• Published 20th Aug 2021
  • 262 Views, 2 Comments

A Moment with Dr Wolf Goes Wrong - Light Heart101

The Ponyville Theater presents an origional play about our Equestrian Wolf for your amusement. Warning: The actors are inexperienced and the props are cheep and are bound to fall apart. No refunds.

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“My stomach!”

Elytra was groaning out in pain as she was resting on a couch backstage where the rest of the cast was resting and recovering

“Yeah, I forgot to ask what happens when a changeling overeats.” Twilight said as she and Quill were both trying to find some painkillers in the first aid kit. “I did wonder why Ocellus called out of school the next day.”

“Arg…” The changeling moaned before raising a hoof. “Still worth it for that applause.”

Quill paused his search as he thought about the applause again. “Speaking of which, who bribed the audience?”

Twilight sighed as she looked at the monotone pony with a disapproving glare. “Why do you think that’s what happened?”

“Can you believe me when I say that the show went downhill after your nap?” He asked her bluntly.

“I don’t know… on that… the atmosphere… seemed to… keep improving.” Elytra admitted.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I heard Celestia laughing at us.” Kirouac added, not adding to the optimism of the room.

“I see you are taking her humor rather well.” Quill mused as he looked at the king with his poker face.

“Why not? I’m still a king, and I’ve got a date.” He pointed out with glee as Derpy came back to join him.

“Fair enough… although now I wonder if this is why Discord didn’t bother to use his magic on this play.” Twilight mused as Skies turned to her to give her an ice pack.

“Because we didn’t need his health to help make this play chaotic?”

“Well, if that’s true, that’s some impressive foresight.”

“Or a teddy bear alicorn with poor planning and management skills.” Quill countered as the pony he just mentioned came back into the room, his coat stained purple from the paint.

“Well, I think I’m going to be seeing a dermatologist soon.” He mused as he looked at his messy coat. “Let alone a few lawyers.”

Doc winced as he looked at Light’s worried expression. “I doubt it’ll be that bad.”

“No, I think there’s going to be a nasty rash from the paint.” Quill said as he looked at the male alicorn. “You’re not supposed to apply that on the skin.”

“I meant the lawyer part.” The wolf clarified. “I mean, nobody here has expressed any ideas of pressing charges against you.”

“Nope. That’s for that Einstein little brother of yours.” He pointed out as he looked at the mute girl who knocked him out recently. “Wire rigs. It’ll never catch on.”

“Quill, I am sorry for blowing up at you, but please quit while you’re ahead.” Skies asked with a soft groan.

“Don’t groan, please? It’s making my own headache worse.” He whined as he rubbed his forehead.

“Yeah… and odds are that I’ll be dealing with quite a few headaches.” Light said as he sat down to hug himself. “Once people find out about the mistakes…”

“Well, they won’t hear it from me. I have doctor-patient confidentiality to hold up to… which I probably broke a dozen times today.” Doc admitted as he felt worried about how much on stage therapy he did.

“How? They started it on stage. You finished it on stage.” Quill pointed out.

Kirouac raised an eyebrow at this before he looked at him. “You know, I think you’re becoming funnier.”

“I’ve been told that I tend to sound that way.” The monotone pony said bluntly. “I don’t know why.”

“Search me.” Skies said as he turned his focus to Light. “So, do you think the princesses will ask about the incident? I mean… Schuberry is alright, but the rig did break…”

Doc grimaced, not liking the idea of making him go through any more stress after the poor kid nearly broke. “Um, I think we shouldn’t focus on it right now…”

The teddy bear alicorn raised a hoof as he looked at the others. “Look… I am the director. It was my job to manage everything, and I am more than willing to take responsibility for the countless mistakes that have happened tonight.”

Kirouac looked impressed at Light’s conviction as he stood up. “Wow, said like a true leader.”

“Yeah, I can’t see the princesses banishing you.” Quill admitted. “It’d be harsh to do it to somebody crying for their mother.”

Dr Wolf sighed as he turned to him. “Mr Inkheart…”

“Hey, Twi? Are you in here?”

Her ears perked up at the sound of her number one assistant. “We’re in here, Spike. What’s up?”

“The princesses wanted to have a talk with you and the rest of the cast.”

