• Published 30th Oct 2020
  • 907 Views, 8 Comments

Unknown Bond - Cumjar

Starlight Glimmer got a boyfriend, Double Diamond’s miserable about it.

  • ...

Unrequited Love

Starlight Glimmer, the pony who once lead her old village through fear and intimidation, has a boyfriend.

The equal four were all surprised, shocked, when they got their letter from their friend explaining the situation. Night Glider and Sugar Belle were practically beaming, excited to hear all about it. Party Favor went buck wild as it was a reason to celebrate with a small party, maybe even getting the chance to meet the stallion she wrote about!

Double Diamond, however, was frozen in shock. Basically flatlined, unmoving and jaw slack open.

The other three didn’t fail to notice their friend’s demeanor and grew confused by this. Why was he like this? Other than stunned, he really didn’t show any other emotion on his face as his eyes were still fixated on the letter and the word “boyfriend”. Waving a hoof in front of his face, calling his name, nothing snapped him out of his state. It took him a good minute to snap out of it on his own, the confused gazes of his friends looking back at him.

“W-Wow... I just can’t believe Starlight found love is all?”

He knew he sounded suspicious, he wanted to smack himself for every little movement, word, anything he made or did. He felt so guilty, so bad. His friend who he deeply cares for found love! It was cause for celebration and smiles and congratulations, but Double Diamond couldn’t seem to form any of those things genuinely.

His friends were still unsure of what was causing this behavior in him, so they tried to reroute the mood into what they feel it should be. Party Favor suggested they all visit Starlight in Ponyville to congratulate her, and hopefully meet this Sunburst she mentioned. Sugar Belle was all for it, immediately thinking of desserts she can make for this little gathering whilst Night Glider also seemed to like the idea. The three turned to Double Diamond, obviously looking for his approval but he could only muster a very fake smile.

“I’ll write her a-and let her know we’re planning on visiting! I-I’ll tell her we wanna meet this boyfriend...”

“Umm... You uh, shouldn’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do, Double Diamond,” Night Glider said, frowning.

“Pfft! You gotta be kidding me! W-We should be there to congratulate and catch up with her. It’s been a while.”

And so the date was arranged. With Princess Twilight’s permission, they got free reigns to make preparations for their little get together in the castle. Starlight would be out to the Crystal Empire to get Sunburst. Night Glider and Sugar Belle were helping to prepare the sweets, Party Favor was picking out some small decorations, and Double Diamond decided to just pick out of bouquet of flowers as a gift. Maybe it was a bit overboard, but they were an eccentric group. They practically threw a huge party for Sugar Belle back at their village when she got together with Big Mac.

Still, when Starlight arrived the next day with her boyfriend, both ponies were happily surprised by the decorated entrance way of the castle. They were showered with congratulatory greetings, Sugar Belle insisted that they try the baked goods she and Night Glider prepared. Double Diamond set his eyes on Sunburst and looked him over with calculating eyes.

He’s seen this guy before, after Starlight reformed the Changelings and defeated Chrysalis. He was at the ceremony. He remembers the letters Starlight sent talking about him. He was the reason why she fell into villainy. He supposed you really had to have cherished somepony for a broken bond to affect you the way it effected Starlight, sure...

But this guy? He looked so nerdy! Wasn’t Starlight into athletic guys? Why does he remember her bringing that up in conversation?

“Oh my! Are you alright?”

Starlight quickly ran up to Double Diamond as he struggled to stand. He had messed up his footing on his skis when his eyes caught glimpse of Starlight. She was gorgeous. And now, as she helped him out of his helmet and skis, helped him up by placing one of his legs over her back, he knew she was also kind.

“You poor dear. Oh, your hoof looks like it’s in a lot of pain! Come with me to my village and I’ll get you all bandaged up.”

Without another word, the two ponies made their way to the remote village. The ponies that inhabited the village walked around with huge smiles on their faces. Houses lined up perfectly together, each facing another, each and every one equal shape and size and layout. All except for the big one in the middle, apart from the rest, which is where she took him into.

She had him sit on a couch and he winced as she placed an ice bag on his inflamed, right front hoof. After the swelling reduced a bit, she bandaged him up like she said she would. All of this contact was making Double Diamond feel a little warm and fuzzy. But it still hurt, so he couldn’t help but wince and cringe due to the pressure.

