• Published 9th Sep 2020
  • 3,585 Views, 189 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher 2.0 - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in another world

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15: Painful Truths

He leaned his flank against the closed doors of his room and he sighed deeply as he looked at the floor for several seconds. “How am I going to teleport you?” He said aloud, his voice seemed to echo through the silent room. He looked up as she seemed to have finished exploring the room and was now padding back to him. She reached him and rubbed her head against his chest and looked up at him.

Her bright ocean eyes stared back at him as they connected with his. “If you will it, I will appear.”

He startled and looked at the great cat in front of him. He shook his head and put a hoof to his muzzle as he thought over what she had said. “Gods below. Could it really be that simple?” The cat seemed to be waiting for him to go on. “I teleport, then I simply call on you?”


He pushed off the door and she moved to the side to allow him to move away from her. He looked over his shoulder to her as she sat down. “Well, that will solve that problem. It’s a bit awkward to talk to you through our minds though. Do me a favor and around other ponies, you need to calm down a bit. You nearly gave me a headache with your constant chatter.”

Sasa grumbled in reply. “I have been waiting a thousand years for a pony of your caliber. I think I should be allowed some freedom after so long.”

“Why wait for me? I’m sure there are plenty of ponies that could have acted in my stead.”

“There were none.” She snapped and stomped a paw to gain his full attention. “Your connection to the Spirit of this world is what drew you here. Like me, you are not of this world.”

He looked away from her but that last comment drew his attention back to her. “You can tell?”

“Yes.” She nodded in reply, her tone solemn.

He looked away from her for a moment before he approached the bed and turned to lean his flank against it. “It’s not that obvious, is it?” He heard Sasa laugh in his mind and she shook her head in response.

“Like you I can sense the Spirits of the ponies and creatures around me. While I can see them I am not so in tune with them as you are. You can see more of them than I will ever be able to. You are connected directly to Equestria’s Spirit. The world itself knows you. I know that sounds very strange but think of it. You have magic even as a Pegasus, correct?”

He began to pace as the cat spoke to him. The Witcher looked at her as she went silent. “I had wondered about that but I put it out of my mind as a side effect of coming here from the Northern Realms. You mean to tell me that I can see into this world itself?”

“Yes. Your magic does not exactly have a limit because of that.”


“When you saved me you used magic correct?”

“I did not use my magic though. I am not sure where that white fire came from, to be honest. I lied when I said it was from the Element itself.”

“Well…” Sasa’s paw scraped the ground for a moment. “Technically it wasn’t magic in the literal sense. That was the Spirit of this world answering your call. The Element can act as a conduit if needed but this time it didn’t. What you used was the purest of Equestria’s Spirit put to use to save me.”

“You mean to tell me that I can use the Spirit of this world and it will answer my command?”

“Yes.” Sasa chirped back to him.

“I can see into this world and wield its spirit as if it were my own magic?”


“Mother of the Gods.” He cursed quietly as he paced. “So it is the source of the magic I wield? It’s the reason I have magic at all?”

“Yes. You were brought here for a reason. I do not know what it is was precise. But I do know that the World Spirit answers your call alone. Nopony else can use it. Your magic is not bound by the same laws and rules of typical Unicorns and Alicorns. Though one thing does confuse me about the Element itself.”

“Which is?”

“Only an Alicorn can wield the Element of Spirit.”

“Excuse me?”

“Only an Alicorn has the magical focus to channel it properly. A normal pony can use it once and that is all. It uses the Spirit of the pony wielding it and a regular pony would leave them a broken husk in response. The Element of Magic may lead the charge within the Elements but without Spirit, it does not have the power that it needs to accomplish much. The power that cleansed Nightmare Moon was the combination of them all, but the power behind the cleansing was you.”

Oblivion looked away from her and then down to the medallion where the Element sat. “So how am I still standing?”

“I honestly am not sure.” She admitted. “My first thought is that it is due to the World Spirit itself and your connection to it. It not only allows you to see into the world around you but in a way perhaps it protects you from what would have broken another pony in your place. You may think a Witcher is devoid of magic but you could not be further from the truth. Sure your strength of body came from the mutations you survived but you were chosen to survive that trial. You fought through that pain and the hell that came from it to emerge on the other side of it alive and fairly well. You said that you took to the mutations and survived with minimal recovery time.”

He looked at her as he paced and nodded. “True enough. But can that truly have been through simply force of will?” He said to her as he moved. His orange eyes darted to her as he focused on something she had said. “I never discussed that topic with you.”

“No you didn’t. But through you, I can see the memories of this world that you have made.” She said to him and he paused to look at her, eyes blazing. "Okay, hang on. That was poor phrasing on my part. I can’t see the memories exactly but I can feel it through you. You speak to me in many ways Chosen. Not just through your words alone. I feel the World Spirit that you wield and it tells me of the past. In time I will not need to listen to it since I will be with you so the memories of your words will be within me. I cannot see your memories but I can feel the experiences through you. Not only is mind-reading impossible for me I am aware of your stance on it. I wish to live with you for many years so I will not be attempting such a thing on you.”

The cat fell silent as Oblivion breathed deeply and released a loud snort before he went back to pacing. “Very well. That is cleared up. But that does not answer the question of why me exactly. There are ponies, gods dammit, people of higher skill than I am. Those who wield magic normally would be a better fit I would imagine. Why not them?”

Sasa purred loudly for several seconds before she replied to him. “They did not earn it.”

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her. “Come again?”

“You earned every bit of the power you wield. You have never faltered in your cause and your strength is known. Other Witchers know of your strength and courage, your skills with the blades you carry are well thought of. You take on any monster no matter the possible cost to you. You protect ponies…” The cat paused and a chuckle sounded through their connection. “Any way you protect those that have earned it and you do not break. You know of the pain and have had those who have tried to break you.”

Oblivion looked away from her as memories of his own past experiences came back to him. He snorted and shook his head to rid himself of the memory. “I try not to think of those times. No doubt you feel them?”

“I did not. I told you that I can feel and hear the past from you but I am not intruding on the past before Equestria. I may know a few things of your past but only things that have been mentioned by you.”

He stopped and looked at her again. “How could know that there are those who have tried?”

She looked away for a moment before she replied. “Those who stand fast are always those that understand what it means to feel more than most. I know that you have suffered at the hands of those who have tried to prove themselves better. Only to have you break them in turn.”

Oblivion started pacing once more. He stopped and looked out the window. “True enough.” He walked to the window and pushed it open. His forelock was pushed by a light breeze as he looked back at the feline in the room with him. “I bear the scars of those times and they remind me why I do not fall.”

Sasa purred as she stood and walked over to him. “You understand and see the truth behind the lies and can see behind the mask that others wear. In the time that skill will be called upon in time I am certain. You are a force to be reckoned with Chosen. I pity those that find themselves on the opposite of you.” Sasa went quiet as she sat down in front of him, her aqua eyes watching him. “I am with you. I was shocked to see you at first. I wanted to speak to you but you were not able to hear me.” He glanced at her as she went quiet. “I sensed you the moment you walked into my territory. It was like seeing the sun after being in a cave for years. It is blinding and warm, but a bit frightening as well. After being alone for so long it was frightening to think that you were suddenly there and right in front of me. Through you, I would be able to walk this world once more.”

