• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



Comments ( 38 )

Ah, so Vinyl Scratch was somewhat used to this.

but i'm sure as fuck not


This was a pretty neat stream-of-consciousness to read. I actually could follow the second chapter pretty well, given that one of my friends/former roommate nearly went into serotonin shock when she took too much of one of her meds. I'm curious to see if you leave it up, and where it will continue if you do.

Also, obligatory:


And they say LPs are the superior format.

For me? i can't wait to give this a read. Thank you so much Regi ~<3

right? fucking scam is what they are

If you set your player to the "wrong" settings they sound hilarious. That's one advantage of vinyls in general: analog stuff is more vulnerable to silly hacks like that... well, silly hacks that us mere mortals can use, anyway.

fake and gay

I was listening to one of my Pandora stations while reading this chapter. This is the song that came up:

Feels fitting in a way. Great job on the descriptions in this one. I can feel the plaque building on Vinyl's teeth, like it once did on my own when I was in a similar state.

Oh damn. That's some trauma, right there, for both of them.

That feeling is the worst. Vinyl has done some incredibly fucked-up things and needs serious help, but I still feel very sorry for her.

The idea of a cosmomancy tower is so fucking cool.

This chapter definitely made me want to throw up.

Thanks, I guess.

if you do save it in a ziplock and mail it to me

Nothing like some dank ol' psychosis to spice up a story.

You need a better diet than this.

you're not my dad

Jeez. Sounds like someone could use a knife to the neck.

are u offering owo

Reminds me of this:

Really liked this chapter. Gives a good feeling for the whole story, and Vinyl's life.

Man. The masochism has run as deep as it can, into auto-snuff(?).

Really curious to see what the next chapter is after this. I have an idea, but I could be way off.

Sure. You want it agonizing and slow or quick and easy?

oh fuck make it as slow as possible please

Fuck this.

I can understand why you'd say that.

Gotcha. One torturous death coming u-

W-WAIT! Mena, we talked about this, you'renot supposed to hurt anypony anymore!

Oh, come on, he was literally asking for it!

No. I won't let you!

Oh man I've been here. The point you've broken yourself,because you won't let yourself comedown nothing is enjoyable, because your stuck trying every second just reaching to feel the way you used to. The only safe way out is so hard to find you have to stop you have to live the most boring depressing life for months let your brain heal let it get used to being bored again only then can one feel again . The sad thing is th ones who could earn you are either stuck or done with the party.

Bravo this was entertaining the amount of story and details in so few words was a remix unto itself.

Regidar? Are you feeling alright?”

I really like the formatting in this one. Very stream-of-consciousness, almost nightmarish.

Oh shit. I just realized that the story is complete.


Just... damn.

I'm not really sure what to say. I definitely wanted more of this, especially some glimmer of hope, somewhere. But life doesn't always work that way, and that's the point, isn't it?

Thanks for writing this, though. What a ride.

I think this is one of the nastiest things I’ve ever read. You can tell how fucking off the deep end she is that she’s associated pain with reward.

Thanks, I absolutely hate it. Eugh.

Stay away
Get b_a_c_ from me you ghost
It’d be better if I was dead
T_er_ _s n_ l_g_t _t t__ e_d _f t__s t_n__l
I’m still _n the endless party
A h_spit__ rage_
Fuck youu_ o_ k_t_mine just _o calm down
__wn i_t_ _h_ _ole...

The gray glimmer of her mane...

It’s not fair
to keep making her take care
of me
Octavia Melody,
Let me die.

This is still as far as I got.


nothing is any fun anymore :ajsleepy:
"fuck this."

thank you, I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

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