“I know, I’m sorry. But it’s for your own good,” she said, smiling a little remorsefully.

She was so kind. So pretty.

“Umm, thanks for helping me out Miss...” Double Diamond trailed off.

“Starlight Glimmer,” she remarked whilst fluttering her eyelashes at him.

He couldn’t help the blush that creeped onto his muzzle, he wasn’t sure whether he should avoid eye contact or keep staring at her almost hypnotic gaze.

“Haha... My name’s Double Diamond.”

“Well, it’s so nice to meet you Double Diamond! Though I wish we wouldn’t have met through your unfortunate accident.”

“N-No worries. The pleasure’s all mine!”

“So, I was actually watching you ski for a while. You’re, uh, really good.”

Another bat of her eyelashes. Oh no, he was so into her without even knowing a thing about her. She was just so charming.

“After my fall you still think that? Thanks... It’s embarrassing you had to see that though.”

“Nonsense! If I didn’t then you might have... Oh, I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened to you.”

If she wasn’t there he would’ve been fine. He couldn’t just tell her that her cuteness is what got him into this mess in the first place. He just swallowed the words in his throat and smiled at her.

“Is skiing your special talent?”

That was... random?

“Uhh, yeah. I got my cutie mark while skiing down a really steep slope. I hate to brag, but I think I’m pretty good!.”

“Wow! Handsome and athletic?”

His face just got redder. He knew it, he can feel the burning rise with that little giggle of hers. He had to chuckle awkwardly along with her.

“You know, Handsome, I bet you’re so talented with those skis! I’ve always had a thing for athletic stallions,” She purred.

The tilt of her head, the flutter of her long eyelashes, the way her big, beautiful eyes gazed up at him, the way one of her soft hooves touched one of his legs. He could only let out a hard breath through his nose in response to these small, sensual ministrations of hers.

“A-Ah? Haha haha... Y-Ya think?”

“Oh yes. It’s a shame your talent has the capability to harm you. I would hate to see that—excuse me for being forward—hot face and body of yours get hurt again,” she said, her lips forming a pout.

“Oh. No need to worry, I hardly ever get hurt at all.”

“But you do get hurt. And something like that breaks my heart. Oh, if only you can stay here with me, so I can make sure you never get hurt again.”

“S-Stay here? W-With you?”

“Uh-Huh, but you look like you really love your special talent. I would hate that you’d never get to do it again.”

This was all so confusing. He had no idea what she was saying. But she sounded so concerned for his safety, so concerned for his being, so into him...

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, you see, I founded this village! Here, everypony lives equally together. We’re all happy, we never feign superiority among each other, everything is balanced! We all have such wonderful, peaceful lives here. Free of pain, free of hatred, free of fear and abandonment. We are all here for each other.”

Wow, this place sounded wonderful. It’s almost like a utopia despite how humble this place actually looked. But then again, who needed the stereotypical utopian society? You don’t need anything fancy to be happy, just good ponies who are there for you, who you are there for in return... Right?

“That sounds so good... How are you all able to have such a nice home?”

Starlight got up from the couch and stood in front of Double Diamond and then proudly drew attention to her flank. Double Diamond shielded his eyes in embarrassment and to not seem rude, despite the fact that she was the one who was happily showing off her body to him. He heard the pretty mare let out an equally pretty giggle, and he lowered his hoofs to look at her flank again.

What a strange cutie mark.

“It’s simple, really. All of us here gladly agreed to give up our cutie marks!”

“Give up... my... cutie mark?” Double Diamond frowned.

“Oh! I’m not asking that of you. You see, everypony here has been through pain. Physical... Emotional... Mental... and we came to the realization that it was because of these special talents of ours. Because our special talents can be dangerous. Because those who have hurt us believed to be superior. That they can look down on those who aren’t as special as they are. I too... I also lost someone so...”

Starlight trailed off as she explained. Double Diamond could see the absolute pain in her eyes, how glassy they became in an instant, her rapid blinking, as if trying to stop any tear from daring to drop.

