• Published 6th Sep 2020
  • 3,739 Views, 4 Comments

Porphyry Prosperity - MetalBrony20

Spike the Dragon has an interesting little quirk. He likes his females big. Much bigger than him infact. When he discovers a way to make his dreams a reality, it will lead to unfortunate effects upon the waistlines and wardrobes of two individuals.

  • ...

The Growth

Spike was staring out across the lake, legs hooked over the end of the small pier. His feet lightly grazed the surface, creating tiny ripples that spread out across the almost still body of the water. Tiny droplets dropped from the tips of his claws, almost inaudible plinks reaching his ear frills. Sighing, he continued to wait, ready for his guests to appear any second now. Having gotten back from Baltimare a day ago, he could barely contain his nervousness for what he was going to do. Gripping the creaking, hole riddled planks of the structure, the drake hauled himself to his feet, looking back to the small area he had designated for the party.

Well, calling it a party would be exaggerating it. It was more of a casual get together between friends. No over the top explosions of balloons, confetti and streamers, no. This was just between him and a pair of friends, down by the Ponyville recreational lake. Just a day of swimming in the cool waters with some lovely individuals.

Dragonlord Ember and Smoulder were the said individuals Spike had had the pleasure of getting to know. They were some of the few dragons he liked to be around, not like Garble and his cronies. Whilst they still were brash and loud, the pair of them shared a decent number of nice qualities between them. They were passionate and confident. Plus, they actually liked him too, so that was a boon to Spikes self-confidence.

Having sent the invitations out a week prior, he was sure the two would turn up. “I hope so, afterall, I’d wasted a ton of bits on these.” He placed a claw upon those special gems, watching as they glinted from the overhead sun, sending patches of purple and blue light dancing across the table they were placed on, upon another pile of smaller, less unique minerals. He remembered finding the gem listed inside an ancient book, one which aimed to categorize rare and unique specimens. They were called anaptyxi-petra, stupidly hard to source and even harder to get out of the ground once found. They are the result of a magically charged nexus of stone being melted, and subsequently crystallising into the minerals.

Their rarity also came from the fact that each magical nexus will produce stones with completely different properties to each other, so the pieces that he was staring at were nearly one of a kind. One of a kind pieces that had the desired effects Spike was looking for. “Once they eat these, then the fun can begin.” He smiled, giving the admittedly delicious looking minerals one final longing look, before he heard the sound of feet impacting sand.

Turning around, he watched as the form of two female dragons plodded their way across the shoreline. Spike managed to hold back a blush at their appearance, which to him was rather stunning. Thin waists, wide hips, rounds butts and each with a small but perky pair of breasts. Both were dressed in a pair of small t-shirts, their lower halves covered by thigh fitting shorts. “Hey guys!” Spike waved, padding though the sand as he marched over to meet them.

“Hey yourself Spike. Finally found this place. I swear Ponies name all their streets in the stupidest way. What does a place like ‘Horseshoe Lane’ even tell you about the end?” Ember replied, placing a hand on her hip as Smolder sidled up alongside her.

“Heh… yeah. Weird isn’t it?” Spike agreed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, at least you got here, huh.”

“Totally. I’m pretty beat from that trip, could do with a soak to loosen up the joints a bit.” Smolder replied, padding through the sand, moving towards the tables chairs and sun loungers set up. Following behind Smolder, Spike and Ember made their way over to the chairs, depositing their belongings on the seats. This also included the female dragons clothing, which was removed with ease. Both of them wore a bikini, Embers an amber colour, whilst Smolders was a Sapphire blue. It certainly made Spike's choice of swim attire; a pair of swim shorts, seem much better at covering his body.
“You girls hungry right now?” Spike piped up, as the two finished adjusting the straps on their attire.

“Yep, thanks for reminding me Spike, I can barely stomach the rabbit food they serve on trains.” Smolder smirked, whilst Ember nodded, before replying.

“Yeah, that would be good. I’m not hungry, presay, but somedragon actually packed some snacks to take with them.” She smugly tittered, watching as Smolder huffed from her words.

