• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 1,726 Views, 89 Comments

Kaidan - Lupine Infernis

  • ...

10th Candle

Timber wolf attacks on pegasi were exceedingly rare due to obvious reasons. Even when they did happen, it was usually no more than a bite or a scratch that needed to be cleaned and wrapped for a few days.

Because of this, Flitter did not pay much mind when Cloudchaser came home with a cut on her foreleg. She was worried, of course, but it was a wound that could have come from an irritated cat at first glance, and Cloudchaser assured her it didn’t hurt.

“So, I forgot to ask, but how did you manage to get close enough to a timber wolf for it to bite you?” Flitter asked the next morning while they were prepping for work.

Cloudchaser took a seat at the table with a plate of buttered toast. “You see some rare sights flying at night; I noticed a timber wolf lying at the edge of the Everfree. I thought it was dead or something since it wasn’t moving, so I flew down to grab a branch and show it to you.”

Flitter joined her at the table. “How would I know it’s not just a regular stick?”

“I didn’t think it entirely through…” Cloudchaser shrugged. “Anyway, as soon as I got close, it jumped up, swiped me, then ran back into the forest,” She showed her bandaged foreleg. “I was too surprised to notice the cut until I was heading home.”


“It looked like there was something wrong with it, too,” Cloudchaser put her hoof under chin as she mused. “I mean, maybe. I’m not an expert on timber wolves.”

“Well, how did it look? Rotten? Termites?”

“It was covered in greenish sap.”

Flitter took a bite from some toast and frowned as she chewed. “Shur gedded luhkd ad.”

“Get it looked at, huh? Yeah, maybe. Also, swallow before you talk – that’s gross,” Flitter did and watched Cloudchaser pick at her toast for a bit. “Yeah, maybe I’ll go after work.”

“You should go now,” Flitter huffed. “Remember how you said you’d ‘go after work’ with that rash on your-”

“Yes, yes, I know!” Cloudchaser snapped, her face turning red.

“And I had to help rub in the ointment.”

“I get it! I really will go first thing after work – promise.”

“Okay. I’m just looking out for you.”

“I know, I know. Thanks.”

Flitter went out for drinks with her co-workers after Cloudchaser reassured her for the twelfth time she would go to the hospital. She enjoyed her time and stayed out longer than she expected, seeing the sun starting to set when she happened to glance out the window of their favourite bar.

Remembering Cloudchaser, she called it quits and flew back to their cloud-home. She was a responsible drinker, so her flying was only slightly off and she had a pleasant buzz that put her in a good mood.

She made it home safely and found the door unlocked.

She stepped in and noticed Cloudchaser on the sofa, turned away.

“Hey, how did it go?”

No response.

Flitter blinked hard as she felt unease rising through the fog of her light inebriation. The lights were on, which was odd since Cloudchaser couldn’t sleep with them – she made that clear every time Flitter got up for a leak and left the bathroom light on.

“Hello? You okay?” Flitter trotted closer. “Hey!”

No response. Cloudchaser did not stir.

Flitter’s heart dropped into her stomach as she grabbed Cloudchaser’s shoulder. “Say something! Are you-”

Cloudchaser jolted and turned around, eyes wide with panic. “The hell?!”

After searching her face, Flitter sagged with relief. “You idiot. I can’t believe you scared me like that.”

“That’s my line!” Cloudchaser scowled and sat up, clutching her chest. “I thought you were a maniac coming to take my innocence.”

“Pfft, that’s long gone.”

“Screw you.”

Flitter sighed and let out a little chuckle. “Anyway, sorry about that. Really. So, what did the doctor say?”

“Right, the cut. So, I went in and got it checked, and they said it was harmless.”

“You’re good?”

“For the cut,” Cloudchaser grumbled. “Turns out I might be getting a cold.”

“From all your late-night flying, I bet,” Flitter took a step back – no sense in them both getting sick. “I noticed you were asleep with the lights on. How are you feeling?”

“Tired, mostly,” She yawned as if to emphasize it. “Kinda sore, but mainly just tired.”

“I’ll heat up some soup for you.”

“I’d appreciate it,” Cloudchaser grunted as she went back to lying down. “Could you get me a blanket, too?”

“Sure thing.”


Flitter walked to the kitchen, breathing another sigh of relief. At least that worked to sober her up fast.

