• Published 13th Oct 2020
  • 1,287 Views, 14 Comments

My Time in Equestria - ShadowRazer2121

So yeah you know how it goes except this time with a twist.

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Chapter 5: The Plan

So with my idea ready to go all I needed was a way to make it come into play. My plan was to prove rainbow right.

....what? Oh I know what your thinking, no not like that. I mean in a sense where they would believe her, but then would feel guilty and I can act my anger towards them. A perfect plan if I do say so myself.

So this is how it will go. I had to do was find a reason to get skittles to get every body or pony my case on board with her. I know smart plan right like, like totally flawless. Anyway, my plan was to have something to make my sus levels rise to them. I can use magic I can also disguise my magic as well. If I could make it look like dark magic then my plan would work perfectly. Another idea was to pretend to be making an evil plan, but in reality, I was simply just making plans to renew my house. So I had a reason this was my perfect plan the only issue was how to use my Tom Fuckery.

Putting that in the plan would be the hard part. Yeah, that...that would be the hard part. So, I had to get creative.

My first thought was to get plans of the Everfree and have pictures of the Elements of Harmony covering the map to make it look like I was looking for the Tree of Harmony. Yes, I know what that is, I am not that stupid. I decided on the plan with the Everfree forest and yes I know my last experience was anything but lovely. I just had to find out where it was. Yes i eventually found out it was under a fucking castle. I decided to walk to the library, in which that alone would make sus levels rise a little bit. I came to the door and opened it to find that the lights were off. That's when a thought entered my head.

"Oh no." I said as the lights came on to reveal, you guessed it, a welcome to Ponyville party. I should have known that would happen, but hey why don't you plan an evil plan then we will talk.

Anyway, I will not bore you with the details it kind of just had Skittles and Apple Ass giving me the stink eye. Even though they thought I wasn't looking. I AM FUCKING MAGICAL! WOAH, FUCK YEAH! The party went normal from there, the usual Pinkie games, cake, and etc. What caught my eye or the lack there of, was a certain lavender unicorn named sparkle butt. Yes I came up with names of my own so get over it. No Flutters does not get one, she's too innocent. Then, it clicked on me. She was probably researching about me and my species in general. Oh foolish mare oh how my plan was already coming together. With Twilight unable to think or find any history of my species then she would think I am lying. It would all go down hill from there. It was a perfect plan.

Eventually, the party ended I got what I had come for. They were books on the elements, history, and a map of Equestria. The map was so I had an escape plan if my first plan went wrong. Where was I supposed to go you ask? Oh no where just a cave in the frozen north. No one, or pony, would ever look in that frozen waste land.

Your also thinking, you have chaos magic yet your not using it. And I will say what I said at the beginning I have limited mana that takes about a day or two to refill, But with practice I can make it bigger. So yeah, that's that. Moving on, I had the books I started tracing my tools making the Weapons on my choice appear and then thought of something. I needed a second in command. I may not be a human with a rip off infinity gauntlet, but I was clever. I had to make sure I was remembered, that I was a giant compared to all other evils, and that I...........

I am getting carried away let continue shall we? As I just sat next to a tree tracing my stuff for my plan I could hear wing flaps near by and knew who it was. Now, yet again your probably thinking Skittles is being a little too suspicious and following you too much. I don't know, usually in these kind of stories she backs off by now don't ask me ask her.

Continuing, I smirked as I finished the drawing of the element of magic and closed the drawing book and made my way towards my house with the Skittles following suit. I entered my humble abode and closed the door. I set the book down so she would find it, while making it looked like I was hiding it. I soon left to go to the market for I actually had to pick some food up. An Human turned Umbreon needs his meat and other important stuff like food.


You thought I was going to buy stuff like shampoo and soap. That's funny and already have that. moving on, I left and turned a corner and waited about 3 minutes and found the side window to my kitchen open funny story too, I left some bacon on the table just for the added affect of villainy. I know, I am brilliant. I knew she had found my drawings because I caught sight of my book in her han....um..paws....no wait. HOOVES! Yes, I got it.

Anyway, I followed her back to the library and found that they were discussing about what was in my book. Thats when I took it upon myself to make them do what I hopped they would do.

Hide it.

Author's Note:


I'm thinking...I'm thinking...I'm thinking...I'm thinking...I'm thinking...I'm thinking...

Another one???????????