. Celestia nodded at the haste and efficiency of her royal doctors at work stabilizing her son. Part of her wanted to worry but she knew he was in good hooves. After a short while, their leader, Pulse Heart, approached her.

“He’s going to be alright, your highness,” said Pulse Heart as she nodded, “Apart from the physical injuries, it’s a clear case of exhaustion. Judging by how hard he pushed himself, I’d say it went quite beyond what ponies his age would normally be able to exert.”

“I see,” Celestia hummed with a reserved smile, “All in all, he performed admirably and I’m proud of him. Then again, I’d be proud regardless of the outcome. How long do you think he’ll be out?”

“I would say… a day at the most,” Pulse answered, “We’ll be sending him off to his quarters where he’ll get some adequate hydration and proper rest. When he wakes up, it’s recommended that he take things easy for a week to fully recover.”

“I would say he’s earned a break week,” Celestia nodded, “After he recovers, I’ll be taking him to Silver Shoals. I have a feeling he’ll like it there.”

“Yeah, my cousin is the manager of a resort there. Been a while since I saw him,” As she observed her staff tend to Azure, a question popped into her mind, “How in harmony did he manage that?”

“Oh, I just had a chat with him before we got here,” Celestia smiled, bordering on a smirk. Pulse Heart couldn’t tell if the princess had a hoof in Azure’s victory or if it was of his own doing, “We just talked about how heroes struggled and about how fear is an illusion.”

“Ah, I see,” Puls turned back to him as the medics brought a stretcher, “I have no doubt he’ll be a gr-”

Before she could say anything, she saw a short blink of magic coming from Azure. She blinked a few times before she got a good look. Then, an amused smile stretched across her face as she nodded.

“Well, I’ll be,” Pulse muttered, “Look at that, your highness.”

“Turning her gaze to Azure, Celestia slowly realized what Pulse meant. Nothing much else was different about her son… with the exception of a small detail. A smile filled with maternal pride crept on her face as she nodded. Though she hadn’t anticipated it, it was something she welcomed warmly nonetheless.

“Yes,” Celestia nodded, “I knew he could do it.”

Comments ( 7 )

“Pain and fear are one and the same. They’re all illusions.”

Who’s saying that?

“He’s going to be alright, your highness,” said Pulse Heart as she nodded, “Apart from the physical trauma, it’s a clear case of exhaustion. Judging by how hard he pushed himself, I’d say it went quite beyond what he would normally be able to exert.”

Physical Trauma?

“Well, I’ll be,” Pulse muttered, “Look at that, your highness.”


1. Celestia, via telepathy. Was implied with this bit:

“Oh, I just had a chat with him before we got here,” Celestia smiled, bordering on a smirk. Pulse Heart couldn’t tell if the princess had a hoof in Azure’s victory or if it was of his own doing, “We just talked about how heroes struggled and about how fear is an illusion.”

And in the scene you mentioned, the voices were described as feminine.

2. Will fix that. Azure was beaten up quite a bit by Shining Armor in the duel so it's like some bruising, damaged snout, and a mild concussion. Nothing that magic couldn't fix

3. Will be revealed in the next chapter. Hint: On your mark, get set, GO!!! :raritywink:

Oh, because he said said he didn’t hear the words before and the last time she talked to him in his mind the words looked different. Also, is that the only hint I’ll get?

Afraid so. The hint is one of the words of that hint.

Only one of the words?

I think I know.

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