“So special to me... Because of a cutie mark... A-Ah, let’s not dwell on my past! W-What I’m trying to say is that rather than being less special or more special than others, rather than put ourselves in harms way, we all came together to be equal. To insure peace and happiness for all of us.”

Double Diamond blinked. Somehow this was all making sense and appealing to him. His inflamed hoof was painful, and he’s suffered worse injuries while skiing too. Starlight expressed her own heartache at the hands of this “specialness” pony society was built around. He couldn’t help but begin to sort of antagonize cutie marks.

“That’s... That’s kind of beautiful,” He commented.

“Oh? You think so?”

“Yeah! Honestly, my hoof really hurts. And I’ve been hurt a lot worse in the past while I was doing my ‘special talent’ ugh...”

Starlight went back to sit on the couch next to him, propping her head under his chin, visibly frowning. She gently placed a hoof on his injured one, earning a wince from the stallion.

“You poor dear...”

“I think... I think I want to stay here with you.”

“Really? Even if it means giving up your cutie mark?” She asked, looking up at him with uncertainty.

“Of course. How can I go about it?”

Starlight smiled widely. He couldn’t help but think she looked so adorable, and in his opinion, a little wicked. It was kinda hot.

“Oh, I’ll show you once your hoof heals! It’s a long climb, and I’d hate to put you through more pain.”

“If it means I can see you smiling like this all the time, I would climb up the tallest of mountains on four broken legs, Starlight.”

“Oh~. You’re nothing but a big sweetheart!”

The flash from the past really hit Double Diamond like a tidal wave. He didn’t mean to remember his first encounter with Starlight, at least not the entire thing. Why right now? Why when her *nerdy* boyfriend was right in front of them all?

Party Favor cheerfully dragged Double Diamond to the rest of the group, not knowing he accidentally isolated himself while observing the orange unicorn.

What was with that cape? His glasses are huge! This guy looks like a wizard. He can see the appeal in that. Was Starlight lying about her taste in stallions? But why would she?

“You guys, I’d like to formally introduce you to my foalhood friend, my boyfriend, Sunburst!”

“I hope to u-uhmm, get along with everypony! Starlight told me all about you all,” Sunburst said rather timidly.

Sugar Belle and Night Glider were quick to introduce themselves to him and immediately began breaking his personal space. They were rather eager to learn about their foalhood together, and Party Favor looked like he was about to combust. He knew what he was planning on asking, it was going to be boundary breaking questions like when their first kiss was or how many foals do they plan on having. He knows because he did this exact same song and dance with Sugar Belle and Big Mac.

Still, Party Favor has manners, and he first introduced himself. Maybe he was still just a teeny bit afraid of Starlight. If he made her angry, he wasn’t looking forward to whatever punishment she deemed fit for asking inappropriate questions. He was pretty sure this was the first time Party Favor thought before he spoke. Still, it didn’t stop him from also invading Sunburst’s personal space.

The aforementioned pony seemed to be a little overwhelmed with all this attention and he found himself stammering on his words, not knowing what questions to answer first as they just kept coming. Starlight giggled at the sight and then looked at Double Diamond with a smile, as she nudged him to go introduce himself too.

He reluctantly did, first getting his other three friends to calm down so Sunburst can finally breathe. Lucky enough for him, Double Diamond did seem happy when he introduced himself, his face, his tone, his smile were all genuine. He was worried he wouldn’t be able to pull it off. It wasn’t like he wasn’t happy, the circumstances just made it difficult at times. And truth be told, he was jealous. So very jealous. But he had to kill these feelings quickly before he hurts either of the couple.

The girls grabbed Starlight and pulled her aside to one part of the castle, claiming they had some “mares only” questions to ask her, whatever that meant. Party Favor was happy to comply with this segregation, probably because now he can hammer the poor stallion with questions, inappropriate ones since Starlight would be away from the noise.

And boy, oh boy, they really were bad.

With a big smile on his face, he asked Sunburst what he had thought of Starlight’s magical exploits of the town, if their separation was as bad for him as it was for Starlight, if Sunburst was a wizard. All of those questions left Sunburst jaw dropped and Double Diamond smacked his head. He was spending far too much time with Pinkie Pie because he swears, Party Favor was never this bad before.