Light’s strong stance turned into jelly as his false courage faded away. “Tell her I’m not in…” Before he could finish, he saw the young drake coming through the door with the princesses in tow. “... in any position to say no?” He said as he tried to figure out if he should fake a smile, or just cry. “I can explain all of this...”

The group all bowed before hearing Celestia giggling as she spoke up. “Please rise. May I have the honor of saying that this is the most unique play I have ever seen?”

“You’ve got to be more specific than that.” Quill stated before lifting Golden’s head up, knowing that he’d be kneeling forever if he didn’t do something about it.

“Oh, please relax.” Luna said with a chuckle. “We’ve haven’t seen a comedy like that before, even from the great jesters of old.”

“Ah… what?” Light asked, being frozen in fear.

“You don’t need to be bashful. This play was quite the masterpiece of comedy. Who would have thought about having a play where almost everything “goes wrong”?” Celestia asked with a hearty laugh.

Linda shrugged as she just said what came to mind. “Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields?”

Luna laughed at the remark as she petted Dr Wolf on the back. “And the way that you incorporated that wisdom and guidance of yours? It was an amazing way to bring in such emotion into this comedy.”

“C… comedy… yeah… sure.” He said, still stunned that she thought that they planned this.

“The way that you arranged everything… and you had three ponies playing Twilight…” She ranted as she started laughing again, making the cast feel comforted and humiliated at the same time.

“I was worried when I saw our daughter fall, but seeing that she’s unharmed, and you made a point of showing Quill’s body, I could tell that you planned that to perfection.” Celestia added as she hugged the mute child.

“Oh yeah, we definitely spent some time practicing that.” Quill said in his monotone voice, making him wish he could express some real emotions.

“Well… I am glad that I could share some wisdom while… entertaining you all.” Dr Wolf said, trying his best to hide how shaken he was about this.

“Thank you, and that goes for all of you as well. You all are some of the best actors I’ve ever seen.” Celestia told everyone before turning to Light. “So, do you have any plans for your next play?”

His eyes widened in horror as he stared at the princess for a minute in silence before squeezing out a few words. “And that’s a wrap everybody…” He wheezed out before he passed out on the floor.

The princesses looked dumbfounded at this, while most of the cast was trying to hide how much said idea scared them too. Even Twilight was wanting to back out of another play like this one. “What did I say?” Celestia asked as she turned to the doctor.

Dr Wolf simply sighed softly as he got out his schedule book. “Nothing. I just got my schedule filled for the next month.” He said as he started to see how many appointments he could fill in for the entire cast.

“Um… do you think we put him under too much stress?” Luna asked as she tried to wake him up.

“Frankly, I think he took this rather well. Why the rest of us haven’t joined him on the floor is beyond me.” Quill admitted, causing some of the other cast members to start giggling, thinking back to every mistake they had individually made.

“Yeah… I threw a punch bowl at a flaming “princess”.” Kirouac mused as he was trying to hide his grin.

“He he… you didn’t keep falling on the puppy.” Linda pointed out as she was giggling next to a smiling Schuberry. “That would have crushed him.”

“I thought I did that with the cake.” Golden admitted as he was covering his face, hiding his own laughter. “Good night, why did I read those lines wrong?”

“Ha! You didn’t read Doc’s lines for a whole minute.” Elytra added, wincing every now and then as she was starting to belly laugh.

“Hahaha! And we had to overturn the table itself!” Skies howled out, as he was now laughing out loud.

Quill showed no signs of emotion whatsoever, but he did have to make one small note about the whole thing. “You know, I actually think this was actually better than the original script.”

The snickering soon turned to full blown laughter as they all realized how silly they all looked in front of so many serious people, and they got away with all of it. Well, now the princesses were truely questioning if they were proud of if there was something happening behind the scenes. However, they decided that it would be wiser to just let sleeping dogs lie.

While all of this was going on Dr Wolf couldn’t find it in himself to laugh at their misfortune, but merely shook his head at their reaction. Of course, they may have taken his reaction more seriously if he could keep from grinning, seeing the humor of the situation himself.

“It’s good to be helping… and probably good to be laughing our hearts out too.”

Author's Note:

Light went to therapy after this, and is now doing better. Still misses his tuba though...

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