• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,023 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Rise of Anon-A-Miss

Christmas was fast approaching and CHS was getting itself ready for the festive season. Students, many wearing Santa hats and reindeer antlers, were decorating the halls with Christmas decorations giving CHS a real Christmassy feeling. Red and his friends, were chosen to decorate the Christmas tree that was displayed in the main entrance foyer. The tree was half decorated, baubles covered only half of it and there was still tinsel and lights to add.

"This tree will look simply fabulous by the time we're finished," Rarity said as she carefully places baubles on the branches.

"I love decorating the Christmas tree," Fluttershy added placing another bauble on it, "I'm really pleased Principal Celestia chose us this year to decorate it."

"Couldn't she have picked someone else?" Red remarked, deadpanned.

Everyone turned to face him with confused looks.

“I like Christmas, don’t get me wrong,” Red added "It’s just I find decorating Christmas trees boring.”

Groans of disapproval were heard from the girls and Ace.

"Don't be a Grinch or Scrooch," Pinkie said excitedly, popping up behind Red and hugging him tightly, "It's Christmas!"

"I know it's just that I don't get excited about it anymore," Red said once Pinkie let go of her tight hug.

"Why not?" asked Rainbow.

Red shrugged his shoulders, "Because it’s the same every year."

"Well this year will be different," Pinkie exclaimed.

“How so?” Red asked.

“This will be you’re first Christmas here with us,” Pinkie replied joyfully.

“Well now that I think about it, it will be different than back home in the UK,” Red remarked.

“How so?” asked Sparkler.

“As Cyber Agents, we technically have two Christmases,” Red said, “One Christmas We have with our families and the second with our Cyber Agent Family.”

“Aww that’s so cute,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, we Cyber Agents view each other as a family,” Red said, “and I have no clue what I’m going to do this year.”

“Well… you got us,” Sparkler said as she had an arm around Ace.

“And us,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Thanks guys,” Red said.

“Now let’s get back to decorating the tree,” Rainbow said.

“Yeah,” Red said as he got a bauble.

The ringing of the bell signalled the end of the school day, much to the relief of every student. Red had just finished an incredibly boring maths lesson about algebra. The monotonous tone of the teacher did nothing to liven his enthusiasm for the topic.

“I really hate algebra,” he thought.

“Hey Red, wait up!” called a voice behind him. Red turned to see Sunset and the girls running up to him.

“Oh hey girls,” he replied.

“Quick question, do you have plan tonight?” Rainbow asked.

“Why do you want to know?” Red asked.

“Because you’ve been invited to a sleepover at mine with us!” Pinkie explained, “so what do you say?”

“Heh, thanks for the offer girls,” Red said, “but I’m going to have to say no.”

“Aww but why,” Pinkie cried in defeat.

“Because I promised Ace and Sparkler I will go Christmas shopping with them,” Red told them.

“Oh,” sighed the girls.

“Maybe tomorrow?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe,” Red replied, as they all started to walk out the school, “It really depends on what my mother had planned.”

“Ok,” replied the girls.

“Have fun,” Applejack called out as they exited the front entrance and started to split up.

Red made his way to Ace and Sparkler who where waiting in front of Sparkler’s car.

“Right, you ready?” Ace asked Red.

“Yep,” Red replied.

“Then let’s go,” Sparkler said.

“To the Mall!” Exclaimed Red.

After Red won a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with Ace to see who get’s shotgun, the three Cyber Agents set off for the mall.

As they drove off to the mall, Red was quiet. He was thinking about what he told the girls about his Cyber Agent team and how they were like a second family. He thought about each one of them, from the kind-hearted Phantasia to the strict Wild Strike. From the cool, stubborn Frost Born to the self-absorbed Moon Smooch. But no matter what their personalities were, Red still loved them as a family.

Ace noticed that Red was quiet as was a little worried for him. “Hey Red,” he asked, “you ok?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah,” Red replied, but Sparkler could tell that something was wrong in his voice.

“You sound like you have something on your mind,” Sparkler remarked, keeping her eyes on the road.

“Ok there is something that’s on my mind,” Red responded.

“Is it about your old team?” Ace asked.

“Yeah,” Red said, “I just miss them. They were like my second family.”

“Could you tell us about them?” Sparkler asked, “It might make you feel better, and we get to know a little about them.”