“Dude! Bad questions! Horrible questions! Umm, Sunburst, you really don’t have to answer them. They’re probably still a sore subject,” Double Diamond frowned.

“N-No! It’s okay. How else can you get over the past without facing it?” Sunburst smiled. “To answer your questions: Yes, I do know about what she did and... Perfectly honest, I know what she did to you all was horrible but... I thought it was cool. J-Just because she’s really magical! I had no idea she was that powerful... S-Sorry, I’m just really interested in magic.”

“No worries! We’re all over it! But I still wanted to know what you think!”

“For your second question and third I guess... Uhmm, yes. It was really hard for me to be separated from Starlight. When I started having trouble in magic school, I just didn’t know how I could face her. I didn’t want her to think I was a loser, so I just never wrote and eventually forgot with how self-pitying I became because I couldn’t fulfill my dreams of being a wizard,” Sunburst explained, frowning.

“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that,” Double Diamond said.

“Me too! I wonder if you two would’ve become different people if you just stayed in touch. Oh well! Everything happens for a reason, and you two are at least happy now!”

“Haha. Thanks. I’m happy where I am now.”

“Ohhh but do you think all six of us would’ve met and become friends if you and Starlight never separated? We would’ve never met Starlight if she never founded our village. That kinda makes me sad!”

“Yeah, that is kinda sad,” Double Diamond agreed.

“Oh! Sunburst! How long have you liked Starlight?”

“O-Oh... I’ve had a crush on her since I was a foal. I used to, and still do, think she‘s the prettiest girl in equestria. Other colts used to pick on me sometimes for being nerdy, but Starlight, a pretty girl wanted to be my friend and only my friend. She made me feel special,” Sunburst answered, beginning to blush and smile ever so gently.

“Wow! That’s nice! Kind of like you, huh Double Diamond?”


That was the only word that crossed both of the stallions’ minds.

Why, why, Celestia why?! What compelled Party Favor to say something like this?! This was way too far, it goes way beyond eccentricity! Double Diamond was so horrified that he couldn’t even muster out a pathetic squeak from his mouth.

“I-I... I beg your pardon?” Sunburst asked, looking confused.

“Yeah! The reason Double Diamond stayed in our village was because Starlight treated him all special, which was kinda ironic since we were all supposed to be equal!”


“Ahahahah, it was only because I injured myself when she first met me! She was worried sick at the time! Don’t give him the wrong idea!”

“What wrong idea? I don’t get what you mean Diamond!”

“Double Diamond... You and uh... Starlight... Y-You two didn’t used to date, right?”

Double Diamond tried to resist the heat creeping onto his face. No, they didn’t necessarily date, but just the thought was enough to get his blood pumping. He hated himself for that. Hated the uncomfortable feelings he was bringing upon his friend’s special one.

“They didn’t~! I think we’d have noticed. Besides, wouldn’t Starlight have told you about a past relationship ?”

“Well, I guess you’re right,” Sunburst replied, smiling. “Sorry about that, guess I just had to ask when the idea came into my head.”

“N-No worries, hahaha! Couldn’t have been... That special if she never mentioned me,” Double Diamond laughed awkwardly.

Sunburst seemed relieved by that answer, but Double Diamond inadvertently hurt his own feelings. Party Favor decided to keep asking embarrassing questions, but it all sounded like static noise to the earth pony. His heart felt like it had been crushed.

He wasn’t special to her? Ever?? He made a great point. If he was a special pony to Starlight, she probably would’ve told Sunburst about it. It was only polite if you were still friends with an ex, but Starlight never felt that way. At least that’s how it seemed.

He really thought they had something special. She let him stay at her house while the villagers built him one of his own, she was super attentive to him while he was injured, she even kissed his cheek once! Was Double Diamond to blame for believing they had something? This kiss in question happened right before Starlight stripped him of his cutie mark, as a sign of gratitude for his dedication. He did everything she asked of him afterwards.

When she was revealed as a dictator, as a liar, he got his heartbroken for the first time. She hadn’t been the pony he thought she was. Then she ran away. He wanted to catch her, for a multitude of reasons, but the main one to ask why. Why and if the affection she showed him was real or manipulation.