“Great! I’ve got something I think the two of you would really enjoy.” Hardly able to contain his excitement for much longer, he dashed over to the bowl, snatching up the crystals he had agonised over for so long. For so long had he wished for a certain set of events to play out that would indulge his fantasy, and only now were those dreams being realised. He was slightly regretful that the two had no idea what was about to happen. However, his lust and overwhelming desires overruled the more rational parts of his brain, as a wavy smile crossed Spikes features.

Grasping one of the gems in each claw, he made his way back over Ember and Smolder, both laying sprawled out upon the sun loungers, a pair of black sunglasses perched atop Smolder's snout. Leaning over, Ember caught sight of the minerals Spike clutched. “Woah… what are those?” She breathed, eyeing up the pair.

“Oh these? Well, I uhhh, managed to find these beauties in the caves where Rarity was mining. I spotted them and decided to save them, though you’d appreciate them, given how rare they looked.”

“Spike, these are gorgeous! I don’t think I’ve ever seen gems that look like this, may I?” She held out a claw, which Spike placed one of the kaleidoscopic jewels into it. Turning it over, she was fascinated by the swirling colours within, reminding her of one of those lava lamps she had seen at Twilight’s Castle. “I can’t eat this… It’s much too precious to be eaten as a snack.” Hefting it, her attention was drawn back over to the nervous looking drake, both of his hands empty.

A sudden crunching and cracking was heard, Embers gaze drawn immediately over to Smolder. The stone had a considerable chunk bitten out of it, Smolder easily breaking it down, followed by moans of delight as she powered through the magical mineral. “Mmmmmm. Oh wow… I swear these are the best things I’ve ever eaten! Ember, you’ve got to try this!” She could barely get the last few words out before she crammed more into her mouth.

About to object to Smolder's treatment of the gift, she instead decided to sample it first, before she went about chewing her out. Biting off the tip, she crushed it down to powder with her immensely powerful jaws and teeth, letting the masticated dust sit on her tongue. Within an instant, a jolt of pure pleasure rocketed into her brain. Gulping it down, she intuitively knew where her friend was coming from. Taking a much larger bite, devouring each fragment and piece of gem she possibly could. Pure instinct had taken over, as she forced more and more into her mouth, nary a second spent in between chewing and swallowing.

What felt like only moments later, she was biting down on nothing but air. Her eyes focusing, she took stock of the decimation she had just taken part in. A small dusting of fragments littered her breasts, which she brushed off with a small swat of her hand. Slowly, the pieces were slotting back together in her mind, now realising how much of a pig she must have looked. “Wow… that was, something else…”

“I’ll say, you really know how to treat you ladies well, doncha Spike!” Smolder laughed, slapping him on the back. Spike laughed along with her, albeit a tad more forced as he rubbed the scales on his arm.

“Thanks, I guess. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Spike smiled, easing himself down into the spare lounger. “Though, not as much as I’m going to enjoy you in a moment.” he muttered under his breath, waiting with bated breath. What had caught his eye about the description in the book was not the curious appearance or the stunning process of formation that would have had any self-respecting geologist begging to get samples. No, it was the effect this particular nexus charged jewels contained. The power of growth.

Rapid growth, both of the body, and the many assets across the body would start to rapidly expand. That description alone had piqued his interest immensely, having developed a certain fascination with the expansion of individuals, particularly their bust and butt, though weight gain also took his fancy. Just something about the rapid size change utterly transfixed him. And now, with the help of the anaptyxi-petra, he should see some results rather soon.

Standing up from her chair, Ember continued to dust near unnoticeable crystal fragments onto the sand, padding towards the water. Reaching the water’s edge, she spread her wings out wide, bending her knees as she did. With an accelerated leap that would have made Rainbow Dash jealous, she powered up into the sky, twisting and tumbling. Gravity did the rest of the work, as her body was dragged back down to the water’s surface, folding her wings back up in anticipation. Hitting the water with an immense splash, an explosion of water across the surface of the lake. Seconds later, Embers head popped up, spitting out a stream of water. “Hey Smolder, you want to join me, water’s pretty good.”

“Of course, I will. Just don’t get too humiliated when I blow your puny dive out of the water.” She snicker back, realising the joke she had made. Tossing her glasses aside, she leapt to her feet, before springing into the air like a rocket, flipping and whirling like a top, she arched over the water, landing with a resounding splash, a wave colliding with Embers head. “Hehe, how's that for a dive? Eh?”.

