• Published 25th Mar 2021
  • 887 Views, 33 Comments

Spike Pie: Scrapbook of Memories - Silver Butcher

Spike Pie and Pinkie Pie return from the Grand galloping gala and show Limestone, Maud, Marble, Aloe, and Lotus an Old Scrapbook from when the two were younger and spend the night retelling old adventures from their childhood.

  • ...

That Time Maud and Limestone had a Fight

It was a clear sunny day on the Rock farm and both Cloudy and Igneous were out working the fields. Pinkie was upstairs with Maud in her room as the two worked on what Pinkie referred to as her greatest creation, a Cannon for Parties. Maud found the idea somewhat silly but was willing to do anything to get away from Limestone.

Spike and Marble were sitting outside while Limestone did her best to try and teach them how to play chess, a game she didn't fully understand herself, but she was more than willing to learn if it helped her get away from Maud.

"And I think this castle tower-looking piece goes here," Limestone said as she slowly set the piece in place before looking back to the book she was looking over, Marble was too young to read it and Spike was too far behind on his schooling. "And it can only go in...straight lines?" Limestone reread the line and shook her head "Well that's stupid but ok," Limestone looked back to the book as Spike and Marble looked at the piece on the board and then each other.

"Mmm?" Marble asked, Limestone looked at the piece in the book and after a moment of reading nodded.

"Yes, says here it can go sideways and backward, so long as it's in a straight line,"

"How far can it go?" Spike asked, as Limestone looked that piece of info up Pinkie handed Maud a wrench.

"I'm not a mechanic," Maud said as she looked at the wrench "But I don't think this is a screwdriver Pinkie," Pinkie tapped her chin with her hoof and began digging into the toolbox again before pulling out a Hammer and offering it to Maud, "Also not a screwdriver," Maud noted as she took it and set it on the ground with the wrench, Maud waited patiently as Pinkie dug around in the box and produced a Monkeywrench. "Also not a Screwdriver," Maud said patiently as she took it and set it down and Pinkie dug so far into the toolbox that her front half ended up all the way inside it, Maud waited as watched as Pinkie pulled out of the box with several tools stuck in her mane. She took the handle of one and removed it. "This is a screwdriver," She said showing it to Pinkie, Pinkie leaned her head over and all the other tools flooded back into the box. "But it's a flat head, we need a fillips head,"

"Who's Fillip?" Pinkie asked in confusion "And why do we need his head?"

"he's a screwdriver," Maud said simply as she showed the end of the screwdriver to Pinkie "And the end of his head looks like a plus, this one is a Minus,"

"Oh," Pinkie said as she reached into the box and instantly pulled out a Fillips head "This one?"

"Yes," Maud confirmed as she exchanged the Flathead for the Fillips "Now we just need to tighten the screws and we can..." Maud sighed as she looked out the window where Limestone was trying to help out Spike and Marble. "...go outside and test it,"

"Yay!" Pinkie squealed as she jumped around the room, while Pinkie celebrated Maud tightened the screws.

"Alright, we can maybe put something like a flower over the wheels to hide the screws, but before we do that let's go make sure the wheels actually work right," Maud began rolling the cannon to the stairs before sighing, "Pinkie why don't you go outside and find a good place to test it while I get it down the stairs," Pinkie zipped down the stairs and was out the door the second Maud finished speaking, "Should have done this on the first floor," Maud said with a sigh.

Pinkie shot out of the front door and slid to a stop, before bouncing around, excitedly looking for a place to set up and test her new cannon. Spike, Marble, and Limestone all looked at her and Limestone sighed as Spike and Marble continued playing the game with some success.

"Hey, why don't we move the game inside?" Limestone asked as she got to her hooves "you two pack up, I'll clear a spot on the table for you," Spike and Marble looked at each other, then the chess board, and proceeded to attempt picking it up without disturbing the pieces set upon it, only for the board to fold in half and send the pieces scattering around the ground. Limestone chuckled as Marble and Spike scrambled around trying to pick up the pieces and Made her way into the house, and immediately bumped into Maud rolling out the Party Cannon, the two froze, staring at each other in silence.

Pinkie made her way other to Spike and Marble and helped them gather their chess pieces when it started.

"Do you mind moving," Limestone asked.

"Oh...I'm granted the honor of hearing your voice again," Maud noted with a dull note of sass in her voice.

"Only until you let me through, after that not until you apologize," Limestone replied curtly. Maud frowned at her sister and stood her ground.

"I'm not going to," She replied "I didn't do anything to apologize for," The look on Limestone's face made the three younger siblings abandon the chess pieces and back away slowly.

