• Published 12th Oct 2020
  • 20,839 Views, 705 Comments

Since When am I Faust? - Mike_456

For centuries a certain alicorn has been trapped in another dimension. When she finally found a way home, her spell went wrong, and it pulled a human consciousness in with her. Now the two live as separate personalities in the same body.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Family Reception

Since When am I Faust?
Chapter 11: Family Reception

There was a buzz in the air. The royal wedding had just ended, and the guests were leaving the hall. Outside they found all the Maids and Butlers present; they lined the halls on either side and pointed, directing the guests through the castle towards the reception hall. Almost all of them had a faint smile on their face; and carried a feeling of happiness that they got to play a part in this special occasion.

Lined up behind them stood the royal guard. Since last time, they decided to double the security and amp up their training. The attack on Canterlot had been an embarrassing display for the royal guard, and the captain hoped to rectify that blunder. So, they remained vigilant, keeping their eyes open for any threats. So far, there hadn't been any cause for alarm, but they stayed attentive all the same.

From inside the wedding hall, I watched as the guests funneled out through the door. I had decided to wait until they all left; I could have run ahead, but the little nymph in my care made the ponies feel uneasy. They played it off as indifference, given the announcement made upon my embarrassing arrival. However, I could see it in their eyes, and so could the nymph. She would pull away from some of the guests as they passed and scrunched her face up as if she was tasting something sour.

Looking back, I wished I could have done things a little differently. Maybe, if I hadn't been so overconfident and asked for more aid, she'd be free from all the animosity the ponies had for changelings. I wanted her to be welcome, to be free from stigma, and to simply enjoy her youth.

I sighed and pulled her closer, and she looked up at me with that cute expression of hers, nuzzling my leg. I smiled and looked down at her, stroking her mane as she took comfort in being at my side. In that moment, I decided that whatever it takes, I'd make the world a better place for her and Lin.

As I gave a slight nod, settling on what I would strive for, I heard Lauren's voice speak up from the midst of my mind; she broke the silence saying, (I'm the same way.)

What? I thought as I looked up into space.

The alicorn in my mind let out a stifled laugh and explained. (I felt it, Alex, your promise. I made that same vow to myself when I first laid eyes on Tia. I promised that whatever it took, I'd rid the world of all the remaining monsters and demons created by that long-horned twit; and that I would make it a world that she could live in peace and happiness.)

A happy chirp at our hooves then brought the two of us back to reality, and I looked down at Penny. The nymph smiled at us. There was understanding in her eyes. It was a sense that she knew that whatever it took, I would always protect her.

That expression of understanding was promptly replaced with confusion as Luna suddenly lifted her little body into the air. She flailed around a bit, asking, "What's the big idea!" But when she realized she was being put on Luna's back, Pennilia became all too happy to get a ride. She took the higher elevation as an opportunity to allow her to see just a little more of the city. She spotted the city through the windows and happily chirped as she saw the buildings. Luna looked at the child with an endearing smile, then she glanced at me, motioning with her head, "Come on mother, it's time."

I nodded and followed her to the doorway. By this point, most of the guests had already left, but they were still visible in the distance. Luna and I were going to follow their lead, but something else caught our attention. Sitting there beside the door was Celestia. She was kneeling down, prodding a pony with a stick. (poke poke) "Elayne... (poke poke) Elayne... (poke poke) Are you alright?..." (poke poke)

The pony on the ground groaned, tired and worn out; she whined, "Ugh… please stop princess... It's getting annoying..." Responded the pony on the floor.

I gave 'my' daughter a questioning glance, and Tia looked up at me, noticing we were there, and she gave a playful smile. "She's a little tired after her walk."

"Walk!? I was looking for YOU!" Elayne cried as she flailed around on the ground.

"But I'm right here silly." (poke poke)

"Stop it!" She said, swatting away the stick. It went flying through the air and hit a window shattering it. Elayne scrunched up her muzzle as she stared wide-eyed at the damage.

