• Published 22nd Sep 2020
  • 1,897 Views, 17 Comments

Rewrite of MLP - ShaD-23

In another time and another world, the lackadaisical Twilight is devoted pupil to Princess Luna.

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Twilight gave a yawn as she stretched up from her bed. Looking out the gigantic window of the observatory, Twilight saw the giant sun shining across the land. It had been three days since the Grand Eclipse festival and the blazing sun had not moved once from the sky above Equestria. Exhaling deeply, Twilight wondered what she could do. All of Equestria was reporting drought and water shortage throughout the land. Things were looking bad.

“Twilight? You’re up?”

Twilight turned to see Spike walking toward her, an icy cup of coffee in his claws.

“Good morning, Spike.” She said with a small smile. He was always up before her. “Did you sleep good?” The dragonling only shook his head.

“I had a creepy dream.” He explained. “I was two alicorns fighting over a ruined castle. It looked like something out of a movie.” Twilight narrowed her eyes at this.

“A black pony and a white pony fighting in the sky?” she asked. Spike tilted his head at this. They could both tell.

“How many times have you had that dream?” Spike asked.

“Since Princess Luna disappeared.” Twilight replied, Spike nodding.

“Weird, the same dream.” Spike mused as he handed Twilight the cup of coffee. “Do you think it means something?” Twilight gave a shrug, doing her best to hide how uneasy this made her.

“So, Spike,” she said quickly “should we go get our rations for the day?” Spike gave a nod as the two took a sip from their frothy mugs in unison. Canterlot had really buckled down on keeping water and food at ready. Giving her mane a slick back and levitating a ribbon to her and tying it in her mane, Twilight drained her coffee as Spike started for the door, opening it and leading her into the hot day. The grassy hills outside the city were beginning to brown and the nearby steam was receding more and more each day.

“So, Moondancer is hosting a book club tonight.” Spike said as he climbed up on his sister’s back. “Wanna go?” Twilight smiled, knowing he was saying anything to ease her worries. Before she could answer, she bumped into a familiar green cloak.

“Oof! Sorry about that.” Sunburst said as Twilight took a step back. “You’re Twilight Sparkle, right?” he asked, the mare giving a nod.

“What are you up to… pal?” Twilight asked, trying to remember the bearded stallion’s name.

“I’m getting ready to hit the road again.” He explained, motioning to the saddlebags hanging over his flanks.

“You look like you’re doing pretty good.” Spike said, looking over Sunburst’s ensemble.

“All part of travelling the world.” He smiled, powering his horn and handing Spike an apple. “Gotta be ready to traverse any extreme environment. Besides, I need to see if I can figure out something about these odd dreams I’ve been having.” he said as he trotted off, both Twilight and Spike’s eyes going wide.

“Hey, what kind of dream?” Spike asked as Twilight hurried to catch up with him.

“It was a dream about two alicorns battling, wasn’t it?"


The trio turned to see Moondancer approaching at a trot, a look of suspicion on her face.

“What’re you doing out here, Moondancer?” Twilight asked.

“I was going to ask you if you had a book about interpreting dreams.” She explained. “I’ve had the same dream since the princess disappeared.” Everypony could tell what the other was thinking.

“So what do we do?” Sunburst asked.

“First thing we do is get out of this heat.” Twilight groaned, wiping her brow.

“Let’s go to the royal library.” Moondance suggested. “We can see if there’s anything there.” Nodding in agreement, the four set off toward the city.

The streets were deserted and the fountains were dry to conserve water. The town square where vendors were always selling food and goods only had a few carts peddling dried fruits. Looking here and there, Twilight could see gardens where rows of flowers once colored the streets were wilting and losing their colorful glow. She felt so cold inside despite the blazing endless day seeing what Daybreaker was doing to Equestria. Finally, they came to the royal plaza outside the palace walls. Looking here and there, Twilight saw the regal street was just as vacant as the town, everypony staying in out of the heat.

“There it is.” Moondancer said as they spotted a spired building.

“The Canterlot Royal Library looks so much more amazing than it does in the illustrations I’ve seen.” Sunburst mused as they walked inside.

“So what kind of book are we looking for?” Twilight asked, Moondancer looking along the rows of books.

“The dream had two alicorns fighting over a ruined castle.” Moondancer said in her analytical tone she had when in deep thought. “We should look up what we can about old castles in Equestria.”

“Good thinking.” Sunburst said as he followed close by.

