• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 2,931 Views, 9 Comments

Rampage: Wreckers in Equestria - KnightGomora1994

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Canterlot Mayhem

Dark Abyss, Badlands

A yell of frustration was heard within the Dark Abyss, glass is heard shattering across the room as a familiar scientist is seen. Eustace growled in frustration knowing that the Wreckers had foiled his plans yet again, he panted knowing that they have been a thorn in his side ever since they foiled his plans so many times. "Curse those ignorant beasts... I sought to be rid of them for good, but now they are here, in this new world...! I should've had them nuked." he shouted.

"Like that would have been any good..." said a feminine voice as she approached. It was a dark mare, familiar dark skin... turquoise eyes, and night blue hair. Her eyes sharply slit as she approach Eustace, sending chills down his spine "I didn't bring you here to destroy your life's work... I brought you here so you can make it better, the Hydra was a good try, but was unfortunately... not capable of taking them out. Now... stop your whining, and get back to work." she said to him.

"What's in it for me...?" Eustace asked her why he is to gain out of all this.

"Should you succeed in making this mutagen, and infecting the entire world of Equestria... you can have an army at your disposal. Just imagine it... all those who wronged you in your world, facing an army of monsters that will be indestructible." the Dark Mare said to him with a grin. "Live as a king... or be worshipped as a god..." she stated to him.

Thinking about it, Eustace was starting to like the thought of obtaining godhood. "Live as a man, or become a god among man... that is a pleasant thought. If, you keep your word about it..." he said to her.

"Mr. Demonic, when I give you my word, I am bound for all of eternity..." She said to him as she smirked.

Unable to trust her fully, Eustace decided to play along... for now. "Fair deal... and we will see if your word holds up." he said to her knowing that it was worth gaining.

The Dark Mare grinned as she turned and left him to his work. "Soon enough, all of Equestria will feel my wrath... and Princess Luna will regret the day she rejected me." she stated as her eyes glowed.

Canterlot, Equestria

The Main Six traveled on the train to reach Canterlot as soon as they could, still furious of what Blueblood had done to the Wreckers, especially with what happened when the Hydra attacked. Which they will leave out of their explanation, given that the Hydra was really the Flower and Spa Ponies, merged into a single creature. By the time they reached the station, Rainbow Dash was the first to get off to find the Wrecking Crew. "All right, when I see Blueblood, I am gonna give him a piece of my mind...!" she stated, knowing she will deck the pompous pony for what he did.

"Chill Rainbow Dash, this is no time to get violent." Applejack said to her and looked towards Twilight. "Do you think Princess Celestia learned about what happened to George and the others...?" she asked her.

"I hope so, Blueblood has been able to get away with everything, but not this time. We need to head over to the throne room and find out what she's learned, and hope that she hasn't condemned them yet..." Twilight said to her as she walked with the others to head to the throne room.

Till soon enough, they've come across a couple of familiar faces. "Hey, Twilight...!" called a familiar voice. Twilight looked to see that it was Flash Sentry and his partner Blade Dancer. "We saw what happened down in Ponyville, you guys alright...?" he asked them.

"We're fine... but Flash, did you or Blade Dancer happen to see Blueblood and his guards bringing in three civilians into Canterlot...?" Twilight asked them.

"Saw them clear as day... quite big for normal ponies don't you think...?" Blade Dancer asked them.

"Its complicated... but right now, you guys need to know that they're innocent. They wouldn't hurt anyone... not unless it was to defend someone else." Fluttershy assured them.

"We took that into consideration... and thought you should know that Blueblood is putting them on trial early." Flash informed them of the Wreckers current situation.

"He WHAT?!!" Rarity exclaimed feeling furious about it.

"He can't do that!" Pinkie cried out knowing how wrong it was.

"Look, we get it, the guy is a narcissistic jerk that deserves to get decked in the face. But there's currently nothing that we can do about it." Blade Dancer informed them as she walked up. "Not only that, Blueblood ordered that the trial be private... and making sure no one enters the court house."

Spike grew weary about it, knowing something didn't feel right. "Twilight, he must have planned this to make sure that we didn't interfere..." he theorized.

"I know, the thought occurred to me too Spike... but as Princess of Equestria, I'm not going to let anything stop me." Twilight declared as she headed for the court house with her friends. As they approached, two guards stood at the door and held their spears blocking her. "Don't even bother trying to stop me... because we all know this will only end badly." she stated to them knowing she could use her magic on them. The two guards looked to each other knowing that she could easily use her Alicorn magic on them, so they pulled their spears out of the way for her. "Thank you sirs..." she said to them and used her magic to slam the doors open and walk in.

