• Member Since 29th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2022

Scorched Earth



It's been 5 years since the The War. This is the first historical account of it, including eyewitness accounts from both sides of the war.

9 years ago humanity returned from it's self-imposed exile and started what became known as The Human War. That war changed the face of Equesteria forever. Now, after 5 years of tentative peace, it is time to tell the story of what the war was and why it was fought.

My first fic. Go nuts with criticism cause most likely the only one I ever write, unless I get another idea stuck in my head and it refuses to leave without writing it. It also lacks definite "main character". After The War parts just to show glimpses of post-war life, they are not suppose to connect to main chapters anyway, apart from the first one.

Also, in case you wonder that someone is commented on being dead in After The War parts but is not mentioned in main fic, well, history books tent to focus on major actions. They don't name every single dead soldier and usually jsut mention major battles, leaving smaller skirmishes out.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 82 )

A really interesting take on the "Human world versus pony world" genre. There are significant grammar issues throughout the fic, which I think you'd do well to have corrected, but it's not so bad as to impair reading comprehension.


That was a pretty good idea, and wrote pretty well, it just needs some grammar correction.

English isn't my first language and my language works very differently from English...... anyway, thanks for heads up. I try to go trough this once more and check the grammar.

Wait who won the war if its the fucking ponies then i'm going to be pissed. Unless the ponies have a believable weapon that can stop us then i'm calling bullshit.

This is really good your discription and being real about the situation is very impressive and i look forward to future updates


Nobody won. Thanks to Luna's discovery ponies were able to negotiate peace.
Humans in this fic aren't out to kill ponies just for sake of murder. They are attacking because they believe it's their only way to survive. However, with alternative way presented, humanity agrees to peace after a referendum.
I tried to make it clear in the fic that in the long run, ponies couldn't have cached up with human technological advantage and over time humans would have won trough war of attrition. Then again, had humans defeated ponies it might have not meant ultimate victory for humans. There is no guarantee that death of Princesses would have made Earth magic any weaker. Humans would have probably went on killing spree killing everything in hopes of creating even single patch of un-magical land to grow food, only for their society to collapse when they ran out of food supplies on the moon.
Also, there is no "bad" side here, closest you can get are diamond dogs who joined humans out of opportunity. Then again, they had their own reasons to do this, mainly that humans were first one who treated them with respect.

This was an interesting story, although is seems a bit incomplete. Mabye you could write a sequel about the war's aftermath? :pinkiehappy:

You're missing a lot of "the" in this chapter.

As I said before, I understand english isn't your first language, but I wanted to point out that you miss to write "the" very often and that sometimes certain plurar words don't have an "s" at the end. Otherwise it's interesting fic, and I like the "neither good or bad" approach you took.

Wait something that is used against gaint rocks is broken with a kick?


If you refer Los Pegasus asteroid, it got chipped by unicorns flown by pegasis.

If you refer to ACES suits, it takes a lot of kicks to break down. Generally ponies just swarm them and start to break them into pieces.

However, a standard human combat suit (which is referenced in this chapter) is a lot less sturdy, humans don't really have materials to make ACES suits their main combat armor. Well placed kick can crack the faceplate, altough kick to chest will keep the soldier safe. It will still hurt a lot.

Most human casualties came from either broken suits or when their lungs collapsed due to kicks.

"in the end, they were victorious"
about TIME someone said that

i find the abundance of common sense in your story amongst the menacing cloud of TCB fics reassuring
.......go on

"I saw my neighbor trying to run away, when suddenly... his head exploded. Just like that"


"Still, humans destroyed much of their equipment to prevent it from falling into ponies hand"
i like your style

am i the only one still reading this?:applejackunsure:

Sweet balls of fire, reread before posting! Celestia's letter starts with Dead rather than Dear!


I do reread before posting, but I tend to suffer from grammar blindness.

Well, I have to say that, inspite of the gramattical errors, I still quite enjoyed this.

I am curious at to how Rarity lost her sight.

I am looking forward to reading the sequal!

Considering the fact this is very relestick compared to outer pony human wars... this is still fucking unrealistic the poines with axes beat guys with guns in some parts the ponys better have 20x nummbers advantage. Oh and i spelled stuff wrong You mad?

The New Zebra Treaty? Zecora, where are you? :derpyderp2::derpyderp1:


Didn't want humanity just to steamroll over ponies. Besides, if you look at description of major battles, most of them are human victories. Those few pony victories are result of either superior numbers or catching human unprepared.

Like said in the fic, in the long run humans would have won. Except here I had peace treaty being signed. Humans are not bastards who kill for fun and profit. They kill only because they don't see an alternative. Now they got alternative.


New Zebas Treaty. It's named after a zebra city.

Zecora is dead and buried.


YES! Finally someone got that! Have a mustache:moustache:

Uh, okay, woah. There is a big problem here. You claim that the human population went down from 600 billion to two billion. Uh... SIX HUNDRED BILLION is roughly a hundred times the number of people we currently have on the planet. Did you mean "Six Billion"?


Nope. 600 billion includes Space (Lagrangian points), Mars and Jupiter's Moon(Callisto, Io, Ganymede) and few other solar colonies. Humanity had a massive population boom during it's expansion to solar colonies and is one of the reasons why humanity experimented with magic. To get out of the Sol system, since they started to have problems trying to feed everyone. Well, not stared, had a problem. Human diet was pretty much artificial food even before The Great Cataclysm.

However, if it seems that bad I can drop the number to 60 billion. That means scrapping some of humanities achievements tough. I don't want to use cliche 3rd Wold War.