For a moment, the Dragonlord didn’t respond, brushing water out of her eyes. The silence continued on as her eyes widened, transfixed by Smolder's body. “Smolder, are you, getting bigger?”

“What are you talking about Ember? I’m not getting bigger, are you sure you haven’t still got some water in your eyes?” She snorted, casting her eyes back to Ember, having a double take as she realised her eyes now at the same height as the normally taller Dragonlord. “Woah! What is going on!” She exclaimed, feeling the water starting to lap lower and lower on her body. Glancing down, she could see the water itself was seeming to shrink, the water line which was up to her chest was now at her waist, and continued to diminish. Looking back at her friend, it appeared she was experiencing the same condition, their eye lines remain level as they shot upwards and outwards, their proportions apparently staying the same.

From his chair, Spike had front row seats to the show currently unfolding on the water. They were easily double their old size, their bikini’s straining from the growth, but remaining firmly upon the dragons’ expanding form. “Celestia above… I didn’t think they’d be this effective this fast…” he whispered, greedily taking in the vision before himself.

As tall as some of the trees dotting the edge of the lake, they continued to shoot upwards, legs like the columns on the Cloudsdale Sporting Arena, both in thickness and length. However, the growth seemed to be not content with just making them proportionally larger, as Spike watched an indigo and sapphire haze envelope parts of their extremities. A low, rumbling sound, which seemed partially organic, partially artificial rang out. Slowly, he watched as their bodies began to pile on additional size, of a completely different variety.

Ember felt it, more than she could see it. Like a weight had been attached to her butt, she could feel the pull of gravity intensify upon her rear end. Those beautiful blue buttocks moment by moment seemed to balloon outwards. Blubber began to build up, second by second as they began to swell up like great globes, starting to pull her struggling bikini bottoms into her ass crack. “Ooooh… what is going on?” She groaned out, feeling the oversized cheek wobble around with each slight motion, rippling as much as the water she was standing in.

Beside her, Smolder wasn’t exactly having any better luck of her own. Whilst her own booty blew up behind her, it seemed the magic was more focused on her front, rather than rear. Her boobs, normally quite minor things, were shooting up cup sizes by the second. Well, relative to herself that was. At a size just below what the average adult dragon reached, they were boulder like. Now though, they were rapidly getting out of hand, her bikini top shrieking, the tortured fabric holding on for dear life. Placing her claws either side of them, she hefted the colossal pair, jiggling them slightly, resting upon the swell of her bloating belly.

As if the sheer fact that the pairs belly and booty were rapidly expanding out of control, a healthy layer of blubber was developing across their forms. Naturally, Ember's bottom heavy proportions encouraged her hips and thighs to accumulate much of the extra ballast, making them easily wider than entire carts, the water only just covering them up, as her looming ass rose further and further above the surface of the wave, almost like some great sea Leviathan breaching the waves. Of course, this didn’t stop the magic of the stones from giving her front some extra love as well.

A juicy roll of flab, thick as a mattress, sagged down, covering up the last visible scraps of her bottoms. As the turquoise gut expanded, it began to split into two rolls, forming sloshy love handles that muffin topped over the absolute mass of lard deposited in her oversized booty, which was now so utterly oversized that they would have filled entire rooms with the scaled, flabby flesh. Her own tit’s had expanded too, though not to quite the same degree as Smolder. Still enough that she could only hope to stretch her arms even halfway around their circumference. Arms which had suffered too, with bingo wings out in full force, bloating out enough to start to sag onto her forearms.

Spike was utterly transfixed by the sight, his mind going back to old Japaneighs monster movies, where towering creatures stomped around grand city’s like it was no ponies business. It even felt like it, as they seemed to ‘rise’ from the depths of the water, which was looking more and more like a paddling pool, and less like a recreational lake. That was part of the reason why he had hosted the party so far out of town, so he could enjoy the girls growth, as well as avoiding significant collateral damage. Heavens forbid he hosted it in someponies house, the resulting growth would demolish virtually every single building in town bar the castle. Seeing their now house sized bodies, really put it into perspective how powerful those gems were. Taking a sip from a glass of lemonade, he continued to watch.