Blueblood heard it and looked seeing them, glaring at the guards for their incompetence. "I need to get better guards..." he muttered as the Wrecking Crew looked behind them, and saw them walk in. Blueblood meanwhile walked towards them, with a disapproving look on his face. "How dare you walk in here uninvited...!"

"As the Princess of Friendship, and member of the Royal Court, I have every right to attend." Twilight declared as she looked to the Wreckers. "You guys alright...?" she asked them.

"You mean besides being held prisoner by a spoiled prince against our will...?" Ralph asked her.

"We're doing just fine..." Lizzie answered them and glared at Blueblood.

"Silence criminals! You are on trial for crimes against the estate." Blueblood declared as he walked towards the judge.

"Says you pal... you had us falsely arrested for crimes we never committed. You're doing this to save your own skin from your aunt!" George stated the facts knowing them to be true.

"Be quiet you!" Blueblood shouted as he fixed his mane. "Therefore, the three of you will be punished accordingly to the listen of crimes you have been accused of..." he said to them.

Spike meanwhile was shooting a harsh glare towards the spoiled prince and snuck off to find Princess Celestia without him knowing. Applejack noticed it, and saw him look to her and gesture her to keep them busy as he snuck out of the building. Applejack nodded as she looked to the court, quickly stepping up. "Objection yer honor!" she stepped up to stop Blueblood from listing the crimes. "If they wrongly committed these crimes, then ask yourself, did they really do it? And if so, why did they surrender so easily...?" she asked him.

Thinking it over, the judge thought it over and looked to Blueblood. "She does bring up a good point Prince Blueblood..." he said to him.

"She's a stupid apple farmer, what could she possibly know? Therefore, I only pay you to do your job... so do it!" Blueblood shouted at him.

"Here's a better idea, stop flapping your gums, and let the pony do his job!" Applejack exclaimed and walked to the Wreckers to get their statement. "George, Lizzie, Ralph, have you ever, in this world, ever hurt anyone in either Ponyville, or Canterlot?" she asked them.

"No, we haven't... but we were provoked by our host you see before you." George gestured to Blueblood who glared at them in response to his statement.

"George is telling the truth AJ, Blueblood was mistreating you and your friends, as well as the entire town of Ponyville." Lizzie stated knowing it is the absolute truth to what happened back in Ponyville.

"I know, I was there partner... but let me ask, if there were any reason you would attack somepony, what would that reason be...?" Applejack asked them.

"Simple... stand up for our comrades, and resort to violence should it be deemed necessary." Ralph answered her.

Nodding to his answer, Applejack leaned towards him and whispered to him. "We're workin' on a way to get ya'll outta here, so don't ya worry nothin'." she said to him and winked at him. She stepped away from him to continue her questions. "Onto my next question, when the Hydra attacked Ponyville, did you and your friends help with the evacuation to keep the townsfolk safe...?" she asked them.

"As a matter of fact we did Applejack, when the Hydra attacked, we couldn't bear to see innocent lives be eaten or trampled over by the five headed animal." said George as he looked to Lizzie and Ralph who gave approving nods to him for his response.

But Blueblood wasn't going to allow Applejack to ask her next question."Objection your honor!" Blueblood turned towards him about to state his objection.

"Overruled Blueblood...!" Twilight said to him as she walked up. "There have been plenty of witnesses to see what happened, and they didn't like it when you mistreated them, or us for that matter."

Blueblood's anger began to boil inside him as he heard what she said, but kept calm in the situation, and turned towards them. "I could care a less of what those ponies say, I can easily bribe them to keep their mouths shut, because if any of them speak out, I will personally evict them from their homes, and have them throne into the dungeon for aiding a bunch of criminals, just like what you're doing." he gestured to the Wrecking Crew who growled at him in response.

"You ungrateful swine! You think you can get away with everything, but not this time... once Princess Celestia learns about this, she will see to it that you are punished for it!" Rarity declared it to him as she earned an amused chuckle from Blueblood. "Laugh while you can Blueblood..."

"Oh, I am... dear Commoner of Generosity... but even if you tell Princess Celestia, it will be my word against yours." Blueblood stated the fact as he grinned at her.

"I'm afraid not Blueblood..." said a familiar voice as Blueblood's blood ran cold from hearing it. He turned around and saw Princess Celestia standing behind him in the court room, shooting a harsh glare at him showing that she heard everything he said, and what Spike told her.