Suddenly, the sound of something clattering to the ground reached our ears, and it drew our attention to the broken window. We couldn't see him, but all of us heard the voice of a pony outside. He gasped and yelled out in a thick accent, "Oh, No!!!… I-a just put dat window up dis morning!~"

Elayne's ears flattened, and all four of us tore our attention away from the window. We looked at each other with wide eyes, and a moment of silence hung between us.

On Luna's back, Penny leaned into view. She threw her arms into the air and shouted, "Scatter!"

At her word, we all quickly got into gear and gathered our things. Tia threw Elayne on her back, and we left, scuttling away from the scene in a hurry, hoping that nopony saw us. Well, other than the guards and castle staff still standing at the side of the hall. While we ran past them, they all looked at the unicorn with a grin as they were trying to hold back a laugh. The little pony blushed furiously. She was so going to get in trouble when Silver Pane found out.

A few minutes later, we slowed our pace, figuring we had put enough distance between us and the scene of the crime. We continued at a walking pace as we got further down the hall, and at about halfway to our destination, I noticed an opening in the lineup of ponies on the side of the halls. That opening lead to a set of double doors, and through the glass, I could see the castle courtyard.

Initially, I didn't pay it any mind, and I started to walk past it, thinking that we were all supposed to be at the reception as soon as possible. However, as I walked straight past the door, the sound of running hooves met my ears. I turned my head and saw Celestia running up to catch up to me. She stopped beside me and draped her wing over my back. I gave her a questioning glance, and she explained, "Mother, you're going the wrong way."

"Huh? But the reception hall is that way isn't it?" I said, confused.

Tia smiled, "Yes, it is. But we aren't going there yet."

"We aren't?" I asked, tilting my head.

Celestia chuckled, "No, you ran out earlier before you could be told. Cadance want’s us to meet in the gardens after the wedding ceremony, we are all having our pictures taken."

I nodded, "Oh, alright... But wait, why do they want me there?"

To my question, Celestia rolled her eyes and bumped against my side, "Because Mom, she wants her whole family to be there. Come on, they're waiting for us."

She then left my side and headed outside. I stood there a moment longer as she stepped out, stunned. My heart skipped a beat as I realized something that had been rather obvious. Cadance thought of me as a part of her family, and I had been entirely oblivious to it. Till now, I had just thought of her as a close friend, but I was glad to consider her family. I smiled at the thought, and I headed out the door.

Walking outside, I had to pause for a moment as my eyes needed to readjust to the harsh light. It took a moment, but they adjusted. Looking around, I spotted Celestia landing near the wedding party walking in the distance. They were walking towards the gardens, and at the head of the party, I saw Cadance leaning her head on Shining as they walked along.

I started following them, making my way through the courtyard, hoping to catch up. As I walked along, I noticed that some of the bricks seemed a bit loose. I almost tripped a few times and needed to catch myself from stumbling. With a groan, I looked down and followed the trail of loose bricks with my eyes. What I saw made me wince.

I found myself staring at all the destruction from that day. The area was still undergoing construction, but it was clear enough for me to remember. Near the other side, I spotted the crater. The same one I had been in when we almost lost Cadance to that mad changeling. A sickening chill washed over me as I remembered the pain I was in, and I quickly shook my head, running to catch up to the group before more traumatizing memories resurfaced.

After half a minute of running, I finally caught up with the wedding party as they walked through the gardens. There was a peaceful atmosphere here, and I could hear the sound of birds as they happily flew in and out of the hedges.

We found a spot near the center where there was a fountain. The fountain flowed into a small pond, and there was a large clearing around it, and it was filled to the brim with flowers. It was a perfect location.

Coming along with us was a young colt with a camera. He had an orange coat and a brown mane; he also wore a cap backwards on his head. He wanted to get the royal couple's photos first. So, Shining and Cadance walked over. They stood in front of the fountain and looked into each other's eyes.

The rest of us stood at the sidelines as the colt tried his best to describe how he wanted the couple to pose. The two looked quite awkward, not fully understanding what he was trying to say. It was cute. When they finally understood, we watched them pose as husband and wife, holding each other while staring into each other's eyes.