“Geeze… what is happening!” Smolder groaned out, a hit of surprise tinting the down significantly deeper sounding voice. Taking a step, she felt the utterly foreign feeling of so much loose flesh dancing around from the simple motion. Thousands of magic amplified lard bounced about, smacking and slapping into each other as they did so. She swished her tail, which was starting to look like a fatty log instead, pressing her ass cheeks apart. Reaching out, she marveled at how her orange and golden flesh’s new pliability, giving her gut a large smack, cooing to herself as the concussive blast radiated out across her form, sending her fat and milk engorged breasts into a frenzy of motion. Giggling, she smacked her sides, shaking her hips around, feeling the thousands of pounds all dancing around madly.

“S...smolder, what are you doing?” Ember spoke up, transfixed by the orange dragon's sudden flurry of motion.

“I can’t help it. Everything suddenly feels soooooo good! Mmmmm!” She cut herself off, pressing her face into her own cleavage as she waddled over to Ember, the water now only just grazing her knees. Ember watched in some vague horror as Smolder's mountainous form grew closer and closer, like two soft, wobbly asteroids on a collision course. They collided together, a hefty smack ringing out. Ember staggered briefly, before the immense weight of her butt and legs allowed her to remain standing, even as Smolders immense rolls and folds smushed and squished into her own.

It was certainly a unique feeling, having her own literal tons of soft flab being pressed into an equally soft form, flesh mashing together in a visceral display of motion. Hillock-like breasts slid and smooshed into an even larger set, whilst further below, their guts did the same. “S… smolder, I… wow… this feels… so wrong…” Ember stuttered out, suddenly feeling a pair of claws grab onto her love handles. Between her gamboge claws, Smolder could feel the cyan blubber ooze between the gaps, as easily as if she was holding a balloon full of unbaked dough.

“But… why does it all feel so good?” She followed up only moments later, bringing her own claws down upon her opposite number, this time taking advantage of the gargantuan knockers blossoming so freely upon the orange dragon’s chest. Just trying to heft them up, she could feel the immense weight of them bearing down, each boob jostling and sloshing to and fro.

“I dunno. But I’m going to keep doing it!” Smolder grinned, pulling back slightly as she worked her way around her now ever so slightly larger compatriot. It had seemed that the spell’s effect had worn off, the last few centimetres of height being added and the last few pounds of pudge being added to the ladies various assets. Ember continued on for a couple of seconds longer, bringing her head just above Smolders, eyes at the same height as her horns. “Wow… Ember, you butt’s so freaking massive…”

“Yeah, I knowweeoouch!” She shouted, as Smolder's hand flashed out, slapping the immense globular masses. From there, a series of immense ripples radiated outwards, like someone had dropped an immense boulder into the ocean. From there, they flowed across her entire body, sending thousands of pounds of draconic blubber flying and undulating like jelly, her flesh clapping and slapping together with each successive, wild slosh. The same force emanated from the orange dragon's arm, her own body just as readily bobbing and jostling around, her immense tit’s especially moving around. The intense motion was the death knell of Embers swimwear, which finally gave up the ghost, the garments pinging off her body with a loud twang.

Eventually, the motions calmed down enough, Ember recovering first from the intense feeling. “You know, I still am your Dragonlord. And… as sexy and as good as that felt… that was still way out of line!” She huffed, doing her best to reach back and give the noticeable red mark a rub.

“I… err… I apologise. I guess I’ve been getting pretty worked up by this whole thing… whatever caused it in the first place.” Smolder shrugged, closing her eyes, before she felt Ember roughly grab her tit’s, mashing them together, Ember pressing herself into the cavernous cleavage available. “Mmmmm.... Nnnnghhh…” She groaned, claws closing as the immense jolts of pleasure shot to her mind, as her ruler continued to motorboat her monstrous mammaries.

Back on shore, Spike continued to watch on in awe, the Japaneighs comparison seeming more and more apt as they ‘tussled’ with one another, groping and grabbing at any piece of magically enhanced flesh that they could reach. Be it their own, or their partners, they didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. And neither did Spike, a thin line of drool slipping from his gaping mouth. He was immensely thankful he was wearing shorts, otherwise he wasn’t sure he could contain his enthusiasm for the pairs transformation.

