• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 2,296 Views, 44 Comments

A FNAF displaced story - Nightmare_Me

People get turned into Molten Freddy, Springtrap, Scrapbaby and Lefty.

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Chapter 2: Learn! Edit: I changed some things.

Author's Note:

Say thanks to Moonghost for helping me with the token!

"Applebloom!" said Applebloom.

"I am Scootaloo!" said Scootaloo.

"And I am Sweetie bell," said Sweetie Belle.

"And together we are THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted all of the 3 girls.

"Owww my sound sensors," all of us said our sound sensors ringing.

"Sound sensors? What is that?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh since we are animatronics we had all of our fresh meat and other organs replaced with mechanical parts," I said.

"I have no idea what you mean but ok...." said Applebloom.

"Umm, Now we are ok let's start our introductions," said Bob.

"My name is Bob," said Bob.

"My name is Emily," said Emily.

"My name is Blue," said Blue.

"And my name is Hugo," I said.

"And we are the Alleyway Gang," we said calmly unlike the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hey, just to ask? How long have you bine living in the ever-free forest?" Scootaloo asked.

"Months," I told Scootaloo.

"So Mister?" Applebloom asked.

"Yes?" I answered.

"How will we get home?" She asked.

"By a teleportation circle of course," I told Apple Bloom.

"You step into this circle and get teleported!" I told them as I started the teleport with them inside the circle.

"Visit us soon!"Blue told them before they were teleported away to the edge of ponyvile.

"So what do you want to do?" Emily asked.

"Let's try to make a with magic and our skills," suggested Bob.

[An hour later]
A little fizz could be heard and a bright light filled the unseen part of the Everfree forest.

[Two hours later]
Suddenly a portal appeared above the stone cave house and dropped a massive bolder of iron, by that time we had given up and started using magic to make electronics like a sliding door instead of our stone one. We summoned or should I say I summoned the iron to make it because iron is weirdly impossible to find in is world. Suddenly the Helpy Bot in the storage part of the cave said "Hey! When are you going to make a token?".

"Aaaaah! You don't scare people like that!" I told the Helpy bot.

"Sorry sir, it just is that it is time for you and your friends to make a token." Said the Helpy bot.

"So because of what you want me to learn about these tokens?" I asked the Helpy bot.

"Because I think you are ready" the Helpy bot whispered.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing," said the Helpy bot.

"Fine then since you want me to," I said. "How to make a token?" I asked.

"No, first you learn more magic." said the Helpy bot.

"But I already know magic symbols!" I said.

"Yes but you need to learn combat magic." said the Helpy bot.

"Why?" I asked the Helpy bot.

"Because what happens if you get in a situation and die?" said the Helpy bot.

"Good point," I said.

"Now, first you must meditate." The Help bot said.

[1 hour later]

"Can I stop meditating?" I ask.

"NO," said the Helpy bot." you have bine asking the same thing every 5 minutes!"

"But I don't like waiting," I told the Helpy bot. "I want to use the combat magic."

"Ok then do the most essayist spell ever then!" said the Helpy bot."Do the swap physical form then!".

"Ummm, how to do it again?" I asked the Helpy bot.

"Ugghhhh, the reason you where meditating was to find your inner body/form ." said the Helpy bot.

“So how am I suppose to find it?” I ask the Help bot.

"Ugghhhh, how am I suppose to teach you if you don't listen." said the Helpy bot.

"Because it is your job?" I said.

"Ugghhh," the Helpy bot said. "I hate it when you are right.".

"Hey!" said Blue, "I think you should take a break from whatever you are doing because it is GAME TIME!!!"

"Ok, let's go!" I said as I rushed away with Blue to the game room leaving the Helpy bot behind in the dust.

"Ok," I said as I got there.

"Let's Play!" we all announced as we started playing Uno, Monopoly, and Poker into the night.

The next morning the Helpy bot continued my training despite that I could not even master the simple spell.

[The next morning]

One morning the Helpy bot had enough "You know what? if I can't get it out naturally then I will make it come out." the Helpy bot said going into a fight stance.

"Umm, what are you doing" I said getting worried.

"Fight me!" he cried as he lunged towards me.

Luckily I step sided his attack but I could not step side his roundhouse kick, as I went down though I felt it, I felt the spark of magic, not the mana but the combat magic, the flame, the fire, and the power coursing through me, and I brought it out. Suddenly I felt I was being pulled out of my skin. When it stopped I saw I was outside my body standing over my metal body. As the Helpy bot came at my attack from, I somehow felt that I needed to rais my hands and push some of that attack magic flowing through my veins and *Boom* his kick was stopped by an orange shield. But my shield was destroyed/dispersed after I lost my concentration due to my surprise that I was floating.

"Good!" he said. "It looks like they only activate when you are in danger, and in safety, you stay inside the suit."

"So, what now?" I asked.

"We train your combat magic by fighting while teaching you." said the Helpy bot. " and teach you new symbols while we are not fighting.".

"Also what about this token?" I asked.

"Oh, that is easy! You just get something that represents you and make a speech then the void will do the rest!" said the Helpy bot.

"By the way will you train my friends?" I asked.

"I will train you each 1st day, Bob on the 2nd, Emily on the 3rd and Blue on the 4th." the Helpy bot said."And can you please make the token?"

"Ok, ok, just let me do it later!"


"So do you want to make it like that?' i asked my friends.

"Yep," they said.

So then we took the token blue made, it looked like a 3D red soul. The message was "We are the Animitronicts from FNaF 6, Summon us if you wish, but be careful for if you are a true monster, we will not be cooperative." Then we sent it using the helpy bot!
[Insert cliffhanger here!]