He panicked as he started to sweat. "Aunt Celestia, let me explain... these criminals affected my mind, th-they were trying to turn me against all of Equestria... I swear, its the honest truth." he tried to lie his way out.

But Applejack saw through his façade, and wasn't going to let it slide. "That's a lie Princess, everythin' you heard and watched was true..." she said to Princess Celestia as she received a shocked look from the arrogant prince.

Blueblood panicked from seeing everypony surrounding him in the room, he wanted to make a quick get away, but Fluttershy got in the way. "Going somewhere...?" she asked him as her eyes widen using The Stare on him. Seeing him freeze in place, Flash and Blade Dancer walked over to him and put him in chains to make sure he didn't go running off.

Snapping out of Fluttershy's stare as she closed her eyes, Blueblood found himself in the shackles, and panicked as he was getting taken away. "No! You don't know what you're doing! Those freaks need to be punished! I am your prince! Release me this instance!" he demanded to be released.

"Oh don't worry Bluebutt... we'll let you go, when you're locked up." Flash stated as he looked to Twilight and winked at her.

She smiled and winked back at him, and watched him and Blade Dancer take him away. She soon turned towards Celestia and walked over to her. "So what's going to happen to him...?" she asked her.

"I will deal with him personally..." Princess Celestia responded and looked to her with a calm expression. "I am so sorry he put you through all that he did... what ever charges he placed against your three friends here, I will have them dropped..." she stated to her and looked to the Wreckers. She took this chance to approach them, and look at them carefully, looking into their eyes to read them.

The Wreckers looked into her eyes but couldn't help but notice her size compared to them, feeling dwarfed in comparison as Lizzie looked to George. "And I thought you were a tall one..." she commented to him earning an agreeing nod from George.

The Sun Princess observed them carefully, seeing them for who and what they really are. "You three had a troubling past... one I dare not speak of in front of my subjects. But your crimes in your world do not reflect here in Equestria... you saved many lives when the Hydra attacked... and for that, I am grateful." she said to them as she bowed her head.

"Um... it was no big deal Princess..." George commented as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah, in fact... George here did most of the work..." Rainbow Dash nudged George as she let out a chuckle. "I mean he turned into this big, masculine, giant-"

"Ape, yes... I saw it when I looked into his memories. All their memories... the things they went through, how much they suffered... but they had also caused much trouble in their world, that was caused by the man they called Dr. DeMonic..." Celestia said to them as she walked to Twilight. "Come with me, we will discuss this further in the throne room..." she said as she headed for the doors to exit out the court room, with the Main Six and the Wrecking Crew in pursuit.

Rubbing his neck, George felt better with the shackles finally off. "We are grateful Princess... but I'm afraid explanations will have to wait. Dr. Demonic is still out there, and we need to find him before he creates more monsters like that Hydra in Ponyville." he explained to her.

"But with no knowledge of where he is, you won't get far... even in the forms you are currently in." Celestia commented knowing that is a true fact.

"She has a point George..." Lizzie commented as she walked beside him. "There's no way of knowing where DeMonic is, so we'll need to rest up before we move on." she stated to him.

"Tomorrow is always another day George..." Ralph commented as he walked ahead as he is joined by Applejack. He looked towards her, and smiled a bit. "That was some quick thinking back there Applejack... I'm surprised you didn't become a lawyer..." he said to her.

"Well, I don't really know what a lawyer is... but I'm happy the way I am as an apple farmer." Applejack stated as she smiled and looked to him. "Listen, maybe when we get back to Ponyville, maybe you could come live with me and my family on the Apple Farm...?" she asked him.

Hearing her offer, Ralph looked around the city of Canterlot, knowing it probably wouldn't work given that he help wreck a lot of cities. So farm life would be much better... so he smiled, and looked towards Applejack. "Given I used to be a farm boy myself... I would like that..." he said to her.

"Glad you feel that way, cause me and my brother will need some help on the farm after we hear things out from your and your friends." Applejack said to him as she walked beside him.

George and Lizzie watched them go and smirked as they glanced to each other. "You thinking what I'm thinking...?" Lizzie asked him.

"I'd be a monkey's uncle if I wasn't..." George replied as he chuckled walking with the Main Six.

"You guys don't think...?" Spike wondered as he was right beside them.

"Nah, there's no way... Applejack is too tough for that kind of stuff." Rainbow Dash commented knowing her best friend better than they have. "Besides, you guys are basically from another world, it probably wouldn't work out."

