• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 11,246 Views, 202 Comments

A Place in Equestria - GoebelTron

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old boy who lived in an orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends.

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Chapter 7: Luna’s Story and Fluttershy’s Adoption

The next early morning, while Thomas was sleeping peacefully under the warm covers with both his head laying softly on the fluffy pillow with a warm smile and his arms curled up, Twilight and her friends got up and gathered around the throne room for an announcement, and Princesses Celestia and Luna appeared. “Twilight Sparkle, ‘tis was an enjoyable celebration for the little colt, but I need to tell you all something I told Celestia about last night,” Princess Luna said. “I believe it’s time you all knew the truth about Thomas, because I can sense you’re wondering how he ended up here in Equestria?” Twilight and her friends nodded in unison. “Well, the truth is that I brought him here.” The group, including Fluttershy gasped in shock. “You brought him here?! How?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Let me explain,” Princess Luna said, until they all sat on their haunches and listened to the moon princess’s tale. “As you all may or may not know this, but the unexpected thing about my powers is that not only do I keep watch over ponies’ dreams and help guard them from their fears, but I can also hear, sense or feel either the wishes, prayers, emotions, or thoughts of many ponies during the night when they’re sleeping, but also those from other distant worlds. One calm night, I heard the wishful prayer of a young colt from a distant world, one who had suffered a broken heart. That young colt... was Thomas.” The mares were shocked about this story, then Princess Luna continued. “His wish was for a family that could love him and have a home to live in besides the orphanage, and have a chance to make some friends. So, after hearing his wish upon thy moon, I traveled to his home world spiritually and concentrated all of my magic, enveloped him in a warm comforting glowing embrace and finally brought him here. And when I looked into his memories, they were very sad because I believed that he was telling the truth about him being lonely and not being chosen, so I left him on Fluttershy’s doorstep, so that she could make him feel safe and have you help her take care of him.”

The mares smiled warmly and had tears in their eyes when they heard Princess Luna’s story. “That poor, poor little darling. I can’t bear to see him cry,” Rarity said. “I know! It’s just so... so... heartbreaking!” Pinkie Pie said, as Rarity hugged her. Spike cried, as Twilight hugged him, “Aww... Spike.”

“Princess Luna, thank you for helping him,” Fluttershy said. “You’re most certainly welcome, my dear Fluttershy,” Princess Luna said. “When he wakes up, I’ll tell him.” Fluttershy nodded. “I think I need to check on him. I just wanna make sure if he’s okay in there.”

“I shall prepare for my duties soon,” Princess Luna said, as she went to her room for her duties. Fluttershy turned towards her friends, “Could you set up breakfast until we come back?” The mares nodded, and went off to the dining hall to set the table up for breakfast. Meanwhile, Fluttershy went to the guest bedroom to check on Thomas, then quietly entered the room and saw him sleeping peacefully, and felt relieved that he was doing okay.

Fluttershy then fixed the bed and laid the covers back onto Thomas, then placed her hoof onto his shoulder and stroked it, then leaned her head down towards his head nudging him to wake. He let out a soft yawn and saw Fluttershy smiling at him, and placed a hoof on his shoulder before he could do anything, “Fluttershy?”

“Shhhhhh shhhhhh… You don’t have to get up yet, sweetheart. I’m going back over to my friends so we can get some more rest for a few more minutes. You can go back to sleep, and I promise I’ll be here to come get you when you wake up. Besides, it’s still too early. Do you understand?” Fluttershy asked him in a lovingly stern tone.

Thomas nodded, and then laid his head back onto the pillow and shutting his eyes. “Okay, now you go back to sleep and I’ll be back in a couple of hours, sweetie,” Fluttershy said to Thomas before giving him a kiss on the forehead. She then left the room and gently closed the door.

A few hours later, Celestia’s sun started to rise majestically again a orange and sky blue canvas beyond the horizon, occupied by a few white fluffy clouds. The sunrise also casted a huge blanket of warmth and comfort all over Equestria. In the guest bedroom, the sun glistened through the window and it blanketed the sleeping form of the human child, until he started to stir in his sleep. The door to the guest bedroom opened, and Fluttershy gently entered the room. She quietly trotted over to the bed, and saw Thomas’s sleeping form rise and fall after a few soft breaths. She smiled warmly at him, and then she leaned her head forward and placed her hoof onto him and gently shook him. “Thomas, it’s time to wake up, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said softly. Thomas yawned softly, and then slowly blinked his eyes open after rubbing them softly. When his vision cleared up and revealed Fluttershy’s warm smile, he smiled back at her, “Good morning, Fluttershy.”

