• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 9,940 Views, 440 Comments

Prince of Dreams - ShadowStar_IMHP

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. What happens when a human with the ability to lucid dream finds his way to Equestria? Answer he becomes Morpheus the Prince of Dreams, the son of Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 7

Bridget clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Well, I delayed being the High Priestess long enough. David, Margret, how about you two enjoy my lovely garden? Gabriel and Mary will accompany you to answer any questions you may have.”

Mary blinked confused as to why she was chosen. “Grandma, I’m not that skilled in magic.”

Bridget smiled encouragingly at her. “You are more skilled than you think, my dear, but I’m thinking that your knowledge of the My Little Pony show is more valuable at this time. You and Jennifer were best friends, and you did talk about that show constantly.”

Margret stood up. “Come to think about it, fresh air will be nice.”

“Yeah! I want to see this garden!” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

Bridget looked over to the pink pony. “I’m sorry, my dear, I think it will be best if you return to… well, wherever you came from. My home may be outside of the city limits, but we aren’t as isolated as I would like.”

Pinkie’s hair fell flat. “Oh… okay, well, I can still see through his eyes.” She vanished in a puff of glitter that faded soon after.

“Is her being out and about, uh, dangerous?” David asked.

Bridget shrugged. “I don’t know, David. However, we do know the magic is affecting your body. Rewriting your very being, as your eyes demonstrate. However, how it’s doing so, I don’t know. Would it be better to limit its use to just practice, or use it as much as possible? My mother once told me: when in doubt, don’t poke it. So, for now, we limit any magic you do, including manifesting Ms. Pie.”

They walked out and were welcomed by a view of a large herb and flower garden. The large patio offered plenty of various places to sit. After a small moment of hesitation, they chose to settle around a small table.

Margret sat down. “Okay, I can’t deny that my son’s eyes changed, and that… pony appeared out of nowhere, but I always thought Wiccan magic was just some kind of praying. This is real. I can see the results.”

Gabriel went to the chair beside her and nodded. “As Bridget said, humans are nowhere nearly powerful enough. This Equestrian magic is beyond anything we can dream of.”

David and Mary took the other two seats at the small table. Mary spoke up, “I think I can explain a little. Ms. Tanner, have you heard that certain subatomic particles seem to react to being observed?”

“I don’t know, that sounds like too much rocket science to me.” Margret chuckled.

Mary smiled. “It’s quantum physics, actually.” She cleared her throat. “The physicists’ observations indicate that the mere act of observing causes particles to behave differently. That means without touching, humans can affect reality on a quantum level.” She leaned forward. “What if a being could focus on a given desire and shift reality just a little? From those particles to atoms, all the way up to what we consider the physical world? Would you consider that magic?”

Margret shook her head. “That is not possible, the number of particles needed to have such an effect would be astronomical! You are talking about shifting billions of trillions, no, I don’t even have a name for a number that large.”

“It's still a raw guess, it’s not like we can ask a quantum physicist to study us as we cast a spell. Even in this coven, only the younger generation thinks that’s how magic could operate. Our spells take time, sometimes months with regular focused casting. Not only would a witch need strength, but they also need focus, and that’s just to shift the possibility to an outcome we want. Few have the patience to practice witchcraft to where they can get a measured result. It takes a lifetime to get that strong,” Gabriel commented.

“Mama G, you said my body’s energy was the highest you've ever seen. What does that mean, exactly?” David timidly asked.

Gabriel finished the last of her bourbon before answering, “Anyone that practices real magic produces more energy than someone who doesn’t. This is why some of us short out digital watches and touch screens or at least cause them to glitch. Though you’re the first one who managed to fry a watch in an instant.”

Mary smiled as she chimed in again, “There are seven nerve clusters--called chakras--that we think, grow when various magic activities are used. The more the nerve clusters are exercised, the stronger the witch is in magic.

“However, everyone doesn't practice magic the same way, so different witches have different skills depending on how they exercised their chakras. Mama G, for example, has a stronger third eye cluster.” Mary pointed to her own forehead. “So she can sense auras, including yours, David. However, my third eye chakra is weak, so, I have no idea how powerful you are.”