A shallow smile made its way onto my face as I saw the two. Yet, at the same time, there was a slight pang of sadness in my heart. I didn't understand at first, but a moment later, an image of a tan stallion with longer hair and a beard appeared. He was a pegasus, and he was waiting on what looked to be a wedding altar. Behind him stood a white alicorn. She had a blonde mane and a pair of red glasses. The image flashed before my eyes in an instant, and it disappeared just as fast, another snippet of Faust's memories. It was quick, but the damage was already done. The image brought with it a sense of sadness to our heart.

On the outside, I was smiling happily. However, if one were paying more attention, they would notice the subtle difference in me as my breathing became shaky. Centuries of emotion held firmly in our heart came crashing down on me, and I fought to hold myself together. At the same time, Lauren was doing her best to keep her emotions at bay. However, as much as she could suppress them, they still lingered, and the effects were enough that I found it difficult to hold back from breaking into tears. Although I found it difficult, I somehow managed to hold myself together. I breathed out slowly in an attempt to calm myself. Once our little episode had passed, I tilted my head up and asked my passenger, What was that?

There was a moment of silence that passed as my words hung in the air. Then, I heard the mare at the back of my mind sigh, and she gave a sad chuckle. She took over, and I heard Lauren's voice as she said, (That...) Our gaze, turned to Tia and Luna. (...Was their father... And the mare, was my mentor... They're gone now...)

There was a deep-seated pain in her heart as she said this, and before I knew it, I was back in control. My chest ached, and my breathing was shaky. With a sad smile, I tilted my head up and whispered to myself. "You miss them, don't you..."

(Yes... I miss them so very much...)

I breathed out gave a slight nod recognizing her pain. But I also understood she was happy she made her decision and that she'd do it again if given a choice.

I stood off to the side, absorbed in my thoughts. The click of a camera caught my attention, and I looked over to see two ponies standing with us that I hadn't met yet. One was a white mare with a white and purple mane, and the other one was a blue stallion with a navy-colored mane. They were taking their own photos, but they also quickly noticed my gaze. Turning to look at me, the mare's eyes lit up, and she gave the camera to the stallion beside her and trotted over to me. A wide grin made its way onto her face as she approached me.

"Hello, you wouldn't happen to be Miss Faust, would you?"

"...Yes." I answered hesitantly.

The mare's face beamed with excitement, "I've heard so much about you, I'm Twilight Velvet, Shining's mother, both him and Twilight have been singing your praises over the past couple days. It's so nice to finally meet the mare everypony's talking about!"

My ears flattened against my head, "Wait, everypony's talking about me?"

"Yes of course! It's been the talk of the whole city. The mysterious mare who appeared out of nowhere and single-hoofedly fought off an army."

I reared back slightly, "I didn't realize the whole city already knew about me..."

Not too far away, Celestia put a hoof to her forehead, "Yes, mother, of course they do. I've been trying to keep things quiet as much as I could, but once the news got out, we ended up having to beat the news ponies off the door. It's been a real headache..."

I looked back at her with a surprised expression, "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't realize." I said with a shrug.

Tia shook her head, "It's not your fault, mom. They're just, very... Persistent."

"I guess." I said, then turned back to Velvet and raised an eyebrow, "So, you mentioned Shining and Twilight have been singing my praises. What excatly have they been saying?"

Velvet's smile turned into a grin, realizing what I was doing, and she happily joined into my little game. She raised her voice, making it loud enough for all to hear, and proceeded to say. "Well, Shining has been going on and on about what you did during the wedding. He keeps mentioning about how you revolutionized the guards shielding techni..." That's all she was able to get out before the mare's mouth was promptly covered by both Shining and Twilight. They had a look of worry and embarrassment on their faces. It was priceless.

"Please excuse her." Shining said, and Velvet raised her brow with amusement. An understanding gaze flashed across our faces. Teasing these kids was going to be so much fun.