"Well darling, stranger things have happened." Rarity commented as she had a goofy grin on her face as they proceeded towards the throne room.

Canterlot, Dungeon

At the dungeon of Canterlot, Flash Sentry and Blade Dancer escorted Blueblood to his cell as he thrashed and struggled. "Release me! I will not be locked up like a common criminal!" he exclaimed to them as he tried to break free.

"You became one when you tried setting up Princess Twilight's friends, and your judgment will be settled when Princess Celestia begins your trial." Flash stated to him as he pushed him.

Blade Dancer at that moment opened the cell door for Blueblood, and Flash forced him to go inside it. "Enjoy your stay here, your not-so highness." she commented as she slammed the door as a unicorn guard used his magic to lock it. To make sure it would counteract Blueblood's magic, Blade Dancer cleaned her hooves and looked to Flash. "That takes care of that, lets report back with Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight." she said to him as he nodded in agreement, walks off to report to the Princesses.

Blueblood meanwhile tried to use his magic to force the lock to unlock, but it was a magic lock, so he couldn't get out, no matter what spell he used. He groaned frustratingly, and paced back and forth. "Curse those blasted commoners... they ruined me...! Ruined my good name, and condemned me to life! They will know my wrath...!" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, a portal opened up behind him without his knowledge, and someone set down a device with a sign that said "Press here." on it. The figure, poking his head out, showing himself as Eustace DeMonic, he grinned at Blueblood as was unaware of his presence. "If its vengeance you want... then it is vengeance you shall have..." he stated as he disappeared.

Blueblood heard it and turned around looking around seeing no one, but he soon noticed the device on the floor. He approached it and looked at it noticing the note on it. "Press here...?" he looked at it He cautiously reached to it and pressed the button on top. Just as he did, the device opened up as the mutagen inside shot out, covering his entire body as he screamed of it. "If this is meant to be a sick practical joke, it is not funny! I am going to have someones-" before he could finish his threat, the mutagen began to glow when it came to contact with his skin, and his eyes glowed green as he absorbed it. He groaned in pain as his form began to change, hooves turn into clawed hands and feet, his flat teeth became sharp as he began to grin and start laughing maniacally.

Canterlot, Throne Room

At the throne room, Princess Celestia and the Main Six sat together with Princess Luna present to hear the explanation of the Wrecking Crew, and what their world was like. "Our world is very similar to yours... but different in others. In our world, there were no talking ponies, dragons or other mythical creatures. But it was a place of science and technology to a degree you couldn't imagine." George explained to them.

"I believe you, I've been to a world similar to yours, but I doubt there were monsters in it..." Twilight commented remembering she was in a human-like world.

"Twilight, let them continue their story..." Celestia commented as she looked to the Wreckers. "Please, continue..." she said to them.

"We were some of the top scientists that worked for a company called Scumlabs, we worked under Eustace DeMonic, he ran every Scumlabs company spread through out the world. We were of the American team that ran experiments we thought were legal... but as years went by, George, Ralph and I soon discovered that we were creating a mutagen that was capable of turning humans into animals..." Lizzie explained to them as she looked to her companions.

"Everything we had ever known was a lie, we weren't doing it for the benefit of humanity." Ralph commented and looked to the ponies before them. "But to destroy it... we were going to go public, but Eustace blew up the lab before we could breathe a word of his plans. We were left to die in there..." he stated.

"That's awful! I mean that despicable man is purely awful!" Rarity exclaimed feeling furious of what she heard.

"And you're right Ms. Rarity, he left us for dead, just like many innocent people in that laboratory. But the mutagen we were working on... it saved our lives. Not only did it save us, but it changed us... increasing our size, our nature... and our biology. We became monsters... As you all know, I became a giant ape... Lizzie here became what I thought to be a lizard. But in truth, she actually became a dinosaur." George stated to them.

"It actually makes sense, I mean dinosaurs are pretty much reptiles..." Pinkie commented as she earned surprised looks from her friends. "What...?"

"Pinkie... sometimes, you scare us..." Rainbow Dash said to her as her eyebrows were arced.

Applejack took the opportunity to look towards Ralph. "And if I'm not mistaken... you're a wolf..." she commented on what species he became.

"That's right... the mutagen made us who we are, it gave us increased strength, speed, agility... giving us abilities that no one would have expected. Even our anger was increased to a degree, and we went on a worldwide rampage." Ralph said to her and her friends as he looked to them. "We ran across the world, destroying every city, and Scumlabs factory we came across." he stated.