Gabriel sighed. “I agree with you, Margret, the whole particle idea seems far-fetched. It is something the younger generation came up with.” She looked over to Mary. “Though we have no way to test it, and we don’t trust those who could.”

“So, why is this changing David’s eyes?” Margret glanced between them.

Mary shrugged. “I’m not sure, though there is plenty of shape-changing magic in My Little Pony. If we go with the quantum physics theory, then the magical particles from Equestria may be attempting to make David more compatible.”

Nathan spoke up as he walked out onto the patio, “It might be saving his life.”

They looked over to him as he grabbed a seat from a larger table and brought it over. “I don’t think I need to be inside. They are talking about Elizabeth’s upcoming wedding. So, here I am.” He shrugged.

“What do you mean the magic might be saving his life by changing him?” Margret asked, staring at Nathan. She grabbed David’s shoulder protectively.

“Think of it like the electrical wiring in a house. If it gets too much energy, the wires short out or even spark and burn the house down. David’s body wasn’t wired for this much energy, so the magic’s now rewiring him.” Nathan reached over to massage his wife’s shoulder.

“Oh, that works with the chakra idea. David’s nerves got supercharged, so they would either short out or need to be redone to handle the extra magic.” Mary smiled.

“So, why my eyes?” David looked to Nathan, then Mama G. “Why would it start with them?” he asked meekly.

“As the High Priestess said, this magic isn’t used to humans. Your eyes could just be a side effect of the magic reworking your body to a system that could handle it.” Nathan rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. “We cannot be certain, but it’s fairly possible that even if they seem random, these changes might be needed or you could find yourself with nerve damage and organ failure as the nerves controlling your heart and lungs stop working.”

“So, either I change or die,” David muttered. He clasped his shaking knees with his trembling fingers... Margret grasped his shoulder even tighter. He smiled at her, then idly looked down at his hands. His eyes widened. “It’s not just my eyes,” he mumbled as he brought his hand up to his face.

The others shot forward and gasped. There, at the base of his fingernails, ran thin, dark blue lines. Nathan’s confusion turned into a look of determination. “It could be just some chemical reaction.”

Mary bit her lip. “Or, it’s just like fanfiction. David’s becoming a pony!”

“The fuck I am! There's no way I’m becoming a pony.” He slammed his fist on the table. It’s not so bad in the dreams, though. He forcefully denied the idea.

“David, watch your language, and, Mary, there is no evidence of him turning into a pony. Like Nathan says, it's just some chemicals acting up,” Gabriel remarked calmly. Nathan cast her a side glance as he felt her muscles tighten against his palm.

Margret exhaled and spoke up, “Fuck, okay, we need to talk about what to do. If these changes continue, people will notice. I agree with the High Priestess. Tomorrow we will go to your school and your job and quit both.”

David frowned. “What about my apartment? I can’t pay rent.”

Gabriel looked to Nathan, and, when he nodded, she smiled at David. “I think we can cover the cost of breaking the contract. You can move back in with your mother for the time being.”

Bridget spoke up as she came outside, “I’m thinking of a nice retreat at my cabin. It’s where the coven performs our more private celebrations and rituals. It is far enough away and as safe as can be without helicopters or drones flying overhead. Something even this house doesn’t provide.”

Margret blinked. “You have a cabin? One large enough for this coven? How do you pay for that?”

“My late husband was smart enough to buy stock in a few industries. Some failed, a few others he was lucky with. He bought Amazon stock early and then Tesla.”

“I feel like we are talking about my death.” David laid his head down in his arms. Margret rubbed his back.

Mary sighed. “Might be the opposite, really. Celestia and Luna are stated in the show to be over a thousand years old, so you may become immortal.”

Margret stood up. “Either way, I want to take my son out to eat. Guess we'll see you tomorrow, High Priestess.”

Bridget nodded and stretched out her hand. “Please, my name is Bridget, I only use that title when it’s important. You both are welcome at my home at any time.”