Before the conversation could progress any further, the photographer asked that they include the wedding party for the next set of photos. Twilight and her friends went up and stood together, and he clicked his camera at a ridiculous speed. Somehow Rarity managed to strike a different pose for each shot.

As he finished those, we then moved onto a large family photo. That's where Tia, Luna, Twilights parents, and myself came in. We all stood there and got a group shot. Once we finished that, we got a silly picture just for the fun of it.

Finishing up, we made our way to the reception. On our way back, the girls switched shifts, and Luna raised the moon, beginning the night.

When we arrived at the reception, everypony already sat at their assigned seating. The banquet had tables set up under a covered overhang, but the rest was open to the night air. I sat down at a long table with the rest of the wedding party. Shining and Cadance were in the center, and the rest of us were on either side of the two.

The dinner itself seemed to be catered towards the nobility than anything else, but that's what one would expect from a royal banquet.

Once everypony had eaten to their fill, excluding Pinkie, the newly married couple stood up from their seats. They entered the center of the room, and everyone's attention turned to them.

We watched with keen interest as the lights in the room suddenly dimmed and the subtle background music came to a halt. The live orchestra lifted a sheet of music as they switched to a different song, then they waited, keeping their eyes on the couple. The two were standing facing each other, then at their signal, the music began. Thus began their first dance as a married couple.

It was rather interesting to me. The two danced what I would guess to be the pony equivalent to a waltz.

Both Tia and Lulu cooed at the sight, and I felt my ear lift at the sound of their voices, and a grin quickly spread across my face. Mentally stepping aside, I watched as Lauren took over. With a sly smile, Faust nudged her daughter's sides with our wings and said, "(Well that's one princess married off, now just two more to go.)"

Both princesses stiffened up at Lauren’s words, and they turned their heads to look at her in protest. However, upon seeing the grin spreading across Faust's face, the princesses quickly realized that their mother was only pulling their leg. Celestia chuckled to herself, and Luna sighed in relief. For Celestia, it had been a while since she had been on the receiving end of such teasing.

I felt myself regain control, and I glanced up at Celestia, and she gave me a playful nudge as she held down a blush. Picking up a glass, Tia took a sip of water, and she began to look around at the crowd with an awkward gaze. She hoped no 'eligible' colts overheard our conversation. To her relief, there didn't seem to be any looking at her. But she stifled a laugh when she spotted a few stallions looking at Luna.

As for everypony else, they had their attention on the two in the center of the dancefloor. The crowd cheered for the couple as their performance came to an end. Cadance and Shining gave each other a small kiss. As they broke the kiss, the two stepped away from each other and smiled.

Suddenly, a steady beat grew in time with the music, and the couple were beginning to dance to the beat. From out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie slid onto the dance floor with a microphone, and she shouted, "Alright! Who's ready to par-tay!"

As she spoke, the pink mare spun around and hit a button that most of the guests had thought to be just another decoration. Confetti and streamers suddenly burst from the ceiling, and the music from the orchestra picked up with a funky beat.

Twilight and her friends quickly ran out to the dance floor, and the rest of the guests soon followed. Fireworks erupted outside. They only added to the atmosphere of celebration.

I got up and walked over to the balcony, enjoying the fresh night air. That's when I noticed it. The whole city was lit up in celebration, and I found myself looking out in disbelief. I knew that Pinkie could throw a party together, but this was on a completely different level than I had ever imagined. All of Canterlot was up in celebration, and from the dim lights in the distance, it looked like other towns and cities were as well. I was astonished, and I suddenly found myself with a newfound respect for the crazy mare.

Glancing back at 'my' daughters. I spotted Tia enjoying her time talking with a group of ponies. Luna, on the other hand, seemed to be content with watching from her seat. I gave a frown, and with a quick flash of my horn, she was enveloped in an ember glow, and she let out a surprised yelp when I lifted her from her seat. Luna floated over to my side, and I set her down.

She looked at me expectantly, and I flashed a grin and stuck my tongue out at her. She did the same back to me, and the two of us chuckled as we looked out at the night sky.

Glancing in her direction, I asked her, "Do you feel like dancing?"