“Moondancer’s always put things together fast.” Spike said. “She’s like a detective, almost.” The bookish pony blushed at the compliment as she led the way. Looking here and there, they saw old books of every kind lining the shelves.

“Hey, there, Twili.” They heard from behind, everypony turning to see Shining Armor walking for them with a smirk. “Studying even in a time of crisis? You’re so driven.”

“Where’d you come from, bro?” Spike asked. “Are you on patrol?” The stallion gave a nod.

“My shift is almost over.” He said. “And that’s good, because I haven’t been sleeping good since the attack at the festival, and not just because the sun is up all night. I keep having a dream about fighting alicorns, it’s driving me nuts.” Everypony stared in shock. Shining Armor was having the same dream?

“Excuse me?” Everypony turned to see a little maid approaching. “You said you had a dream about two alicorns fighting? Just like me?” Even little Sweetie Belle was having the reoccurring dream.

“This is crazy!” Twilight gasped. “Why are we dreaming the same thing?” It took a minute for the two to realize what was going on.

“What’s it mean?” Sweetie Belle said with a shudder. “This is starting to scare me.”

“Something like this isn’t normal.” Moondancer said slowly. “I’ve never heard about this sort of thing before, not even in all the books I’ve read.”

As the crowd began to chat back and forth wondering what this could mean, Twilight thought about the research she and Spike did before the festival.


“It’s Princess Luna.” Twilight interjected. Everypony stared at her. “Princess Luna is the protector of dreams. Wherever she is, she has to be sending us a message when we sleep. That has to be it.” Nopony said a word.

“So, what’s our next move?” Shining Armor asked. “The princess has given us a task, and we have to fulfill it.”

“A task? By the princess?” Sweetie Belle stammered in awe.

“Yeah.” Twilight nodded. “Princess Luna’s dream is telling us what to do. Alicorns fighting, just like the old story with the Elements of Harmony. Let’s start there.”

Everypony nodded in agreement.


Twilight and her friends sat quietly in their train car, watching the parched landscape pass them by. It took them a day, but all the books they read pointed them in the direction of the old town of Ponyville. The Elements were last used there centuries before the town was founded.

Sweetie Belle gave a deep sigh as she saw familiar landscapes out her window. Any other day she’d be pleased as punch to go home but she couldn’t shake how unnerving this was. Having the same dream over and over. Sharing it with a bunch of strangers the same age as her sister. Being tasked by the princess. All she wanted to do was just go back to the simple days of playing with her friends and trying to earn her cutie mark.

The steam engine suddenly gave a whistle that sounded through the train car, jerking everypony from their thoughts.

“Now approaching Ponyville Station.” The conductor called as he strolled through the car, everypony watching as a small town began to materialize outside the window.

“Home, sweet home, right?” Twilight asked with a smile for her small friend. Sweetie Belle only gave another sigh in response. Gathering what little luggage they had, the six set off onto the platform, the sweltering sun greeting them.

“It’s a good thing my next shift isn’t for another few days.” Shining Armor sighed. “Let’s find these Elements and get this over with.”

“Oh c’mon, haven’t you played O&O before, bro?” Spike said with a smirk. “Quests like these take time, right Moondancer?”

“Wha- I w-wouldn’t know anything about that.” The cream-colored mare stammered as her cheeks turned pink. “I- I don’t play those silly tabletop games.”

“Hey, it’s okay if you’re an egghead.” Sweetie Belle said innocently. “Those games take a whole lot of smarts and reading, don’t they?” Everypony shared a chuckle at this as they walked through the old town, some ponies here and there tending to the town.

“So, where do we look to find the Elements?” Twilight asked, passing a dry fountain in the town square.

“My research said there was a book in the old library here in town.” Moondancer said as they walked on passed the town hall. “I think it was called the Golden Oak.”

With a nod, the crowd made their way through the town, Sunburst occasionally taking a look at his map. One or two ponies gave them a glance, but for the most part, everypony in town lethargically went about their duties. It seemed as though everypony everywhere was suffering.

“Oh my! Sweetie Belle!”

Everypony turned to see a white mare with a bushy purple mane of curls racing for them.

“Whatever are you doing home?” she asked in surprise. The little unicorn shuffled nervously at this.

“The princess has given me a task, Rarity.” She explained, the older unicorn tilting her head in bewilderment. Twilight remembered the name ‘Rarity’ from when she met Sweetie Belle a few days before. This must have been the older sister she spoke of.

“What in Equestria are you talking about?” she asked.