“Ok, I’ll tell you two about them,” Red said, and he started to tell them about his friends.

“Phantasia is a sweet and kind girl. She was the Fluttershy of our team, if you want to call her that. She wasn’t shy, but she did love animals and was a sort of older sister figure to us. Caring for us and helping us make up if we got into argument. We also found out that you should never piss her off. She literally flipped one of our team members over after he was being a pain in the ass. And she’s one of the smallest in height in the team.”

“Gang, she must be pretty strong her size,” Sparkler remarked.

“Star Chaser is a combo of Applejack and Rainbow. Loyal and honest to the end. He even got a scar over his eye from a fight with an alien after he saved me for captivity. But like everyone, he wasn’t perfect, all though he was loyal and honest, he would try to lie to get out of trouble and would disobey orders and risk his own life. But he would risk his life for other people stuck under rubble, or help children get to their parents.”

“Wow,” Ace remarked.

“Lucy Light was the Twilight of our team. She was pretty smart, and when she had a plan she stuck to it. Star chaser would often had to stay and listen to her plan being told out while we made a plan that would actually work rather than her complicated plans. She would get annoyed that we would listen, but she calmed down and loved us all. In fact she was the only one out of us that was half alien. Her mother was an Alien Solus, a species of alien that could glow as bright as the sun. Her mother was basically a walking glowstick as her body was plastic and had glowing gel inside her. Don’t take that out of context. So being half alien, Lucy could glow depending on her mood. If she was happy, she would glow yellow, if she was made she glowed red, if sad, blue etc. We would often sit underneath her and if we had and idea, she would glow like a lightbulb. It would make us laugh her but her annoyed.”

“Ooh half alien,” Sparkler responded.

Frost Born well, he’s not really like any of the girls. Well maybe Rainbow’s ego and Rarity self-absorption. He was constantly thinking about himself. Thinking he was the best out of us all. He’s the one that Phantasia flipped over her shoulder. We would really get on our nerves, his constant wining, getting out of doing his job at base, everything. But there is one thing that made him good, he was the voice of reason. When one of us was upset, he would somehow know exactly what to said and comfort us. He would get better to not think so much of himself and think more of everyone else after he saved a little girl and returned her to her mother. After that he started to see more about people rather than letting it go to his head.”

“Sounds a little like Celestia’s nephew Blueblood or Fluttershy’s brother Zephyr,” Ace commented, “minus the knowing how to comfort you.”

“Ocean Breeze is similar to Rarity, in both personality and looks. She’s really generous and likes to help out, but she didn’t like getting her hair dirty or mess up her make up. Would we found funny about that, was that when she cried, she would ruin it, and the she would get more upset about it and continue crying. She would also get us all fancy if were where going to a party or something like that.”

“Yep just like Rarity,” Sparkler said with a smile.

“Wild Strike is well, he’s strict. Nothing like any of the girls. He never considering himself as a leader, because I was, but I think he considered himself as second in command, as he would bark orders and tell us off for doing something even slightly wrong. He would even tell me off, and I was the leader. But he would calm down and loosen up a bit. Didn’t stop him from bossing us around but we didn’t mind.”

“Wow he bossed you around,” Ace said, “jeez.”

“Gold Bolt is a little like Pinkie, he’s just not as hyper as her. He would make us smile and was also better as keeping secrets than Pinkie. He was energic but again, he wasn’t hyper like Pinkie. But he would seem to change when he was in battle with aliens or monsters, he would seem like a madman, but as his partners were Chojus it made sense, you would go crazy if you where partners with super monsters.”

“Pinkie would go mad if she had Chojus,” Sparkler said.

“And lastly is Moon Smooch, she the more recent member. She was originally evil, with a Tsurugi Demaaga as her partner, but after we found out that that was the monster that was corrupting her even more, her other partner, Shepherdon fought and destroy the corrupted monster freeing Moon Smooch from the evil Alien’s control over her. Although she was free from the corruption, she still had her personality. She had the body structure of a bimbo, and sort of had the mind of one too. She didn’t crave sex, just that she wasn’t the smartest. She was also just as self-absorbed as Frost Born. I swear those too would make a great couple. But, I would help her with homework and other stuff, and had to try and get Wild Strike to back off from her as he didn’t trust her. But she’s cool.”

“Wow, good thing she on you’re side now,” Ace said, “so that’s it?”