Luna looked down and pursed her lips. With a shallow nod, she answered, "Yes, I would like to, but I am unfamiliar with this music, and I have not danced in a very long time..." She looked up at me with a sheepish expression, and admitted "I think I forgot how..."

Taking her concerns in stride, I walked a little closer and draped a wing over her back. Looking her in the eyes with a smile, I said, "Luna, you don't have to worry about any specific type of dance, just be yourself. Come on, you can't be worse than me. I guarantee it."

(Hey! I'm a great dancer!)

But I ain't, not even as a human.

(In that case, this should be interesting.)

Luna shook her head and looked at me, "But Mother, I'm a princess, I'm supposed to know how to..." She trailed off as he looked down in embarrassment.

Bumping up against her side, I waved a hoof, saying, "Ah, who cares! Come on, Luna." I lead her across the room through the crowd. On our way to find a clear area, we came across where Twilight was dancing. The little unicorn was having a blast, but at the same time, she couldn't dance to save her life. She was just so bad. It looked more like she was being electrocuted than any form of rhythmic movement. Poor Spike got too close and got thrown across the room from one of her flailing legs. Thankfully, AJ reacted quickly enough and caught the drake with the punch bowl she was standing beside. The baby dragon crawled out muttering to himself about 'every single party and went to get the towel he brought with him.

The nobility around her looked on with concern and backed away from the purple unicorn. Spotting the adorkable spaz, I leaned closer to Luna and whispered. "Notice how when it's just one pony looks silly, but if you add two or more, then it's just fun."

The princess was confused. Then when I let go of her side, she looked at me with horror, "Mother you don't mean..."

"Yep!" I said, cutting her off, and I jumped in beside Twilight. My limbs were all over the place, and I think I managed to be even worse than Twilight.

The nobility around us looked on in surprise, and Luna put her hoof to her muzzle as she started chuckling to herself. She watched the pair of us boogie like a couple of fools. The princess gradually started to get a little more comfortable as she watched us, and after a minute, she approached my side and began trying to find her rhythm. She was much better than the two of us, but we now had three dancing goofs in either case. That three quickly became four as Pinkie joined in, and with her came the children. I made sure to put myself in between them and sparklebutt, lest we get any more casualties.

With Pinkie here, our goofy dancing quickly became a game, and we each would make a silly dance while the others tried to follow. Luna did a strut in place while bobbing her head back and forth to the beat, I threw my arms up and swung them back and forth above my head, and Twilight did, well, Twilight. We certainly had our fun. We went on like that for hours, eventually exhausting ourselves to the brink of collapse.

When the party began to wind down, I found myself at the back talking to Cadance and Shining Armor. The two were about to depart, apparently having to catch a flight to their honeymoon destination.

Standing at the door, Shining explained, "Yeah, so we are heading back now so we can get enough sleep to get up in the morning." He looked over to Celestia and bowed, "Thank you for presiding over our wedding, it truly is an honor."

As he said that, Cadance nodded in agreement, and Tia looked at the married couple with a warm smile. "It was my pleasure. Have a wonderful honeymoon you two." The couple bowed their heads in respect and then turned to leave. before walking out of sight Shining and Cadance gave one last glance at the group of us standing at the back of the reception hall, we waved, and the two left.

Watching them walk away, I felt Lauren take over, she leaned to the side, supporting our weight on our hip, and smirked. With a laugh, she said, "(Yeah, he's not getting any sleep tonight…)" Both Tia and Luna nodded in unison, as she said this, and the wedding party quickly gained a blush on their faces.

Shining's parents, who weren’t too far away, also overheard Lauren's comment. Velvet broke out into a fit of giggles, and Night light grinned, and threw his foreleg into the air, shouting, "That's my boy!"

From amongst all the commotion, Twilight was a bit confused, but then suddenly, she caught on and her face became beat red with a puff of smoke. Meanwhile, Spike looked back and forth between everyone, and shrugged, "I don't get it."