"But one thing we've tried to forget... is that we even devoured people in the process..." George commented earning shocked looks from the Main Six. "I understand this all comes as a shock... but we wanted to hide our nature from you, because we were afraid you would only fear us for what we did." he said to them.

"Even if you did all that, it doesn't change the fact that you saved Ponyville, and the girls that were mutated into the Hydra." Fluttershy stated to them.

"Wait, what?!" Luna asked her feeling surprised and shocked.

"Its true princesses... the Flower and the Spa Ponies in Ponyville were hit with the same mutagen that turned them into a Hydra. We believe that DeMonic somehow followed through the portal they came through, and he worked on the mutagen here in Equestria." Twilight explained to Luna and her sister. "Which brings us back to our friends here... George said that there are three others like them out there in Equestria..."

"Yes, Boris, Ruby and Curtis.... they saved us when were first imprisoned. Then came an alien invasion that we thwarted, and followed them to their home planet. When we arrived back on Earth, traveled through time, and that leads us to us being banished here to your world." George explained as he looked to Celestia. "If DeMonic arrived in Equestria, then you will need my help, along with the help of my comrades." he said to her.

Considering the destruction that might be caused in the future, Celestia knew that things would only get worse. But she knew that in order to protect her citizens, she needed to entrust the Wreckers with Twilight and her friends. She stood up and looked to her sister, and walked with her to have a private conversation. "Their crimes may not be absolved from their world... but here, it can be overlooked." she said to her.

"But sister, what if when they transform, they won't be able to control themselves?" Luna asked her and looked towards the Wrecking Crew as they interacted with the Main Six. "What if they try to eat our subjects, or worse...?" she asked as she looked back to Celestia who shared her concerns. "Do you really believe that they can be trusted...?"

"I understand how you feel about the subject... but they risked their lives to defend our citizens in Ponyville. We can give them the benefit of a doubt, and Twilight and her friends can keep an eye on them should they lose control." Celestia commented as she looked to them. "The people of their world wouldn't give them a second chance at life... but here, they can start over, and so we must do what we can to help them find their comrades." she said to her as she turned to them.

But before she could declare it, a loud snarl was heard as she looked towards the doors to the throne room. Breaking through the doors, a massive white lion burst through the doors roaring out. Rarity's and Fluttershy's eyes widened as they saw the creature, and let out a high-pitch scream from seeing it as the lion chuckled. "Now I can finish the trial, and begin your execution!" it said to them with a sadistic grin.

Hearing the voice, Rarity recognized through the deep voice. "Blueblood?!!" she asked.

"In the flesh... and now, I will finish what I started...!" Blueblood snarled at them as he marched towards the Main Six and went to strike them down. But they avoided the sharp claws of the lion turned pony, and Rainbow Dash rushed towards him, landing several punches against him. But the monstrous lion snarled from it and snapped his jaws at her. Rainbow Dash avoided it and saw him swing his paw at her, she dodged it and flew away from him. "Hold still you little wench!" he snarled.

"Not with that attitude Bluebutt!" Rainbow Dash stated as she avoided another attack from him.

George and Ralph rushed towards Celestia and Luna, getting them away from the mayhem within the throne room. The two Alicorns ran out and panted in shock and surprise, quickly looking to each other sharing the same expression. "That was Blueblood...? But how...?" Luna asked.

"It must have been DeMonic... he must have snuck into Blueblood's cell and affected him with it." George commented as he looked to Ralph who was thinking the same thing.

"We're not sure how its possible, but I doubt he did it on his own. We need to evacuate this section of Canterlot, immediately...!" Ralph stated as he heard Blueblood coming after them. They quickly ran off with the princesses to get to safety as Blueblood broke out of the throne room snarling.

He saw them running and chased after them to finish what he planned to do. But the Main Six wasn't going to give him the pleasure of killing their friends, so that ran after him as Applejack charged ahead and tossed her lasso at Blueblood's foot, snaring it as she pulled on the rope as hard as she could. Blueblood felt it and lost his balance as he struggled to stay standing, but Rarity noticed that his other foot was on a rub, so she used her magic to slip the rug out from under him as he fell down to the ground, face first into the pavement. Lizzie laughed when she saw it happen, and looked towards Rarity. "Nice work there Rarity...!" she commented.

"I have my moment darling..." Rarity replied to her with a smile. But their small victory was short lived when Blueblood got up and looked to them. He growled viciously as he lost the use of his normal speech and roared out as he pulled the rope out of Applejack's hooves, and went to crush her.

