• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 3,810 Views, 57 Comments

The Discordant Days of Discord The Draconequus - Roxxi

Love is a tricky thing, escpecially if you're a lord of chaos trying to be with Celestia's sister.

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A Rocky Relationship

The Canterlot Castle Gardens are home to some of the most incredible statues in Equestria. They range in subject from great minds of magic such as Starswirl the Bearded to a group of ponies renowned for being the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Of course, every rose has its thorn, and this garden’s most deadly thorn was the stone prison of Discord, a powerful being whose chaotically twisted sense of humor was matched in unusualness by his equally chaotic form, a mix-match of different races. Discord was a terrifyingly sinister tyrant feared and despised by all. All, that is, except a similarly socially outcast soul, Princess Luna.

Discord sighed to himself as the sunset cast a dim glow over his current home in the gardens. Usually he would be ecstatic, well, not exactly ecstatic per say, but he would always be in a significantly better mood. The cause?

Luna… He heaved another mental sigh, it had been weeks since he had last seen the one pony he could even remotely consider a friend. Perhaps she’s grown tired of us, I am a despicable demon whose sole goal in life is the metaphorical toppling of Order into a sea of endless and unbridled Chaos after all… Discord spat bitterly, at least in spirit he did, statues couldn’t spit after all. It wasn’t that he didn’t agree with what society had labeled him as, it was just that… Well it just seemed unfair, but even if it was unfair to him…

We both know it wouldn’t be the first time you were abandoned and hated because somepony thought I was a monster, so I can’t blame her, can we? Discord mused, his old form of speech cropping up again as it had been since Luna’s surprise cease of visitation to his rocky cell. Still, even if he was used to it, he couldn’t deny that he missed having company, having somepony that treated like more than a hunk of granite. Discord thought back to their last conversation, the time he had seen the midnight princess.

Almost 3 weeks Ago

“Good evening Discord, I trust you are faring well in the gardens?” Princess Luna asked the statue before her, not really expecting an answer, but asking out of politeness and custom. Discord smiled softly to himself and called out cheerily to his only friend.

Oh yes, quite well indeed my little Luna, and you? The draconequus asked, even though he knew her response was just an answer to what she thought he would say, and she was usually right.

“I am fine, thank you for asking. I’ve been working all day while I was not busy with court dealing on a way to give you some form of freedom. I must admit though, it is a taxing experiment, I feel so tired when ‘Tia comes to let me know when it is time to raise the moon and watch over Equestria. Rest assured, I am doing everything I can to help your plight, as friends should do for each other. At least, that’s what my sister’s pupil, Twilight Sparkle, told me was customary among friends.” Luna said, giving Discord an apologetic smile as she pulled a pair of daisy sandwiches out of her saddle bag and placed one at the base of his statue.

Such a sweet mare, giving me a snack despite the fact I can’t even taste it, I’m not sure whether to be touched or laugh at the absurdity of it. Perhaps both? HA! Oh it’s so cute and ridiculous, it brings tears to my eyes and giggles to my diaphragm! Discord both laughed and sniffed as Luna took a bite of her sandwich. Discord just watched her and waited for more news of the day’s proceedings. Although, it seemed that she had already launched into a story, he really had to watch that ‘spacing out’ thing.

“…And I told ‘Tia that it was Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s fault her throne had been covered in feathers and streamers, but she refused to believe me, so she sat me in a laughably small chair in a corner and told me to think about what I did and why it was wrong. I am still very upset about that, and mark my words I will seek my revenge. In a non-lethal way of course, I certainly don’t want to end up on the moon so soon after returning to my normal self, and I’m sure you understand, right?” The alicorn looked up at him with those deep emerald eyes and Discord felt himself spacing out again, but it didn’t matter this time, he didn’t mind staring at her eyes… Her wings… Her fla-

Discord snapped his own eyes back up to the younger princess’s quickly. Well above the waist Discord, well above the waist. If Celestia found out I had been eyeing her sister’s rump, she would have mine mounted on a wall. He gulped nervously, afraid that the elder of the princess pair somehow had a way to monitor such things.

Given the system of government in effect here, a monarchy and all that, and add the potential of magic listening spells, it’s not too far out of left field to assume that she could be listening. The chaotic lord thought to himself, the fear of punishment driven out momentarily by the prospect of internal debate on any subject. Discord blinked, mentally anyways, and was stunned to find that Luna had gone off into another story without his notice. I’m spacing out so often that you’d think I was the one stuck on the moon for a thousand years.