Author's Note:

Finally past the wedding!!! It only took five years!!! :raritydespair:

Really though, in all seriousness, thank you all for sticking with me. I hope you all will continue with me on this journey till the end.

I’m super excited for what comes next!!! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 154 )

I mean could be worse. My favoritest story on FimFic started being written in 2012, only has 15 chapters, yet wasn't finished until 2019 with a 3 year gap then a single chapter that ended on a cliffhanger and then another 3 year gap before the climax and epilogues were written.

The image flashed before my eyes in an instant, and it disappeared just as fast, another snippet of Faust's memories. It was quick, but the damage was already done. The image brought with it a sense of sadness to our heart. Typically, I would have asked her what I saw, but I didn't need to; I already knew.

no wait ask her! i am unsure of the answer i have formulated and are therefore humbly asking you to question her to satisfy this need for knowledge because if you refuse to, i shall bring to myself a curse that enables and forces me to speak in this kind of manner for a selected period of time to add a dramatic flare to this comment and to meme my way all the way through! (lmao i proofread this thing like 5 times)

At least it’s still ongoing. There are so many stories that have perished for one reason or another.

Thank goodness you're not dead, in other news this was a great chapter, could use a little tweaking and all but it was very good.
And woooo the story lives! Lol

I threw my arms up and swung them back and forth above my head

"Throw your hands (hooves) in the air, and wave them like you (just?) don't care ... " [* Rapper's Delight *]

Meanwhile, Spike looked back and forth between the mares, and stallion, confused, and said, "I don't get it."

Faust/Alex : Oh, kiddo. Allow me to tell you about the birds and the bees.
Celestia: Mother! I think you should let that task to Twilight... Velvet, of course.
Cadance: Hey, that's my job!
Shining: Caddy, your 'talk' gave Twily nightmare for almost a week, remember?

the mare's mouth was promptly covered by both Shining and Twilight.

Once we finished that, we gave a silly picture just for the fun of it.

She trailed off as she looked down in embarrassment.

Looking forward to more of this story!

New chapter!


*clears throat*


10788666 You know now that I look it over I can see how unclear that is. how about this?

A shallow smile made its way onto my face as I saw the two. Yet, at the same time, there was a slight pang of sadness in my heart. I didn't understand at first, but a moment later, an image of a tan stallion with longer hair and a beard appeared. He was a pegasus, and he was waiting on what looked to be a wedding altar. Behind him stood a white alicorn, she had a blonde mane and a pair of red glasses.

Once our little episode had passed, I tilted my head up and asked my passenger, What was that?

There was a moment of silence that passed as my words hung in the air. Then, I heard the mare at the back of my mind sigh, and she gave a sad chuckle. She took over and I heard Lauren's voice as she said, (That...) Our gaze, turned to Ti and Luna. (...Was their father... And the mare was my mentor.)

There was a deep-seated pain in her heart as she said this, and before I knew I was back in control. My chest ached and my breathing was shaky, with a sad smile I tilted my head up and whispered to myself. "You miss him, don't you..."

(Yes, I do Alex... I miss him so very much...)

I breathed out gave a slight nod recognizing her pain. But I also understood she was happy she made her decision, and that if given the choice she'd do it again.

Haven't read this yet, but the premise is interesting. I'll give this a read when I have time later. Added to my tracking folder.

10788740 10788720 10788651 👍 Thanks

10788746 I was actually thinking more along the lines of this. :derpytongue2:

10788791 Thanks
10788824 I'm glad to hear it!

10788860 I hope you enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

both him and Twilight have been singing your prases over the past couuple days.


The secret to pony magic FUN

10788880 :rainbowderp: Oops, in my defense it was 2:30 AM, but thank you for spotting it. 👍

great chapter!
kept you long enough XD

jk, keep up the good story!

I wonder how they reveal that Lauren Faust's body act's as two steaer Jaeger

I'm here for the long run. So, keep up the good work!