He was pretty depressed after she disappeared into the caves. He didn’t have closure, he felt like a moron, and he felt dumped. He felt absolutely guilty because he missed her. He wanted her back. When the other three were trying to overcome the fears caused by Starlight, he was still wallowing in his desire for her. He couldn’t tell them that at the time, though.

When she came back to the village with the Princess of Friendship, he was shocked, and a very small part he desperately tried to hide from his friends was overjoyed. Judging by the looks on their faces, they didn’t feel the same. Concern, anger, fear, all emotions he should’ve conveyed with them.

As all four of them approached the mare, he tried his best to look angry at her as well, but he wasn’t sure if he pulled it off. Night Glider and Sugar Belle looked angry, but the look on Party Favor’s face was horrified, he felt so bad for him. He was probably put through the worst trauma because of Starlight.

Still, she looked apologetic, she bowed her head and gave a sincere apology. Once again, he was shocked. His friends were surprised as well. He had to give them a glance before he ran to forgive her immediately. Lucky for him, the three were good ponies. He let Night Glider fly to her side first before he wrapped a hoof around her back and pull her close, along with the other two giving her a hug. He was so happy in that moment.

He really hoped Starlight would take this chance to move back to the village so she and the group could spend more time together, but she was taken in by Princess Twilight Sparkle, so it couldn’t be helped. Also, it seemed she didn’t want to come back. The look of terror on her face when Night Glider made the suggestion is what tipped him off. Even though she traumatized them, it seemed she was equally traumatized by her actions. How ironic.

Still, they all wrote to each other. Starlight did eventually try to explain in a letter why she did what she did, and Double Diamond’s blood ran slightly cold when he read it was because her foalhood friend was taken from her side because of his cutie mark. This friend had to be pretty special to incite the chaos she caused, but he still hoped it wasn’t romantic. Besides, at the time she wrote to them, Starlight and Sunburst still had no contact with each other. Double Diamond hoped that when Starlight got over the trauma of being in the village, they could try to pursue a romantic relationship together. He just didn’t want to trigger some type of negative feelings by bringing it up himself.

That never came. By the time of the Annual Sunset Festival, Starlight and Sunburst reunited. He knew this, as it was in one of her letters. It was hard to ignore how overjoyed she was. Not only had they saved the Crystal Empire together from the frozen north, they had also helped in the defeat of the darkness that plagued Stygian’s heart, bringing him back into the light of friendship. That brings them to now, just a couple of months after that adventure. They were dating and his hopes for a relationship with Starlight were shattered.

He spent the rest of the day hardly talking, trying his best to listen to what the others had to say so he can be engaging and supportive, but the white noise just wouldn’t cease. Luckily for him, no one noticed a thing. Even better, more of Starlight’s friends had shown up, all whacky enough to not bring attention to Double Diamond’s worsening mood. Trixie and Discord’s fighting, Thorax trying to mediate the situation, Maud Pie and her stand up comedy routine. Thank Celestia.

A year passes, Starlight wrote to them that she worked at Princess Twilight’s new school as a counselor. Man, Double Diamond sure could use some counseling himself. He needed to let these feelings out, to talk through them, he just couldn’t move on. How could he even bring this type of thing up to Starlight? Her and her boyfriend are still together and not to mention they were going stronger than ever.

Things were getting a little sadder too, now since Sugar Belle announced she was moving to Ponyville for her apprenticeship with Mrs. Cake, and to be closer to Big Mac. Night Glider and Party Favor have been dating for two years too! Double Diamond was still the same, sulking about a love he wasn’t even sure was even real or simply a delusion.

Even as more time went by, when all magic was being slowly drained from Equestria, in events that seemed life threatening, he just wanted to tell Starlight how he felt. He couldn’t just die with these feelings. So, he eventually spilled his troubles to Night Glider and Party Favor. They really took pity on him once they finally grasped just how miserable he’s been all this time. Still, their advice was as scary as it *seemed* unhelpful.

Tell her. Tell her so you can finally move on.

He really had nothing to lose except a friendship with Starlight and Sunburst that he deeply valued. What can possibly go wrong? He just needed to prepare his heart for rejection, choose his words carefully, not hyperventilate during the whole process. The usual. Something like this was going to take time to prepare mentally and emotionally, but sadly, Double Diamond didn’t have any time.