“Yeah,” Red replied, “there are others, been I’ll tell you about them once the narrator can be bother to make them.” He looked to the sky with he said that.

“Okay then,” Sparkler said feeling a bit uneasy after Red said that, “oh look it’s the mall.” She found a space and parked her car.

Red, Sparkler and Ace went inside the mall and saw that it was packed, as to be expected. It was getting close to Christmas after all.

“So shall we split up and meet at the food court for some dinner?” Red suggested.

“Sure,” Ace remarked.

“Ok,” Sparkler replied. And the three went off to their chosen stores.

Red first wanted to get his sister something. He knew she had something for music, so he heard to the music store. He opened the door and was actually shocked to see not that many people in the shop. He saw Octavia at the till he walked to her.

“Hey Octavia,” Red greeted her.

“Oh hello Red,” she spoke in her posh accent, “how many I help you?”

“I’m looking for music for my sister,” Red told her.

“Well what sort of music does she like?” Octavia asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know,” Red replied, “it tends to verry from time to time. One day it’s pop, next it’s rock, and the next it’s sci-fi.”

“Hmm,” Octavia thought about this, “how about this?” she pulled out a CD box which had a mixture of pop, rock, sci-fi and other music genres. “Top songs from the top Artists, of their top albums.”

“Oooh,” Red said, I’ll take it.”

“Good choice,” Octavia said as she scanned the album, “that’ll be $10.50.”

Red pulled out his card, bought the album, and Octavia put it in a bag.

“Thanks, see you soon,” Octavia said.

“See ya,” Red waved back to her as he walked out the store.

With a gift for his Solar Love, Red made his way to the next store for something to help relieve his mother’s stress after work. He knew the best place to get stuff like that, he went in there couple of times with his mother. But he was dreading something, the store owner. It’s not that she was a horrid person, far from it. But it was because he had a hard time trying not to look at her breasts. They weren’t huge but they were decently big in size. He took a breath and opened the door and through the hanging beads in the doorway. He looked around at all the scented candles, the store was casted in a purple hue.

“Just a moment dear,” came a voice from the back, “I’m just sorting out some stuff in here.”

Moments later, a woman with grey skin, a black and white mohawk, dressing in a similar way to a female witch doctor and with rings in her ears, on her arms and around her neck, came out from the backroom. Red tried to look her in the face and remain fixed on it.

“Ah well if it isn’t Red,” the woman said, “something brought you head to release some dread?”

“No for me Miss Zecora,” Red replied still fixated on her face, “I came here to buy something for my mother.”

“Hmm, maybe you would like some scent candles, she could take whiffs of those as she hops through the channels,” Zecora rhymed, “or maybe this special lotion, it’ll make her feel like she’s drifting through the ocean.”

“Next you’ll be saying that it’ll turn her into an animal,” Red joked.

“My lotions don’t have that effect on a human, Tree Hugger’s potions will as she has her own union,” Zecora told him, then a cheeky smiled crept over her face as she leaned over the counter, “didn’t she go in there because she was in the mood, and you found her there as an anthro wolf, in the nude?”

“Oh god, please don’t remind me,” Red remarked.

he remembered that he went to go and get his mother from her weekly trip to Tree Hugger’s stress relief class, which involves getting turned into an anthropomorphic animal, and doing yoga, swimming, tennis, the lot. In the nude. And he found her really presenting her to him, which made him really light head. The reason to why, Tree Hugger had these potions was because she was an Alien known as an Alien Hippy, where she’s basically high off her mind.

“She’s a super model, how does she get so stressed that she needs to let loose her wild side,” Red complained. His back was turned to Zecora, and once Red spun back around he came face to face with Zecora’s breasts, “AH Jesus Christ!” he exclaimed spinning back around and covering his eyes, his face was a pinker than when he was almost turned into a Dazzling.

“My apologise to you Red Streak, I can sometimes come up close to people without making a shriek,” Zecora said.

“It’s fine,” Red said, “I’ll take a mixture of scented candles, lotion and herbal tea.”

“I fine choice indeed, when it comes to the herbal tea most people would have disagreed,” Zecora rhymed, “what sort of scent of do you want the candle, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Lavender or rosemary, anything I can handle.”

“Oh give me one of each please,” Red said he as he turned around to see Zecora walking back to the back room to get what Red ordered, he came closer to the counter and readied her Cyber Agent credit card, he knew that this what going to be a big price. Zecora came back with Red’s ordered stuff, scanned them.

