• Published 30th Oct 2020
  • 1,643 Views, 70 Comments

The Magic of Love - ashley-luv

Rara's visit to Ponyville brings up strange feelings for Rainbow Dash. Will Rainbow Dash acknowledge the truth, or will she lie about her feelings for the element of honesty?

  • ...

keep this safe for me

A country-rock tune filled the room. A lone spotlight in a light blue-grey hue (the color of Rara's coat) lit up to reveal Rara at the end of the stage. As she sang, Rara walked with a nervous, jittery countenance, vaguely reminiscent of Fluttershy’s mannerisms. From Rara’s lyrics, her ‘character’ in the song was a newcomer to a small town.

Another spotlight illuminated the opposite end of the stage where Rara had stood. This time, the spotlight was a light orange hue (Applejack's coat color), revealing the cowgirl herself.

Rainbow Dash's mouth dropped.

AJ was now wearing her Stetson, standing on two hooves and leaning casually against the wall with a piece of hay between her teeth. She had a bottom hoof resting flat against the wall, her dress' slit showing off Rara's cutiemark on her flank. The stance gave Applejack a dangerous, yet alluring, aura.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt herself fall a little forward, her body literally swooning. Her wings barely caught her from tilting fully forward, her eyes never leaving Applejack.

She was reminded of Fleetfoot and Spitfire’s comments at the gym all those weeks ago. Now that Dash knew they had guessed how she felt about Applejack, it was obvious the two had been trying to goad her into an outburst by commenting on Applejack’s beauty. Rainbow recalled Fleetfoot’s particular words.

‘Mare-next-door,’ as if, Dash thought. Applejack is the most beautiful pony in the room. Hay, the most beautiful pony in the kingdoms.

AJ spat the piece of hay out of her mouth, leaning forward to stand on all four hooves again. She sang opposite to Rara, her character in the song (ironically) a hard-willed country girl from the town Rara's character was visiting. As they sang, they performed a simple choreography that mirrored their lyrics.

AJ's accent took dominance, making her the clear lead of the duet as the song came to its grand finale. The crowd cheered as Rara's cutiemark on her and Applejack's flank shone. The rainbow music notes pulsed strong as AJ's voice riffed at the end of the last lyric of the song.

Unfortunately, it was too much for poor Rainbow Dash.

Applejack looking crazy good in a dress and her Stetson was pushing it. But Applejack in a sexy dress on a rising platform while showing off her vocal range?

It was too much. All too much.

Rainbow Dash didn't catch herself as she swooned forward, her fall softened by Starlight Glimmer's body. Starlight yelped in surprise as they both hit the floor.

"Rainbow Dash!" Starlight exclaimed, shoving Rainbow Dash off of her and standing up. "What gives?"

"Sorry," Rainbow gave a half-hearted apology, flying off the ground to see the end of the performance. She didn't even register the conversation happening below her.

"You'll have to forgive her, darling," Rarity whispered. "She's a little, ah," Rarity giggled, looking up at Dash. "Distracted."

"You mean... ?"


Rarity and Starlight's snickers were drowned out when the crowd erupted in applause after the song ended.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash shouted, which made the audience applaud and stomp harder. Her exclamation caught Applejack's attention: the mare's eyes zeroed in on Rainbow Dash.

And suddenly, it was like no one else was in the room. The noise melted away, and leaving behind Applejack and Rainbow Dash.


Oh, how Rainbow Dash wanted to just fly forward and tackle Applejack and just lean down and...

Wait a second.

Why the hay am I thinking about kissing AJ?

And the room went dark again, ending the gaze between the two. Rainbow Dash blinked, swallowing hard. Even though they were in a room full of ponies, for a second there, it had felt like it was just her and Applejack.

Like nothing else ever mattered.

A strange tune with an unnerving sci-fi tone began to play, disrupting Rainbow Dash's thoughts. The beat dropped, and two orange and blue-grey spotlights shown on Applejack and Rara, respectively. They were on a raised platform, with Applejack on the right side of the stage and Rara on the left side. AJ's Stetson was back off, and she had a thick white scarf wrapped around her neck. A bridge connected AJ and Rara's pedestal-like platforms.