The next day, Cloudchaser had to call in sick.

“This sucks,” She moaned from her little cocoon of blankets; only her face could be seen – sweaty, flushed, and miserable. “Being sick sucks.”

“Poor baby,” Flitter pushed the coffee table in front of the couch Cloudchaser had laid claim to. She had layered it with assorted foods – healthy, much to Cloudchaser’s horror – and drinks. “This should keep you tied over until I get back. And no, I’m not making a toilet for you here – that’s against cloud-building regulations.”


“You’ll make it through.”

“Barely. Hard times for me.”

Flitter rolled her eyes. “I’m going to work now. See you later.”


“Honey, I’m home!”

There was a nasally cough. “Darn, my cold was just getting better, too.”

“Does that mean you were feeling worse?”

“Shuddup, I’m sick.”

Flitter approached the couch, noticing that almost all the drinks were gone. The food was untouched, though. “You should eat something to get your…” She stopped suddenly and wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, what is that smell?”

Cloudchaser’s eyes widened in alarm. “I’m not that sick that I can’t get up for the bathroom!”

“No, it’s… bleh…” Flitter pinched her muzzle. “It’s so sweet!”


“You don’t smell that?”

Cloudchaser sniffed the air. “Nope. Bit of an issue with that, though.”

Flitter leaned in, braving the pungent scent that made her taste buds writhe in disgust. “… Show me your cut.”


“Just… show me.”

Cloudchaser gave a put-upon sigh and sat up with some effort. She revealed her bandaged foreleg and started to unwound the wraps. “You’re worrying over nothing.”

The smell was getting stronger.

The last of the wraps fell away, showing Cloudchaser’s perfectly normal foreleg, save for a small patch of bare skin with a cut running vertical – it was barely longer than an inch.

Cloudchaser gave her a ‘see?’ look.

Flitter coughed and touched Cloudchaser’s leg. “Then, where’s that smell coming fr-”

With a sickening squelch, a rectangular slab of meat peeled away and landed on the floor. Rivulets of greenish-red fluid dribbled downwards, and the muscles had a rough texture with blood vessels forming a leaf-like pattern.

Flitter’s voice caught in her throat. She struggled to form a sentence, but all that came out was a burst of vomit.

Cloudchaser’s face turned pale as stared at her leg. “Oh. Hey, c-could you m-maybe take me t-t-to the hospital?”

“You said she was fine! You sent her home!”

“Flitter, please calm down.”

“Part of her arm came off!”

“I understand this-”

“She was coughing up twigs when we got here!”

“I understand this a shock, but we’re doing everything we can to figure this out.”

In the face of Nurse Redheart’s seemingly endless patience, Flitter’s panic and anger spluttered out. She collapsed into a nearby chair and started to cry.

“H-how is this even h-happening?” She could barely get the words out through her breathless sobs and only vaguely registered Redheart rubbing her back. “Timber wolves don’t do this!”

“I’ve never heard of anything like this either,” Redheart admitted. “Twilight and her friends are on their way right now. I’m certain they’ll be able to do something.”

Flitter supposed if anypony could fix this, it would be the Bearers of the Elements, but she wasn’t entirely reassured. She had seen the extent of… whatever was afflicting Cloudchaser and it didn’t look like something easily fixed with a blast of happy magic.

If it came from the Everfree, then maybe…

A few months back, Mayor Mare had a PSA concerning the location of Zecora’s hut, for the rare chance one of Ponyville’s citizens found themselves lost in the Everfree. Flitter hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now she was thanking Mother Faust because there was no way to find Zecora’s home from sky; the canopy was just too thick. Flitter had to go ground level and look for the signs they put up.

It took longer than she liked, but Flitter eventually found herself in Zecora’s home, trotting about restlessly and hating how the tribal masks hung up on the walls mocked her with their leers and rictuses.

“What you speak of is familiar to me,” Zecora had her back to Flitter and was stirring a huge cauldron full of murky liquid. “My home has such tales, horrid as they may be.”

“Well, what is it?!”

Zecora looked over her shoulder. “Magic from two of a kind, intertwining body and mind. I know not the reason nor cause of this curse, but what is important is that we stop this before it becomes worse.”

Flitter wanted to shout at her calmness. “Tell me!”