“that’ll be $37.65, please, paying by card is such a breeze,” Zecora said. Red put his card in the card holder, put in the Cyber agent pin and paid for the stuff. He put them into his bag and left the store, “Come back soon Red,” Zecora called him, “make sure she takes the tea before going to bed.”

“I’ll make sure,” Red called back as he left the store.

No sooner had Red left, Zecora breathed a sigh of relieve, as she drank one of Tree Hugger’s potions. “Good I can close up early and head to Tree Hugger’s for so relaxation,” she said as she felt a zebra tail grow out, “rhyming is tiring, I have to think of this stuff on the spot. Most of the stuff I say doesn’t even make sense half the time.” She got her things and headed to Tree hugger’s sanctuary for some relaxation.

So Red has now gotten something for his sister and mother, but he didn’t know what to get him. He thought about getting him a football shirt, but he already has one. He thought about get him some doughnuts for Doughnut Joe, but they would of gone off by then. He could get him a new book, but Crimson had a whole study full of books. Half of them he hadn’t even read yet.

“I could get him a new model tank or something,” Red said to himself, “he’s always likes his model making. When he has the time of course.”

He made his way to the food court to meet up with Sparkler and Ace. He found Sparkler sitting at a table, she called him over and Red sat down.

“Where’s Ace?” Red asked.

“Oh he’s gone to the bathroom,” Sparkler said, “so what did you get for who?”

“I got a CD for my sister and some stress relief stuff for my mother,” Red answered, “what about you?”

“Well I got a new dress for my roommate Autumn Apple,” Sparkler said, “and Ace got a snow cone machine for his cousin.”

“Oh cool,” Red said, “I just need to get something for my father. But I’m not sure what.”

“Is there anything that you know he likes?” Sparkler asked.

“Well he likes his model-making, so I was thinking that maybe a model tank or something,” Red replied.

“That could work,” Sparkler said, “I think I saw a model shop on my way to here.”

“Really?” Red asked.

“Yeah,” Sparkler said, and she told him where it was and what it was called. Red the went off to buy something for his father. Once Red was out of sight, Sparkler looked around for Ace. “How long is he going to spend time in there. He must have really needed it.”

Ace had just finished in the bathroom, he rubbed his stomach feeling better after that. “that’s the last time I eat chilly from school,” he said as he made his way back to were Sparkler was. He was just walking back, when someone ran into the back of him. This made him stumble forward and the person to fall to the ground. Ace turned around to see who ran into him, when he saw that it was Sonata.

“Ouch,” she said as she rubbed her arm.

“Sonata?” Ace said, Sonata looked up and shied away a bit.

“O-oh A-Ace,” she stuttered, “I-I didn’t mean to…” she was cut off when Ace offered her a hand. She took it and Ace helped her off the floor, “thank you.”

“What are you doing here Sonata?” Ace asked, “I haven’t seen you since the battle of the bands, I’ve missed you.”

Sonata was caught off guard, “O-Oh well… I-I came here to meet up with Aria,” she told him, “because she works here at the cinema, I’ve apologised to Red, but I was too scared to go and find you to apologise to. I didn’t know what your reaction would be, weather you’ll still love me, or you’ll toss me aside because I’m a monster or…”

She was stopped by a finger being placed on her lips, she looked up to Ace, who had a smile on his face. “You’re not a monster, Red has told me that you, Adagio and Aria used to be normal girls before those gems corrupted you,” Ace said calmly, “It wasn’t the Sonata side of you that fell in love with me, it was the Surprise side. And it was the Surprise side that fought back when I reached out to you when you were that monsters. I’m not mad Sonata, I love you. And that would never change.”

Sonata just starred at him, tears started to fill her eyes. She didn’t know what to say, but instead she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace. Ace returned the hug, and patted her back, he looked up to see that there was some mistletoe above them.

“Hey, there’s some mistletoe above us,” Ace said.

“Is there?” Sonata asked as she looked up.

“You know what that means right,” Ace said.

Before Sonata could answer, as Ace placed his lips onto her for a kiss. This caught Sonata of guard again, but she gave in a kissed him back. The two kissed for a while before they released. “Before I go,” Sonata said, as she pulled out her phone, “can I have you’re number?”