Lizzie's eyes widened but she quickly unleash a ball of fire against Blueblood, burning his face as he screamed from it. He soon turned towards her with a glare, and charged at her, leaping onto the building she was on and went to pound her into the building, but she avoided it as Blueblood's fist punched through the roof and ran across the buildings with the oversized lion chasing after her. "Lizzie's in trouble, we have to do something!" Pinkie cried out.

"How long do you expect us to last against a three story, pony eating, wild cat?!" Rainbow Dash asked her.

"We can't just leave her to Blueblood, we don't even know how George transformed the last time when Rose and the others were the Hydra that attacked Ponyville." Fluttershy stated to them. Meanwhile, Lizzie was trying to avoid getting herself killed in the form she was in, Blueblood swung his claws at her to strike her. But Lizzie leaped over his claws and landed a kick against his snout, causing the oversized wild cat to writhe from it, only to shoot a glare at Lizzie as he managed to grab a hold of her.

She groaned from his tight grip and tried to break free, but he wasn't going to let her survive as he threw her towards the lake in the park nearby. Twilight watched as she landed in the water, creating an enormous splash as her eyes widened from seeing it. "Oh no...!" she panicked as she looked towards Blueblood who turned towards them and started to grin. He walked towards them as he reached with one of his paws to grab hold of one of the ponies.

"Keep your filthy paws off of us you, you... you horrible excuse of a pony!" Rarity exclaimed, only to be the first to be grabbed by Blueblood as he grinned, holding her up. He licked his chops and opened is mouth preparing to devour her. Rarity screamed from seeing the sharp fangs of the lion and shut her eyes, but before she could get eaten, a sudden green glow caught Blueblood's eye as he pulled away from eating Rarity and looked towards it. Even Rarity along with the Main Six looked to the water where Lizzie had been thrown to... the glow soon disappeared as bubbles start rising from the water, and the water itself started rising up with light yellow spikes surfacing, and bursting out of the water, was Lizzie in her true form as she shook the water off and roared out and slammed her foot on the ground as she stepped out of the lake, glaring at Blueblood.

George and Ralph looked towards her and saw that she was in her true form, forming a smile for their reptilian comrade. "Well, Blueblood is in for it now..." George commented as he smirked. Blueblood unleashed strong roar and tossed Rarity aside as she screamed, but Twilight managed to catch her with her magic and bring her down to ground level. Blueblood charged at Lizzie and leaped off a building, letting out a snarl as he swung his claws at her. But Lizzie managed to catch his paws to keep him from scratching her as she let out a snarl and threw him over, slamming him on the ground as he rolled across the ground, letting out a painful scream.

"Whoa, Lizzie's got some moves...! She could take on the whole Canterlot Castle Guard if she wanted." Rainbow Dash commented only to get a smack from Applejack. "Ouch! What was that for?!"

"Don't tempt her Dash... besides, this is not a time to be makin' idea's." Applejack stated to her as she looked to the fight. Blueblood let out an enraged snarl as he got back up and charged towards Lizzie, grabbing hold of her as he bit down on her arm, trying to penetrate her scales. But Lizzie managed to bite down on his neck, getting him to release her arm as her jaw strength was much stronger than his. He yelped from the pain and thrashed around trying to break free, but he managed to punch her in the stomach, trying to get her to release the pressure on his neck. But she grabbed his arm and flung him towards a building, seeing him slam against it as he hit the ground.

He shook his head from it but took a large chunk of debris as he saw her charging, and took the debris, slamming it against her face as she cried out in pain of it. She shook her head from the pain, only to get bit on the shoulder as she let out a painful cry from it. Blueblood managed to pierce through her scales causing blood to drip from it, but Lizzie glared at him for it and used her tail to snare his leg and trip him over, getting him to loosen his jaws as she swung around and slammed an uppercut against his jaw, causing it to crack. He cried out from it and hit the ground, but he relentlessly got up and rubbed his jaw and formed an evil grin.

This had Lizzie worried, because this she isn't facing just an ordinary lion. She knew she shouldn't underestimate this one... the lion charged at her as it leaped into the air jumping into the glare of the sun. Lizzie's vision was blinded from the sun as she covered her eyes from it, but she soon felt claws slash against her arm as she yelped from it, holding her arm as she looked around searching for Blueblood. But everywhere she looked, Blueblood was out of sight... she then felt claws scratch against her back as she screamed from it. Celestia watched it happen and looked around... she watched as Blueblood used the buildings for cover, sneaking around as he struck at Lizzie with her back turned. "Blueblood, you've truly become a coward...!" she said to him and looked to Luna. "Luna, we'll be making it night sooner than expected... raise the moon, and I'll lower the sun." she said to her.

