• Published 4th Sep 2020
  • 1,330 Views, 8 Comments

Good Morning, My Love - Godslittleprincess

The first day of the rest of Flash and Twilight's lives begins. Written for FlashLight Week 2020 Day 5

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Good Morning, My Love

Author's Note:

My mind went to a weird place with this prompt. :ajbemused: I mean, the prompt made me think of mornings, and thinking of mornings led to this.

I know I'm a little late with posting this, but I remembered that Ro and Angy have a no NSFW rule regarding FlashLight Week submissions, and I had to double-check to see if I had unknowingly violated it. Also, after Ro gave me the okay this morning, I got lazy with posting it. :twilightsheepish:

On a different note, Ro and Angy are accepting late submissions for FlashLight Week until the end of the month. If you would like to submit a late submission, remember to follow the list of prompts that came with the instructions on this link and remember to PM either Ro or Angy the links to your submissions. Also, don't forget to indicate that the fic was written for FlashLight Week 2020 in the description and read the full instructions.

On his first morning as a married man, Flash Sentry woke up with the sun in his eyes and some numbness on his right shoulder. He blinked multiple times willing his eyes to adjust to the morning light and turned to his numb shoulder; the mess of long, indigo hair that he saw hinted at the source of the numbness. Flash’s newlywed wife Twilight Sparkle had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder and her right arm draped across his chest.

Last night was Flash’s first night sleeping with his wife, so naturally, he was completely unaccustomed to waking up next to her. Thankfully, the memory of yesterday’s events caught up with him before he could scream. He lay back on his pillow and took a few deep breaths to try and slow down his racing heart. Beside him, Twilight was still sleeping peacefully, her chest rising and falling with each slow, deep breath under their bedcovers. She must have felt him stir because she unconsciously began to hug him tighter.

“Okay,” Flash thought to himself as he familiarized himself with the layout of their new bedroom, “one, get out of bed without waking Twilight. Two, get to the closet and get dressed if I can even find it.”

Fortunately, the closet wasn’t hard to find. Getting out of bed, on the other hand, was slightly more complicated since Flash had to slide his shoulder out from under Twilight’s head and untangle himself from her embrace, all without waking her. Flash was sure he had come close to waking her a few times, but Twilight seemed to be a heavy sleeper, a hypothesis that his numb shoulder provided ample evidence for.

On most days, Flash would just throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and go about his day. However, since today was a relatively special occasion, Flash decided to wear a red polo instead of his usual T-shirt. After Flash had gotten dressed, he was about to leave the room and start making breakfast when he noticed that the floor was littered with his and Twilight’s clothes from last night.

Flash thought about just leaving the room as is and taking care of the mess later but realized that he didn’t know when Twilight was going to wake up, and if he didn’t take care of the mess now, Twilight might end up having to take care of it later. He didn’t want Twilight to think he just expected her as his wife to clean up after him. Besides, he was the first one up; he might as well take care of it.

As Flash dutifully picked the clothes off the floor, he began to think of what else he might need to do before leaving the room. Right as he was dumping the clothes in the hamper next to his and Twilight’s closet, he made a startling realization.

“I was about to leave my wife alone in a room she has never slept in before with only our bedsheets to keep her covered,” he thought to himself, “not exactly the most reassuring way to wake up to your first day of married life. Maybe I should lay out something for her to wear.”

Flash regretted that decision the moment he opened the door to Twilight’s half of their closet. Granted, her side of the closet was much more meticulously organized than his was. Unfortunately, an exceptionally good organization system wasn’t going to help Flash figure out which of Twilight’s tops went with which bottoms, which clothes were strictly formalwear, and which were so casual that she only wore them to beaches and pool parties. His only experience with women’s clothing was helping his mother, aunt, and grandmother fold their laundry and carry their shopping bags, and he hadn’t bothered getting advice on women’s fashion from Grandma and Aunt Flare before he got married because he didn’t think he was going to need it until Twilight’s birthday at the earliest.

“Okay, Flash, calm down,” he thought to himself as he narrowed his focus to Twilight’s jeans and short-sleeved shirts “Just stick with what you know, and if she doesn’t like what you picked out for her, you can deal with it later.”

Once Flash had made his choices, he turned around to lay his wife’s clothes out on their bed. When he did, he saw a shaking lump of blankets where Twilight used to be.

“Twi, are you awake?” he called out.

“Uh, y-yes,” Twilight’s voice hesitantly replied from under the blankets.

“So, uh, I was just about to make us breakfast but didn’t feel right just leaving you here without anything to wear. I picked something out for you, but you don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it.”

No answer. Twilight must be as freaked out about their first morning together as a married couple as he was.

“Okay,” Flash continued, “I’m going to head to the kitchen now. How does blueberry pancakes sound?”

