• Published 28th Aug 2012
  • 1,746 Views, 20 Comments

My Best Pony Friend Forever - Maxis122

When life is bleak and you are given a wish, what else would you wish for. A friend.

  • ...

Mornings With Her

My life, how do continue? Now you know that I have lived with a pink pony since I was seven, and that I was homeschooled. Wow, that’s a lot to take in. Plus I live in a crazy remote place in England. Meaning that barely anyone knew about Pinkie’s existence. But for the people who did know her, she seemed to get along well with everyone. And by that I mean she could make just about anyone smile when they came into the bakery. Just her presence was enough to make anyone grin and have a spark of happiness in their soul. That perky attitude and bouncing appearance could bring a smile to anyones face.

Even though she was a pony, I had never kept her from doing just about anything that a human could. From as long as I can remember, she was always into learning about baking. I taught her how to make delicious treats and amazing baked goods, as my Dad once did. She learned quickly, really quickly. Maybe she was a quick learner because she was a pony. I don’t know really. But when she did bake, the things that she made were amazing. I never knew that a cupcake could taste so delicious until she began to make them. Maybe because she experimented with adding different amounts of certain ingredients(That’s how I learned).

Another thing that she began to develop was a delightful singing voice. It was nice to listen to, even though it could be annoying at some times. Other times it would be the best thing to happen all day. Mostly the second option came into play. Because how could I get annoyed at the most amazing thing that happened to me. It just couldn’t happen. But anyway, I have only talked about what she had developed, how about me.

When I was about ten I began to get into drawing. It began with pencils and leaves and pretty much anything that would stay still. I preferred to draw when it was quiet and dark. So it would be in the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep. I would proceed to get my sketchbook out and draw. And as the years went on, so did my skill in drawing. It then came to the time when I began to draw living things. I was about fifteen when this started to happen. I would go out into the forest with Pinkie and we would search for the wildlife. When we found the right ones, I would begin to draw, where she would just watch me draw. She became ever so fascinated in my abilities as they got better and better. Then all I would need to do is sign my name off at the bottom: Ray Blackburn.

As I grew up, technology grew up around me. So many things just happened in a short amount of time - it was rather amazing how we used to have bricks for communication. And now we have little tablets - mind blowing. Of course, Pinkie had to grow up around this as well, no surprise here as she embraced it like I did. I can almost remember the time when my Dad brought home our first game console - the almighty Nintendo 64. That was pretty awesome, it really brought out a different side in both of us. There were so many games that we both loved to play on, even though we both were terrible half the time. There was Pokemon, Zelda and even Mario. I never really got into many other things - but life is life.

When I was about eighteen, I got into computers. Probably the worst time to get into them as they were on the turn of becoming the most advanced things on the planet. Plus the internet was becoming a big thing around the world, used by many. I found some websites where I could show my art off, and I got plenty of feedback from it. I then slowly became more and more detached from the internet as my life took a lot more time with Pinkie and my father. I’m glad it was that way for the last two years of being with him.

Then, when my Dad passed, I got control of the bakery, the house and the money. I even got a car. Since I got my drivers licence I was allowed to drive it. All I needed was to keep it in good condition. Anyway, less about the car.

I walk to the bakery every morning. It’s only a brisk walk down to it and then boom! I’m there. On the door there is the “open” sign and the times for when the place opened. Hanging above, is a sign that says “Blackburn’s Bakery”. I was considering putting an extra part to it soon saying “and Pinkie’s”. Because after all, she was doing a lot to help me keep it running. We didn’t ask for any help running it, because we could keep it up ourselves, being two grown up adults.

Now we get into the days of now, because now is the most important time. It was the middle of August and the morning was shining. As in the sun, that is. The light began to creep into my room as I lied in my bed, surrounded by the soft plush cover. My head was burrowed into a pillow and my body was laid across the entire bed. Comfortable, and cosy. But then something happened, I noticed this as another source of light appeared from my door. The sound of hoofs could be heard for a moment, I cracked open one eye to only close it again, because of the light. A shadow the drew itself above me, blocking the light sources and disturbing my peace. I reached over to the lamp at the side of my bed and flicked it on.

“Good morning, sleepyhead!” exclaimed the pink pony that was above me, I blinked to get myself a bit more awake so I could figure out what was going on. After yawning once I sat myself up and looked into the joyful eyes of the pink pony.

“Morning Pinkie” I responded in my tired voice, being a little dry. After yawning again I placed one hand on my face and wiped it down. I guess another advantage is that I have a pony alarm clock that wakes me up every morning. “Any particular reason that you wanted to wake me up?”

“Well duh! Because it’s morning!” She replied in a happy tone.

“You don’t say!” I responded in a cheerful sarcastic manner. The two of us shared a small laugh as we enjoyed the little joke.

“So, is there anything that you really wanted to wake me up for?” I asked again, with a warm grin on my face. There, I was already smiling and I had been awake for thirty seconds.

“Well, I know how you feel about me getting near the cooker...” she began. Oh yes, I remember that very well - I guess we needed to get a new cooker after that. Never again.

“Yeah...” I inquired, showing that I was paying a lot of attention. I mean, really, if the cooker is involved and its this early in the morning - it can only mean two things.

“And I wanted to make some pancakes - but then I remembered what happened last time I tried to cook something” She explained, thinking back to the memory in the process.

“Don’t remind me” I added as I rolled my eyes.

“Come on Ray, it’s not like you didn’t burn down your first kitchen when you tried to cook for the first time” She whined. I looked at her with a face that suggested that I knew otherwise.

“No, I’ve never burned down a kitchen” I announced, smirking a little at Pinkie’s new face of her being annoyed. I could almost feel the wubs of emotion coming off of her. Then again she was now in my face, so it was kind of hard not to notice.

“Well, I guess it might be different for me!” She said cheerfully. How she was able to change emotions so quickly was beyond me. But personally I prefer it when she is happy. But she is always happy, at least around me.

“I guess so” I concluded. She then fell back and smiled, showing her rows of pearly white teeth. Cute. That’s exactly how she was - meaning that she wanted something. But when I put two and two together - it makes perfect sense. “You want pancakes, don’t you?” I said with a slightly amused tone.

“Well of course, you make like the best pancakes ever” She began. Now, something that Pinkie can do sometimes is begin to go on about something continuously - but this can be done in a very quick manner. All that energy, builds up to these moments.
“Cause, if you knew someone who could make the best pancakes ever - why wouldn’t you want them. I mean, come on! There are pancakes for crying out loud. One of the best things on the planet”.

“Ok Pinkie - I get the idea” I exclaimed quickly as I whipped the covers off and stood up. She now stood there with a large grin on her face, like she had just made a massive accomplishment. Well done Pinkie, well done.

I apologize for this chapter being so short, but I will make the next ones a lot longer. When I get my head in gear then I will begin to write this one out properly. Thank you.

Comments ( 3 )

This is good so far. I hope you continue writing.

Man, personally for me, this was a great chapter, even if you took so long:pinkiehappy:

1467583 Thank you :3

1467125 I will, and thank you :3

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