Comment posted by Lunarist Screeching deleted Apr 26th, 2021

Tia shook her head, "It's not your fault, mom. They're just, very... Percistant."

it should be Persistent

But she stifled a laugh when she spotted a few stallions looking at Luna.

i don't blame them Luna is pretty

Thanks for this, even though it took five years, its nice to see it finally happen!

loved it its was pure unfiltered F U N

It’s fine

A real update? Yay!

"Please excuse her." Shining said, and Velvet raised her brow with amusement. An understanding gaze flashed across our faces. Teasing these kids was going to be so much fun.


Author's Note:

Finally past the wedding!!! It only took five years!!! :raritydespair:

Really though, in all seriousness, thank you all for sticking with me. I hope you all will continue with me on this journey till the end.

I’m super excited for what comes next!!!

So am I :trollestia:

Aw spike your young you will eventually learn.

Hey! I'm a great dancer!

But I ain't, not even as a human.

In that case, this should be interesting.

I think this was supposed to be inside their head

10789799 You are correct, thanks for catching that 👍

Glad this fic is still going! Can't wait for more chapters!

Next, the Crystal Empire. I'm eager to see how they affect the event and it's future as the butterfly effect went bigger and bigger.:heart:

Take your time :)

.Poor Spike got too close and got thrown across the room from one of her flailing arms.

Limbs, hooves, or legs would work better than arms, as she doesn’t have arms.

I’m super excited for what comes next!!!

Now... Does that mean good things happen? ...Or bad?

The Problem With Magic. Last update was 4 years after the previous update. Now, we've been waiting 3 years. Deathtap insists the next chapter will be "soon", though. I believe.

Two mini arcs first, and I suppose it could be seen as either good or bad. :trollestia:

10790319 Thanks for the suggestion. 👍

Congrats for finally getting this far (again) :trollestia:

Shit's about to get real, though, when Sombra enters the stage. :twilightoops:

10789092 10791296
Admittedly, I probably didn't do an excellent job at explaining it, but what I was going for is that most ponies don't know about Lauren because her legend is so old, and carries very few details.

That said, I've been a little confused about the comments about the guards not knowing who she is. The scene where they arrest her and Penny was meant to convey that they didn't believe that she is who she said she is, not that they didn't know who Faust is. In the scene, they had already made their minds up that she was a changeling in disguise. So there was no convincing them with logic. I thought it was relatively clear but maybe not, sometimes it's hard to see the reader's perspective when you have all the information already, knowing what every character is doing and why.

Suddenly, the sound of something clattering to the ground reached our ears, and it drew our attention to the broken window. We couldn't see him, but all of us heard the voice of a pony outside. He gasped and yelled out in a thick accent, "Oh, No!!!… I-a just put dat window up dis morning!~"


10790836 Everyone expecting something epic, meanwhile I’m sitting there trying to tone down the stupid after coming up with stuff like this. :derpytongue2:

Citizens, "Oh no he's here!"
Alex clicks on a dollarstore light and points it at Sombra. “Taste the fury of my flashlight!”
Lauren (That's never going to work...)
Sombra "MY EYES!!!"

She got forearms though (that's between shoulder and front canon)


"To be fair King Sombra is.... kind of pathetic he needed Discord to give him a power boost to be able to do anything for real.

10791962 True, I think I’ll do my own take on his character, and expand on his threat level. I may also give him a funny quirk while I’m at it

The baby dragon crawled out muttering to himself about 'every single party and went to get the towel he brought with him.

Ahh, somedragon has experience with galactic hitchhiking, I see. :ajsmug:

A shallow smile made its way onto my face as I saw the two. Yet, at the same time, there was a slight pang of sadness in my heart. I didn't understand at first, but a moment later, an image of a tan stallion with longer hair and a beard appeared. He was a pegasus, and he was waiting on what looked to be a wedding altar. Behind him stood a white alicorn. She had a blonde mane and a pair of red glasses. The image flashed before my eyes in an instant, and it disappeared just as fast, another snippet of Faust's memories. It was quick, but the damage was already done. The image brought with it a sense of sadness to our heart.

I hope we get more mention of her (the primordial alicorn). Will you be referring to her as Iridia or Bonniecorn?

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