Point is, a lot of humans died during the shift. We went from 600 billion people, who had colonized their solar system, to 50 million people living on the moon in fear.

Where the hell is merlin that old git and king athur to help out / DNA sample for dna spice to upgrade humans back to witches warlocks pagan powers/ and use stone hegn for some demon sumons

control of gravity in the story be a major weapon tek upgrade/ warp drive/ space folding /mass efect on ships /mega size armouded mechs/ mass drivers astoids wepons / Humans dont do crazy test on earth or it ends like a doom game try at edge of solar system dumys


First of all, humans WANT Earth to be able to continue to support life. It's not a war of genocide to kill everything non-human. It's a war of conquest. to get farming land.

Furthermore, Artificial-Gravity is HARD. It's something humans do with great care. It takes tons of energy to fold space-time, to 'cheat' and make universe think that moons gravity is higher than it actually is.

silly shining armor the correct phrase is "there is nothing that firepower(and vodka)cant defeat"


Ponies learned that one the hard way.

Hell no! Ciaphas Cain would never admit to being a coward and looking out for only his own interests, Also, despite his problems, Cain is still far more of a badass than trixie could ever hope to be.

Uh, just a question? How big were these asteriods? Because most "asteriods" are capable of large scale extinction events, effecting the entire planet, not just one area


Not very big. Large enough to get trough the atmosphere, small enough to only wipe out cities and surrounding areas. Essentially, a different type of nuke. Also, humans cut them down from original size. Goal was to destroy political and industrial infrastructure, not to destroy the planet itself.

I admit I stole the idea from Iron Sky. Awesome movie:rainbowdetermined2:

1260787 No, no. Caiphas Cain would never admit to being a coward because if anyone knew he was a coward they'd have him strung up and shot for heresy. Trixie can admit it cause Equestria is not assailed on all sides by aliens (exclude the humans please), daemons, and other horrors from the outside, and traitors, heretics and mutants from the inside.

fair enough my good man, fair enough. Still. Trixie could never hope to be as awesome as Cain.

Its been an interesting story so far, a neat objective war report. While your grammer was definitly the weakest point, I agree that it must be hard for someone whos natural isnt english and even the grammer structure is different.

Also, i think I found a good reference for the combat armor the humans use.
"Peace through Power"


Yup, just add tubes from the sides going to back and you got basic human combat armor. I was thinking whenever or not humans would have power armor, but then I decided that humans would rarely need them and thus not use them. So they got NOD style armors, with ACES suits taking the role of power armor.

Glad you liked the story, I've been planning to go through this and fix the grammar once I am done with Innocence Once Lost

I'm still suprised by the fact that humans didn't use any nukes, if they mastered fusion making nukes should be relatively easy.


They can easily make nukes. They just lack guts and will to do it. Nukes and other WMDs are very, very big taboo to humans. Mainly because if you mishandle even one, you can easily wipe out large chuck of what remains of humanity. Check the follow up story, Luna Aeternal to see what sort of damage can happen with them.

Besides, once you got the highest ground, AKA orbit, mere rock is enough to have the same effect. Once you use nukes, you are just putting salt to the wounds.


Humans also used to know how to produce Anti-Matter reliably and how to use it safely, but that knowledge is lost due to several reasons.

2146888 Fair enough, so did any of the humans try to colonize other planets in other solar systems by generation ships or sleeper ships? Also what happened to those human in the rest of the galaxy.
Foward to the sequel :rainbowkiss:


Human did try, but found out that where ever planet that Equestria is on does not have the same solar configuration as Sol system had. Mainly biggest difference is lack of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Other planets are either hellholes like Venus or frozen iceballs like Pluto, AKA not very welcoming. As for planets outside the solar system, humans lack FTL methods (they were hoping that the new energy source could help them to cheat Einstein) and sleeper ships were deemed too risky. There was a small group of humans who took a ship and set out to find a new home, but nobody knows what happened to them (Spoiler: They died due to system malfunction)

As for what happened to those who were left behind... not good things. Sudden disappearance of a planet in a solar system left a quite a mess, mainly because Lagrangian points now suddenly lacked their "anchor". There was quite reconfiguration going on, with end result that the colony on Mars was only place that has human population, though they have regressed a lot.

Oh, and should be note that Earths shift was not inside the galaxy: They traveled to entire different reality. That is what happens when you brake fundamental laws of your reality.

See! Dogs are mans best friend!:pinkiehappy:

Rereading this ... I must not have noticed it the first time around, but "Human numbers fell from 600 billion to 2 billion during those years."

600 billion strikes me as an absolutely ridiculous number. 60 billion is crazy enough without being ten times more. 10 or 20 billion would be more believable. If you want to say 60 billion to show the population is incredibly larger than today's (7 billion), then fine, but for 600 billion, you can't just throw the number out there, you have to at least throw people a little explanation of how that kind of population could possibly happen.

[edit: Oh, and I assume that the Cold War they refer to is one that happened on the moon ("last such Cold War was 2000 years ago") since they have been on the moon for over 2500 years. The U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Cold War would have been more like 3000 years ago.]


One reason I am rewriting this. Numbers are insanely high, ain't they?

This was the first fic I wrote and published. Looking back, this has so many holes and errors that it ain't fun. I plan to release rewritten version after I finish Innocence Once Lost (which, at this rate, is somewhere around Armageddon and The Second Coming).

As a note: In rewrite, original human numbers are "From 10 billion to 2 billion", which is much, much better than insanely high 600 billion :/

As for explanation, originally it was that humans had, essentially, colonized the entire Sol star system (and where in middle of population crisis), but it's still way too large number.

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