“Why would you fear that?”

“You understand being alone yes?”


“Imagine being alone for so long and then being thrown into a crowd of ponies.”

Oblivion gave a slight cringe and glanced back at her. “Fair point.”

“I live because you are strong enough to hold the World Spirit and use it. As long as you wield the World Spirit I cannot die. You brought me back from the abyss with eh strength of your own call.”

“So in essence you are immortal?”

“Essentially yes. Same as you.”

He startled and his head spun to face her. “Come again?”

Sasa looked at him, her eyes wide. “You had no idea?”

“Clearly not. I had heard that Luna and her sister were over a millennium old but I do not see how that would apply to me.”

“It’s different with you obviously.” She agreed. “They can be killed though it is incredibly difficult, nearly impossible. A wound that would be fatal to one pony is not for you. Your heart may still but it cannot truly be stopped.”

Oblivion looked outside and fell silent. He knew that Sasa was still watching him as he thought over what she had said. “That sounds like a hell of its own. To live on and watch the world go by without you. Every pony that you meet will one day fall and you are stuck watching it happen.”

Sasa got up and came to nuzzle his shoulder. “I know it seems that way. But another way to look at it is this. You protect the Spirit of the World which means ponies and other beings can continue to live on due to your Protection. You guide their spirits and help them. You're helping Blue Blood are you not?” The cat waited for him to acknowledge the comment before she went on. He gave a slight nod in response. “That is part of you as well. You can see an ailing spirit and have the power to purify them through force or through other means.”

Oblivion looked at her. “So I could cleanse the wraith that stands over Bleu Blood right now if I wished?”

“Yes. Though sometimes that is not the best method to use. You have enormous power Chosen. Sometimes a spirit is so badly hurt that it can be broken if you try to force it. By befriending Blue Blood you are strengthening his spirit and making it so that he could one day be strong enough to survive a cleansing, otherwise right now…” She left the sentence trail off as she watched him.

“It could break him.” Oblivion finished the sentence for her and she nodded.

“You are a wise pony Chosen. You use the knowledge you have as a Witcher to decide the best course of action.”

“I chose that course when I saw the Wraith. My armor fell across my face and seemed to enhance my vision beyond its normal. It showed me the extent of the damage to him. Is that normal for the armor?”

She seemed surprised as she sat down. “Actually no. I am surprised that it was able to do that this early on. I would have thought you would have needed to have it for longer for it to act as it did. Your power was able to call on the armor to amplify your sight to show you the strength of the corruption to Blue Blood. You are a wonder my Chosen.”

Oblivion said nothing as he processed what he had been told by her. “Immortal…” He whispered. Sasa said nothing as his ears flicked at the sound of his own voice in the silence. “What have I gotten myself into?”

Sasa nuzzled him, trying to comfort him. “I am with you. So long as you will have me I will be at your side.”

Oblivion sighed and looked at her. Her aqua eyes watched him, scanning him for any sign of what to do for him. He lifted his hoof and ran his claws through her fur as he closed his eyes for a moment. “I understand that I was chosen for this role. But truly what is the purpose? I am an Element of Harmony, but you have told me that I bear the power that feeds the others. I can wrap my mind around that well enough but I am struggling with the rest of it. This world chose me from all the others?”

Sasa nudged him with her nose. “Not quite. While it brought you here you chose your role. That day with the Leshens, you felt yourself fall did you not?”

Oblivions claws stalled in her fur. “I did not fall.”

Sasa looked away from him for a moment. “That was poor phrasing on my behalf. I meant that you felt that pain and then nothing?”

“I woke up here.”

“Correct. Why do you think that is?”

He set his hoof back on the floor and he held his hoof up level with her head as his claws spread. He flexed his claws for a moment before he looked back at her. “I died there, didn’t I?”


The Witcher looked at her, confusion in his gaze. “Then kindly explain.” His tone was sarcastic as he set his hoof back on the floor. While his tone was sarcastic he was not vicious with it.

Sasa sighed in response to his tone but she spoke despite it. “Your body fell but your spirit did not. Your spirit screamed out and Equestria heard it. You did not wake immediately upon getting here to this world. The body that you have had to be made. It took months to make and Equestria started the process but you molded yourself into what you are.” She said as her vibrant blue eyes watched him for a response.

“So it took months for this body to be made? And then it took that same time to give it life?”

“Yes. As I said you took the reins so to speak and made yourself into what you are. Your wings were designed to carry you beyond what even the greatest Pegasus can accomplish. They were made by Equestria but the rest of you was all on your own. You are a self-made stallion.”

Oblivion scoffed and looked out the window. “Self-made? Hardly. I seem to be dancing to a tune played by a bard I cannot see or hear.” He growled and moved away from the window and the feline that sat by it. His hooves were silent as he began to pace once more. “How can I make myself when I have no knowledge of what happened after the fight?”

He saw her cringe as she watched him pace. “There is evidence of it but I do not wish to hurt you by showing you.”

He stopped in his tracks and his head slowly turned to watch her as she squirmed a bit under his gaze. “There is a way to prove what you have said?”

She nodded and looked at the ground. “Yes. But it will hurt you deeply to see it. I do not mean your mind, Chosen. Your old body bears the scars of your past life. Connecting with it will bring them forward and you will bear them once more. Especially the final one that destroyed you.”

Oblivion looked away from her and breathed deeply. “Sasa?” He waited for her to look at him before he went on. There are some things that must be seen to be believed. I appreciate that you do not wish to cause me harm. But.” He walked back to her and put his hoof under her chin and lifted her head to look him in the eyes. “I must know.”

The cat looked away from him but didn’t move to get away from him. She stood up and looked at him as he released her head. “Please understand that even if I show you the truth it will not change what you are now. It’s just that some things cannot be hidden fully and they leave a mark even across worlds. Please remember that.” Sasa said to him as she stepped back and reared up on her hind legs and put her front paws on his back. “You might want to use a spell to silence the room. By revealing the scars of the past it brings the pain that you would have felt at that time.”

He nodded in understanding. Magic flowed over his body and he watched as it swept across the ground, up the walls, and then over the ceiling. He hoped he had done it right and that no sound would escape the room. “All right Sasa. I understand that you are not happy about this idea. But you have given me a huge amount of information to process all at once. I have spent the last couple of months living in a world that I was certain I would wake up from and find myself in a camp in my own world. I have come to terms with what I have been told in a way that I can understand. I was made from the pain of the Trial of the Grasses.”

“I know Chosen.” Sasa grumbled and shifted her paws on his back. “But that does not mean I will like this. Can I at least share the pain with you?”

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to gaze at her. “Why in the hell would you wish to do that?”

The cat put her head down on his back and nuzzled the back of his neck and head. She ran her tongue over his fur. “Because I already do not like the thought of anything hurting you. I live because you saved me from fading into the Abyss. It was by your choice that I am here and able to share this life with you. You gave me my name. I have never had a name before now and you chose to give me one that you hold close to your heart.”

He kept watching her. “I know. I have used that name for every companion that has ever stood with me. I gave you that name due to the fact that I expect you to be at my side till the end of time. Before I had anticipated that would be until I died here in this world. Now I know that I will not die and it is comforting to know that I will have another that is there with me as the ponies of this world pass by me. I do not ask this of you to cause either of us grief. But I must understand and this is how it must be done.”