“It’s a bit of a long story.” Spike said, stepping forward in a hurry.” My name’s Spike. I can tell you what’s going on if you want.” Rarity only tilted her head at him.

“A dragon?” she pondered aloud. Hopping, Spike hurried beside her.

“It all happened three days ago when we all started having the same dream, or really, five days ago when me and Twilight were doing some research, ‘cause Twilight had a dream, an…”

“You know, we can go for now.” Twilight said, noticing Spikes cheeks turning a little pink. “That’s the place right there, right?” she asked, motioning toward the enormous tree ahead. The four made their way to it as Spike and Sweetie Belle strolled off with Rarity, explaining what had happened the last few days in Canterlot.

The tree had a red door on the base and several windows carved here and there throughout the trunk and brambles. Approaching, they saw several additions were made to the enormous tree, including a balcony and a sunroom. The library looked old and derelict, several of the windows boarded up.

“So, this is the famous Golden Oak Library?” Sunburst asked, fishing out his scrapbook. “It looks so sad and neglected, such a shame.” He tutted as he spotted his bookmarked page that showed it in its former glory. “It’s a pity, old landmarks like this should be cared for and given the upkeep they deserve.” Powering his horn, Sunburst held the creaking door for his companions for them to go in before him. Illuminating their horns, the four unicorns looked all about the hollowed old tree, dust and cobwebs everywhere they looked. The main room was lined wall to wall with books on shelves, some stacks and volumes stacked here and there, an enormous carved bust on a large round table at the center of the room.

“Okay, do we start with ‘E’?” Twilight asked. Moondancer only shook her head.

“That would be too obvious-“ “Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.

The three stared in disbelief as Shining Armor pulled a leatherbound book free.

“Right here under ‘E’, ladies.” He said with a wink. As Moondancer gave an embarrassed scowl, Twilight flipped through the brittle pages, Sunburst lighting a candle he spotted on the nearby table.

There are six Elements of Harmony,” she read aloud everypony gathered around, “but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery.” At this, the others exchanged looks. This was really something. “It is said, the last known location of the five Elements was in an ancient castle of the royal pony sisters.”

“The royal sisters? I knew that wasn’t some old fairytale.” Sunburst said with a satisfied smile. Twilight was relieved to know she wasn’t the only one who thought so.

“It says here the castle is in a place called the Everfree Forest.” Twilight added, looking over the faded page. “Where’s that?”

“It’s practically next door.” Sunburst said, fishing out his map and giving it a look. “According to this, it’s full of wild animals and magical creatures, and that the forest is constantly changing and moving on its own without ponies to help the environment, just like the regions outside Equestria.”

“That’s amazing.” Twilight gasped.

“Well, then let’s steel our nerves, everypony.” Shining Armor said as he started for the door. “Princess Luna wants us to go there, so that’s where we gotta go.”

“You’re the boss, lieutenant.” Twilight sighed as she followed close behind, the other two joining them. “Let’s go find Spike and Sweetie Belle.”


It took some coaxing, but Twilight and her friends were able to convince Rarity to allow her sister to follow along into the Everfree Forest. Nevertheless, Rarity was very vocal about how they should stop by Sweet Apple Acres and stock up before they braved the forest.

“Sweet Apple Acres is where my friend Apple Bloom lives.” Sweetie Belle explained as they walked through the browning hills outside the town. “They have the only farm in town.”

“Gotcha. So, who’s Granny Smith?” Twilight asked as they saw the countryside growing greener, tall apple trees starting to appear here and there.

“Granny? She’s the one who owns the farm.” Sweetie Belle explained as they walked past a wooden fence, an enormous barn and farmhouse starting to appear between the hills.

“Howdy, there.” Came a call from afar, the six turning to see an orange pony wearing a cowboy hat approach. “Sweetie Belle, what’re you doing back so soon?”

“Hi, Applejack.” She called, waving to the mare. “We… we need to see Granny Smith.” Applejack’s face turned from a friendly greeting to a look of unimpressed suspicion.

“I had a feeling.” She sighed. “C’mon, I’ll take you to her.” Without another word, Applejack turned and made her way toward the farmhouse, everypony following behind her. This was clearly something she was both used to and not happy about. Leading them past the barn, they turned to see a little yellow filly with a smooth red mane tied with a big magenta bow, and a little red colt with an orange mane brushed forward just above his eyes.

“Hey! Apple Bloom, Little Macintosh!” Sweetie Belle called as she raced for them, both of them smiling and racing for her. “Still working hard?”