“…There’s just so much work to be done with my experiments, but I will manage it. After all, if you cannot persevere in your efforts for a friend, then you can never hope to accomplish any task. At least, that is what ‘Tia told me, and she has been around other ponies longer than I, so I assume she’s correct.” Luna tapped her hoof against her chin. “It does seem to be a sound observation… Continuing, I think I am close to a solution to our problems, but as I have previously stated, it is very taxing on myself, the long days I spend working on it, running every possible calculation on any dangerous scenarios to ensure you do not meet an untimely end.”

Untimely end? Discord gulped, a little nervous now, considering the fact that he could ‘end’. It wasn’t a thought he liked to think about, he rather enjoyed thinking he would always be around to spread chaos and influence young minds to be as dastardly as possible. Ending, untimely or otherwise, was not an acceptable event. Er… End how exactly, if I may ask? He asked hesitantly, and it was another instance of Luna happening to say something that answered his question, even if she didn’t plan on it.

“Some of the accidents were dreadful, one statue melted down, another blew itself to smithereens, another turned inside out, a few spontaneously combusted into rainbow colored fire, and there was one instance where the test statue exhibited all the symptoms of the previous test subjects. I would never forgive myself if accidentally caused such a catastrophe to you, you are one of the only living creatures, or previously living creatures, that I can call a friend.” Luna said with a smile, and Discord was torn between panicking about his possible destruction, and sighing happily that she saw him as a friend as well and he wasn’t having more than one pointless hope.

One friend is better than no marefriend I suppose. Discord concluded, then backtracked quickly in his thoughts. Not that I would want a marefriend! I hear they take away your freedom to do as you please and make life unbearable! Horrid thought, horrid indeed!

“Well, I must get back to my work.” She looked at the draconequus with a small smirk. “My sister believes that I have been spending too much time toiling away in my room, and yet complains that I also spend far too much time in the gardens. I keep telling her, ‘’Tia, you cannot have your pastries and consume them as well!’ as the younger ponies say, but she insists that I find a more sociable approach to friendship.” Luna waved a hoof gently as she turned to head back toward the castle.

“Farewell Discord, I will see you tomorrow night, hopefully I…”

He never heard the last part of her call to him, he was busy imagining life outside of the gardens, not by himself ripping apart the fabric of the universe, but life with Luna, spreading relatively less destructive chaos. He would still make life for everypony around him more interesting, in his own twisted way, but not to the point where the whole of Equestria imploded, exploded, reploded, unploded or some other word with ‘ploded’ in it.

It wouldn’t exactly be in my favor to disintegrate somepony who treats me kindly. Besides, it would only be for her, just for a little bit. Discord reassured himself as he watched the younger of the princesses sisters retreat to the castle. A wry smile cast itself in his thoughts, as his face was still, woefully he might add, unable to do any form of expression aside from the one plastered there already.

What did I ever do to deserve such a doomed romance and a cruel joke upon my life?

Present Day

Discord snorted resentfully. But you never showed up, did you Luna? Oh no, much better of you to pull at the strings of my heart and snap them when you tired of me. He sighed to himself and his thoughts smoldered once more in their usual internal silence.

Had he believed, foalishly of course, that there was a possibility that he would be allowed to be free and to be with Luna, romantically or not? Yes, he did, and now he was paying the piper in full, with interest to boot. Angry as he was, a part of him still held on to the ridiculous notion that he could be accepted as more than a fiendish freak of unnatural nature, and a smaller part held desperately to the idea that he could be loved.

That would be terribly ironic though, wouldn’t it? That we be rejected by not one, but both of the sisters? Maybe they were in on it together, perhaps I was destined to be unloved and hated for eternity… The chaos lord thought ruefully, and then his thoughts hardened. Oh yes, let’s rip poor Discord’s heart out! He won’t mind, he’s a heartless monster to begin with! Nopony would ever love a freak like that!

His thoughts became more bitter and hysterical with each word. HA! Look at poor ugly Discord, what is he? A griffin? A pony? A dragon? None! He’s a hideous mash of creatures, he’ll never be loved! It’s not like he’s capable of saying anything and meaning it from the heart! He’d never mean it if he shouted-

“I LOVE LUNA!!! SHE MAKES MY HEART SOAR WHEN I SEE HER!!! HER BEAUTY OUTSHINES ANY I HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE AND-” Discord froze, and was shocked to find it was voluntary. “W-was… W-was that m-my voice?” A sniffle from behind him broke him from his stunned surprise.

“Do… Do you really mean it Discord?” Discord turned, and as fate would have it, there stood Luna, a faint blush on her face, those brilliant green eyes slightly brimmed with tears, but whether they were tears of joy or tears of pain, he couldn’t tell.