Another year goes by, as he was slowly preparing himself, there was an attack on Canterlot and the Crystal Empire by King Sombra, who had suddenly returned. Luckily, the enslavement never managed to reach his village due to how far it was from society, thank you evil Starlight. Speaking of the mare, she had wrote to them about how she was enslaved, Sunburst as well. Oh, how it came full circle, albeit she wasn’t enslaved for as long as they were. Still, all these attacks happening made him realize life could really be cut short. He had to speed up this process before either of the two had fallen due to these attacks.

He caught another lucky break as only a month later, he and the rest of the gang have been invited to Ponyville by Sugar Belle as she was getting married to Big Mac! How lovely! Obviously, he wasn’t going to drop this bomb on Starlight during the wedding as it would be unfair to everypony, he’ll do it once the whole event was over and they were back at the castle. With that, the three friends packed some belongings and made their way to Ponyville for the wedding.

And boy, was it some wedding. The story of their engagement was nothing short of entertaining, and my, the venue was beautiful! Sugar Belle was beautiful, Big Mac was handsome, and the whole ceremony was breathtaking! All three friends shed tears throughout the wedding, Starlight also cried as she watched on (a little excessively might he add), Sunburst was so taken by the whole thing, his eyes and smile were so wide.

After Sugar Belle and Big Mac went off on a carriage to their honeymoon, the rest of the guests, even Discord, were cordial enough to help clean up the venue, being extra delicate with the pear-apple tree. Double Diamond kept stealing glances at Starlight, still as pretty as ever. Though maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him, but she seems to have gotten just the tiniest bit chubby since he last saw her. Should he be surprised? She was going to be the new headmare of the School of Friendship. Maybe she was stress eating?

The Princess of Friendship was once again kind enough to let the three friends, and Sunburst stay in the castle for the night. And before all of them called it a day, Sunburst and Starlight also seemed to have something to announce.

“Okay everypony, Sunburst and I both have something exciting to tell you guys! And don’t worry about Sugar Belle being left out, we told her everything a few days before today!” Starlight began, her smile wider than usual.

“Lay it on us!” Night Glider said.

“We would’ve told you all sooner, but we wanted to do it face-to-face! And it seemed unfair to do it during Sugar Belle’s special day,” Sunburst added.

“OOOH!!! JUST TELL US!!! I CAN’T TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!” Party Favor exclaimed.

“Okay. Sunburst and I are also getting married in a couple of months! It’ll mean the world if you all came!”

Double Diamond’s jaw dropped and the other two looked at him quickly, trying not to show the pity they felt for him. They all quickly became excited, showering the couple with congratulations. Double Diamond even pulled both Starlight and Sunburst into a hug with the biggest smile he could muster.

“What type of ceremony are you having? Small and simple like Sugar Belle and Big Mac?” He asked.

“Nope! When we told Twilight, she insisted we have a big party and invite all our friends and family at the Canterlot castle. She also said Princess Cadence wanted to officiate the wedding herself!”

“W-Wow, can you imagine the Princess of Love officiating your wedding? You’re one lucky mare!” Party Favor beamed.

“Thanks! It would mean a lot if you helped plan it. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Cheese Sandwhich, and Sugar Belle offered to help too, and with such great party ponies, designer, and bakers like you five, I’m sure it will be fantastic,” Starlight mused.

“Uhmmm of course I’ll help!” Party Favor exclaimed.

“Of course, Night Glider, I’d want you and Sugar Belle to be my bridesmaids! I-If you’re up for it... Sugar Belle already agreed,” Starlight suggested, a little bashfully.

“I’m all for it! But who’s the Mare of Honor? I’m guessing that strange stage pony, right?” Night Glider asked happily.

“Haha, Trixie. Yeah, she will be~!”

“U-Umm, Double Diamond, Party Favor, I know we aren’t as close compared to how you two are with Starlight, but you two would do me the best of honors if you’d be my groomsmen,” Sunburst asked, sheepishly.

“I’d be more than happy to, Sunburst,” Double Diamond smiled.

“Oh! Oh! Me too! Me too!” Party Favor agreed.