“Yes you may,” Ace said as he got out his phone and the exchanged phone numbers. Once they did, Sonata gave Ace another kiss on the cheek, and she ran off to find Aria. Ace watched her go, until she was out of sight.

“You lucky bastard,” came Red’s voice from behind Ace, he spun around to see Red smirking, “you lucky, lucky bastard.”

“What?” Ace questioned.

“You kissed Sonata,” Red responded, “was going to the bathroom an excuse to see Sonata?”

“No! I had a bad stomach from the chilly at school,” Ace shot back.

“Sure,” Red said cocking an eyebrow, “let’s get back to Sparkler and get some food.” So the two headed back to the food court.

Sparkler dropped Red off at his place when they finished at the mall, Red thanked her for the ride and waved goodbye to her as she drove Ace home. When Red entered the house, he noticed the odd silence that hung in the air, and that neither of the lights were on. He entered the kitchen and turned on the lights. He saw that their was a note on the counter. It was from his mother.

‘Dear Red,

Your father and I are out for this evening, and Solar is at a friend’s house, so neither of us will be back home for a while. There’s some food in the fridge and cupboards for you to make some dinner if you haven’t had any already.

Love you, mum. XXX’

“Hmm I’m home alone, you know what that means,” Red said before he spoke in a very feminine voice that was completely different from his own, “Time to play around with my secret.”

Red went upstairs to his sister’s room and got out her make-up. He then started to apply eye-liner, lipstick, and blush. Until He looked like himself when he was turning into a dazzling. Now Red wasn’t a femboy, neither was he a drag queen, ever since he beat the sirens at the battle of the bands, his had this urge to put on make-up and be his female self, he’s now calling Scarlet Burr. Once he was done he looked over himself and liked what he did. He, in his opinion, looked beautiful.

He then retired to his room and played games and watch YouTube videos on his computer. While he was watching videos, his phone buzzed. He paused the video and saw that is was a notification from MyStable.

“Hmm, wonder who that was,” Red spoke, still in his Scarlet Burr voice, “Oh it’s Pinkie with a phone of her, Sunset and the rest eating pizza while playing games.”

Red chuckled, he did feel a little left out, but he chose to not go, and he was okay with it. He noticed the time that it was getting late, so he turned off his computer, went to clean himself off, and then turned in for the night.

The following morning Red entered CHS for another day of oh-so-exciting learning and fun. He saw the girls up ahead and called after them.

“Hey, girls!” Red called to them, they all turned around and smiled at him. Though all look really tired. Applejack was the only one that didn’t look sleepy. Red was even more shocked by Pinkie stretching her arms and yawning, He didn’t expect her to be tired.

"You sleepy Pinkie?" asked Red.

"Never! Parties give me energy!” Pinkie exclaimed, “parties are my.....my....my something."

The group all chuckled and where about to head class, when a student walked passed Applejack and said, "Hey Piggly Wiggly!"

"What!" Applejack responded in shock, "Did someone just-"

"Sis! Sis! You gotta see this!" Applejack’s little sister Apple Bloom yelled while running toward them, she was holding out her phone to Applejack, "Look!"

Applejack looked at what her little sister was showing her. What she saw was a post showing a secret that she told the others the night before. Red clearly had no idea what she was talking about as he wasn’t at the sleepover.

"How… Wha…" AJ stuttered.

"It was posted a couple of hours ago," Apple Bloom told her.

Applejack looked at the post, specifically as to who posted it.

"Who this, 'Anon-a-miss'?" she said.

"Her profile was created the same time as the posts, no clue who it is," Apple Bloom said, "She posted on your page, my page, everyone’s pages. The whole school probably knows about it by now."

“Yep,” Red said checking his phone, “I must of not seen it as my phone was on silent.”

Students made 'Piggly Wiggly' remarks as they passed Applejack, snickering, and laughing in the process. But the shut up when they saw Red give them death glares.

"Well this ain’t gonna bother me, I can handle a little teasing," Applejack said defiantly.

"Fine, but what about this Anon-a-miss?" Rainbow demanded, "How did she know about your nickname?"

"And why would she post it online, that's.....that's just cruel," Fluttershy said softly.

Before anyone could give an answer the bell rang through the halls.

"I guess questions will have to wait until after school," Rainbow remarked, as she headed to class.

Sunset put a comforting hand on Applejack's shoulder, Red did the same but place his hand on Applejack’s back, "Let us know if we can help AJ."