Sasa licked his neck once more before she gave a deep sigh and leaned more of her weight into his back. Oblivion squared his hooves and he felt her claws begin to dig into his skin. The pain from it was minimal and the black Pegasus waited for her to do more. Sasa gave another deep sigh and her claws plunged into his back and he gave a low grunt but he didn’t move.

“Look back Chosen.” She said to him.

Oblivion looked back to her paws and his back tore open. A tear that went from just above his tail all the way to his neck tore open. Blood flowed from it as tendrils went across his back. He knew the wound when he saw it. It was made by a Leshen. He had been hit by the attack that used the roots of the trees around him before. His voice died in his throat as his head went back to face front and lowered as he panted. Pain ripped through him as he gasped for air. Sasa’s claws were still buried deep in his body. The great cat tried to soothe him through their link but he couldn’t hear her voice. His heart pounded and his blood rushed through him. His wings raised from his back and extended their full size. He panted as pain tore at him.

His mind showed him the last moments of his fight with the Leshens. He watched as he called for his mare and saw her approach him at a gallop. He reached for her saddle, only to have roots tear into them both. He had watched as the mare, which had been with him for nearly 15 years, screamed in pain as she fell with him. Oblivion gasped as he realized that she had died with him. A ragged roar tore from his throat as he grieved for a lost companion. He didn’t hear the Spirit Cat calling, trying to soothe and comfort him, to reach him through the pain that she knew was coursing through him.

Blood dripped down his legs as the wound in his back began to heal and scar over. Sasa removed her claws and jumped back as he collapsed. The Pegasus panted as he tried to recover. His wings lay extended on the floor. The cat jumped to avoid stepping on them. The pain from the wound began to fade but the knowledge of the mare's fate tore at him. He tried to get back to his hooves but fell with each attempt. He felt a weight drop over his shoulders and pin him to the floor. He bucked against it but his struggling did nothing to dislodge the weight from his body. His strength gave out as he collapsed to the floor, sweat-drenched and exhausted. He panted and dragged air into his ravaged lungs. He suddenly felt a vibration along his body and found Sasa purring against him as she had pinned him. He looked over his shoulder to her. His blood covered her paws and he let his head collapse back to the floor of the room.

“Speak to me Chosen. Please speak to me.” The feline begged him as she purred loudly against him.

As much as he wanted to speak to her his mind and voice failed him and he laid in silence, panting. His breathing slowly evened out and it ceased to hurt to breathe. He could feel the wound in his back fully pull itself together and the pain faded to nothing. He gazed back to find Sasa licking his shoulder, he could feel her weight still on him as she tried to comfort him. A tremble went through his body and he gave a low groan. Sasa jumped off of him and laid down by his head.

“Talk to me.” The cat whispered as she rubbed her forehead against his face. “Talk to me Oblivion.”

His ears perked at the use of his name. She had never called him by his name in the short time he had known her. “That’s the first time you used my name.” He said to her. His voice was low and harsh to his own ears.

The cat startled and jumped. He didn’t stand and he chose to lay in place. She stared at him and he heard her swallow. “You answered to it. Please tell me you’re all right.”

“I’ll live.” He admitted to her. “It’s harder to come to terms with the death of my mare than the rest of it.” He rolled onto his belly and folded his legs under him. His wings slowly folded into place at his sides but they were loose on his sides. Sasa came to his head and sat down by his head to nuzzle him.

“Truthfully that’s what I was most concerned with. I do not doubt that she didn't regret anything. She went to you despite the danger ahead of her. She knew what you had called her into and she still went ahead and answered your call. I would have acted the same in her hooves.”

Oblivion looked at the spirit beast for a moment before he sighed and leaned into her shoulder. “Perhaps.” He looked over his shoulder and his eyes fell on the great scar that now stretched across his back and down his sides. “That’s going to show from now on isn’t it?”

“I wish it didn’t.”

“It’s fine. I am actually fine with it. It’s a reminder of what I have lost, and what I have gained. I am grateful that you trusted me enough to get through it on my own.” He said as he looked at the cat for a moment before he leaned into her once more.

“Please do not ask me to do anything like that again.”

“I would hope that there is nothing else besides that last memory that I need to know about.”

Sasa shook her head and nuzzled him. “No, that was the last memory of the life you left behind.”

Oblivion rolled away from her and started to get to his hooves. He groaned as his newly scarred back trembled and he fell back to the floor. Sasa stood up and moved to help him to his hooves. Oblivion pitched forward and Sasa moved to his side and supported him as he stood. He panted for a moment before he took a shaky step and nearly fell to the floor. The cat stood in front of him and pushed him up.

“Nice catch.” He commented.

She gave a low growl but remained silent. She angled him toward his bed and ushered him in between the sheets to sleep. He folded his wings to his sides and they laid on the sheets at his sides. His coat was sweat-drenched and he growled. “I need a bath.”

“You need to rest first.” The she-cat replied to him. Her voice was sharp as she leaped onto the bed and laid down on the other side of him, against his back.

He looked at her and his orange eyes gave off their slight glow in the dark. “Was that sass? I think you sassed me.”

The cat growled but Oblivion could hear the laughter under her tone. The cat huddled against him and purred, trying to get him to relax. “Just rest.”

Oblivion laid his head down onto the soft pillows and tried to sleep. He kept seeing his mare dying in front of him and he started awake each time. He heard Sasa purring next to him and he tried to focus on her, his current companion. A slight feeling of grief tugged at him as he lay in silence. The stallion closed his eyes and he dozed for several minutes before the image of his former companion flashed before his eyes. “Gods dammit.”

“I am sorry Chosen. I wish that her fate had been different.” The ethereal cat laid her head on his shoulder.

Oblivion sighed. “I know. I keep thinking that if she had not fallen with me then she would have still been attacked, but those thoughts are not easing my mind.”

The cat purred and nuzzled his shoulder as best she was able. “She loved you more than you know. How old was she?”

“She was sixteen. I got her shortly after she was weaned.” He explained. “I rescued a man from a group of Drowners ad he knew that a Witcher does not help unless they are going to be paid. So I followed him home and he admitted that he had no money to give me and told me to choose anything from his farm. At the time I was walking so I was in need of a horse. I saw this spindly foal and asked about her. He informed me that she was newly weaned. I informed him that I needed a horse so I would be taking her. He had to agree so that was how I came to own her. I walked her back to the stables where I had left my tack and equipment. I walked her until she was big enough to easily hold me and then trained her over time. She could run for hours and still have more to give.”

Sasa chuckled. “Seems like your nature rubbed off on her. You don’t quiet either.”

“Perhaps.” He replied as he looked over his shoulder at the feline.

“Don’t remember her death. She lived beside you and I think she would have fought at your side as long as you needed her. Your bond to her was strong and it drove her to greater feats to keep up with you. You are a difficult pony to keep up with. Though I have no doubt that she was with you and loved every day.” Oblivion laid his head back down as she spoke. “Try to rest. Think of the good times with her and the times that she was with you. Focus on her life, not her death.”

Oblivion chuckled. “No Witcher dies in his bed. None of our horses do either.” The stallion closed his eyes and forced his mind to think of the times that the mare had watched over him. Memories of the mare washed over him and he let himself relax.