Applejack opened the act, singing while using the scarf as a prop in a slow, slightly seductive choreography that led her across the bridge towards a still Rara. Rainbow's magenta eyes were wide, pupils obviously dilated. She couldn't help it: she imagined herself in Rara's place, watching AJ sing and twirl towards her, until she finally reached Rainbow and the two made out right on stage...

Rainbow blinked and shook her head furiously.

Sweet Celestia, what is up with me right now?

AJ reached the end of the bridge by the end of her verse. She wrapped her white scarf around Rara's neck, and Rara pulled a black scarf from seemingly no where and wrapped it around AJ's neck as well.

AJ walked backwards on the bridge, pulling Rara forward. Many in the crowd gasped, but Rainbow just watched with her eyes never leaving AJ.

Applejack, fall? Never.

The two ponies reached the center of the bridge and snapped their scarves off each other's neck. They sang the chorus together, quickly trotting back to their original positions. They shared a sly smile, now back to their original positions. The spotlights suddenly went out, leaving the room in darkness.

The blue-grey spotlight shone again, triggering gasps in the crowd. Rara's scarf was now magically glued to the ceiling, mimicking the rope a professional trapeze artist would use. She jumped off her platform, using the scarf to swing her body slowly across the stage while she continued to sing. The spotlight then switched hues to a light orange. Rara disappeared into the darkness, with Applejack now the light's focus. Rainbow Dash gasped, flying a bit higher.

Is she going to...

Applejack seemed to meet Rainbow Dash's eyes before jumping off the platform. Her grip on her own scarf, now also magically attached to the ceiling, kept her from falling.

Rainbow Dash's mouth fell open in awe: Applejack was a natural in the air. Nothing Rainbow had ever seen or done with the Wonderbolts could compare.

And, with no wings, AJ would be relying completely on her muscles, her earth pony strength, to keep her in the air.

What. An. Athlete.

Applejack swung across the stage in the direction Rara came, singing her lines and never breaking contact with Rainbow Dash's gaze. The performance felt intimate, as if it had been purposefully done to put Applejack in the air and at eye level with Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash's breath caught in her throat sharply. Every small movement of AJ's was so graceful, so accurately timed, so... perfect.

She's perfect.

Applejack and Rara gripped the microphone, singing passionately as the song came to an end. Rara's cutiemark's illuminated on both their flanks like before, and the crowd cheered as AJ held the last syllable, her voice reaching a beautiful high note. Rara's cutiemark pulsed before seemingly erupting, spreading rainbow music notes throughout the room.

Ponies in the room cheered in excitement. The cutiemark dimmed, leaving the room in darkness for a brief second before the lights returned. Applejack and Rara were side-by-side at center stage, hooves around each other. AJ had her Stetson back on, and she took it off as she and Rara bowed.

The crowd exploded in applause, cheers, and stomps. Streamers and confetti flew everywhere, and different voices were clamoring in the crowd.

But no creature, not even Soarin, was louder than Rainbow Dash.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" She repeatedly shouted, doing a celebratory circle shape in the air. "GO APPLEJACK!"

Applejack easily picked out Rainbow's call among the increasingly loud cheers. Her eyes lifted to the pegasus, gave her a huge grin, and tipped her hat in Dash's direction. Rainbow Dash returned the grin, feeling a weird tug on her heart.

Who would have thought Applejack would be such a natural performer? Rainbow asked herself in awe. No offense to Rara, but Applejack was way better than her. Actually, way better than anypony I've ever seen.

Applejack and Rara nuzzled noses before waving at the crowds again, gaining more cheers. Rara reached for the microphone, gently tapping her hoof against it to draw the crowd's attention. The crowd fell silent, letting Rara speak.

"Thank you all for your wonderful reception. AJ and I performed when we were fillies, and it is such a joy to do so again."

Rara beamed at AJ, and the two snuggled their cheeks against each other.

Rara and Rainbow Dash may be on good terms, but Rainbow Dash still felt a sour taste in her mouth when she saw the gesture of affection.

"Thank you all for welcoming me to Ponyville these last few weeks. And I am especially grateful to the Apple family for opening up their home to me. Applebloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith— thank you for treating me like family," Rara finished.