“This will not be an easy task, but bring me the beast that did this, and do it fast.”

“Bring you the…?! How am I supposed to find it?” Flitter grabbed her head. “What if it bites me? I-I can’t…! Oh Faust, my chest!”

Zecora thrust a clay bowl of something under her muzzle. The smell was so pungent and thick that Flitter recoiled with a cry.

But she could think and breathe clearly again.

“… Okay. I-I’ll try.”

Zecora put the bowl aside and grabbed something else – a strange potted plant with two white stalks and red-tinted leaves sprouting from it.

“The beast’s magic dwells within the poor mare; bring this plant to her, let it taste her aura, and where you follow its leaves, you will find the creature there.”

Flitter didn’t understand, but she’d take anything. “Okay. Got it.”

The hospital wasn’t allowing anypony to see Cloudchaser for fear of contamination, but Flitter chose the right time to come back – the Element bearers were also present, and their word was enough to let her in. Flitter explained what she learned at Zecora’s, and Twilight told Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to help while they went to see if there was anything else to do at the library.

Flitter hesitantly entered Cloudchaser’s room and suppressed a sob. “… Hi.”

Cloudchaser didn’t seem conscious, but she stirred and coughed wetly – dollops of green sap spilled onto her chin. “Flitter?” One bloodshot eye rolled in her direction. “Hey, how’s it going?”


“Well, looking like that, can’t say it’s a surprise.”

“Look who’s talk…” Flitter trailed off. She sniffed and came closer, holding out the plant. “Uh, Ze-Zecora said that this will help, so I’m just gonna…” She watched as the plant’s leaves twitched, darkened to purple, and simultaneously leaned in the opposite direction. Whichever way she turned the pot, they corrected themselves. “Yes! Okay, I’m gonna… It’ll be okay, Cloudchaser.”

Cloudchaser grinned weakly, splinters poking out from her gums. “Promise?”


Flitter, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash made it to the forest easily enough. The plant pointed them in the right direction, but as they landed in a clearing, the leaves started waving all around.

“What the heck does that mean?” Rainbow Dash cried.

Fluttershy looked around and grimaced. “There’s… sap everywhere.”

Flitter examined their surroundings and noticed a green substance clinging to the plants, trees, and even making marks on the earth. She could smell that sickening sweetness again.

“It has to be around here somewhere,” Flitter licked her lips nervously. “I don’t… We should stick together.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, I agree.”

“An-and whatever you do, do not let it scratch you.”

“Got it.”

Flitter wasn’t ashamed to say that she let Rainbow Dash take the lead. This was a mare who had faced countless threats before, so it just seemed natural to let her make the decisions.

They rounded the clearing, then started cutting into the brush. There was sap everywhere and Flitter’s eyes were watering; she could hear Fluttershy trying to muffle her coughing.

It was eerily quiet.

Minutes later, she didn’t know how many, Rainbow Dash suddenly stopped. Turning, she put her hoof to her lips and gestured for them to go prone.

Slowly, they crawled forward.

Rainbow Dash stopped once more and carefully parted some leaves that were in her way.

She was quiet and still for a long time.

Finally, Flitter couldn’t bear it and whispered, “What is it?”

Rainbow Dash turned around – she looked sick and grey. “Maybe you should stay back.”

Flitter’s insides turned cold. Ignoring Rainbow Dash’s protests, she pushed her way forward and looked through the gap in the foliage.

When the realization of what she was looking at hit, her world started spinning and she had to put her head down and swallow the bile that rose in her gullet.


Rainbow Dash nodded. “I know.”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked.

Flitter could not answer. She trembled violently as she looked up against the advice of the voice in her head.

A misshapen grey and brown form, barely quadrupedal, convulsed and gurgled underneath the shadow of a great tree. Its flesh was a repulsive mix of flesh grafted into a bark-like exterior. There were two knobs on its back that were cracked to allow scraggly feathers to poke through.

But what really broke Flitter was that its face was recognizable, and it conveyed pure anguish and bestial terror.

The sounds were half a yelp and half a moan of agony.

Flitter shivered and closed her eyes. “Magic from two of a kind; intertwining body and mind…”


“Nothing,” Flitter inhaled deeply. “Come on – let’s get it.”