The stallion opened his eyes and looked around him. The light was beginning to filter in through the gaps in the curtains. He looked over his shoulder and Sasa was sprawled next to him with her head and back pressed against his. He pushed the blanket away from his body and got to his hooves. The black stallion looked back and he could see dried blood and matted fur on the sheets, a grimace crossed his face as he looked at it. His orange eyes darted to the spot in the room that he was paying when his back ripped open and a small pool of blood was in the middle of the room.

“I can’t leave that.” He muttered to himself.

Magic flowed over him as he called on it to burn away the bloodstain on the floor and the marks on the sheets. Once it had vanished he moved to the bathroom that was attached to the room. ‘I need a curry comb or something for my fur.’ He thought to himself as he looked into the mirror. His fur was standing on end and matted in places.

“You are a handsome pony Chosen.” Sasa said as she came to stand in the doorway.

Oblivion scoffed and a snort tore from him. “I think not. This is vile. My fur feels like it's stiff and my skin itches from it. I have dried blood all over me. This is not an easy conversation to have if it’s noticed.” He said to her.

Sasa chuckled and walked up to him. She turned and ran her tongue over the matted fur on his shoulder. He looked back at her and he could see that she was trying to clean his fur for him. He stepped away from her and she sat down at his side. Her ethereal white fur was bright in the dim light of the bathroom and the light mist that came off her was strong enough to be noticeable. She waited for him to finish brushing out his mane and tail. He spun on his heel and walked out of the bathroom with the cat on his heels. Magic flowed over him and he called his swords to his back and the blades appeared in place over his right shoulder.

“All right. Shall we go? We will meet up with Blue Blood to join him for breakfast before we head to the farm.”

“We shall, Chosen.” The cat replied as she gave a wide yawn and came to stand at his side.

He went to the door and he pushed it open with one hoof and left the room with the cat on his heels. The black Pegasus looked down the hallway as Blue Bloods spirit showed him coming to the door. He waited for several seconds as the door was pushed open and the Prince came out of his room. The other stallion looked over to find the pair of them waiting for him. The Prince looked at him and a smile came to his muzzle.

“Good morning my friend.” Blue gave him a warm greeting as he waited for them to join him.

“Morning Blue. Sleep well?”

Blue Blood looked uncertain for several seconds before he shook his head slowly. “I slept, but it was hardly restful.”

“Oh?” Oblivion said to him as he and the cat joined the Prince in the hallway and they moved toward the main door.

“I had a nightmare that recurred throughout the entire night. I was in the castle but I am not sure what part of it I was in. There were candles all around me and shadows were flickering across the walls and floors. I kept turning to look at them and something was jumping through the shadows.” He replied as he looked at the Witcher who gave him an agreeing nod for him to go on. “I finally caught a look at whatever was there and it was terrifying. It was standing on its hind legs and it had long limbs and it had a pair of tall horns. The creature saw me looking at it and it seemed to smile back at me. Or at least I think it smiled. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth that looked like they could have torn me apart with no trouble.” Blue stopped as they neared the end of the hallway and the door into the main hallway.

“If you can keep going I will keep listening,” Oblivion said to him, encouraging him to keep going. At his side, Sasa walked up to the hesitant Prince and nuzzled his shoulder.

Blue nodded and smiled at the cat. “It was just standing there, with that… grin… watching me. I could hear voices all around me they just started speaking all at once. They were speaking a language that I could not for the life of me understand. I tried to move but I was frozen in place. I wanted to run because it started to come toward me. Black smoke was coming off of its body as it got closer and the whispering became louder and louder the closer it got. It got to the point that it was all I could hear. It reached for me as it got close enough and I nearly woke up screaming the first time it happened.”

Oblivion nodded as he finished speaking and Sasa nuzzled his shoulder again. “It may have been a dream Chosen but it has hurt him deeply.”

Oblivion looked at the cat and he could see that she was right. Blue’s spirit appeared to have been damaged by the dream and it had faltered. The Wraith had strengthened overnight and he looked away for a moment before he looked at the Prince. “Well if it happens then just remember that you are the master of your own mind and all that is attached to it. A dream can be many things. It could be that it is showing you something about yourself that you need to overcome.”

Blue Blood looked back at the black stallion and a sigh escaped him. “So by that logic could it be that mask I wear?”

“That is possible. You might simply need to decide that you are better than it is and it has no power over you. Those whispers could be the feat you hold of others seeing the real you. But that is just a guess on my behalf.”

Blue looked thoughtful as he reached out a hoof to stroke Sasa’s fur. “So it boils down to being stronger than it makes me feel?”

Oblivion nodded and stepped back a bit to allow the Prince to move forward. Sasa purred loudly and nuzzled his shoulder. “Shall we go?”

Blue nodded and his magic pushed open the door and Sasa fell in behind him. “Well said Chosen. I think he needed that reassurance.”

Oblivion nodded as he fell in behind her and followed the Unicorn. The Pegasus said nothing in reply to her as he looked down at his forelegs. He gave a slight grimace at the dried blood and sweat on his fur. “I should have used magic to get the blood off of my fur. I didn’t think of it at the time.” He thought to himself as he focused on following Blue Blood.

He nearly jumped when Sasa looked back at him and gave him a slight nod. “Perhaps. But you still need it to teleport home and despite wielding a World Spirit you still have to conserve your energy. You are still learning how to use the World Spirit so it behooves us to be cautious with it for now. It takes time. You are not a foolish pony by any stretch of the mind. You are a wise pony.”

Oblivion looked at her for a moment before he gave her a stiff nod. “Flattery will not get you very far.” He said to her with a tone of sarcasm.

“That is not my reasoning for complimenting you.” She chuckled. “But I will be quieter today if you agree to give me table food?” She said to him, a laugh in her voice.

He snorted and she barked a loud laugh through their connection. A low chuckle escaped him as he followed Blue’s lead until they reached the dining room. They walked through the open doors and Blue gave a low bow to Celestia as they approached the table. Oblivion acknowledged her with a nod and walked up to the table, Sasa on his heels.

“I hope you both had a nice visit with Luna?” She asked as they sat down with her.

“Quite. I had not thought of asking her if I could see her raise the moon. It was a lovely sight to behold.” Blue responded to her.

“Yes. She had no equal in it. I was a poor stand-in for her. No other pony can make such beautiful art with the moon and stars.” Celestia agreed. “Did you enjoy the evening as well Oblivion?”

The black pony looked at them and nodded. “I had seen her raise the moon before but it is a sight each time. I am glad to see that it does not seem to tax her as it did the last time I had seen it.”

Celestia looked at him and nodded. “Well, I do appreciate each of you joining me for breakfast. It has been a while since any pony has been at my table this early. What would you like to drink this morning?”

“Coffee for me, thank you,” Oblivion responded and sat down on one of the chairs across from the white Alicorn.

Celestia nodded. “And what would she prefer?” The asked as she pointed to the Spectral Tiger at his side.

“Milk is fine for me Chosen.”

“Milk for her.” He parroted back the cat’s preference.

Celestia nodded and clapped her forehooves together, her hoof boots creating a bell-like sound that echoed in the large room. Oblivion watched as a single pony came out and he recognized her from the last time he was here, Treats was her name if he recalled her right. She took requests for food and drink and trotted back the way she had come. Celestia continued to question the two stallions about the day before. She asked him if he had enjoyed his tour of the city and he informed her that he had. She accepted his answer and seemed to focus on Blue Blood and he tuned out the rest of the conversation and focused on the cat with him.