“Good morning, sweetheart. Are you feeling okay?” Fluttershy asked, stroking his arm as he sat up. “I-I’m fine. Are we still in Canterlot?” Thomas replied. Fluttershy nodded, “Mmhmm. Princess Celestia let us stay over after we’d help her clean up the ballroom. Did you sleep well last night?” Thomas nodded, then yawned again, then Fluttershy hugged him, “That’s good to hear, sweetie.” Fluttershy gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Are you hungry? Applejack and Spike are helping the others prepare breakfast in the dining hall.”

Thomas nodded, and felt his stomach growling, “Mmhmm. I guess I am a bit hungry.” Fluttershy nodded, then after Thomas untucked himself, she turned towards the bed for him to gently climb onto her back. Thomas smiled warmly at her, then carefully climbed onto her back, and hugged her neck. “You’re so sweet,” Fluttershy said with a soft giggle, then she trotted out of the guest room with Thomas riding her.

Later on, Fluttershy and Thomas arrived at the dining hall, and saw the princesses and the others, including Spike, seated at the table. Applejack and Spike made some haycakes topped with whipped cream and assorted toppings for each of them. Princess Celestia saw Fluttershy and Thomas enter the room, “Good morning, dear Fluttershy. And good morning to you too, young Thomas. Please, come take a seat and join us.” Fluttershy nodded, and then trotted over to a spare empty chair between Rarity and Rainbow Dash and sat down on her haunches. After Thomas climbed off her back, he sat down between her and Rarity. “Thank you, your highness,” Fluttershy said, kindly bowing her head towards Princess Celestia. “Good morning, everyone,” Thomas said with a soft smile, while looking at everypony around the table. Applejack came over with Thomas’s plate in one hoof and gently set it in front of him, and gave him a fork and knife, “Howdy there, Thomas. I realized you were hungry, so I made you some plain buttermilk haycakes and did the butter and syrup for ya. And I also made you some apple cider if you wanted some. You want anythin’ else?“

“No thanks. I’m good,” Thomas said. Applejack nodded, then tipped her hat, “No problem, sugarcube. Always happy to help. I hope you like them.” Applejack went to her seat and continued with her breakfast. Thomas saw his stack of two haycakes that were soaked with a pat of butter and some syrup, and he could smell the scent of buttermilk. Then he picked up his silverware and cut a piece so he could taste it, and found out they were soft and warm. After he cut his piece and took a bite, he suddenly smiled warmly as he could taste both the sweetness and softness of the syrup and butter and the deliciousness of the buttermilk. After he swallowed his first bite, he continued to enjoy his haycakes and drank some of his apple cider during each bite. He was satisfied by the amazing taste of the cider. When he was done after a few minutes, he put his dishes aside.

While she was eating her haycakes, Applejack felt a gently tight grip hug her, then she looked down and saw Thomas hugging her and nuzzling his cheek on her chest fur, “Thank you, Applejack. I really loved them.” Applejack smiled warmly at him, then rubbed his back, “Aww... Well, y’er welcome, little feller. I’m glad that ya enjoyed them.” She gently ruffled his hair with her hoof, and then continued to eat her breakfast.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, can I step outside on the balcony? I need some air,” Thomas asked. Princess Celestia nodded, then spoke softly, “Of course you may, sweetheart.” Thomas nodded and got up and walked towards the balcony. Once he was outside, he folded his arms and took a careful look at the sunrise.

The ponies, including Spike, looked from their point of view, and were relieved that he was happy. Princess Luna looked at Princess Celestia, until she nodded at Princess Luna, causing her to nod back, “Fluttershy, would it be alright if I spoke to young Thomas alone?” Fluttershy nodded with a warm smile, then Princess Luna stood up on all four legs and gave her sister and the others a warm smile and gentle nod, then she left the room to walk out to the balcony.

Fluttershy then had something on her mind, “Princess Celestia, girls, I have something I need to tell you all that I’ve been waiting to tell Thomas.” The others shown some confused faces. “What is it, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy took a heavy deep breath, “I know that Thomas is very sweet and polite towards others,... and that we know that he has no family... But I’ve been thinking about something. Ever since he came into my life, I realized that he was very lonely... so I’ve done a lot of thinking... and I kinda thought about Thomas because he somehow touched my heart. With your permission… I would like to adopt him as my son.”

“Why… that’s… that’s so thoughtful of you, darling,” Rarity said. “I know. I don’t want to send him back to the orphanage because of how much suffering he endured, and I’m sorry about him not remembering his parents ever since he was so little, but all he can remember is his mother,” Fluttershy said. Twilight smiled warmly, “I think you should too. The poor sweetheart needs somepony to care for him, and you’ve proven that you’re capable of doing just that.” Fluttershy smiled warmly, and then hugged the purple alicorn. “I’ll help you with the adoption forms once we return to Ponyville,” Princess Celestia said. Fluttershy nodded, “Thank you.”

Meanwhile, Thomas was outside the balcony standing at the rail looking at the view of Canterlot, then saw Ponyville from here, and then all of Equestria from beyond. He then watched as Celestia’s sun stood up towards the light orange and sky blue canvas, then felt some deep depression in his chest, “They seem kind to me, just like… just like… my mommy.” He then buried his head on his arms and started crying softly. “I miss you, mommy. Whoever you were.”

Suddenly, Princess Luna carefully walked up to the little boy, and gently spoke to him, “Are you alright, young one?” Thomas turned around and saw Princess Luna standing there, then he ran up to her as she sat down on her haunches and wrapped his arms around her chest for a hug, until she wrapped her right foreleg around him for comfort. “It’s alright, dear Thomas. I’m right here,” Princess Luna said. “Thomas, is it alright if I join you?” Thomas nodded, then Princess Luna laid flat, until she tucked her legs underneath her, and reached out her right wing, “Here. Come sit with me.” Thomas nodded and sat down by Princess Luna’s side and curled his legs until his feet touched the surface and wrapped his arms around his knees, then leaned on her neck, nuzzling her fur.

Princess Luna then wrapped her wing around him and held him by her foreleg, patting his knees with her hoof, “That’s better. Now, what’s troubling you, my dear?” Thomas sniffed, “You’ve all been so kind to me, but... I really want to know my mommy. I want to know my mommy, and I want her to love me, feed me, read me stories, hug me, cuddle with me, and everything else that makes me happy. But I’m too young to be lonely without her. I’m sorry if I’m too shy. I’m... I’m scared.” Thomas then placed his hand on Princesses Luna’s shoulder and buried his cheek on her chest, until Princess Luna rested her head on top of his head, “Shhhhhh... Hush now, little one. There’s no need to be afraid of anything else anymore. Because you’re safe now.” Thomas then nodded and nuzzled his cheek on her chest fur, until Princess Luna thought of an idea, “Thomas, would you like me to tell you a story?” Thomas nodded after he wiped his tears, “Okay.”

Princess Luna made a heavy sigh, then looked at the sky. “You see, this is the story about the difference between dark and light, but between sun and moon. 1,000 years ago, when me and my sister were ruling Equestria together, everything here was peaceful and pleasant all over the land. Everypony in Equestria treated each other with love, respect, happiness, joy, and friendship. My sister was in charge of raising the sun so that everypony would grow crops, get together, play together, have picnics, work hard outside, and be happy. I was in charge of raising of the moon, except they did not enjoy the night, but went to sleep or celebrate the remaining hours of the day.”

“Then what happened?” Thomas asked. Princess Luna sighed, and looked down in shame, then continued, “One day, I allowed myself to be consumed by darkness, jealousy and hate. As Princess of the Night, I wanted the nightfall to last in Equestria forever, and made sure that the sun would never rise again.” Thomas was concerned about Princess Luna’s pain while curled up underneath her wing, “But why?”

Princess Luna continued, “Because everypony enjoyed the day more than the night. One tragic night, when I raised the moon, I refused to let it set so the sun would come. My dear sister tried to reason with me about our balance in Equestria.”

Princess Luna angrily confronted Princess Celestia, “Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?!” Princess Celestia was concerned for her sister, “Sister, you don’t have to do this!”

Princess Luna raised out her wings, “There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess will be me!”

“When my sister tried to reason with me that Equestria needed both the sun and the moon to strive eternal balance, I refused to listen... until... IT happened.”

A solar eclipse appeared, and then a cloud of dark magic surrounded her, transforming herself into a tall black alicorn with pale purplish blue armor, a purple blotch with her crescent moon symbol on her flank, cerulean monstrous eyes, razor sharp teeth, and her mane and tail expanded into a purple glimmering cloud. She transformed into Nightmare Moon, and made an evil cackle.

“That resentment ate at my heart and consumed it with pure darkness until I transformed myself into a terrifying dark sorceress whose heart was as black as night. I became... Nightmare Moon.”

“Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It’s your duty!” Princess Celestia hollered. “Luna? I am... Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: TO DESTROY YOU!” Nightmare Moon said, until she and Princess Celestia fought with their magic and flying, causing destruction to the castle. Nightmare Moon beat Princess Celestia, but she got back up, “Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these.” Princess Celestia summoned six colorful gems that looked like The Elements of Harmony, and then created a huge blast that banished her sister to the moon, then Princess Celestia started to have tears in her eyes.

“With the magical powers of the Elements of Harmony, my dear sister had no choice but to banish me to the moon for 1,000 years. It tore her apart.”

Thomas was amazed, “Wow...” Thomas wiped her tear with his hand, then she smiled warmly and nuzzled his head with hers, then Thomas sat back down, “What happened next?” Princess Luna sighed deeply, then continued her tale, “After spending 1,000 years during my exile on the moon as Nightmare Moon, she decided to avenge her defeat at the hooves of my sister and swore revenge by taking her throne and trapping her somewhere unknown.” Thomas looked up at her with concern, then tried to be brave. “But she called for her most loyal, trusted, and faithful student of all time, Twilight Sparkle, who was given a task to help with the Summer Sun Celebration honoring my defeat, and that’s where she met her friends. When the sun refused to return that night, Nightmare Moon interfered and invaded Equestria, until Twilight Sparkle and her friends journeyed to the castle in the Everfree Forest and retrieve the Elements of Harmony. When the five other elements were presented to those five ponies, and when Twilight received hers, they united together and helped defeat Nightmare Moon and free me from her grasp. They were successful and were able to return both the sun and my sister, and I was finally free. When my sister confronted me, I apologized and we forgave each other, and I reunited with her and we continued to rule Equestria as long as I was by her side, and everypony accepted it. The end.”

Thomas finally felt happy about Princess Luna, but disappointed about her dark side, “Princess Luna, I understand that you had a problem, but if Princess Celestia really cared about you before you turned, how come you had to be banished? You could’ve talked to her about it before your jealousy happened and she would listen.”

Princess Luna looked down at him, “You see, dear one, although I tried to overthrow my sister as ruler of Equestria as Nightmare Moon and wanted nightfall to last forever, she still loved me as I still do, and she is very noble, and was able to forgive me after I was free from my curse. It’s sometimes the right thing to show some mercy by forgiving somepony. And even though we’re sisters, we’re also family, and it will always be there to forgive you, love you, care for you, and help you if something troubles you or if you make a mistake. I vowed to never make that mistake again.” She then lowered her head and nuzzled his back. “And if I had any problems, I would talk to someone I can trust and they’ll listen, and I know you would’ve done the same thing,” Thomas said. “But I care.”

Princess Luna smiled warmly at him, “That’s right, dear Thomas. And I’m truly sorry about the pain you’ve suffered from being lonely without friends and the tragedy you fell upon during your time at the orphanage. You deserve better.” She then gave him a soft kiss on the top of his head, then gently spoke, “Thomas, I also have something else to tell you.”

Thomas looked up, “Okay, Princess Luna. I’m listening.” She took a deep breath, and then looked down at the little colt with a small smile, “You see, as Princess of the Night, I am able to listen to the wishes and prayers that come from the hearts and souls of all ponies in Equestria. But this is a different story. Three nights ago, I heard the wish of a young colt from a distant world, like where your species come from.”

“Really?” Thomas asked curiously. Princess Luna nodded, “Yes. This young colt, whose heart was very sad, made a wish. That young colt... was you.” Thomas gasped, then remembered his wish, “I remember! My wish was for me to leave the orphanage and live in a new home with a family that will love me and have friends to play with!” Princess Luna nodded, “Yes, dear Thomas. You were the one who made that wish. So with deep concentration, I came to you spiritually and used my magic to cover you in a warm comforting glow so that you wouldn’t wake up, and decided to bring you here to Equestria. When we arrived, I placed you on my back until I stopped at the doorstep that belonged to the home of the Element of Kindness, which was Fluttershy because I knew she could keep you safe.”

Thomas remembered how he met Fluttershy, “And then Fluttershy found me, and took me in. The reason I’m here and living with Fluttershy... was because of you?” Princess Luna nodded, then Thomas felt tears in his eyes and hugged Princess Luna and cried, “Thank you, Princess Luna. Thank you.” Princess Luna hugged him back, “You are welcome, dear one. I only did it so that you would be taken care of and safe from danger.” Thomas nodded and he hugged Princess Luna.

After Thomas felt better, he saw Fluttershy and the others come outside to talk with him. Fluttershy came over to him and stood by him. The other mares stood by Fluttershy in a circle, and Princess Luna rose and sat on her haunches, so did her sister. “Thomas, we were talking about some things, and... if you want to or would like to...” Fluttershy said. “Me, my sister, Luna, and these ponies would be honored if you choose to stay in Equestria, meaning you could live here, but it’s up to you,” Princess Celestia said softly. “R-R-Really?” Thomas asked gently.

“Of course, darling. You are the most precious and adorable little colt we have ever met. And if you decide to stay, I can make you some new clothes and pajamas, and I’ll let you play with my sister Sweetie Belle,” Rarity offered. “I just think your style has also inspired me for my sense of fashion.”

“And if you do decide to stay, sugarcube, I’ll bring ya over to Sweet Apple Acres and let ya help out, and I can introduce ya to the rest of my family during the annual Apple Family Reunion,” Applejack offered. “And I know Apple Bloom and her friends will be heartbroken if you left, because they really want you to stay.”

“I can also give you that ride I promised, and take you to Cloudsdale for a tour,” Rainbow Dash said. “We can have lots of fun if you stay! We can also bake together!” Pinkie Pie said. “And I can let you come over and let you read some of my books if you want, or I can teach you about the magic of friendship, and we can bring you to the Crystal Empire if we decide to go,” Twilight said. “But like Princess Celestia said, it’s up to you.”

Thomas felt tears in his eyes, and then looked at Fluttershy with a warm smile, “I want to live here because you’ve been so kind to me and made me happy. But... Fluttershy?” Fluttershy lowered herself down a little, “Yes?” Thomas nervously sniffed, “If it’s okay with you and if I stay with you,... am I allowed... to c-call you Momma?” Fluttershy felt tears in her eyes and warmly smiled, then her heart began to melt over his request, “Thomas... I’d love for you to stay, and I was also planning on adopting you.”

“Y-You were?” Thomas asked. “Yes, sweetheart. Since the morning I found you, you somehow changed my life. I have come to love and care for you more than anypony in Equestria or anyone in your world. You’ve also held a very special place in my heart now. I love you more than anything, Thomas. I know you never knew your mother, and I promise to be there for you now and forever.”

“So… I.. I can call you Momma?” Thomas asked. “Aww… Thomas sweetie, of course you can call me Momma,” Fluttershy replied, until she couldn’t hold her tears of happiness anymore, causing her to sit down and reach out her hooves. “OH, MY SWEET LITTLE THOMAS! COME TO MOMMY!” Thomas beamed with a smile and then ran to Fluttershy, and she held him in her forelegs for an embrace while she sat down on her haunches. Thomas sobbed happily, while Fluttershy gently rubbed his back with her hoof, “I love you, Momma.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly, “I love you too, Thomas.” The others made a “d’awwww” reaction to the happy moment, and had warm tearful smiles on their faces, so they gathered around Fluttershy and Thomas for a warm group hug. “Thank you for granting my wish, Princess Luna,” Thomas said softly. “You are humbly welcome, dear one,” Princess Luna said. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I vow that I will love him and take good care of him,” Fluttershy said. “I know you will,” Princess Celestia said. Fluttershy looked at Thomas one more time, then they continued with the hug.

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