“Eeyup.” Little Macintosh said with a nod, Apple Bloom throwing her hooves around her friend.

“Are you done being a maid?” she asked her unicorn friend, Sweetie Belle giving her head a shake.

“They look so cute.” Twilight mused as the trio began to chat, following Applejack inside. It was awfully cozy inside, just like a nice old home out in the country should be, she thought.

“Granny, more coming for water.” Applejack called as a mare with a green coat and a blond mane tied into two long braids came through the nearest doorway.

“Hello, there.” Moondancer said with a nod. “We’re looking for Mrs. Granny Smith.”

“Oh?” she asked, her slightly aged face giving a gentle smile. “Well, then, look no further. Pleased to meet ya.” She said with a wink.

“Wait, you’re Granny?” Twilight asked. “But you look so young to be a granny.” At this, the aged mare gave a chuckle as Spike elbowed Twilight's side.

“Awful nice of you to say.” Granny chortled. “I was a young mom, but y’know, being young doesn’t last forever.”

“Ma’am?” Sunburst interjected. “We were told we could find water and provisions here?”

“Granny…” Applejack sighed, giving her elder a look of worry.

“It’s okay, Applejack.” She replied. “We have our own secret water supply, the least we can do is offer what’s needed to other ponies in need.”

“Oooh, like a secret underground lake?” Twilight asked excitedly, Applejack turning to her with a raised brow. “What’s it like? Where is it.”

“Well, if I told you that, it wouldn’t be secret, now would it.” Granny Smith huffed with a bemused smirk. With that, she disappeared off into the kitchen, rummaging around for supplies.

“So, are you from Canterlot?” Applejack asked as the three young ponies came in from outside. “What the hey are y’all doing all the way out here?”

“Sweetie Belle says the princess told her to go find the Elements of Harmony in the Everfree Forest.” Apple Bloom said, a look of worry on her face. Needless to say, Applejack was flabbergasted by this.

“The princess? The Everfree Forest?” she stammered. “What in Equestria are you talking about?”

“It’s a long story.” Twilight explained. “Princess Luna sent us a message in our dreams. The only hope to end this drought is to find the Elements of Harmony deep in the Everfree Forest.” Twilight wasn’t sure how anypony could believe such a story, and it showed on Applejack’s face.

“An’ you’re taking a young’un with you into the forest?” She asked in shock. “Can you even come up with a story like that? "

“I believe it.”

Everypony turned to see Granny Smith return carrying several flasks of water and a sack of apples.

“I’ve met Princess Luna only once before when I was a bit older than the twins.” She explained, Apple Bloom and Little Macintosh hanging on to her every word. “The most wildest of tales can be true when the princess of Equestria is at the heart of it.” Twilight and her party smiled at this, relieved that somepony finally believed them. “I can tell by the look in your eyes that you’re honest. So, go on, then, and do whatever it is Princess Luna has asked of you.” She said with a smile and a nod, Applejack giving a sigh and nodding, starting out the door.

“I’ll take you to the forest edge,” she said “but that’s as far as I’ll go. You all promise to stay safe.”

“You got it.” Shining Armor said as he flashed her as dashing smile. “As a royal guard, you can bet everypony will be safe under my watchful eye- OW!”

The stallion stumbled forward as Spike tossed an apple at the back of his head, everypony erupting in laughter. Even in these treacherous times, everypony had to value times like now.


The air seemed oddly cooler at the edge of the Everfree Forest. As the hot sun beat down upon everypony, they looked unknowingly at the next step of their adventure.

“This is it.” Applejack said as she looked out into the dark forest. “I’ll be honest, I would come with you even though I’m scared, but if the princess sent for you six, I’ll leave you to it.”

“Thanks a lot, Applejack.” Sweetie Belle said as they began to inch closer to the edge of the woods.

“Hey, before you go, keep an eye out.” Applejack called for them, everypony turning back to her. “Rainbow Dash is the weather chief of Ponyville. She said she saw something funny over the forest and went to go investigate it.”

“She hasn’t come back?” Sweetie Belle asked sheepishly. Applejack gave her a nod.

“If you can find her, a lot of folk have been worried.” Applejack explained. “She’s been gone for three whole days.”

“You got it.” Spike called. “If we see her, we’ll bring her back.” Everypony else gave a nod, Applejack smiling at their resolve.

“Stay safe, everypony.” She whispered to herself as the six walked into the Everfree Forest. “I really mean it.”