Morning Dew slowly woke up from the strange dream. She rubbed her eyes and furrowed her brows. Something was wrong, her bed felt different. She was lying on a cloth cot, not her straw bed. Her ears perked up as she realized she wasn’t in her bedroom.

Then the memories came back. The eclipse, she was outside to watch the eclipse, when the sky turned dark, that strange red glow engulfed the moon, and ponies started panicking. Uncle Surestrike led her back to the castle. That was when she saw Celestia and some black alicorn fighting in the sky. Then she was alone. Surestrike was hit by the strange dark magic. He screamed…

Tears came to her eyes as she fought the memory. Her home was no longer safe, the city destroyed, consumed by a forest that grew in minutes. She shook her head to clear her mind.

She poked the thick blanket she was lying on, then stood up. There wasn’t much in the drab brown tent except for two cots, a trunk with a few pieces of clothing they own, mostly her mother’s. She frowned. There was not even a single one of her toys. Figures her mother didn’t think about saving any of her things. Her ears fell, and she fought back a whine. She will miss the wooden pegasus guard figure painted in her father’s colors.

Morning Dew looked at the dark gray figure of her mother asleep on the other cot. Leathery wings covered the head, and her light gray tail curled up against her body.

“Mom, I’m hungry, is there anything to eat?” Dew prodded.

The figure let out a moan. One of her wings moved and revealed a red slit eye. In a sleepy voice, the mare mumbled, “Get something in the kitchen. I’m tired.” She once again covered her face and fell back asleep.

Morning Dew sighed and kicked the ground with her hoof. Anger welled up in her, and she bared her teeth, then a whimper escaped her, and she lowered her head. Her tail hung limp as her anger was replaced by sadness. Why did she think things would be different now? There's no reason why her mother would stop ignoring her. Once her father vanished, Morning Dew came to understand. Her mother didn’t love her.

At least Uncle Surestrike supported her in the castle, and she also helped in the kitchens to earn her own meals. However, those were now gone, the castle surrounded by an uncontrollable forest. Luckily Celestia had set up a few soup kitchens to help feed all the refugees.

Dew glanced at her mother, then slowly opened the trunk. She knew her mother would yell if she messed up the maid uniform within. She carefully fumbled around it and removed a set of saddlebags, a wooden bowl, spoon, and a cup.

As she got ready to leave, she chuckled. They were lucky that the attack happened on the longest day of the year. It was a nice mild summer, and the nights were warm and comfortable. If the disaster happened during the colder months… She shivered.

Sore muscles soaking in the warm sunlight, Morning Dew made her way to the food line. What little pleasure she gained from the sunshine was quickly lost when she noticed the other ponies in the camp... Her ears drooped. Foals cried, older ponies moved around with lowered heads. There were nearly ten thousand ponies in Everfree City, and now the majority of them were homeless. The wealthy left for other cities or privately owned lands.

“Oh, look, it’s the flightless wonder!” She sucked in a breath at hearing the voice. Her ears fell, and she tried to stop her tail from tucking down. She turned her head and spotted two colts, one a white unicorn with a black mane and tail, the other an earth pony. The unicorn was dressed in a fine blue jacket with silver buttons. The gray colt next to him wore a simple butler outfit.

She bowed down, trying to control her nerves. “Sir Silver Nugget? I thought Baron Silver Bar would have moved to your family lands?”

“Well, peasant, we would, but Daddy is doing something vital involving some very important ponies.” Silver Nugget rolled his eyes and waved his hoof mildly. “I don’t know why he's dealing with those wizards.”

“Wizards?” Morning Dew lifted her head, then realized she made a mistake.

“That’s none of your business, peasant. Brimstone?” Silver turned to the butler colt.

Brimstone smirked and shoved Morning Dew to the ground. “Stupid peasant, know your place!” He kicked a hoofful of dust into her face, then trotted back to his master’s side.

Morning stood up shakily. Her eyes widened upon hearing Silver Nugget call out, “Guards! This filly is trying to cut in line!” He flashed her a cruel smile.

A bored-looking guard came over and sighed once he assessed the problem. He saw that Morning Dew wasn’t in the line. “Get in the back,” he snapped.