"Sure thing Sunset," she replied, a little deflated, “thanks you two.”

“No prob,” Red replied.

The girls walked away, leaving Applejack with her sister and Red.

"So, this Anon-a-miss person?" queried Apple Bloom.

"What about her?" Applejack questioned her question.

"Well the only people who knew about your nickname was us and your friends, you sure you didn't tell anybody else?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Positive. What are you gettin' at Apple Bloom?" Applejack replied.

"Well, Sunset only heard the story last night, and the colours on the Anon-a-miss page are the same as her hair," Apple Bloom pointed out.

Applejack felt a little insulted that her little sister suggested that her friend would do such a thing. Red was also just as shocked and felt hurt from that statement. No way would Sunset do such a thing.

"Apple Bloom! How could you! Sunset's a friend," Applejack declared and she gave her sister a stern look.

"Okay, okay, just a thought,” Apple Bloom responded as she started to run off to class, “I'll see you after school."

As Applejack walked off, Red was left alone. As he walked off to class, he could help but think one what Apple Bloom said. Sunset told him before that she started off evil and her tried to take Twilight’s crown. But then she won everyone over after she helped save them from the Dazzlings. And as Red never knew Sunset from when she was evil, he didn’t believe it.

“Sunset would never do something like that,” he said to himself, “I don’t believe that she would, and I don’t want to believe that she would. So that’s that.”

Several hours later, school had ended once again. Applejack had been teased all day about the nickname and 'Anon-a-miss' was the topic of many discussions. Red was offered to go to the girls’ next sleepover at Rarity’s, but Red declined the offer. But the girls, not wanting to leave Red out on any more events brought him over. By force. Red huffed to himself as he jumped from building to building, in his cyber armour, carrying his stuff for the sleepover, such as a sleeping bag, some over night stuff and a blanket without which he couldn’t sleep. He landed in front of Rarity’s house, he noticed that everyone else was here as well. He called his armour off and went to knock on Rarity’s door.

"Hello darling, so glad you could make it," Rarity said as she opened the door and greeted Red.

"I was forced to come," replied Red with a deadpanned look, "you just be glad that I didn’t have any plans for this evening."

"Well in any case,” Rarity as she welcomed Red inside, “come on in and make yourselves comfortable."

Red went in, then he removed his shoes. They followed Rarity upstairs to her bedroom where he saw the other girls already waiting for him, Pinkie wearing a black hooded cloak and carrying a candle.

"Okay! Who ready for GHOST STORIES!” she spoke in a witch like voice, “I got some creepy tales lined up."

"You know Pinkie," Red said suddenly, causing her to jump, "If you want to hear stories about monsters and aliens, I've got some up my sleaves."

"Oh yeah," Rainbow replied, "I forgot that you’re a Cyber Agent?"

"It’s not every day that your friend tells you that you’re a superhero," Sunset remarked.

“And that they have aliens living in your basement,” Red said, “so should I go and get into my pyjamas like you’ll?”

“Yes, the bathroom is just down the hall,” Rarity said.

Red went off to change and came back in blue pyjamas top and bottom with pictures of dinosaurs on it, even his slippers T. Rex head, and when he walked they opened their mouths. The girls thought that he looked really cute.

“This is why I declined in the first place,” Red said deadpanned.

“You dress like that when you’re going to bed?” Rainbow asked.

“No I normal just sleep in my underwear,” Red said, “but I knew neither of you girls would want to see that.”

"Well, changing subjects," Rarity said, "let's party!"

In just a few hours, a lot happened. Pinkie Rainbow and Fluttershy did some singing, and Pinkie even jumped off Rarity’s beds and crashed into Rarity’s wardrobe. Pinkie arose from a pile of dresses Rarity called them her dresses of shame which her dresses that she made that turned out horribly. The girls then had the idea to dress Red up in them, which to their surprise he wasn’t that mad about. Not even when Rarity put make-up on his Red didn’t seem fazed. It took the girls by shock to find out that was his dreaded secret once he started talking in a girl voice. The Girls all had a laugh but dressing Red up in different outfits and applying different make-up. They made him look like a gamer-girl, a goth, and other types of girls.

A couple of minutes later, everyone had calmed down from partying and eating pizza, and Rainbow was feeling like asking Red some questions about himself.