“Sounds great.” Twilight’s voice still shook a bit, and she was still refusing to show her face from under the bedsheets.

Flash just shrugged, lay Twilight’s clothes out at the foot of their bed, and left the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as he was gone, Twilight finally peeked her face out from under the bedcovers. Twilight lay back on her pillows and pressed her hands against her face trying to get her breathing under control. Even without the aid of a mirror, she could tell that her face was roughly two shades redder than its normal color.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, I’m a married woman,” Twilight thought to herself. “I’m a married woman, and I just woke up to my husband picking out my clothes for me. That’s funny. Isn’t that the kind of thing that wives tend to do for their husbands and not the other way around? Oh, who cares?! Okay, okay, Twilight, just calm down, get dressed, and have a nice breakfast with the man you loved enough to marry. Yeah, I can do that. I can totally do that.”

Twilight slowly sat up holding the blankets in place to preserve her modesty and looked over what Flash had taken out of her side of their closet. Flash seemed to have chosen for her a pair of jeans, a pink blouse with blue polka dots, and a set of underwear. The jeans were a little more casual than what she preferred wearing every day, but they were presentable. Her bra and her panties also didn’t match which bugged her a little, but she was more impressed with the fact that Flash was comfortable enough handling women’s underwear to even pick out her undergarments. Then again, he had been raised by a single mother for most his life, and his aunt and grandmother raised him after his mother passed. Someone as helpful as Flash would have unsurprisingly helped his caregivers with laundry a few times.

A few minutes later, Twilight walked into the dining room dressed in the clothes Flash had laid out for her. She took a quick glance at her and Flash’s apartment before taking a seat at the dining table. Her dog Spike was still asleep in his puppy bed in the living room snoring loudly enough for her to hear all the way from where she was sitting. Strange, he’d usually be up by now. Both his food and water bowl were filled, which was no doubt Flash’s doing. Speaking of Flash, he was in the kitchen making those pancakes that he had said he was going to make.

“Good morning, my love,” Flash greeted her from the kitchen before walking into the dining room with a plate of pancakes and setting the plate in front of her. He gave her a quick kiss on the temple before going back into the kitchen to fetch the butter and maple syrup.

“Good morning,” Twilight greeted back. Flash returned and set the butter and syrup in front of her before returning to the kitchen to finish cooking the rest of the pancakes.

“So,” Flash awkwardly began, “did you like what I picked out for you?”

Twilight shrugged. “It’s okay. It’s not what I would have picked out for myself, but I’d wear it.”

“Uh, you know, it’s okay if you didn’t like what I picked out. I won’t get mad if you say so. You really didn’t have to wear it if you didn’t want to.”

“Well, I wanted to since you took the time to do it,” Twilight stuttered as she poked at her pancakes with her fork. Even though she was hungry, she was so nervous that she couldn’t bring herself to eat. “I mean, you didn’t have to lay my clothes out for me. I’m capable of picking them out myself.”

“I know,” Flash replied. The two of them hadn’t made eye contact with each other since he had gone back into the kitchen, and that was not helping him feel any less nervous. “I just didn’t want to leave you alone in our room without anything to wear. I mean, if you had been up first, you would have done the same for me and done it better.”

That got a laugh out of Twilight, which eased the tension for both of them.

“So,” Twilight continued, “I noticed that you picked our clothes from last night off the floor.”

“Uh-huh,” Flash replied, still not making eye contact with her.

“And you also got breakfast out for Spike.”


“And now, you’re making breakfast for both of us.”

“Yes, I am.”

“You sure are going out of your way to show yourself a caring and considerate husband.”

“As I should be.”

“And all this has nothing to do with the fact that you’re kinda worried that you’re going to somehow mess up our first full day as husband and wife by getting upset with me or getting me upset with you or both or something?”

Flash stopped flipping the pancakes and finally forced himself to make eye contact with his wife. “How did you know?”

Twilight chuckled mirthlessly, “Because that’s probably how I’d be feeling if I had woken up in a room I had just started sleeping in next to someone I had just married and realized that today is the first day of the rest of both our lives and that today could potentially set the tone for how every day afterwards is going to go. Actually, I am feeling that way, and I wasn’t even the first one up. In fact, I’m kinda kicking myself for not being the first one up.”

“How come?” Flash asked keeping his attention on Twilight.

“Because if I had gotten up first, I would have been the one picking clothes off the floor and making breakfast and everything else, and instead of worrying about treating me well, all you’d have to do is enjoy being treated well,” Twilight replied. She still hadn’t cut into her pancakes throughout the whole conversation.

“But then, instead of you freaking out about coming off as ungrateful or demanding, I’d be the one doing it,” Flash pointed out with a slight smirk.

“Ugh!” Twilight cried setting her fork down and putting her head in her hands. “We’ve met with my parents and Shining Armor and Cadance so many times to get their advice on married life, and I don’t recall them ever once warning us about how surprisingly stressful the first day can be.”

