• Published 20th Dec 2011
  • 1,178 Views, 19 Comments

Talents Gone Wrong - Starshine_Swirl

Twilight finds a broken mare hiding in an alley. Where did she come from, and what happened to her?

  • ...

Chapter 4

"Hey Twilight!" Lavender piped up as the two mares trotted back into Ponyville.

"Yes?" Twilight responded.

"Well, you know how I got to meet one of your friends just now? Can we go see more of your friends?"

As Twilight was about to respond, a piercing shriek echoed through the streets of Ponyville. The town's citizens paused from their bustle for a moment, then shrugged it off and resumed their constant motion.

"Perfect timing," Twilight said as she turned toward Carousel Boutique. "That's Rarity. Let's go see what's happened to her this time."

Suddenly, a pink blur sped out of the nearby Sugarcube Corner and stopped on a dime in front of Twilight and Lavender. "Twilight! I have to-- Nevermindbye!" She disappeared as quickly as she had come.

Lavender glanced nervously at Twilight, who giggled, "Don't worry about her. She's just being Pinkie Pie. She's probably about to throw you a party."

Another scream pierced the air, interrupting Lavender's reply. "Is that Rarity again?" she asked confusedly.

"Ohh, yes. Nopony else screams quite like her."


Just as Twilight began to open the door, Rarity yanked it open. Twilight narrowly saved herself from a faceplant. "Oh my goodness, Twilight! You simply must help me!" Rarity cried. "I lost my-- Oh." The white, purple-haired unicorn finally noticed Twilight's companion. She smoothed her slightly frizzed mane sheepishly. "Never mind. Care to introduce me to your friend?"

"This is Lavender Dazzle; Lavender, this is Rarity. We came over here to see why you were screaming," Twilight explained.

"Oh, Opal was just scratching one of my mannequines. I put her in time-out." Rarity gestured to a cat carrier on the floor, where a furious white cat was biting at the bars, yowling.

"But what am I thinking? Obviously, Lavender here needs some mane assistance. Worry not, darling! I shall completely beautify your hair! Right this way." The fashionista tugged a surprised Lavender along with her magic. "Oh, and Twilight, please stay out here. I want it to be a surprise!" Rarity led Lavender into her personal salon, shutting the door behind her.


Twilight shuffled aimlessly around Carousel Boutique for the thousandth time, bored out of her skull. She had already tried on every single outfit in the place, except those made for fillies of course. "Rarity, Lavender, how's it going in there?" she called.

"It's lovely! We're almost finished!" Rarity replied. Twilight held back a scream of frustration, as her friend had said the exact same thing the last nine times she was asked.

At long last, the door flew open. "I really meant it that time!" Rarity announced triumphantly. "Lavender, come show Twilight your coiffure!"

Lavender emerged shyly from the inner sanctum of the boutique. Her mane fell almost to her shoulders, and her tail was cropped shorter than most female ponies wore their tails. Twilight was amazed at how beautiful her chestnut mane was when it was not a frizzy, tangled mess. The wait had been worth it.

"Lavender, you look amazing! You've outdone yourself, Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh, I wouldn't go that far," said Lavender's ever-modest stylist. "Lavender, Twilight, before you leave, would you care for a complimentary ensemble?"

"That would be great," Lavender said without a second of hesitation. Even though Twilight had worn every single dress already, she went off to consider one she had liked. She pulled the silver gown on, and, fastening it with magic, walked over to the mirror to take a look. However, Lavender was already there, sporting an ornate orange saddle with many ruffles and elaborate gold filigree. Twilight was bemused as to why Lavender would consider that saddle, as she had found it very uncomfortable herself. She could hear a light clinking sound, but assumed it was Lavender magically fastening the buckle, as the saddle and Lavender's forehead glowed red.

"I'm glad you're using your m--" Twilight cut off as the scarlet aura imploded and the saddle slid off Lavender's back, as did several large diamonds. The evidence scattered across the floor as Twilight's jaw dropped.

Lavender stood in the ring of jewels, her face growing redder by the second as Rarity approached the scene. She blurted out, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! They were just so shiny! I'm sorry! I couldn't help it! Really! I'll put them back! I'll pay you back! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry..." Her desperate apologies faded into sobs.

To Twilight's surprise, Rarity sat next to the guilty party and consoled her. "It's all right. I understand," she said reassuringly. Twilight had no words of encouragement, but hoped her presence would be enough to ease Lavender's guilt.

Finally, Lavender regained her composure. Wiping her tears away, she hoarsely said," Thanks for understanding me, but now I know why I need to remember. Rarity, if you don't mind, I think me and Twilight need to go back to the library right now."


"Ugh, I can't find anything," Lavender groaned.

"Over here!" Twilight called, waving a book in her magic. She showed the tome to Lavender as the brunette unicorn approached. "It's a medical textbook, and it has a large section on the brain and memory."

Lavender leafed through the book. "Amygdala? Hypothalamus? Twilight, I don't understand this language."

"This isn't what we're looking for," Twilight muttered, turning a few more pages. "Here! In the case of a loss of memory (amnesia) there may be a trigger which will cause the brain to reconnect to its forgotton memories. This trigger may be a sight, sound, taste, smell, or any sensation, and more than one may work. Get it, Lavender? We have to find your trigger!"

"How?" Lavender asked. "Am I supposed to go cantering aroung trying out all kinds of 'sensations' until I find the right one?"

"Well," Twilight said, thinking, "you reacted to Spike the first time you saw him--"

"I did?"

"And," Twilight continued with growing excitement, "you have an inherent desire for gems--" Lavender cringed slightly-- "which is reflected by your cutie mark. And you know cutie marks are symbols of your talent, and you know unicorn magic relates to the special talent! We have to do magic tests!"


Twilight placed three items on the table separating herself and Lavender: a quill, a blue flower, and a small gemstone. "Okay, just try to levitate each object one at a time."

Lavender poured magic into the quill, but it did not rise. "No for the quill." Twilight's own quill scratched against her paper. "Got it. How about the flower?"

"Nope," Lavender sighed, trying unsuccessfully to lift it.

"And the gem..."

The gem was surrounded by a crimson aura and rose easily into the air.

"Saw that coming," Twilight said, writing down the results.

"Indeed," Lavender agreed, turning the gem so little flecks of candlelight danced across the library walls. Suddenly, all the lights in the building went out. The only light was Lavender's magic, which quickly flickered out due to her shock. The room was dead silent.