Between the three of them, they were able to airlift the tormented creature out of the forest by using a large blanket as a canvas. The creature seemed to be in too much suffering to put up a fight, but the way it twitched and cried frayed Flitter’s fragile composure.

“Amost there…” Rainbow Dash said. Indeed, Ponyville hospital was in view. “Zecora’s meeting with us, so it should be smooth flying now.”

As they got closer, Flitter realized that wasn’t true.

Zecora, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and few of the hospital’s staff were gathered outside, forming an unsteady ring around a thrashing and crying figure.

Flitter’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks. “Cloudchaser!!”

“Shit!” Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth. “Hold it steady!”

She barely had the sense for that and when it was safely on the ground, she bolted forward, pushing through the ring and stopping in front of the snarling hybrid.

“Cloudchaser, I promised I’d help you, remember? I made a promise!”

Thick plates of bark covered most of her face and her muzzle was more lupine than equine, but a semblance of recognition and clarity flashed through those bloodshot eyes. Cloudchaser’s movements became less erratic as she met Flitter’s gaze.

“Yeah, you… you remember, don’t you?” Flitter smiled weakly and extended her hoof. “Please… let us help you. W-we can be together again, but you have to trust me.”

Puffs of steam left Cloudchaser’s open maw. She started to whine/cry.


Yellow light enveloped Cloudchaser’s eyes as she shrieked and charged.

Flitter was too shocked to do anything but stare as in her peripheral, Twilight lit her horn in a blinding flash.

“Flitter, close your mouth when you eat – it’s gross.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

The grey pegasus sitting across from her frowned. “Hey, you okay? Something bothering you?”

“… No. Just tired,” Flitter glued a smile on her face. “Seriously, it’s nothing to stress over.”

The grey pegasus didn’t believe her – Flitter could see it in her eyes – but said nothing as she finished her toast and went to wash her plate.

Flitter’s smile fell as she stared through her food.

Twilight still avoided her, which Flitter was thankful for. She knew why the unicorn did it, but hate remained in her heart and made it difficult to see reason and forgive. It would come to her soon, she just needed more time.

But how much time would she need to see this creature as Cloudchaser?

A few days after the last traces of Cloudchaser had been turned to ash, the creature completed its transformation. It walked around wearing her face, speaking in her voice, holding its memories – everything from birth to the night when Cloudchaser got scratched. It didn’t remember anything after that.


Zecora and the others wanted to destroy it, but Flitter stopped them. In her grief and anger, she begged them to let it be Cloudchaser, even going so far as to saying that Twilight owed her that much.

Flitter regretted those words and hoped for the day she could look Twilight in the eye, apologize, and truly mean it.

She hoped things could go back to normal. She hoped she could pretend Cloudchaser was still there. She hoped everything that happened was just a horrible dream.

“Welp, I’m ready for work!” The grey pegasus turned around, smiling just like Cloudchaser used to. “Hey, wanna get some drinks afterwards? My treat.”

Flitter plastered on another smile and clung onto hope. “Yeah. Sounds great.”

“Nice story,” Applejack said. “Not so much of a happy ending this time around, huh?”

“Like I said, it’s scarier not knowing how it’s gonna go.” Rainbow Dash got up to blow out a candle.

“So, when does the spooky stuff happen, Twily?” Pinkie asked. “I mean, I love spending time with you girls and I’m enjoying these scary stories, but I was hoping for some of the good classic stuff, you know?”

“Don’t expect too much – Kaidan is an old myth, after all,” Twilight popped some candy in her mouth and checked them off her list. “Mm. Allegedly, not much happens until the final tale is told and the last candle is snuffed out.”

“What happens after that?”

“The spirits are released from the mirror. Allegedly.”

Trixie waved her hoof in circles. “Yes, yes – eternal damnation and endless suffering in store for us when that happens, Trixie has heard it all before. Much of it directed at her when her magic shows don’t go quite as planned.”

Fluttershy looked concerned. “Where have you been putting on your shows?”

“Backwater towns full of bumpkins.”

Applejack mulled that over for a minute. “… Hey!”

“Don’t worry – you’re Trixie’s favourite bumpkins!”

“Oh well, I’m happier than a pig in mud, in that case…”

Author's Note:

I think a movie about an animal turning into a human because of a virus would actually be quite terrifying :twilightoops: