• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 890 Views, 33 Comments

My Little Pony: The School Musical - Harrison Sparrow

Twilight Sparkle meets another alicorn named Harrison Sparrow, where they audition for the winter musicale at Canterlot High.

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5. Crazy Detention

In the auditorium, the ponies are spending their fifteen minutes for detention. Miss Sprinkle has told them to get everything ready for the winter musicale.

"No, not enough gold there!" Miss Sprinkle said. She walks by Harrison and Lightning to look over their work on the prop tree. "Come on, keep painting, heroes!"

Rainbow runs over to Twilight with excitement. "Twilight! Big news!" She said.

"What is it, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"The answer is 'yes'!" Rainbow said.

"What do you mean 'yes'?" Twilight said.

"We're in the decathlon, and Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy are on the same team as US!" Rainbow said happily.

Twilight gasps. "OH MY GOSH!" She said, as she and Rainbow laugh and hug. "Yes!"

"Okay, our team has its first competition next week, and we're certainly not bailing out of it." Rainbow said.

"I knew this would happen." Twilight said. "Oh, didn't you tell them about our detention?"

"Oh, I did... but Pinkie was furious!" Rainbow said.

Pinkie looked at her phone and got really angry by the text Rainbow sent her. She screams dramatically.

"Was she?" Twilight said, and she sighs. "So much for not breaking a pinkie promise. I'm sorry we're in here, Rainbow."

"It's not your fault." Rainbow said. "I'll tell you what, we'll go to Sugarcube Corner every day after school. How about that?"

"Um, okay." Twilight said. "Thank you so much for telling me about this, I love you." She and Rainbow have another hug.

"Love you too." Rainbow said.

"Well, well, well, what a nice way to get caught up." Potion said. "Meeting with the smartest ponies in detention. I say, this is such a pleasant offer."

"Wow, so many fresh faces in detention today." Miss Sprinkle said. "I hope you don't make a habit of it, but the drama club would surely love to have an extra hoof. And while we are working here, let us probe the mounting evils of cell phones."

In the gym, practice is about to begin as James brings the Wildponies together.

"Huddle up, guys, come on!" James said. "We have two weeks left till the big game." He looks at the team and notices something is missing. "Four words: Where's Harrison and Lightning?" The team is silent and he's not pleased. "Don't make me ask again!"

"WHERE'S HARRISON AND LIGHTNING!?!" Metalscar suddenly yelled.

"HEY! Metalscar..." James said, and he scoffs. "The coach is talking."

The team stares at Metalscar with confusion.

Metalscar blows a raspberry. "Yep, I'm a nerd." He said.

"Uh, Coach Sparrow?" Eddie said.

"Yes, Eddie?" James said.

"Harrison and Lightning... are in detention." Eddie said.

The team gasps in shock.

"SAY WHAT!?" Duramy said.

James sighs. "Oh man..." He said as he storms off to the auditorium.

"You knew, Eddie?!" Metalscar said.

"Without telling us!?" Duramy said.

"Why the heck didn't you tell us sooner!?" Wheelburn asked.

"Sorry, guys. I got carried away with the new girls we saw today." Eddie said.

"Are you talkin’ about Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six?" Wheelburn said.

"I think so." Eddie said. "The guys are spending it in the auditorium."

"The auditorium?! You can't be serious!" Duramy said.

Metalscar chuckles. "You gotta be kidding me, man." He said.

"Oh, I ain't kidding!" Eddie said. "Also, Twilight Sparkle and her friend Rainbow Dash? They’re in there as well. Harrison and Lightning aren’t alone, you know."

"Is it just me, or has this new year got off to a crazy start?" Wheelburn asked.

"I'd say it's just you." Metalscar said. "It's not Christmas."

"Things cannot get more crazier than they already are, bro." Duramy said.

Back in the auditorium, Lightning has fallen asleep and Harrison is tickling his nose with a paper leaf.

Lightning wakes up, annoyed by this. "Harrison, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Just trying to have a laugh with you, mate." Harrison said. "You know, making this detention less boring."