Luna nodded to her as she used her magic to raise the moon while Celestia used her magic to lower the sun. Lizzie noticed it as she looked around seeing how quickly it became night in a manner of minutes. But her attention soon caught when Blueblood leaped in front of the moon, it wasn't as bright as the sun, so she grinned and leaped towards him and scratched his face leaving three deep cuts as he screamed from it and landed on the ground. Lizzie landed on the ground and charged towards him landing hard punches against him, swinging a strong kick against his face as he crashed against a few buildings. "Yes! She's winning!" Twilight cheered.

"Sure is, Blueblood underestimated Lizzie's superior strength..." Ralph commented. But soon he saw Blueblood getting back up, glaring at the dinosaur as he grabbed a tower and ripped it off and charged at her with it. Lizzie avoided his swings and leaped back avoiding an overhead swing from the tower, Blueblood snarled angrily trying to finish her off with the tower, but Lizzie shot a fireball at it, seeing it explode on impact as the tower exploded, catching Blueblood by surprise as Lizzie rammed him against a wall as ponies screamed and scattered out of the area.

Seeing them, Applejack rushed over to help anypony still near the brawl, which didn't go unnoticed by Ralph as he saw her go towards the danger and quickly rushed after her. Applejack ran towards a blocked passage, hearing ponies still trapped inside. "Hang on ya'll! I'll get ya out!" she said to them as she held up her hind legs and kicked the debris out of the way so they could get through. The ponies quickly rushed out as the battle got closer to them, Applejack helped any elders that were amongst that were trapped inside, but as the battle got too close, Blueblood's elbow crashed against the wall that was over Applejack, and debris came falling down towards her. Her eyes widened seeing it happen, her body froze knowing there was no chance of surviving... but then she was suddenly tackled out of the way as the debris missed her. She and her rescuer rolled across the ground, and she looked to where the debris crashed, soon looking to who saved her.

It was none other than Ralph... he panted from exhaustion and looked to her. "You okay...?" he asked her.

Starring at him, Applejack couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed of what had happened, but she shook it off and looked to him. "Yeah... thanks to you partner..." she said to him with a smile.

Ralph smiled in return as he helped her stand up, and looked towards Lizzie as she continued the fight with Blueblood. "Its not safe here, we need to move!" he stated as Applejack nodded to him, knowing that she didn't need to argue with that statement as she and Ralph ran away from the battle.

Witnessing it, Twilight let out a sigh of relief knowing they were okay. "They made it..." she commented and looked to the fight between Lizzie and Blueblood. "Now all that's left is for Lizzie to take down Blueblood for good." she stated. At the time, Blueblood snarled as he rammed Lizzie and threw her down to the ground. He rose a fist and went to punch her into the ground, but Lizzie managed to dodge it and quickly bite down on his forearm as Blueblood writhed from it. He pulled back only to pull Lizzie up with him as her jaws were clamped down onto his arm, she soon released it and bit down on his neck, delivering several punches to his abdomen and she easily lifted him into the air with her head, slamming him around and threw him towards the park seeing him crash on the ground.

She panted exhausted but walked towards him to make sure he was unable to get back up, but before she could get closer to the fallen prince, wisps of blue smoke flowed around Canterlot, heading towards Blueblood, catching everypony by surprise. Luna meanwhile... recognized it all to well as the smoke flowed into a spiral shooting upward as it formed a familiar being from her past. A past that she wanted to forget... a past that will continue to haunt her even to this day. The being that appeared before them... was none other, than Nightmare Moon herself. She grinned at them as she let out an evil chuckle, earning surprised looks from George as he looked between both Luna and Nightmare Moon. "Please tell me you had an older twin sister that you never told us about..." he said to her.

"She is not my sister... she's me..." Luna stated as she looked at her evil twin.

Nightmare Moon chuckled at seeing their shocked faces. "Surprised to see me, my dear...? Don't worry though, I missed you too..." she commented as she grinned.

"Nightmare Moon...? But how?!" Rainbow Dash asked feeling shocked of what is going on.

"It just can't be... you disappeared the night we found the Elements of Harmony...!" Rarity commented remembering that day from years ago.

"That may be... but before you removed me from Luna here..." Nightmare gestured to Princess Luna, who glared at her in return. "My spiritual essence managed to escape her body... since that time, I've stayed hidden in the shadows till my strength had returned. After that, I felt a rift opening from another dimension... six monsters, transported here by this simple mad scientist..." she summoned an Earth Pony beside her.