"Nothing....Nothing wrong?" Limestone practically screamed back "I don't ask for much Maud, in fact from you I only asked one thing, same thing I ask from everypony else in this family, Do. Not. Touch. Holder's Bolder!" Maud looked back at her Older sister, who was practically foaming at the mouth.

"It's just a rock," Maud replied "Don't you ever...think about how ridiculous this is,"

"Your just going through a phase," Limestone shot back "I would know I went through a similar one when I was younger, The family doesn't expect you to live on the farm forever Maud, but we give rocks the respect they deserve, There our food, our source of Income..."

"They're just rocks," Maud shot back "And that Bolder is just that, A Bolder that one of our ancestors named, there's nothing special about it, it's just a Stupid hunk of..." There was a loud smack as Limestone struck her sister and froze instantly. Spike, Marble, and Pinkie all stared wide-eyed at the scene.

"I didn't mean to do that," Limestone said instantly, Maud said nothing and instead tackled her older sister, Spike and Marble stared wide-eyed as their siblings began fighting and Pinkie shot off into the fields to find either Igneous or Cloudy to break her sisters apart.

The Fight itself wasn't all that much of a marvelous sight, just to sisters smacking each other across the maw and kicking each other's stomachs as they rolled around the ground. Spike and Marble followed as they began rolling down the path towards the Quarry and looked over the edge as they fought their way to the bottom, Limestone had a black eye and a busted lip, Maud was missing a tooth and an equally busted lip, they both were covered in scrapes, bruises, and cuts from the rocks they had rolled over on their way to the bottom.

The Two broke apart when they hit a particularly large gem and began dodging the other's strikes while trying to hit each other. Spike and Marble rushed down the Quarry path to watch the fight and ended up falling over each other and landing flat halfway down with Marble landing on top of Spike. Spike pushed her off and got to his feet to keep watching the fight only for him to fall back down as Marble pulled his tail and sent him tumbling over, she rushed to get back to watching her sisters fight only for Spike to return the favor and pull one of her legs, as the two got back up Marble looked to her fighting sisters and then smiled before turning back to Spike and slapping him.

"Ow!" Spike whined before slapping her Back.

"Mmm!" She complained before giving him another smack, the two very quickly began smacking at each other only for a powerful voice to cry out and stop both of the fights.

"What is going on here!" Igneous cried out as Cloudy rushed down to Spike and Marble to pull them apart, as they instantly began smacking at each other the second they thought the other wasn't looking. "What are you all doing?" He demanded as he made his way down to the quarry path with Pinkie watching from above as Ignatius put his anger on hold to help his daughters get back up the Quarry and help his wife split Spike and Marble apart as they were both determined to get the last slap.

"Why are you two fighting?" Pinkie asked in confusion, her question going unanswered as she joined her family in going to the hospital to get Maud and Limestone both cleaned and stitched up.

"Seriously," Pinkie questioned as Spike finished the story, "Why were you and Marble fighting?"

"She started it," Spike shot back.

"Mmm," Marble said indignantly.

"I did not pull your legs first, you pulled my tail, didn't you hear the story,"


"I would never tell a story wrong," Spike said as he got up, Marble doing the same, only for Limestone and Maud to both glare at them. They both backed down, hands and hoof up showing they were backing down.

"We were just copying Limestone and Maud," Spike answered "At least I was, though it would make me look cool,"

"Hmm," Marble replied with a smile.

"You didn't look any cooler than I did," Spike replied.

"My," Lotus said in shock "The Pie Family really doesn't hold back against their own do they?"

"Me and Pinkie were just venting...with violence...and nails," Spike rubbed his arm at the memory of the time he and Pinkie had started fighting after trying to party less. "But anyway yeah, that was the story of the time Limestone and Maud got into a fight," Spike looked at the scrapbook and began flipping through, as he did so Maud and Limestone looked at each other, Limestone giving her sister a smile.

"I told you it was a phase," She noted with a chuckle.

"You weren't wrong," Maud agreed as Spike turned to Aloe, who was staring at him, and quickly snapped her vision to the table.

"Well I picked a story, is there any story, in particular, you wanna hear about Aloe," Aloe was silent for a moment.

"There is something I heard about in passing a while back and was...always curious about," She whispered to Spike who smiled, flipped through some of the pages, and shrugged at Pinkie who stuck her tongue out.

"I get to read the next one," She complained.

"Alrighty, guys this is the story of...

Author's Note:

This is a reference to something Pinkie and Spike said in Spike Pie Chapter 16 Forgiveness