“So Red,” she began, “we all now know about you secret that you like to be a girl, but what other secrets do you have?”

“Well, what else do you want to know?” Red asked her.

“Well really anything,” Rainbow replied.

“Well, for one I can speak Japanese,” Red said, “I tend to go a little over board with it and pretend I’m an anime supervillain, in how deep I can go.”

“Can you speak for us?” Sunset asked.

“あなたは私に何を言ってほしいですか? (anata wa watashi ni nani wo itsu te hoshi desu ka?)” Red spoke in a deep voice sounding just like an anime villain, this caught the girls off guard, “I said what do you want me to say.”

“Oh my Red,” Rarity responded.

“Bro you sounded so cool,” Rainbow shouted.

“I have to agree, I didn’t not expect that,” Applejack said.

“あなたは無限を終わらせることはできません。(anata wa mugen wo owara seru koto wa deki mase ne .)” Red spoke again.

“Ok no need to show off,” Sunset spoke, she looked at the time and saw that it was 23:24, “wow, it’s getting late, I think it’s time to head to bed.”

“私は同意する、おやすみの女の子, (watashi wa doi suru 、 oyasumi no onnanoko)” Red spoke again in Japanese.

“Ok enough Red,” Sunset said, “We don’t want give Fluttershy nightmares.”

“Hehe, sorry,” Red as he got out his sleeping bag.

All the girl got into their sleeping bags while Rarity climbed into her bed and pulled down her sleep mask. After everyone else had fallen asleep, Sunset took out her magical book and began writing to Twilight again. After writing her a note, she too then fell asleep. But as they slept no one heard or saw Rarity’s bedroom door open.

A few days had passed without incident, and without any more slumber parties, when Red walked down the halls talking to Sparkler and Ace, he was telling them about the slumber party at Rarity.

“And you complete fine with getting in a dress,” Ace stated.

“Yeah,” Red replied before lying, “it was when they started to dress me up in other dresses and apply make-up to me.”

“Hey look there’s Sunset,” Sparkler pointed out, “but… she looks upset.”

Red and Ace look forward and saw she was right. There they saw Sunset on her knees crying her eyes out. Red ran to comfit her.

“Sunset!” he shouted, getting down on his knees and placing his hands on her shoulders.

“Oh Red,” Sunset cried as she wrapped her arms around him tightly, not wanting him to go.

“What happened?” Ace and Sparkler ran up to them.

“H-Have you not seen it yet?” Sunset sniffed.

“Seen what?” Ace asked.

“Anon-a-miss,” Sunset sniffed as she got out her phone and opened the MyStable app. She then showed Red, Ace and Sparkler, what Anon-a-miss posted. It was the photos that Sunset took of the girls and Red at the slumber party. The caption read: what a bunch of dorks.

“Didn’t enjoy wearing the gamer girl and goth girl outfits, hmm,” Sparkler stated sarcastically.

Red just looked at her with a deadpanned look. "Why are you so upset though?" he asked, not bothering to retort to Sparkler.

".......They think I'm Anon-a-Miss," Sunset sniffed.

There was a moment of silence as the information sank into Red, Ace and Sparkler.

"Why......why would they think you did it?" Ace asked, “that just doesn’t make sense.”

"Because the photos came from my phone," Sunset told them.

Red could see how that makes Sunset prime suspect, he also remember that Apple Bloom believed that she was Anon-a-miss, but he refused the believe it himself.

"Could I have a look at your phone?" he asked.

Sunset looked at him confused, "Why?"

"Please?" Red urged her.

Sunset nodded and handed it to him.

“Ok, so what’s you’re password?” Red asked.

“Password?” Sunset questioned.

“yeah to get passed your lock screen,” Red told her.

“I…Don’t have one,” Sunset replied.

Red facepalmed, “well, at least we know her phone wasn’t hacked,” he said, “someone came in, opened her phone and somehow got the images.”

“Sunset you need to have a password or something to stop strangers from getting into your phone and getting your personal information,” Sparkler told her.

“Oh,” Sunset sighed.

“Come on let’s go to the music room and sort this out,” Red said.

“Ok,” Sunset said, as Red helped her up and with Ace and Sparkler they walked to the music room.

Author's Note:

sup guys, hope you'll all enjoyed this chapter.

it's my longest one so far, I was stumped for a while, that's why it's not been updated in a long time. but I hope to wait was worth it.