She passed the microphone to Applejack, who removed her hoof from around Rara to grasp it.

"I'd just like to reiterate Rara's thanks for such a positive reception to our little performance here. In a week's time, Rara and I will be performing out in Canterlot to kick off her tour. If you can, we'd love for every single one of you to join us."

Applejack turned to face Rara, giving her an adoring look.

"And on behalf of all of Ponyville, thank you for coming, Rara. You'll always be welcomed here."

AJ's last words triggered another cheer from the crowd. Rainbow Dash clapped too, out of genuine support. Though brief, Rainbow Dash and Rara's conversation revealed the latter was a true friend to have.

Darn it, she thought morosely. I should have taken up Applejack on at least one of her invitations to hang out with Rara.

Maybe one day.

Applejack and Rara gave one last wave to the crowd before walking off the stage. Pinkie Pie hopped on after them. Rainbow Dash barely listened, only registering that her announcement had something to do with cake. Her attention was on following Applejack visually to see where she was going.

"Rainbow Dash! Come on!" Starlight called from the ground.

Rainbow looked down. Her friends were struggling to push through the crowd, trying to head to the hallway.

Oh yeaaah. Applejack said to meet them at the foyer to say goodbye.

Rainbow Dash zoomed out of the ballroom, not having to bother with fighting the crowd. She raced down the halls, and slammed open the castle doors to go outside.

Applejack and Rara were standing besides a chariot pulled by palace guards. Twilight must have sent them, meaning AJ and Rara were staying at the Canterlot palace.

The mares turned when they heard the doors open. Seeing Rainbow Dash, Rara quickly said, "I'll, ah, go back inside and see where the others are."

Not waiting for a response, she ran inside, shutting the doors behind her.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash stared at each other.



"You're leaving?"

"For now."

For a moment, neither mare said nor did anything, not wanting to be the first to get sappy after a fight.

But even their stubbornness wasn't strong enough to keep them apart.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash lurched forward at the same time, their bodies colliding. Rainbow Dash gripped Applejack close, burying her face in AJ's loose mane, breathing in deeply. Unsurprisingly, Applejack smelled like apples. There was also a woody, earthy smell, and... Something else. A scent Rainbow Dash couldn't describe other than with the word 'happiness.'

They stood silent, just holding each other. After a long moment, Applejack pulled away.

"Look Rainbow. I—"

"Don't say anything," Rainbow Dash interrupted. "I was a total jerk, even before tonight. Since before Rara came... I've been a terrible friend."

"It's not just your fault, sugarcube," Applejack said gently. "I've been real stubborn, and—"

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on AJ's lips, cutting the mare off.

"I know I owe you a better apology," Rainbow admitted. "And the truth. And I promise I'll give them to you both. Soon."

"You better," AJ said in a warning tone, but her smile betrayed she wasn't being too serious.

Maybe it was the guarantee from Rara that Applejack felt something for her, or maybe it was just the combination of the night sky with AJ's beauty.

Or maybe it was as simple as Rainbow wanted to.

Rainbow reached for Applejack's hoof, placing it against her cheek. AJ's eyes widened for a second before breaking into a soft smile, her eyes now gazing adoringly into Rainbow Dash’s.

Slowly, not wanting to startle Applejack, Rainbow Dash placed one of her own hooves on AJ's cheek.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but grin when Applejack leaned her cheek against it too, and the two mares remained in that position. They didn't look away nor remove their hooves; they just gazed into each other's eyes.

Rainbow Dash swallowed hard.

I can just lean in and kiss Applejack. Hadn't I wanted to do that the entire time she was performing? Rainbow Dash questioned. I can lean in and just do it.

But no. Rara had advised Rainbow Dash to be patient and make sure the truth was out before doing anything rash.

And kissing Applejack would definitely count as doing something rash.

It was strange to trust Rara so readily, but Rainbow Dash felt it was the right thing to do.

So instead, Rainbow Dash let go of AJ and flew a bit off the ground to pull away. She pulled off her bowtie, and carefully flew closer to AJ to tie it right above her choker.