The draconequus gulped nervously and nodded hesitantly. “I meant every word you heard Luna… I know I’m not the kind of pony, or creature in general that you could ever have feelings for, but I-”


Luna had rushed at Discord and threw her forelegs around him to embrace him in a tear filled hug. “Oh thank what ever or who ever as responsible for letting this work! All those weeks of tiring and endless study, failure after failure, and self-exile have paid off!” The alicorn squeezed him tighter, as if scared that he might turn back to stone again. “To put a cherry on top all of this, the first words I hear from you were a proclamation of love.”

She hiccupped and looked up at him, a hopeful smile stretching across her face. “You really mean it? I’m not dreaming, and there is somepony aside from my sister who loves me?”

Discord didn’t say anything, he just stood there with his mouth gaping like a fish out of water. “But… But… How? How am I… Me?” He finally managed to drag out of his mouth, and Luna released her death hug and sat on the grass before him.

“It worked Discord, my spell worked! Oh you didn’t combust or melt or anything similarly horrid!” Luna squealed in a manner that was very contrary to what you would expect from a princess. She drew in a few deep breathes to calm her self.

Discord began to smile, maybe he could be with this mare, maybe- A thought had wormed its way back into his head and he looked at her expressionlessly.

“You stopped coming… I was alone for weeks… You abandoned me Luna, why?” He asked quietly, and Luna gasped and shook her head quickly.

“You have my royal word that I never abandoned you! It was ‘Tia, she wouldn’t let me back into the gardens, she claimed that it was bad for my social growth to spend all of my waking hours in the gardens talking to statues! I told her that I had very important things to do, but she refused to believe me. I would never abandon a friend, you have my most sacred of royal words on this.” Luna said as she placed a hoof on her chest in a solemn vow.

The draconequus scowled, it figured Celestia would muck things up for him again, even if it was unintentional and in the interest of keeping her sister sane. The scowl inevitably gave way to a smile.

Friend. He had a friend, and possibly…

“Ah… Dearest Luna, about my confession… Would you… That is to say… What I am trying to ask… The thing is, I would…” Discord tried several times to voice himself, but couldn’t find the right way to say it. Oh the cruel irony, he could turn day to night and back again like a strobe light, but he couldn’t ask a simple question.

Chocolate rain from the sky? Easy. Asking a mare he had technically known for over a millennium a relationship question? Yeah, because that was just as easy as tearing the space-time continuum into pieces and smashing the pieces back together like a foal would a jigsaw puzzle.

Luna giggled behind her hoof, and stood up, taking his claw in her hoof. “Come with me, ’Tia made me swear to bring any potential suitors to her first before accepting proposals. I just know she will be so happy to you!”

Discord blanched as he was dragged off towards the castle. “Suitor? Proposal? CELESTIA?! I think this is a very bad idea Luna, your sister doesn’t exactly have positive feelings towards me, of any kind, remember?” He exclaimed nervously, and he was sweating bullets as he tried to pull away from Luna, but the lunar princess paid him no heed.

“Nonsense! My happiness has been doubled, therefore my sister will be overjoyed for me! There is nothing to fear from my sister.” Luna said reassuringly, but the embodiment of chaos and disharmonious discord didn’t look any less apprehensive at having to come face to face with the elder sister, and to ask permission to have Luna as his… That word that apparently is extremely difficult for him to think, let alone think.

“My point precisely, overjoyed for you. I still have plenty to fear you know. Chaotic god or not, I would rather not have Celestia angry at me. Again.”

Luna just gave another girlish giggle and continued dragging Discord to what he was sure to be his trial, followed shortly by an undoubtedly excruciatingly painful demise at the hooves of a likely to enraged Celestia. Discord whimpered as the castle doors drew nearer.

“When they say you have a crush, you aren't supposed to do things that will literally get them crushed!"

Author’s Notes

Hey there, Roxxi here! Before you all freak out on me and flood the comments with raging screams of “You can’t do that! You’re rushing the relationship! Blah blah blah!” I would like to offer some information in my defense. First off, this is a follow-up of a previous story, Discord’s Day where I did foreshadow future Discord-Luna. Please go back and read it before you start flaming, okay? Second, if you take a look up at the top, you’ll see it says "Days", and basic reasoning would suggest that I plan to make this ordeal into a nice multi-chapter story.

Now for the part where I get to talk to the non-flaming fans of mine! I really hope I did you all proud with this, and I hope it passes your judgment and that you become infatuated with it, or at least like it enough to continue reading it, whichever suits your fancy. At the very least, I hope it made you chuckle here and there.

Would this classify as a romantic comedy? I think so, but I've been wrong before. A lot.

Yours in Literacy,