"Oh, thank you, may I have another? Not!" Lightning said, as he flies up to him. "I’m trying not to waste my time here!"

"Okay, okay, I’m sorry!" Harrison said. "I won’t do that again."

"Right. Listen, if we wanna get to practice, I say we sneak outta here." Lightning said.

"What!? We can’t do that; Sprinkle will destroy us!" Harrison said.

"Maybe the most monstrous example of cell phone misuse is ringing in the theater. What audacity!" Miss Sprinkle said. "The theater is a building full of art. An exquisite cornucopia of talented energy."

James arrives and is not happy. "Where's my team, Sprinkle?!" He asked, and he sees Lightning and Harrison in the prop tree. "What the heck are those two doing in a TREE?!"

"It's known as crime and punishment, Sparrow." Miss Sprinkle said. "Besides, accessibility to the arts is cleaning for the soul."

"You and I need to have a talk." James said. "And you two, in the gym, now!"

"YES!" Harrison and Lightning said, as they fly off to the gym.

"What just happened?" Twilight asked Rainbow.

"Looks like that guy’s not having a good day." Rainbow said.

In the principal's office, James talks to the principal about Harrison and Lightning having detention.

"Listen, if they have to paint sets for Sprinkle in detention, they could do it tonight, not during my practice!" James said.

"If these were theater actors instead of gymnasts, would you be seeking exceptional treatment!?" Miss Sprinkle asked.

"Excuse me?!" James said in shock. "Sprinkle, we are days away from our most important game of the year!"

"And we, Sparrow, are in the middle of our auditions for our winter musicale as well!" Miss Sprinkle said. "This school is about more than just ponies in loose-fitting shorts throwing balls for touchdowns!"

"Baskets!" James said. "Uh, they shoot baskets."

"Stop!" The principal said, as he has had enough of them fighting. "Guys, listen to me. You were having this exact kind of argument ever since the day you both came here and started teaching. We are one school, one student body, ONE FACULTY! Can we not agree on that?!" James and Miss Sprinkle look at each other. "So, Coach, how are the Wildponies doing? Harrison got 'em whipped into shape?"

Miss Sprinkle growls and storms out of the office. The principal throws a small ball into a basket.

Back in the gym, James blows his whistle and the Wildponies get in line.

"Crystal High Knights have eliminated us from the playoffs three years in a row, and now we are just one game away from taking that trophy right back from 'em!" James said with power. "The time has come to make our stand. And remember, the team is you. You are the team, and this team does not EXIST, unless each and every ONE of you is FULLY focused on our goal! Do I make myself clear?"

"Hey, WHAT TEAM!?" Lightning said.






"WILDPONIES!" Lightning said, as he and his teammates put their hooves on the ball that James is holding.


James blows his whistle again.

After school, Twilight and Rainbow walk out of the entrance as the others were waiting for them.

"Twilight! Have you heard the news?!" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, I really did!" Twilight said happily.

"GROUP HUG!" Pinkie said.

The Mane Six have a group hug.

"I'm so happy we're on the team together!" Pinkie said, but she then turns madly to Twilight and Rainbow. "But I'm so disappointed you two got detention!"

Twilight sighs, as she and Rainbow feel bad.

"We were waiting out here for you." Rarity said. "Fifteen minutes feels like forever!"

"You pinkie promised, Twilight and Rainbow!" Pinkie said.

"What!? I didn't pinkie promise you anything!" Rainbow said.

"We're so sorry, guys, it wasn't our fault." Twilight said.

"Maybe if you had your phone on silent mode, then detention wouldn't have happened at all." Applejack said.

"Oh, of course. Thanks, Applejack." Twilight said.

Pinkie sighs. "That's okay, mistakes were made." She said.

"Now that we're all in, maybe Twilight could be our team's star player!" Rainbow said. "Right?"

"Uh, sure! Absolutely." Twilight said, and her friends cheer with excitement. "Oh, um, may I ask you guys something?"

"Ooh, sure! What is it?" Pinkie asked.