Flash took a good look at the situation he and Twilight were in and couldn’t help but laugh.

“What?” Twilight asked, looking up at him with a confused look on her face.

“If my grandmother could see us now, she’d probably say,” he paused to change his voice into a weak imitation of his grandmother’s, “‘the only reason why your morning’s so stressful is because you’re making it stressful.’”

Twilight burst out laughing and pointed out, “That sounded nothing like your grandmother.”

“I know,” Flash agreed with a chuckle. “I have no idea how my brother learns how to do all those voices.”

The two of them laughed together some more before a concerning odor caused Twilight to stop.

“Honey, what’s that smell?” she asked Flash.

Flash caught a whiff of the dark, smoky odor also and turned back towards the stove.

“Oh, crud!” he cried, quickly taking the smoking frying pan off the heat and turning off the stove. He frantically fanned away the smoke before dumping the two blackened pancakes into the trashcan and throwing the pan into the sink. He sighed in frustration before taking his own plate of pancakes to the dining room table and seating himself next to his wife.

“Well,” he deadpanned, “looks like my stack is going to be short two pancakes. It’s a good thing I’m not that hungry.”

His stomach promptly contradicted him by growling loudly enough for Twilight to hear. Twilight stared at him with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. Flash futilely willed his stomach to stop growling as he flashed Twilight a sheepish grin.

After the longest fraction of a second in Flash’s life, Twilight’s face softened, and she unfolded her arms. Using her fork, she took the topmost pancake from her plate and plopped it on top of Flash’s.

“There. Now, we’re both only one short,” she said with a satisfied smirk, causing Flash to laugh again

“You know, even though my parents, my brother, and Cadance didn’t give us any advice specifically for this situation,” Twilight began after finally swallowing her first bite of blueberry pancakes, “I do remember my dad saying something applicable to this situation.”

“It’s the one about not sweating the small stuff, right?” Flash asked, smiling knowingly.

“I believe my dad’s exact words were, ‘Contrary to what you have seen me actually do, don’t make a big deal out of the stuff that doesn’t go the way you planned. Married life isn’t going to be perfect, but don’t let what has gone wrong make you lose sight of what has gone right or what is going right,’” Twilight replied, giving Flash a knowing smile of her own.

“I love how he specifically said, ‘Contrary to what you have seen me actually do,’” Flash quipped, getting laughs out of himself and Twilight.

“Let’s see,” Twilight mused. “What’s gone wrong today is that the bra and panties you picked for me didn’t match and that you burnt two pancakes.”

Flash gave Twilight an offended look, wondering to himself why something as trivial as having mismatched underwear bugged her so much. He thought about asking her right then and there but decided that it was a question best saved for another day.

“What’s gone right and is going right,” Twilight continued, giving Flash a loving look, “is that I woke up to the kindest, most thoughtful man I’ve ever known treating me like a queen and I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with him.”

Twilight suddenly gave Flash a kiss right at the corner of his mouth getting maple syrup all over his cheek. Flash turned towards his wife and looked her right in the eye, his eyes burning with the same love that was in hers.

“You know what’s gone right for me this morning?” he asked, brushing Twilight’s hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. “I woke up next to you.”

Flash leaned forward and planted a tender kiss on Twilight’s lips. Some of the maple syrup Twilight had gotten on his face ended up sticking to hers. When the two of them parted and resumed eating breakfast, neither of them wanted to wipe the syrup off their faces.

Comments ( 8 )

I am more in the 'you stay in the bed with your partner until they wake' school of thought, but I am bit of a romantic, like most men, contrary to what media wants people to believe, yeah scientifically speaking women are actually less romantic then men and much more calculating with mate selection and with decisions to stay with a mate, reason... the effects of and during the 9 months of pregnancy, women were historically extremely vulnerable during that point and still vulnerable but not as much when nursing their child, so they needed to be the pickier of the two sexes, it was a matter of survival... but enough about that
Cute dorky couple being dorkingly cute...

For a girl, having a man clean up after her (well, I guess, it depends on the context) is extremely romantic. :rainbowwild:

This is two lovable dorks trying to comprehend the start of their married lives together while being absolutely adorable and I love all of it!

That to me falls in category of practicality in mate selection, not Flash cleaning things up, but Twilight feeling that she made the right choice because Flash elected to clean up. It shows that their isn't a task that needs to be done that we won't do and not make a fuss about it, but too each their own

The story was SO cute! It warmed my heart! I loved the way you wrote it! :heart:

The way you write these two always warms my heart. Situations like such as this is why I think they'd work so well together. Despite the ups and downs, I think they'd always find a way to make things work :twilightsmile:

Ro, quick question. Do you find the idea of a man cleaning up after you romantic?

Yeah, absolutely!

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