• Published 5th Oct 2020
  • 1,092 Views, 24 Comments

Alexis 10 - Chaos Nightmare

You never think about what you have, till it's all taken from you.

  • ...

Celestia's truth and Twilight's fall

Luna was taken to a private room in the castle while the six of us were brought in front of Celestia. “How did Luna get those bruises and how were you able to wield the Element of Magic?” Celestia asked.

“I’m the one that hurt your sister, I used this.” I motioned to the Ultimatrix “To transform into a unicorn based on Twilight... I think that was her name?” I asked as Celestia seemed unconvinced right before I used the Ultimatrix to transform into a Pegasus.

“Okay...” she paused, clearly not ready for that information.

“But that still doesn’t explain that form we say you in Darling?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, that's...something I kept from you guys.” I said turning into an Ultimate Pegasus.

Celestia was shocked “A storm elemental?” she asked, confused.

“More like an ultimate Pegasus.” I answered before explaining “See my watch has an Evolution feature which simulates ten thousand years of the worst conditions imaginable forcing the species to evolve to its ultimate form.” I said changing back to my human form.

“Whoa that's sounds so cool!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

“Alright.” Celestia said processing everything. “Now, unless you have some other secrets you’d like to share, I’ll need the Elements of harmony to store incase of a problem in the future that requires your help.” She said as I handed over my Tiara and watched as the other five handed their necklaces of to Celestia.

“Wait why did I get a tiara?” I asked as the other five bearers realized that too.

“The element of Magic is the focus of the Elements power, as for why it's a Tiara, I don’t know.” Once we had given her the elements Celesta informed us “I’ll now send the six of you back to Ponyville but be alert I will send a message for you through Spike, with some information about the future.” And with that Celestia teleported the six of us back to the Library.

“Now, I need to know what my student did while I was gone.” Celestia said

As the day went on... and a quick recorded message to let all of Equestria know what had happened. Celestia visited Luna in her room. “Hello, Luna.” Celestia said somberly

“Sister.” Luna said coldly.

“Do you still hate me after all this time?”

“No, if I hated you I would have made it clear when I first awoke by teleporting away and attempt to raise an army. But I don't trust you. You’ll have to earn back my trust. Especially after all the pain, you gave me all those years ago.” Celestia looked away in shame. “But, I can tell that you have changed, or at least tried to better yourself. You’re clearly not the heartless jerk I thought you were all those years ago” Luna said.

“It still hurts that you thought of me like that, I agree I wasn’t always the best and Mother knows I’ve been trying, but-” Celestia said

“No buts, we’ll need to work out things, I am still the ruler of the night.” Luna said with a smile.

“I should inform you of some things before I talk to Twilight-” Celestia said right as a guard came knocking on the door. “Speak of the demon, I apologize Luna but this is something I have to deal with as soon as possible.” Celestia apologized.

Luna sighed “Some things haven’t changed I see,”

“Oh no, they have. This is just something I have to nip in the bud before it gets too bad.” Celestia explained.

“Fine deal with it, It’s a late morning snack time anyway.”

Celestia smiled “It's good to have you back.”

“Its good to not be trapped on the moon” Luna retorted.

In the throne room, Celestia sat on her throne as Twilight Sparkle entered the room, “Princess you're alright!” She said happily but realized Celestia was not happy.

“Twilight I’m going to be quick and precise, I let you off from heading to Ponyville because I thought you had made some friends and wanted to give you a chance. But you left that party you used as an excuse in less than 20 minutes to head back to your library to look for an answer that I had tried to give you. I had tried again and again to get you to understand that you can’t do anything alone, even with Spike you do everything on your own. Even Starswirl had allies he could count on.” Celestia explained as Twilight had a mixture of shame and confusion on her face. “What I'm trying to say is, had you gone to Ponyville you could have been hailed as a hero for saving the world from Nightmare moon with the Elements of harmony, instead you passed the job on to Somepony else, and now here are the consequences.” Celestia finished as Twilight was unsure of what would happen next. “Twilight Sparkle you are expelled from my school for disobeying both a teacher and the headmistress, lying to get out of a task, and for abandoning the punishment.”

“But...But...But-” was all Twilight could say.

“I’m sorry Twilight-” Celestia tried to say but was interrupted by Twilight.

“No you're not, you set me up to fail just on some pretense notion that I need friends.” She said angrily before storming out.

Celestia sighed before saying “Raven, get me a scroll and quills I need to tell Spike something.” She had a feeling Twilight would try something and she needed to be ready for it.

I sat at the dinner table with Spike eating a take out sandwich, luckily it was the law that all restaurants in this country have carnivore options, I would have gotten sick of all the vegan options, girls gotta have some meat every now and then. “You okay Spike?” I asked as Spike looked like he was about to vomit.

“Yeah it's just Twilight never lets me eat off the carnivore menu.” he said as he burped out a scroll “Hey a message from Celestia.”

“Well Let me read it.”

“Dear Spike and Alexis.

I have to, unfortunately, inform you that Twilight Sparkle has been expelled from my school and is to be treated with caution as the last conversation we had was far from a pleasant one. Spike I would like you to stay with Alexis and aid her in whatever she needs but you are free to pursue your own goals if you wish, though if you do decide on heading away from Alexis do tell me beforehand so I can give her a method of communication.

Alexis I want you to be on guard, Twilight will have a grudge against you but other than that I want you to be ready, for I may need your help again in the future. I have made preparations for you to keep the library as a home for long as you want. And I’ll send you bits as a weekly payment.


“What!” Spike said, shocked, “Twilight got expelled, why?” Spike asked.

“You’ll have to ask her yourself but it's good I have a roof over my head and a steady income.” I said before asking Spike “So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know I’ve always been by Twilight’s side.”

“Give it a week to think then tell me. I’ll be happy to keep you, my dude.”

Author's Note:

Every chapter after this will be an episodic based story, maybe one or two chapters per episode. They'll be marked if it's not episodic.

Comments ( 11 )

And like that Celestia just bucked up worst than she could've by expelling Twilight. Did she learn nothing from the pain she caused herself expelling somepony who could be considered like a daughter to her setting her up for revenge over thinking her destiny was being purposely being kept from her by her teacher? Sunset will eventually be an issue to fix but now thanks to this, Twilight could easily become a host for the Nightmare if she survived that first hit. Twilight is still connected by destiny to the Tree, as her cutie mark is on it and still has her magical potential, something the Nightmare can exploit.

celestia really needs to stop causing problems for herself i mean she has caused both luna and sunset's fall in the show and seems to be setting twilight up now. i do wounder what the element of magic being changed will do now though. as you said twilight should still be linked to the tree so maby the tree in a misguildind attempt to fix things will power up twilight and since she is pre elements twilight she might take a look at the tree and see a battery after which could make twilight a big threat.
i am also curious about what counts as a lifeform to the watch like is the tree one? if alexis has omniverse in her head does and will she use lifeform lock? ultimate dragon?

Agreed, at least in canon we know it's a character flaw she's working on. No one ever said she was perfect, least not her. She knows she made mistakes and is trying to fix them. This Celestia however looks like she got hit with the idiot stick hard then had it shoved up her butt so it can't be removed just to see how bad things get. I think both Shining Armor and Princess would be disappointed in Celestia over that.

Why did your previous stories fail?

New chapter when?

Read the blog post linked in the update chapter

But, the latest chapter doesn't have any blog posts links!

the chapter was deleted. Look at this

Why are all of your stories cancelled?

Comment posted by sinewystatue382 deleted Nov 2nd, 2023
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