• Published 17th Oct 2020
  • 1,034 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Paw Patrol: Time is Magic - Tidal Wave2

Twilight and the Paw Patrol are set on protecting Prince Leon from Mayor Humdinger, but there's an even bigger threat in the shadows

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Twilight Story: Foggy Bottom Beach

Twilight and Spike flew through Adventure Bay, determined to save Leon from Humdinger. They stopped for a moment next to Mr. Porter's fruit stand.

"Spike, I haven't been here in a long time." Twilight said. "Which way to Foggy Bottom?"

"Uh..." Spike began. "To be honest, I don't know."

"Damnit! Then how do we get there!?"

"Hola, amigos." The pair turned to see a certain chihuahua; Tracker.

"Tracker!" Spike exclaimed with a smile. "Long time no see."

"Same." Tracker replied. "I heard you have a problemo finding Foggy Bottom. It's actually South-West from town."

"Thanks Tracker." Twilight said. "Hey, is Chase is town?"

"Nada. He's on rescue mission far away."

"Darn, okay, time to save Leon." Spike said before turning to Tracker. "Muchas gracias, Tracker!"

"De nada!" The pup responded as Twilight and Spike took off. Eventually, the pair arrived at the beach and looked around. Foggy Bottom didn't really look as... well, foggy as before; the air was clear and they had a perfect view of the coast. The two noticed that beach goes miles farther than the beach in Adventure Bay.

"Well, what're we waiting for?" Spike asked. "Let's hussle!" Twilight nodded before they sped down toward the coast. The duo flew across the sandy ground for a few minutes until a trio of feline robots appeared before them.

"Woah! An ambush!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise. "Stand back, I got this!" Twilight charged at the lead robot and bucked it off its paws. She then fired a beam of magic at the machine, blowing it up. Twilight then, used her magic to toss the second robot into the ocean. She smiled at her work.

"Twilight! Your left!" Spike shouted, Twilight turned to see the third robot aiming a machine gun at her. The machine opened fire, but Twilight teleported out of the way and behind the metal menace. The Alicorn then used her magic to turn it into a calculator.

"Tin cans." Twilight scoffed before turning to Spike. "Thanks for the heads up." Spike gave her a thumbs up in response, before they continued on. Soon, they passed over a small island and noticed an area filled with boats. They instantly knew it was a dock. "It looks like these docks haven't been used in years." Spike turned to see a speed boat with a water skiing set.

"Hey, maybe we can get to the end quicker with this boat." Twilight eyed the boat and nodded. The two climbed onto the boat, made sure it had gas and then Spike started it up. They took off rather quickly and continued down the path until they were passing a group of towering rocks. Suddenly, something bumped the boat and knocked Twilight off. Luckily, she placed her hind hooves in the water ski's and grabbed the proline attached to the end of the boat. The princess was water skiing now. "Twilight, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine, but I think there's something in the water." Twilight turned her head to the left and she saw a giant shadow in the water. After a few seconds, the creature jumped out of the water; a giant Great White Shark, twice the length of a school bus. "Woah, that's a big one!" Twilight barely dodged the gaping mouth falling toward her. The impact of the shark landing back in the water sent Twilight in the air, as the shark jumped out again determined to eat the princess.

"DO A BARREL ROLL!!!" Spike yelled. Twilight did as the young drake said, as she rolled to the side and the shark missed again. Twilight landed back into the boat next to Spike.

"That was the biggest Great White I've ever seen!" Twilight said.

"Yeah, but there was something off about it."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked in curiosity.

"That shark had bumps on the back of it's head, and an extra point on each pectoral fin." Twilight's eyes widened at Spike's notes.

"But, that means that the shark isn't a Great White..." She started. "IT'S A MEGALODON!!!!"

"WHAT!?!? A prehistoric shark!? That's impossible!!"

"Unless..." Twilight thought for a moment. "Mayor Humdinger used his new technology to revive one and train it to guard the-"


The megalodon smashed through the boat, launching Twilight and Spike into different directions. Twilight fell in the water while Spike landed back on the beach. The shark tried to get Twilight, but the alicorn kept teleporting away.

Spike got up and saw the beast trying to consume his sister. Spike immediately began flying in their direction. Soon, Twilight was in midair and the megalodon leaped out the water to swallow the pony. However, Spike came in and shoved Twilight out of the way at the last second, but not without getting himself eaten.

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight screamed in shock. The giant shark landed on a small island, rapidly moving its fins and tail to wiggle back into the water. Twilight was about to kill the beast for eating her little brother, until she saw smoke flowing out of its gills. "What the?" Suddenly, the shark completely combusted, scaring the alicorn. After a few seconds of silence, Twilight saw something burst out of the side of the flaming animal. It was Spike, completely unharmed.

"Phew! You're 'fired' pal!" Spike laughed at the dead animal. Twilight quickly hugged the young dragon in relief.

"Spike! I almost thought I lost you."

"Come on!" Spike said. "Remember who you're talking to? It takes a lot more than that to take me down." Twilight and Spike laughed before turning and spotting something in the distance; Humdinger's Hovercraft.

"There they are!" Twilight yelled before they began flying after it. "Damn! That thing's fast!" The two continued to follow the hovercraft, until the hovercraft released a group of flying robots towards them. Twilight and Spike used their magic and fire to fight the meddling machines. After they destroyed the last one, the pair was about to continue chasing the hovercraft when it disappeared.

"What the!?" Spike said in shock. Since when could Humdinger's machinery teleport? Twilight just continued to look forward with an upset look. She then noticed a silver feather falling and grabbed it with her magic. Twilight immediately knew that the feather came from Leon's royal robe. She just stared at the feather in sadness, until Spike spoke up. "Maybe we need to get help so we'll know where to find them. Let's head back to Adventure Bay." Spike began to fly off, and Twilight stayed for a moment before following.

'Hang in there Leon, I'll be there soon.'

Author's Note:

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