As the titanic dragons continued to ‘play’ with one another, something was bubbling up in their minds besides the intoxicating feeling of lust. “Hey… Smolder, just stop for a moment. I just thought of something.” Reluctantly, Smolder managed to detach herself from a particularly squishy piece of belly blubber, and managed to somewhat satisfy her grabby mitts by playing with her own gut.


“Well, how come me and you only got this big, when our host down there is still the same size?” Smolder stopped her groping, her fingers resting on the underside of her chin.

“Err… that's a really good point Ember.” She continued to ponder, her eyes flicking across the horizon, looking towards Ponyville. Off in the distance, she noticed a rather significant number of ponies gathered outside their homes, crowding the streets, or hovering in the sky, all standing still, gawking at her and Ember if she had to guess. Still looking around, her eyes clapped onto the giant structure in the centre of the town, the Castle. Even at her own immense size, she was dwarfed by the colossal piece of architecture, looming above the hamlet. The Crystal Castle… crystal… gems. She paused, eyes widening.

“Ember, did you recognise the gems Spike gave to us as ‘presents’ earlier?”

“No I didn’t… they certainly looked unique I tell you that. They had that blue, purple colour and… wait, didn’t we glow the same colour!?” She half shouted, her gaze turning towards the tiny drake, still sitting proud atop his little deck chair. Sharing glances between one another, eyes both glinting in realisation, a grin began to etch it’s way across Ember's face. “That saucy little weirdo! I’ll bet you anything he gave us those tainted jewels just to see us get so big!”

Ember didn’t exactly know what to feel. On one hand, her friend had taken advantage of her naivety to indulge some fetish of his, turning her into a colossal, weighty mass of reptilian blubber and scales. But, then again, she didn’t exactly dislike this either. How she towered above the tallest trees, looking more like shrubs than the mighty pieces of flora they were meant to be. Besides, wasn’t a trait of dragons that they were freaking giant? Her own father Torch was an utterly monumental figure, both in reputation and indeed his own mountainous form. Even though she was composed of much softer flab than the thick slabs of corded muscle that he was made of, she still felt immensely powerful.

Resting her hands on her hips, she looked over her shoulder, Smolder continuing her jiggling and hefting of her rack. Figure building or not, Spike had still done something pretty pervy, even if she loved how good it made her feel. Her grin widening, she snickered, a plan forming. Nudging Smolder with her tail, she gestured her over, whispering into her ear. The longer Ember spoke, the more the orange dragon mimicked her expression, the two occasionally shooting glances towards their oblivious host.

Indeed, Spike was just having a mellow time. Watching two giant dragon babes play with themselves was a show he could just stay and watch for all of eternity, as far as he was concerned. It didn’t even occur to him that something was about to go down. Indeed, all he did was slide further down in his chair, as the behemoths bent down, almost like they were going to…

Jump! In near unison, they sprang off the ground, pushing their legs ahead of themselves into a sitting position. Cresting their parabola, they plummeted towards the lake, Spike watching on as they descended, faster and faster, before he realised what they were about to do. Bablooooooshh!!! The draconic boulders hit the water with an immense amount of force, displacing gallons upon gallons of water. From the impact, immense waves were created, rushing towards shore in a scant few seconds, as it crashed upon the sand.

The purple dragon was sent head over heels as the wave picked him up and tossed him, much in the same manner as a foal would with their toys. Tumbling, he was thrown to the sand, the force of the water pushing him along, whilst drowning out his panicked cries and shouts. Where the grass met the sand, he was finally ejected, landing sprawled out on his front, sand liberally dusting his figure. Coughing, he blinked specks out of his eyes, trying to get the gritty particles off him. Utterly failing to remove the vast majority of the sand, Spike started to haul himself to his feet, a process which was made harder by the sudden tremors, growing in intensity as they came closer and closer.

Gulping, she pivoted around, coming face to face with a slab of wobbling turquoise scale just a few centimeters from his face. Craning his head further and further skywards, he couldn’t quite make out the head, due to the cart sized boobs attached to her front. “Err… hey Ember… you, uh… enjoyed your time in the water?” He started, nervousness tinting his voice as he tapped his claws together.