Seeing him surprised, George growled knowing exactly who it is. "DeMonic!" he snarled at him.

"Hello George... nice to hear your voice after so long..." Eustace said to him with a grin, only to get a growl from him in response. "Oh, don't be that way... you and your companions were a mistake since the beginning. You lacked vision of what I had planned for the earth... and you destroyed everything I sought to build. Once my creations destroy you, I will return to Earth with my army of monsters, and no one, not even you can stop me and m awesome-"

"Do shut up DeMonic, I didn't bring you here to brag about your plans." Nightmare Moon silenced him and looked to Twilight and her friends. "But now without the Elements of Harmony in your possession, nothing can stop me from taking Equestria for myself. But... I won't take it just yet..." she stated to them as her magic flowed around. "I want to break your spirits, to ensure my right to rule over all. Know this as of tonight my little ponies... your ultimate nightmare, is here to stay." she stated as she disappeared with Eustace and Blueblood.

Watching it happen, Lizzie exhaled and kneels down as she morphed back into her pony self. George, Ralph and the Main Six rushed over to her to help her up. "Next time I get into a fight... you guys better help out, or I swear, you're both getting your butts whooped..." she stated to them.

"We'll keep that in mind..." George responded to her and looked to Twilight.

The Princess of Friendship looked over Lizzie's injuries seeing they are not too serious. "These look like they can be treated, we just need to get you to the infirmary and-" before Twilight could finish, she notice her cuts began to heal through a faster form of regeneration. She was surprised it and looked to Lizzie who exhaled, making Twilight's jaw drop to the ground.

"I know, this was one thing we left out of the explanation..." Lizzie commented as she got up. "We have an incredible healing speed..." she pointed out looking to her injuries seeing no scars whatsoever.

"That's all good to know..." Celestia said to them as she approached them. "But now we have a serious problem..." she stated to them as she glanced towards Luna.

"Yes... Nightmare Moon has made it clear that she will not rest till Equestria is hers, and she won't let anyone try to stop her." Luna stated knowing her evil self all too well.

"Then its a good thing you got us here..." George commented as he stood up with his friends, while the Main Six stood beside them. "If we're dealing with both DeMonic, and an ancient enemy of yours, then you will need the skills of both the Wrecking Crew, and your subjects, Princess Celestia... me and my comrades will not stand by while DeMonic runs amok in your world." he stated to her.

"We're with George on this Princess Celestia, no matter how bad the situation, or how strong the enemy, we will face it head on. Besides... someone needs to make a cure for those affected by the mutagen, DeMonic created..." Twilight commented as she smiled alongside the others who nodded their heads in agreement.

Celestia looked at her subjects and her fellow princess, knowing that there was no other option... they're not dealing with Tirek or Chrysalis in this fight, they are facing something far more dangerous than anything they had ever faced before. Luna placed a wing on her midsection earning Celestia's attention as she looked to her younger sister, who nodded to her and smiled. Celestia looked at her, but formed a small smile on her face and looked to the Wreckers and the Main six. "Very well... I will entrust the safety of my subjects to you my friends. But you must be careful, for I fear Nightmare Moon and DeMonic will try anything to destroy you..." she stated.

"In that case, we won't let you down Princess..." Twilight said to her and looked to her friends and the Wrecking Crew. "Lets get back to Ponyville and repair what ever damages had been done. Then figure out a how George and Lizzie were able to transform to their true selves." she said to them as they all nodded in agreement, and began heading back to Canterlot Station. Celestia and Luna watched them go, knowing they were in good hooves with the Wreckers, despite their past deeds. But what challenges will they face in the future...? No one will truly know... for it is a new era, when monsters now roamed Equestria.

Author's Note:

Next time, on Rampage: Wreckers in Equestria...
While George and Lizzie work on helping with the repairs to Ponyville, Ralph spends most of his time meeting Applejack's family, and working on the farm. Which takes him back to when he worked back on his families farm back on earth... but their day of work is interrupted when DeMonic sends in another monster to ruin their whole day. Will Ralph figure out a way to stop this new threat...? Or get crushed...? Stay tuned...

(Hey guys, here is the latest chapter in Rampage: Wreckers in Equestria, and yes, I just can't seem to stop picking on Blueblood these days. But then again, I can't help it because I really hate the guy. I mean you guys saw the way he treated Rarity and her friends, posh bastard... anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, and notice a few movie references I put into it.