“But I was in line, I just… fell! Just ask anypony.” Morning Dew gestured to the ponies surrounding them. Her face still had dirt on it.

The guard looked at the other ponies, all but Silver Nugget turned away. They wouldn’t dare counter the word of a noble, even if he was just a colt. The guard shook his head and spoke up, “I don’t care, you were about ready to attack these two. Get in the back of the line!”

She fought back tears as she marched to the end of the line. By the time she got to the food, there wasn’t much left. “More grass soup?” She looked at the cauldron.

The serving pony, an earth pony mare with green fur and yellow mane, smiled sadly at her. “Sorry, Dew, we have to stretch what we got. More supplies are coming in, but it takes time.”

Morning Dew lifted her bowl to get her breakfast. “It’s alright, Ms. Buttercup. Is there any bread left?”

Buttercup shook her head. “Sorry, dear.” Then she glanced around and lowered her head to Dew. “I snagged one for you before we ran completely out.” From under a cloth on the table, she pulled out a flatbread. With a smile, she passed it over. “I saw what that noble colt did to you. We’ll keep this our little secret.” She winked.

“Thank you, Ms. Buttercup!” She smiled, her ears perking up.

A little spring in her step, Dew made her way to the benches; simple wooden platforms set up nearby. She settled down to eat. Most of the other ponies had already left. The remaining few were off on their own as well, filling their bellies rather than conversing.

She took a sip of the grass soup. There was some green onion as well as other wild plants to add more flavor. The cooks did know what they were doing, and the soup was good, though not very filling. Thankfully she had her flatbread.

Once she scraped the last of the soup with a bit of bread out of the bowl, she fished a rag out of her saddlebag and wiped the bowl before she put both away.

Looking back to the tents, she sighed. There was no reason to return to her mother yet. She’d just be bored. She turned and headed away. Perhaps Surestrike will be well enough to talk today.

Her trek led her out of the civilian section and entered the hospital area. A few royal guards that knew her waved, and she returned the greetings. Finally, she came to a hastily constructed fenced area.

The pen held a group of ponies, each tied to a post keeping them away from each other. Sadness gripped her chest as she saw the ponies inside. They were all changed and twisted by the dark magic.

Some ponies haven’t made it through the change healthy. Some died mid-way through the transformation. The ponies in the pen were messed up mentally, acting more like panicked feral animals than ponies. The smell of sweat and fear hung heavy in the air.

A dark reddish-brown bat pony stallion bucked and kicked wildly. His head whipped back and forth, and, as she got closer, he bared his teeth at her. Remains of the armor he used to wear were scattered about the holding pen. She sat down on the other side of the fence and watched him, her ears lowered. She took a deep breath and spoke up.

“Hello, Uncle Surestrike. I was hoping you were better today.” She sighed. “Mom is worse now than ever before. Keeps mumbling about failing at something when she’s awake,” Morning Dew said softly, hoping her voice would calm him.

“You there, be careful! These ponies aren’t safe.” A unicorn came closer. She identified him as a healer because of the pendant with Mage Meadowbrook’s cutie mark on it.

“I’m sorry, sir, it's just he’s my uncle. Do you know what’s wrong with him? My mother was changed, and she is not acting like this.” Dew's voice cracked a little.

The stallion’s glare softened. “Ah, well, just stay outside the fence, these ponies are not seeing reality. It's like they are in a waking nightmare, seeing and hearing hallucinations.”

“Nightmare?” Dew cocked her head.

“Yes, one of the others was mumbling about seeing Nightmare Moon.”

She jumped up and hugged him. “Thank you, sir!” She ran past him to the tents. If they are in a nightmare, then perhaps she could ask Prince Morpheus to help!

Author's Note:

Chapter 7 and I'm finally getting to the plot of the story!

We see life through Morning Dews eyes this time. After the fall of the City of Everfree the surviving Ponies that have no place to go are living in a make shift refugee camp.

David is changing into a Pony? Do you all think I would do that to him? Mah ha ha ha.