Suddenly, the figure bent down, her claw reaching out, plucking the tiny drake up with ease. Higher and higher he rose, past curves atop curves of soft, juicy flab. Now he was staring into her eyes, each of those brilliant red eyes only slightly smaller than his head. “Hey there Spike. Me and Smolder were just wondering something.”

“Oh… yeah… what is it?”

“Well, we suddenly just started to shoot up like we were suddenly overtaken by greed, except we’re still in the same state of mind, and immensely fat.” She leaned in, bearing her front teeth slightly, eliciting a yelp from Spike. “We were wondering if you had anything to do with it. Say… some odd gemstones.”

Gulping, he darted his head around, looking for some sort of escape. His wings were trapped. “Alright… I’m sorry OK? I guess it was a pretty scummy thing to do, giving you those gems and forcing you to a size you must really hate…” He sighed, resigning himself to whatever fate they had planned.

“Scummy? Yes. Hate it? Absolutely not.”

“...Wait, what?” Spike was taken aback, unsure all of a sudden.

“You heard me. We both find our new forms, rather interesting. Sexy, even.”

“So… uhhh… what are you going to do to me?” Before he got the chance to do anything, the Dragonlord promptly stuffed him into her cleavage. Within seconds, he was surrounded by the humongous breasts, meters upon meters of soft tit flesh smothering him like a blanket. Only just able to breathe, he was utterly overwhelmed by the sensation, being rolled this way and that way with each of Ember's footfalls. With some effort, he pulled himself upwards, his head emerging in the canyon-like cleavage. Once more back in the light, watched Smolder approaching, her body glistening with rivulets of water in Celestia’s hot sun, her curves accentuated to even greater proportions.

Spike, however, could only appreciate this for a few moments longer, as Smolder embraced Ember, both of their racks squeezing together. Trapped in his world of mammary meat, Spike could feel his captors jostling and hefting their breasts, continuing to jiggle him about like a ragdoll. Every second was utter magic, unforgettable and sublime in his definition. Reaching his claws out, he groped the best he could, the fatty, milky boob squeezing between his claws. Every grab he made, small muffled moans and giggle managed to reach him.

“Ooooh… somedragon is getting real handsy now. You think we should stop ‘punishing’ him?” Smolder sighed, still continuing to fondle and grope her cleavage, as well as Ember’s.

“Hmm… yeah… I think he’s had enough for now.” Separating, she fished through the fissure of cleavage, pulling Spike out with a small pop. “You know what though, I’m feeling pretty tired from all this moving and splashing around. I could do with a bit of a lie down.” Easing herself down, her belly collided with the water’s surface, followed by her breasts, the pair forming a cushion for her to lay down upon, the sheer mass of dragon lard keeping her head above the water’s surface. Releasing Spike, he waded through the water, staring up at the virtual landmass she had become, rising up from the water like a volcano from the sea.

“Oh Spike, I think your chair was washed away by that sudden tidal wave. Fortunately, I think I found something much better than that…” Reaching behind, she gave her immense ass cheeks a few pats, Spike realising what she was implying in a heartbeat. Flapping his wings, he slowly rose into the air, able to take a good look at her vast tracts of land. Landing upon the gargantuan ass cheeks, he felt himself sink in, the immense globes of blubber squishing, his tiny amount of weight able to depress the flesh with ease.

Stretching his arms, he lay back, sighing from the feeling of being surrounded by so much abundant, lardy butt. “You enjoying yourself there Spike?”

“Oh yeah… this is amazing. So plush and comfortable.”

“It’d better be soft, it’s the size of a house for crying out loud.”

“Oh Celestia it is, I swear.”

“Good. Besides, that pony’s ass ain’t got nothing on mine.” She finished, chuckling as she closed her eyes, intent on getting a good sunbathing session in. Placing his head behind his hands, Spike watched as Smolder instead took to laying out on the sand, brushing the crumpled and mangled furniture aside with a nudge of her feet. Surrounded by the best bed he had ever laid upon, he had to admit, today had been one amazing experience.