The cat turned an ear to him. “Yes?”

“So I truly can speak to you through our minds.”

“Yes. I have to admit I was going to tell you about it earlier but it slipped my mind.” She said back to him. “You are cleverer than you think.”

“Do you have any ideas about how to further strengthen Blue Blood against the Wraith? As much as I would like to simply rid him of it would cause him harm to do so. After it went after him last night it needs to be punished back more. I refuse to harm him in an attempt to rid him of it in an attempt to save him.”

“I agree. His spirit was attacked by that creature and it has shaken him deeply. Unfortunately, you’re right about simply removing it. We could bring in more ponies to befriend him, but that might also overwhelm him.”

“I am certain it would overwhelm him. Perhaps I will speak with Rarity and see if she can send a letter to comfort him further.”

Sasa was quiet as she considered what he had said. “That might be for the best. Bringing in more ponies could cause more harm than good. I think leaning a bit on Rarity might be our best option. She is willing to see behind the mask and speak to him as another pony. Perhaps ask him to pay her a visit?”

Oblivion looked away from her and back to the other two ponies in the room to make sure he was not being focused or falling behind in the conversation. “Not sure if that is a good idea. Just because ponies will see him and possibly seek him out. The last thing we need is for that mask to crop up when it’s not needed. That would ruin any progress that he had or would make.”

Sasa looked at him and he could see her understanding. “I had not thought of that. His spirit is very delicate at this point in time. Perhaps you could make it a point to come to Canterlot more often?”

Oblivion leaned back in his chair and thought over what the cat had said. “Perhaps come here once a week?”

Sasa looked at him and gave a nod. “That actually is a good idea Chosen. Perhaps use it as a… What do they call it? A boy’s day?”

Oblivion gave her a sideways glance. “Horrid way to put it but the concept is the same. Perhaps bring Shining Armor into it as well. They seem to get along well enough.”

“Perhaps eventually. For now, I would leave it at the two of you. He enjoyed that visit to the donut shop correct?” He nodded in reply to her. “Then do that once a week. A small gathering of the two of you to meet up and talk. I think the attention one on one would go a long way with him.”

Oblivion looked away from her and back to the room around him as their meals were brought out to them. He placed a couple of waffles on his plate and set the bowl of milk on the floor for Sasa. The large feline purred her thanks and started to drink. He drizzled some butter across his meal and they fell into silence as they ate. Oblivion thought over what the pair of them had discussed and time ticked past as he finished his meal. He looked down to find Sasa licking the bottom of the bowl as he set his empty plate aside. Sasa looked up and he leaned down to pick up the bowl from the floor. He set it on top of his own and he leaned back in his chair as he waited for the others to finish as well. The Tiger sat up straight and she looked at each of them as her head cleared the top of the table.

“Did you enjoy your meal Oblivion?” Celestia asked him as she also finished.

“Yes. Thank you for asking. As much as I would like to stay longer I do need to return to Ponyville. Work will not wait for me to arrive.” The black stallion said to her as he moved to get up from this chair.

“Of course. Thank you for joining me for breakfast. It was a pleasure to have you.”

Oblivion nodded at her and waited for Blue Blood to lead him out of the dining room and out to the menagerie. The pair of them walked out into the front and into the deeper menagerie.

“Hopefully I will see you soon my friend,” Blue said to him as they walked deeper inside.

Oblivion looked back at him for several seconds before he trained his gaze ahead of them. “Well, perhaps I could come back next Saturday?” Blue turned to look at him. “Perhaps make it a weekly event? It would be nice to get away from the farm every now and then.” He stopped and waited for the other stallions' reply.

“I would like that. It would get me away from the tedious council meetings and whatnot.” The white pony replied.

“Then it is settled. I will meet you here at noon?”

“Sounds fine to me.” Blue agreed. “Here we are. Did you figure out how to teleport Sasa?”

“After thinking it over for a bit I think if I simply summon her as I do other things then she can make the trip.”

Blue looked thoughtful as understanding came over him. “That is actually a clever idea. I had not considered a simple summoning spell. Though I do have to ask?” Oblivion nodded and he went on. “Have you ever teleported anypony before?”

“No,” Oblivion replied blankly and Blue stared at him for several seconds. “I can teleport myself but the best I can do is summon her.”

“I’m surprised considering your skill with magic. Though if you did not have magic before then I suppose it makes sense that you would not have done it before. I would offer to help with it but…”

Oblivion chuckled and held up one hoof. “No need to worry Blue. I have no need to try it out at this time. I will see you next week.” He said as magic flowed over him and the Elder Speech symbols went across his fur.


Oblivion paused and the mist faded as he waited for Blue to speak.

“What is all over you?”

“Busted.” Sasa laughed.

“I went for a run this morning and did not bathe once I had returned.”

“I can see that but that is not what I meant. Are you hurt?”

“A few minor scratches, nothing more.”

Blue Blood looked at him and appeared unconvinced. “Very well. Please take care of them when you are able.”

“They will be addressed upon my return. Thank you, Blue. I appreciate the concern.”

“Of course. Safe travel my friend. You as well Sasa.”

Blue backed up several; feet as magic once more flowed over the Pegasus. Sasa looked at the aqua mist that came off of him and then to her own fur and he could see the surprise flow over her as she realized that it was one and the same. He let the magic build under his skin and the mist grew in strength before he released the magic and he vanished in a flash of light. Blue looked at Sasa as she looked bored while she waited. Her ears perked and she gave the Prince a wide toothy grin before she vanished as well.

“Impressive. It seems to have worked. It will be nice to have a day to spend with my friend, and not in any boring meetings.” The Prince said to himself as he turned to leave the menagerie.

Oblivion appeared in front of the barn and he cast a quick glance around him to check for anypony close by. He shook his head at his own foolishness for teleporting in somewhere he could have been seen. He paused and when nopony spoke or acted he accepted that he had not been seen. He focused on Sasa and she appeared beside him. He heard a low growl escape her as she shook her head.

“We need to work on an actual teleport with you at some point. That was not a very pleasant experience, Chosen.” She grumbled.

He looked back at her as the closed wound on his back trembled and a spike of pain went through his back. “Quit your grumbling. Perhaps next time you would like to walk.” He sniped in response to her tone.

She looked at him, surprise in her eyes as she looked at him. “Cranky?” She asked as her head tilted.

Oblivion took a deep breath and held it for a moment before he groaned and released the breath. “My back is beginning to hurt. My apologies.”

She purred as she rubbed her head on his shoulder. “I am sorry that it is hurting you. It will fade in time. Would you like me to take some of the pain from you? I don’t mind doing that for you.”

He shook his head. “No. It’s fine. I’ll live.” He looked away from her as he cast a glanced around for the light that came from the Apple siblings. Je could see Mac was closest to him and he angled toward him with Sasa at his hip.

The Witcher walked around a small curve in the fence and found the red pony looking out across the yard to the barren trees. The Pegasus walked up behind him and he waited for a moment before he chose to speak. Sasa padded up next to him and he could see her watching the red stallion closely.


The red pony jumped and gave a low yelp of surprise as he looked behind him. “By Equestria Oblivion. Ah still say ya need ta wear a loud bell around yer neck.”

Oblivion chuckled under his breath and nodded. “And as I said before I will keep that idea in mind.”

The red stallion laughed but he fell quiet at the sight of the tiger in front of him. “She is the one ya went ta help? AJ mentioned her.”

“Yes, this is her. She is called Sasa.” He replied.

The red stallion looked dubiously at the large cat. “She friendly?”

“Yes.” Oblivion gave the cat a gentle nudge on his leg. “Be nice or I will buck you.”

He saw the cat glance at him as she stood up to walk to the red pony. “I’m always nice.” She purred to him. She sat down in front of the farmer and she gave a loud purr.

Mac reached out and laid a hoof on her thick fur. He stroked her soft fur and the cat sat still and let him pet her. “She’s sure pretty.” He commented. “Applejack said ya told her she was a big cat. But Ah admit Ah didn’t think she was this big.”

Oblivion chuckled and nodded. “She was smaller before I helped her.”

Mac nodded and his eyes narrowed as he looked at the black Pegasus. “Ya look like ya could use a bath. Yer furs all fouled up.”

Oblivion bit back a low groan. “Don’t remind me. I still have work to do with you I assume so I will accomplish that then worry about my fur later.”

“Nothin’ ah have can’t wait a bit fer ya ta get cleaned up. Ya need a bath.”

“It can wait what do you need done?” Oblivion pressed.

“Well. We need ta go around to the trees and ‘em ta see if they need ta be rested fer a year or not.”

“How in the Hells do you check that?”

“Well, it’s hard ta explain. How about ya stay with me and Ah will tell ya a number and ya keep track o’ it fer me?” When we are done we will see what we need ta do.” Mac explained and waited for the other stallion to reply.

“All right. Sounds fairly simple.” Oblivion replied with a slight nod. He took a quick glance around him as his magic flowed over him and a scroll and quill appeared in front of him.

Sasa fell in at his side as Mac turned to lead him into the orchard. He followed Mac through the orchards and after a couple of hours, the farmer looked through the papers and decided that the very far orchard would be allowed to go dormant and the other orchard across from it would be brought out of a dormant state. The two stallions walked back to the house and met up with Applejack. Mac told her what they had found out and she agreed.

“Did ya have fun in Canterlot?” She asked at the sight of him. “Did ya have fun?”

“It was fine, thank you.” He replied.

“Even though ‘e needs a bath.” Mac threw a comment in, earning him a look from the Witcher.

“What are ya covered in any way? Ya hate getting; dirty like that.” Applejack teased.

Oblivion said nothing in response for several seconds. “It’s fine.”

“You may want to run Chosen. I doubt they will drop it.” Sasa advised.

“Well, I think I will go and wash off. My skin is starting to itch.” He said as he walked quickly past the pair of them, Sasa on his heels.

Oblivion trotted up the stairs and let Sasa into his room. He laid his swords inside the wardrobe and went to the bathroom. “You stay there.” He said to Sasa as he left the room. She rumbled a reply and laid on his bed. Oblivion went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He leaned his swords against the door. He looked over his back and saw the deep scar as it twisted across his back. His mind went back to last night and the memories that it brought.

He shook his head to clear it and his magic started the water and began to fill the tub. He looked over the rest of his body and he could see that his fur was matted and bloodied. Lines of dried blood went down his sides and legs in places. The Pegasus was quiet as he pulled his wings away from his sides and he could see dried blood on the feathers. The tub filled and he stepped into the water as his magic turned off the water to keep it from overfilling. He stepped into it and slowly laid down and let the water ripple up and over his back. He muttered a few curses under his breath as the hot water went over the new scar on his back.

The black Pegasus looked back at the scar and he cringed at the sight of it. His wings were lifted and he slowly dunked them into the hot water. Water slowly loosened the dried blood and began to wash it off. Once he was sure the water had loosened the blood and sweat he used the soap to wash his fur and wings. He was forced to dunk the soap several times to keep it from turning red. He used his magic to pick up water and drop it across his back and fur to wash the bloodied suds off his fur and wings. It took him some time but the soap went from red to white and he took that as his cue that it was clean. The stallion stepped out of the tub and let it drain. He looked to see if there was a ring on the tub and was glad to see that there was none. His magic dried him off, his ears flicked to find out where the family was and found them to be outside. He laid his swords over his back under his cloak and walked out the door to his room. Sasa looked up at him as he walked into the room.

“You look refreshed.” Sasa commented as he came into the room. “Do you feel better, Chosen?”

Oblivion shrugged. “Now that all the dried blood and sweat is out of my coat, yes. I have trekked through my fair share of marches, swamps, and bogs but they bothered me less than that did.”

“It’s all perspective.” She replied. “In your world, you do not have the ability to avoid those places. Whereas in Equestria you do have the choice to avoid them.”

“Perhaps.” He said to her.

The stallion said nothing as he laid his swords on the bed beside Sasa. He could see blood spots on the scabbards and baldric. The stallion looked to the wardrobe and summoned his saddlebags. The left opened and he pulled out his sword and leather treatment kit. He pulled the silver blade out of the scabbard and leaned it against the bed. He placed his saddlebags back in the wardrobe. The plain steel blade levitated to the baldric and it snapped into place. The Pegasus used leather soap to clean the scabbard of the weapon and wiped it clean. He held the hilt of the silver blade in his claws and applied sword oil to the blade. He laid down on the floor and concentrated on the blade, so as not to activate the runes.

“Why don’t you suppress the runes and blunt the weapon?” Sasa asked as she shifted on the bed until she was looking directly down on him to allow her to watch what he was doing.

“I would never blunt the silver blade. I know exactly how to handle it to avoid activating the runes. I have been handling this weapon for over a hundred years.” He commented. His voice was quiet, despite knowing the Apple family was out of the house.

Sasa poured and leaned down until her snout nuzzled him from above. The stallion gave no indication of acknowledging the affection from the feline. He focused on the weapon in his claws as his wings flicked at his sides. He allowed the wings to slip from their place tight against his sides to laying on the ground. The wings lay boneless on the ground in heaps on the sides of his body. Sasa jumped off the bed and padded around to sit at his side.

“That blade is truly a beauty to behold, Chosen.” She said to him as she admired the blade while he was using a cloth to run oil into the blade.

“It is one of the finest I have wielded. I have several others but this one is the best of them.” He admitted to her.

“You have the others with you?”

“Yes. Though I am not sure how. My saddlebags seem to have no end as well as the magic I wield. They have every item I have stored inside of them, including the ones I had stored with Dandelion.”

She looked away from him and her aqua eyes fell on his saddlebags. Seconds passed and she went back to watching him as he looked at the blade in his claws. “Perhaps your right, you’re saddlebags are similar to your magic?”

Oblivion stopped and nodded at her. “I agree that it’s possible. Though I have to say that it’s strange to me to know it.” He reached out to his saddlebags and pulled them closer to himself. He tossed open the right one and several steel and silver blades levitated out of them as his magic flowed over him. Sasa looked surprised as they hovered out above and around her.

“You weren’t kidding about the weapons you bear. Any blacksmith in the world would be drooling over each and every one of these.”

“All were made by various master smiths. As I said the saddlebags seem to have no issue holding them all.”