Rainbow Dash smiled; her cutie mark was placed right above AJ's.

"I know it's only a week, but it's a little something to keep me in mind," Rainbow said, her throat dry. It made her voice faintly husky.

"In that case," Applejack took off her choker. "Come here, sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash had a slight pink in her cheeks when AJ stepped forward and tied her choker on Rainbow Dash's neck. Rainbow had never worn something of another pony's...

"One last thing," Applejack added. She took off her Stetson and plopped it on Rainbow's head. She gave Rainbow a quirky smile. "Keep it safe for me."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in shock.

Applejack has never willing given her hat to anypony before, Rainbow Dash internally screamed. What does this even mean? Is she not mad at me anymore? Does she actually like me?

"But AJ! It's your hat. Your signature hat! I—"

"I can't wear her on stage anyways," Applejack dismissed her protests. "And I can't think of anypony else who'd take better care of Tallulah. You'll give her back when I see you at the show."

Applejack smiled softly. "Take it as an olive branch, sugarcube. We don't have time now to talk, but I know we'll get everything sorted out soon."

Rainbow Dash gave Applejack one last look of amazement before flying forward to nuzzle Applejack's nose.

"I'll keep her safe," Dash promised.

Applejack didn't verbally reply, but she returned the sweet and sudden gesture.

Though they stopped nuzzling, the two kept their noses pressed together. They were so close, Rainbow could feel AJ's every inhale and exhale against her face. She noticed every glitter of color in Applejack's eyes, and could count every freckle on the mare's face.

Oh, to Tartarus with this. Rainbow's resolve hardened. I'm Rainbow Daring Dash! And if I wanna kiss AJ, I'm gonna do it.

Before Rainbow could act on that thought, the castle door swung open. Noise from the party spilled out into the night.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack jumped away from each other immediately, fast enough that nopony from the crowd who came out noticed the intimacy of the moment they had interrupted.

"APPLEJACK!" Applebloom wailed, running towards her older sister and tackling her to the ground. "Please take me with you! Pleaaaase!

The rest of the Apple family reached the two sisters, hugging them tightly.

Rainbow flew back to give them space, a soft smile on her face. Knowing each of them individually, Rainbow Dash knew they would do absolutely anything for Applejack.

It was something they all had in common.

Somepony tugged on Rainbow's tail gently, drawing her attention. Rainbow Dash looked down in surprise; it was a gesture only Applejack ever did. But now, it was Rara who was doing the tugging.

"Nice hat," Rara commented with a sly smile. Standing besides her was Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. All of them had various expressions of curiosity as they looked at Rainbow's new accessory.

"Ah, thanks?" Rainbow said confused. "It's not mine though. It’s AJ's."

"Oh, we know," Rarity said loftily with a smirk to match Rara's.

"Oooh! Is that Applejack's choker?" Pinkie Pie noted in wonder. "It kind of looks like your old element necklace. With the red jewel in the middle and stuff."

"It does look nice," Fluttershy smiled lightly at her friend. "Did Applejack give it to you?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, but didn't have time to reply. Applejack walked towards her friends, drawing attention away from Dash as they all lurched forward to hug her.

But Rara stayed besides Rainbow, giving her a teasing smile.

"Who would've ever thought Rainbow Dash, a pegasus who loves the sky more than anything, would ever let herself be tied to the ground?"

"Well, you're wrong," Rainbow Dash said not unkindly. "I've never loved the sky more than anything. I've always cared about my friends and family and Ponyville the most."

"And is that still true?" Rara implored. "Do you still care about all those things more than anything in the world?" Rara glanced pointedly at Applejack. "More than anypony in the world?"

Rainbow Dash hesitated. As much as it felt weird to admit...

No., she realized. That's not true anymore.

The element of loyalty should obviously be most loyal to her loved ones. But everything had changed.

Or, maybe, nothing had changed. Rainbow Dash had been and always will be loyal to her friends, family, and Equestria.

But I've always had a special loyalty to Applejack. A special bond and commitment to her, Rainbow Dash went on. How have I never noticed that?

Before Rainbow Dash could reply to Rara's question, the larger group bombarded Rara in a hug, too. This left Rainbow Dash to silently fly to Applejack's side.

