• Published 18th Oct 2020
  • 308 Views, 3 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Encore! - MyEcho4

The Guardians of Harmony are back in an all new musical adventure! A mysterious new foe has sent the heroes to another world where everything is a musical. Can they escape before its too late?

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Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! Psalms 95:2

MyEcho4 Proudly Presents

Based on the television series by Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, Lauren Faust

From the legendary world created by MaggiesHeartLove


The sound of foot and hoofsteps could be heard as both people and ponies began to rush back into their homes in a small forest town just as rain began to pour down while others braved the weather and continued doing their business as usual. One of these people was a figure, wearing a dark blue cloak, buttoned up to cover his body from the wet rain, the figure had on what looked to be a sachtel and carried around his waist a small bag. No doubt his wallet. In his hand it walked around what seemed to be a staff with strange symbols and markings on it. It walked down the road, no doubt gaining looks of suspicion from the townspeople which the person paid no mind too. Soon he made it to his destination, an old rundown shake on the very edge of town. Slowly, the figure opened the door and walked inside. The entire place was filled to the brim with all kinds of items ranging from what looked to be priceless relics but if you got a closer look at them, it appeared to be mostly fake. Walking towards the counter, it went and rang the small gold bell. Several seconds passed and nothing happened. They rang it again. Still nothing. Lifting up their sleeve to look at the watch, he almost thought that this was the wrong place and was about to head out before the door behind them suddenly closed. The figured turned around and got into a fighting stance, the staff giving off a faint glow to illuminate the small shack.

“Aye. easy mate.” said a voice. “We don't need to make more of a mess than there already is.”

The figure turned around to shine the staff at the voice. Standing before him.

It was a diamond dog.

He has brown fur with golden yellow fur on his paws, underbelly and face. He had green eyes and big brown ears that continued to twitch every so often. He had on a red and white plaque shirt and a black hat with a red stripe going across it. But the most noticeable feature was his right hand. It was completely robotic from the shoulder down. He bit on what appeared to be a toothpick before taking it out of his mouth.

“Name’s Mekarm.” he said, stretching his robotic arm out for a handshake. The figure looked down and back up at him. His staff then dimmed and he got back to a normal stance and it retracted down to something he could clip on his belt. Which he did before shaking the formers hand.

“Atlas.” he said, his voice sounding like a man in his late adult years. “Call me Atlas.”

“Huh. that's quite a name, pal.” Mekarm replied. “Like to travel?”

“You could say that.” he replied.

“Well. what brings ya here to this small forgotten to-” Mekarm paused and got another quick look at Atlas, getting on the counter and leaning towards him, making the man feel very uncomfortable in his space.”

“Wait a minute...I remember now.” he said.

“What do you remember?” he questioned, a little worried too.

“They told me about you.”

“Who did?”

“The mates in Klugtown.” Mekarm replied. “You must be…..THAT INVESTOR WHOS LOOKING INTO BUYING SMALL BUSINESS!”

Atlas suddenly looked confused. “Uhhhh”

“Oh I waited for this moment!” Mekarm said, all excited. “I was told it would never work because im a Diamond Dog and no one would ever work for me but lookie here! One walking up to my front door! Who’s laughing now?!”

“Im sorry but”

“I just wish you contacted me earlier so I could get prepared and clean up a little. Oh! and my ideas! Gimme a sec!”

Before Atlas could say another word, Mekarm zoomed into the back room and zoomed back in with a box full of what would assume to be pieces of junk. The diamond dog, stuffed his hand into the box and fished around for a bit till his ears perked up under his hat.

“A ha!” he said before pulling out a very strange looking contraption. One that not even Atlas could figure out. “Look at this. Yes. Combination hookah and coffeemaker.I call it, the Crikah!” He said before opening it up and tossing a potato he pulled from under his desk. “It Also makes julienne fries.”

“Thats nice but..”

“And watch here, mate. it will not break. Will not…”


The top flew off and hit a pile of scrap metal and junk on the other side of the room. Mekarm frowned and muttered under his breath before tossing it aside.

“Oi. it broke.”

“Look, kid I really-”

“Wait wait! Lemme at least show you this!” he said, pulling out what looked to be a...plastic container “This is the famous Celestial Tupperware. Listen.” He held it up to Atlas hooded ear and he lifted his ear to it...only to have a raspberry blown by the dog. “Ah, still good.”

Atlas sighed. “This was a mistake.” he whispered before turning for the door.

“Wait wait! Okay thats not anything special but I have been making other stuff!”

“No, that will be all, thank you.”

“Come on, Its already hard enough for someone who gave up thievery to try and make a profit off something. Like I have all this stuff here! Name your price!”

“No thank you, good night.”


Good night!”

“I also have something valuable!”

Atlas stopped just as he was about to open the door and walk away. So he did have what he was looking for after all. He took his hand away and walked back to the counter.

“Show me.”

Without another word, Mekarm walked into the back room and brought out what look to be a wooden box with a lock on it. Several actually. Mekarm simply took his toothpick and began to pick the locks one by one.

“Something drew you to my shop... something powerful, huh mate?”

“You could say that.”

The final fell with a click as Mekarm opened the box to reveal what appeared to be a mask, something out of a Mardi Gras celebration. It was weird patterns all over, painted gold with a magenta-ish color and gold border. Though the most notable thing about this mask however was the jewel in the very center, giving off an almost haunting glow as a faint hum emitted from it, beating almost like a heart.

“Well I’ll be..”

“Yep. Its called the Phantom Mask. Legend says that long ago this mask was used by a mysterious person who could do magic like no one has ever seen before. Even rivaling the Alicorn Amulet. It even had the power to control reality itself

“I see.”

“Though one day, the person used too much of its power, causing him to literally to dissapear. Some say he became one with the mask. Others say he was teleported into another dimension. And some just said he did it to retire from his magic life. Either way, this was the only thing that remained. It says that whoever wears this mask, will be given the power of changing reality as well as various other abilities. You’ll become just as powerful as all the alicorns combined! At least from what I heard. Don’t take it from me, mate”

Atlas couldn’t believe his ears and eyes. At long last, it was finally there in his grasp. All these years of searching, it's right here in front of him. All he had to do was was reach his hand out and-


The man swiped his finger away just in time before the box could close on them.

“Unfortunately, as much as this pleases you, I can't sell it to you. It's far too dangerous. And besides, I made a promise to an old friend to keep it safe. Not even the shiniest bit could change my-”

The sound of a large bag of coins landed on the counter. The dog looked down, memorized by the shiny gold bits. The more he looked at it, the more his Diamond dog instinct kicked in. He tried to resist but...he really needed the money. Maybe those stories he was told were just something to scare customers from buying it. It's probably just a fake. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to sell it to this guy. He seems harmless enough right?

“Would you like that gift-wrapped?”

Atlas took the box and opened it back up. Finally, he had it. A smile crept across his face.

Now the real fun begins.

Comments ( 3 )

Sorry about that everyone! Accidentally turned on the disabled features. You can comment and rate now

I'm looking forward to the first chapter, loved the Aladdin reference.

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