Sasa growled a reply as the weapons were returned to the saddlebags one by one. Oblivion chuckled suddenly and a bottle appeared in his magic from within the saddlebag. He sent the saddlebags back to the wardrobe and set the bottle down beside him. He reached over and his claws popped the cork and he took a swig from it and set it back down.

He grimaced for a moment before he recovered from the sting of it. “Nothing quite like Mahakaman Spirit. The spirits from last night were a sad disappointment.” He said to the feline as he shook his head. He enjoyed the burn from the drink in his mouth and throat.

“What is that?”

“Plainly speaking, strong alcohol. Though a great deal stronger than what is here so far as I have experienced.” He said to her as he leaned the bottom carefully on the carpet to avoid it tipping over.

Sasa leaned forward and her snout was soon directly over the bottle and she took a deep breath. She pulled back and sneezed as he was certain it was burning her nose.

“By my claws! Is it supposed to burn like that?! She asked as she rubbed her nose in between her paws.

He gave a low laugh at her expense and nodded. “Yes. It is supposed to burn. It’s a strong drink in my world. In this one, it would be enough to knock you off your hooves.” He replied as his ears flicked forward. His wings flicked as Applejack came up the stairs and walked toward his room.

Applejack opened the door and she paused at the sight of the blade and the feline that sat close by him. “So this where ya’ll were hidin’. Ya didn’t come back outside so Ah wasn’t sure where ya had gone ta.”

Oblivion looked at her. “Am I needed?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah. Just checkin’ in on ya.”

Oblivion nodded and looked at the desk. Applejack looked at the bright hilt of the silver sword and she stared at it for several seconds.

“Ah still can’t get over how pretty that blade a yers is. Ah went ta pay Torque and he was still starry-eyed over it.” The mare said to him with a smile but he watched as her expression went serious.

He waited for her to speak but she remained silent for several seconds. “Yes? You look as though you have more to say.”

She looked embarrassed for a moment before she nodded. “Ah need ya ta decide about speakin’ ta Apple Bloom's class. A lot of the foals are watin’ fer ya ta choose.”

“Damn.” He sighed as he shifted on the floor and his claws stilled on the weapon. “Using my sword in a demonstration is not normal for me. Any exercise I do is meant to hone my skills to kill my contracts. I don’t use it lightly, AJ.”

“Ah know that those foals don’t. All they know is that they like ya.”

Oblivion fell silent as he considered what had been said. Sasa suddenly nudged his neck and he looked at her.

“You could teach them.” She said to him with a low growl rolling from her throat.

Oblivion’s eyes widened slightly as he looked at her. “Are you out of your mind?” He voiced aloud to her.

Applejack tilted her head at him as he spoke to the feline. “Who ya talkin’ ta?”

“I can understand Sasa. I was speaking to her.” He informed the orange mare as she gave an understanding nod.

“Just her? Or can ya understand many like Fluttershy?” She asked as her eyes went wide.

“Just her.”

“For now.” Sasa piped up.

Oblivion glanced at her and then back to the farm mare. “She commented about me teaching the foals instead of a demonstration.”

“They would love that ah think. Ah know Apple Bloom would. Maybe use wooden swords for play?”

Oblivion looked at the mare, his expression disbelieving. “You are considering that Applejack? I have not trained anypony in a long time. I did for a time before the schools stopped training Witchers. To anypony else, the techniques we use are not kind. Our methods are meant to mold a colt into a Witcher. Celestia comments that I should train her guards and I declined. My training is from the School of the Wolf and is meant to break a pony and turn them into a Witcher.”

Applejack thought it over as she looked away from him. “Well, they liked the story ya told ‘em.”

“I am aware they did. But I had to alter that story fairly heavily to make it appropriate for foals.”

“Ya did. But couldn’t ya do that with others as well?”

“Perhaps tell them of a new monster?” Sasa said to him through their link.

“Such as?” He said as he turned to look at the cat and waited for her to reply.

The cat appeared to be thinking as Applejack stepped forward. “What about using a story bout yer other Witchers?”

Oblivion gave a loud snort. “Any stories I have heard from them or are about them are definitely not appropriate for foals. Though… We did experience something that might work.”

Applejack and Sasa both looked at him closely. “What was it about?”

“We were searching for a charge of ours that had gone missing. She has the ability to travel through time and space. Her name is Ciri. Well, that’s the name she goes by, her full name is much longer and includes several titles. We were searching for her in war-torn Velen. Several clues led us to search for a witch that she had quarreled with. We met up with a Godling, mischievous spirits but generally not harmful.”

“That sounds like a good story.” Applejack said as she nodded.

“We did have to fight a few Drowners that tried to attack the Godling while we followed it but nothing horrific. I suppose it could work if needed. I tend to take on contracts that are far more brutal in comparison.”


“I’m good at them I suppose. I have never really thought of it. I just take a contract that comes my way and see if I can accomplish it. I have yet to find one that has beaten me, until recently anyway.”

He saw Sasa cringe out of the corner of his eye. And she nudged him. “Failure means that you died Chosen. You did not die on the true sense of the word.” She said to him through their connection.

Applejack smiled. “Ah think that would be a good story ta tell. The foals would love it. And AH heard that ya can draw so ya could draw out parts of the story.”

Oblivion blanched at the comment. “Why in the hells would you want me to draw a Drowner? They are hideous to look at.”

“How bad can they be?” Applejack replied.

Oblivion gave her a blank look as his magic flowed and his sketchbook appeared in front of him. He began to magically leaf through it until he found what he was looking for. He spun the book around and showed her the image he had drawn. She yelped at the sight of it and looked at him, her eyes wide.

“Okay. Maybe don’t draw that for them.” Oblivion gave a nod and closed the book. “Whats a Godling look like?”

Oblivion looked at her and his mind went over the images in the sketchbook and he knew that he had never drawn one in that sketchbook before. The book vanished and a scroll appeared with a quill and he began to draw out what he remembered of the Godling, Johnny. He finished the rough sketch and his magic turned it for her to look at.

“They look friendly enough. Ya could show off that one.” Oblivion gave a slight nod as she smiled and the scroll was incinerated in his magic as it faded out, the mist fading to nothing. “Seems like we got it figured out. So when ya take ‘er ta school tomorrow ya can tell ‘em.”

He gave a low sigh. “Very well. Though I still have my reservations about it. I will relent this case, though if they ask about my sword work I will decline.”

Applejack nodded in understanding and turned to leave the room. He sighed again as she pulled the door closed behind her. He looked back to the naked blade in his grasp and he began to start working the oil into the blade once more. Minutes ticked past as he finished cleaning and oiling the blade and slid it back into the scabbard. He looked at the cat as she watched him.

“Yes?” He asked her.

She looked away from him and her lips pulled back from her teeth for a moment as she grimaced. “I am sorry I was staring. I keep thinking about how your magic is similar to mine.”

“How so?”

“The mist that comes off of it is the same as what comes off of my fur.” She pointed out.

He thought back to it and he nodded in agreement once he realized she was right. “I had not thought of it. I suppose it just means that we were meant to meet.”

“I think it is more than that. Though I’m not sure how it is connected other than the obvious as it matches the two of us.” She admitted and laid down beside him.