"What do you guys know about Harrison Sparrow and the Great Six?" Twilight asked.

"Harrison? That red and blue alicorn you were starin' at earlier this mornin'?" Applejack said.

"Yeah. I think he looks hoofsome, even with his accent." Twilight said.

"He sure has some bright colors." Rainbow said.

"Maybe he exists from an alternate universe to us!" Pinkie said.

Rainbow gasps. "Oh my gosh!" She said. "Isn't Harrison Sparrow the school's hottie super-bomb?" She asked some cheerleaders.

"Oh, he's cute!" The cheerleaders said.

Rainbow chuckles. "There's obviously a reason why he's so popular." She said.

"Well, have you tried to get to know him and his friends?" Twilight said.

"Who are his friends again?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight checks on her phone. "Well, there's… Metalscar, Duramy, Wheelburn, Eddie Filo, and, uh… Lightning Bolt." She said.

"Well, Lightning Bolt, to me, is the kind of guy who looks like a racer." Rainbow said. "If he is, then I would totally compete against him."

"And Eddie Filo? He does look nerdy with those glasses he wears." Pinkie said. "I can't tell if he's really loveable or not. At least, I hope he is!"

"I think Wheelburn was raised at a barn too, just like I was." Applejack said. "And with his ginger lookin' hair, I think he's got the style."

"Metalscar's hair looked crazy to me." Fluttershy said. "But the way he admired my hair, I think he really likes me."

"Ooh!" Pinkie said.

"And that Australian Duramy looked quite hoofsome, too." Rarity said. "I think it was very nice to meet the Great Six."

"I agree." Twilight said.

"Now, Twilight, we're gonna be studying in room C319, on the second floor." Rarity said. "We'll be in there during breaks and free periods."

"Okay, Rarity. I guess another studying marathon is inbound." Twilight said.

"Oh, I don't want to study all day, though." Fluttershy said. "I need to take care of my animal pretties."

"We get it, Fluttershy, but this is some serious competition we're in now." Applejack said.

"If we wanna win, we need to keep being awesome!" Rainbow said.

"I'm hoping we'll destroy the Crystal High Knights!" Pinkie said. "They won't know what hit 'em!"

Twilight smiles. "We wouldn't have done this without each other." She said. "Best friends forever!"

"Oh, darling..." Rarity said.

The Mane Six have another group hug.

"I love you, girls." Twilight said.

"We all love you too, Sugarcube." Applejack said.

"Hey, girls! Are ya gettin' on?" The bus driver said.

"Oh, sorry!" Twilight said, as she and her friends get in the bus. "I can't wait to tell Spike and Mom about my first day."

"Me too." Fluttershy said.

"Me either!" Pinkie said. "Mom, Dad and Lil’ Cheese are going to be over the moon hearing about it!"

The Mane Six laugh as the bus starts driving off.

At Harrison's house, he and his dad are in the backyard basketball court doing some after-school practice.

"I just don't understand this detention thing that you and Lightning where in." James said.

"Sorry, Dad, it was my fault." Harrison said.

"You do know that Sprinkle will take any chance to break my chops." James said. "That includes yours, too."

"Hey, Dad?" Harrison said. "Have you ever thought about trying something different, but were scared of what your friends might think about it?"

"You mean like, going left?" James said. "You're doing great! Keep going!"

"No-no-no-no-no, I meant… what if you wanna try something that's really new, and it doesn't work out, and all your friends LOL at you?" Harrison asked.

"What, laugh out loud?" James said. "Well, then they're not really your friends. And that was what I meant about 'team' today. You're the leader, and you guys need to take care of each other."

"Dad, I'm not talking..." Harrison said in a low voice.

"We're gonna have college scouts at the game next week, son." James said. "You know how much a scholarship is worth these days?"

Harrison nods in defeat. "A lot." He said.

"That's right." James said. "Now focus, Harrison, come on!" Harrison hustles him and nails the shot. "Whoo!"

Harrison lays down on the floor and takes a breather. "Man, what a start to the year this has been." He said.