"If you tell anypony I said this, I'm just gonna deny it," Rainbow Dash warned. "But I kind of regret not getting to know Rara. She's one cool mare." Rainbow quickly amended, "Not as cool as me, obviously. But she's up there."

Applejack smirked, saying nothing. Whatever had happened between Dash and Rara to get them to be friends, she wasn’t going to question it.

"It's time AJ," Rara called, trotting to the chariot.

She paused when she passed Rainbow Dash, and the two new friends exchanged salutes.

"Tell Soarin I said bye," Rara smiled slyly. "And that I hope he makes it out to the show."

Rainbow Dash snickered. "You know you personally inviting him might kill him, right?"

Rara grinned. "Oh, I'm counting on it."

Applejack looked up expectantly at Rainbow Dash and, for some reason, the pegasus knew what AJ wanted without either pony saying it. Rainbow closed her eyes and flew down to nuzzle noses with Applejack in silent farewell. She barely registered that their audience collectively aw'ed, though Granny Smith audibly mumbled, "Well, it's about darn time! I thought I was gonna die before anything happened."

Hearing Granny Smith, Applejack stepped away from Dash, her cheeks donning a soft pink. She gave Dash one last, shy grin before turning to the rest of the group.

"I'll see y'all in a week!" She called, trotting to hop onto the chariot.

Rara and Applejack turned their bodies to wave as the chariot ascended to the sky. A chorus of goodbye's and see you soon's continued until the chariot was only a speck in the sky.

"Well, at least Rara got cake to-go," Pinkie Pie beamed.

At the sound of 'cake,' the Apple family trotted back inside in hopes of cake too. This left Rainbow Dash with her friends.

"Okay, did I miss something?" Starlight immediately demanded once the friends were alone. "One second, you and Applejack are fighting, and the next you and Rara are buddy-buddy even though we all know you didn't like her. And on top of that, you, of all ponies, are swooning over Applejack and being weirdly affectionate and wearing her stuff—"

"Oh Starlight, don't tell me we have to spell it out for you," Rarity interjected dramatically. "It's been obvious for quite some time now that Applejack and Rainbow Dash feel, ah, certain feelings for each other."

"Wait wait wait," Rainbow Dash sputtered. "Did you ponies know that I— That Applejack—?"

"Well, we didn't know per say," Rarity admitted. "Just suspected. But after tonight, I doubt even you and Applejack can be oblivious to the other's sentiments."

Rainbow pouted. She wasn't embarrassed nor ashamed of her feelings. She was a little annoyed, actually.

"If it was so obvious, how come nopony told me? How come you all knew before I did?"

Rarity laughed. "Darling, why in Equestria would we explain your own feelings to you? No, no, no. That was not our place. That was a journey for you and you alone. One that has clearly fast forwarded ever since Rara got here."

Rainbow opened her mouth to give some comeback, but immediately closed it. Rarity did have a point...

Rara's visit triggered some strong feelings from Rainbow Dash. Jealousy, protectiveness, sadness, anger, frustration.

But it was worth it, Rainbow reasoned. It was worth it to find out how I've always felt about AJ, and how she feels about me. And, bonus: I made a new friend.

"Wait, so are you and Applejack together? Like," Starlight clicked her hooves together to emphasize, "Together together?"

"Um, no," Rainbow Dash said immediately, laughing nervously.

When she talked about her feelings with Rara, it felt comfortable. Rara and Rainbow Dash both held a claim to knowing AJ better than anypony else. If anypony could help Rainbow Dash, it was Rara.

And it's not that her larger friend group didn't know Applejack, nor that Rainbow didn't trust her friends. But she just wasn't ready to discuss her feelings in depth with so many ponies all at once.

"Could we not talk about this right now?" Rainbow Dash asked, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Of course, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy replied immediately. She gave her friend an encouraging smile. "We would never intrude or force you to talk. But we're here for you if you ever do want to."

All the ponies nodded in agreement.

Rainbow Dash smiled. Knowing that her friends had her back, even though she had kind of made a mess of things, made everything better.

Rainbow Dash turned her head to wink at Pinkie.

"So... Anypony want cake?"