He fell silent as he considered the new agreement to speak to Apple Bloom's class. “I do not understand why they enjoy my company as much as they do. I understand that I am different but is that important enough to ask for my presence again?” He asked her, distracting her from her musings about their magical similarities.

“Perhaps because you are so different from them. A foal’s nature is to seek out what is different and come to understand if they are able. Have you ever been around children?”

“If you count Ciri then yes.” He replied. “If you don’t count her then no. I have little to no experience with them in general. Though Ciri is a different story entirely.”

“I do not know anything about her, save what you have already said. She sounds unique from what you have said.”

“You have no idea. She is a Queen of several countries or is in line to be their Queen at the least. But we did not truly know that when Geralt brought her to Kaer Morhen. She was good at the training and we all spoiled her to some extent. Vesemir and Geralt especially. But that is to be expected. Vesemir was her uncle. And Geralt… He was a father to her. That's how she always saw him and he did nothing to stop that thinking.”

“What were you to her?”

Oblivion barked a sound in response and looked at his claws for a moment. “A taskmaster probably. She and I never had a very close relationship. I cared for her in a way but I never let it go further than that. Perhaps I should have. It’s too late for regrets now.”

She bumped her head against his. “You have the chance to be more than what you were to her to Apple Bloom and her family now. Blood does not equal family, in your case, it’s the family that you choose. Your brothers are not related to you but you are joined by purpose. I’m sure Ciri knows that you would have jumped the continent to help her if she was in need of you.”

“True enough. I bent for her occasionally. I did let her rid eon my shoulders a few times so long as she did not pull my hair.” He replied as a chuckle escaped him at the memory of the girl.

Sasa purred through their connection. “See? She knew you. She learned more from you than just sword and footwork I am sure. I’m sure she misses you as well. Did she go through the mutations that you did?”

“No. She never did. She went through the training but not that. Vesemir always said that she was not the fasters or the strongest of his trainees. But she had more spark and character than of them combined. I had to agree with him when he said that to me one day when she was training. She was a spitfire and seemed to have no fear in her.”

Sasa nuzzled him and leaned against his shoulder with hers. Oblivion corked the bottle of spirit and sent it to his saddlebags. He leaned back against the bed and closed his eyes for a second as the downstairs door banged as it closed. “Here we go.” He said as Apple Blooms hoof steps reached the door. He heard her knock gently. “Come in.”

The door was slowly pushed open and the filly looked past the door to see him lying in place on the floor. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the large cat and she yelped and the door was closed quickly as she pulled it shut. He heard her hooves on the floor as she ran away from his room. He looked at Sasa and the cat looked hurt at the filly’s swift departure. He reached out and patted her chest as he listened for the filly to return.


“Easy.” He said to her as she looked down at the floor and then back to him.

“I’m not that frightening am I?” She asked. “Am I?”

He could hear the sadness in her tone as she spoke to him. “To a filly, you might be.” He said back to her. “Give her a moment and she will return once she realizes that I was here and would not have allowed her to be hurt by you if it happened.”

The feline whimpered as he listened intently. He heard small hooves and quick steps on the flooring as the door began to open once more. The filly slowly pushed the door open and her eyes fell on the cat and then on him. She stared at him and he gave her a slow nod to entice her to come further into the room. She came into the room and her eyes were still wide as she looked at the cat.

“She’s the one Applejack mentioned?” She asked and he nodded. “Ah thought she’d be a little kitty.”

“She is Sasa.” He supplied.

“Is she nice?”

“She is harmless. You are in no danger from her.” He assured the filly, his tone softer than normal to put her at ease.

“Can I pet her?” She asked, her voice quiet.

“Ask her.”

Her eyes darted from him to the feline and then back to him. He pushed his baldric up to lean against the bed as he watched her. Sasa’s aqua blue eyes sparkled in their sockets as the filly stared at her.

“Umm… Can I pet you?” She asked, her voice small and he could hear a tremor of fear under her voice as she spoke.

Sasa nodded happily at the filly’s request and she watched as Apple Bloom slowly made her way toward her. Apple Bloom reached up and Sasa happily set her nose against the fillies hoof. Apple Bloom smiled happily as she ran her hoof from the cat’s nose to her forehead.

“She’s so soft.” Apple Bloom was soon giggling and laughing as Sasa purred loudly in response to the attention.

Oblivion said nothing in response to her as the filly cooed at the feline. He could hear the cat's loud purring as it vibrated the flooring under him. Several minutes passed by as he moved his swords to the side and he moved to lay more on his belly instead of his side.

“Applejack said ya were gonna tell mah class another story. She tellin’ the truth?”

He looked at the filly and nodded. “Yes. I will inform you…Ack.” His breath cut short as the filly collided with his throat and she held him in a tight hug. He shifted his neck and tried to find an angle that he might be able to breathe easier. When he found that she had a tight enough grip to put some monsters to shame he gave up and held his breath instead. Apple Bloom finally let go and he inhaled slowly to pull air into his lungs.

“This will be so much fun!” Apple Bloom gushed as Oblivion breathed. “The others will be so happy ta see ya.”

Sasa laughed at him as he breathed and pulled air into his body. “She got you, Chosen.” The cat purred loudly as she chuckled at his expense. He thought about using magic to tease her in response but chose not to. Instead, he shifted on hoof and set it down heavily on her tail. She gave a low yowl and stood up to pull her tail out from under his hoof. She glared as he looked at her and she shifted to sit her flanks away from him to prevent him from setting down on her tail again.

“Calm down, Apple Bloom.” He said to her as she bounced in place. “I know you’re excited but take it easy.”

Apple Bloom stopped bouncing in place and gazed at her elder brother. “But…”

He held up a hoof as he got to his hooves. “As I said I know you’re excited but take it easy.”

The filly looked at the floor for a moment before she looked back up at him. “Ah needed ta thank ya as well.”


The Pegasus looked at her and he waited for her to explain as she turned and ran out of the room. Seconds passed and his ears were pointed ahead as he heard her coming back to his room. She was holding a piece of paper in her teeth and she motioned for him to take it from her. He took the paper from her and turned it over for him to see what was written on it. He could see the troll that he had helped her draw. A one hundred was written on the top of it along with several colorful images around it. He looked down at her and gave it back to her. He had no idea what one hundred meant but he was going to assume from her reaction to it that it was a favorable thing to see.

“Ah got a perfect score. Ah made sure ta tell everypony that ya helped me learn at drawing it. Miss Cheerilee handed them out on Friday and she showed mine ta the class.” The filly gushed.

He nodded down at her. “I’m glad you got the grade you wished for.”

“It was really great ta draw it on mah own. Ya were really good at teachin’ me how ta draw it. Thanks again, big brother.” Apple Bloom said to him as she moved to hug his lower foreleg and then left him behind.

He watched her leave and he looked at the feline that was sitting just behind him. “Not sure I will ever be used to being called that.” He said to her, his voice low.

“You will in time.” She said to him as she moved to stand up closer to him and bumped his shoulder with her own.

The Witcher walked out of the room after ensuring the wardrobe was locked and slipping his swords back onto his back. The black Pegasus walked down the stairs with Sasa on his heels.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. Thank you for waiting and I appreciate you guys for reading and taking the time to check it out. If I have missed anything as far as edits go please let me know. I haven't had much time to edit it as much as I would like. Thanks again! Please enjoy!