The white earth pony felt a strange sort of calm. Was it calm? Or had he felt so heartbroken that he became numb? Whatever it was, he had to tell Starlight very soon so he can get it out of his system before the wedding. After they got married, he no longer had any right to speak his heart, even if it was only for the sake of closure. He just couldn’t live with himself if he had done that. He owed that much to his friends.

“Do you have a best stallion?” Double Diamond asked.

“Actually... I have a best mare!” Sunburst replied. “She’s my sister! She’s coming back to Equestria just for my wedding!”

As Sunburst began rambling on about a sister none of them knew about, Double Diamond walked up to Starlight and tapped her shoulder. She looked at him and smiled, offering him her full attention.

“Starlight, I hate to interrupt all this, but I was wondering if we can talk? Alone... Something’s been bothering me recently.”

“Oh, of course! Here, come with me to the balcony while Sunburst keeps those two distracted.”

And with that, Starlight led the way to the highest balcony of the castle, leaving the other three ponies behind to do their own thing. She looked at Double Diamond as if she wanted him to begin. She frowned when she saw him frown, so he took a deep breath to prepare himself.

“S-Starlight... Umm, I really, really hate to bring this up. Especially now that you’ve announced something so happy... But I’ve been miserable for who knows how many years, and... And I just need to say this so I can finally stop being miserable!” Double Diamond began.

Starlight’s ears folded in sadness and she nodded in understanding. She wasn’t sure what he was about to say to her, but she felt a heavy weight fall on her heart. Something just sort of told her that whatever was troubling Double Diamond was her fault.

“I’m... I’m really sorry Starlight. I’m so sorry to say this right now but... I love you.”

Starlight’s eyes widened and her jaw became slack. She blinked several times just trying to process what Double Diamond had just dropped on her. The stallion, in the meanwhile, didn’t know where to look. He darted his eyes from Starlight and then to anywhere else, never knowing where to settle his gaze.

“You... You love me?” She asked with a gentle voice.

“I do.”

“I’m sorry, Double Diamond,” she frowned.

The rejection he prepared himself for is happening. He thought of several scenarios on how this would go down. Starlight getting angry at him, her being so shocked she just left and never spoke to him again, her... somehow feeling the same way and leaving Sunburst... Or a gentle rejection, but still wanting to stay friends. He hoped for one of the latter two, but it looks like it will be the very last option.

“I just don’t feel the same. I’m in love with Sunburst.”

“Yeah, I know,” he sighed dejectedly.

“Please don’t think I’m mad at you when I ask this but: why are you bringing this up now, when we announced our engagement?”

“I was planning on bringing this up to you anyways. The announcement came as a shock... I just... I had to tell you now more than ever after that. I would hate to keep these feelings while attending your wedding. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone.”

“I’m so sorry, Double Diamond.”

“Don’t apologize.”

“You said you’ve been miserable for years... How long have you felt this way about me?”

“Since we met,” he answered.

Starlight once again looked shocked, this time also a bit confused. He couldn’t understand why that was such a surprise. Had she really forgotten about the romantic aura they displayed while Starlight was in charge of the village? That whole ordeal did become traumatic for her, he guessed he couldn’t blame her too much for wanting to forget and put behind every single detail of when she was evil.

“Do you ummm... remember how we met?”

“Yeah. You got yourself injured and I helped you back to the village,” she said, cocking an eyebrow.

“Truth be told, I got injured because I noticed you and couldn’t take my eyes off you. You were just so pretty. Then you were kind enough to help me,” he began.

“You were really touchy and flirty with me while you were patching me up. You said you wished I could stay with you in the village. You let me stay with you and you were so attentive to me while I was injured... Then when we went to get rid of my cutie mark, you kissed my cheek... Did you really forget all of it?”

Starlight’s lips quivered, it was like she was learning some new information. She knew he wasn’t lying, why would he? He seemed sincerely apologetic for his feelings, and he wasn’t looking to break up her and her fiancé. He just wanted closure, to move on, so she believed him. Her eyes became glassy as the memories flooded back to her. She remembered he was the only one she seduced into the village. Every little affectionate word and touch was all part of her manipulation tactics.

“Double Diamond... I’m...” she began.

Her voice cracked, tears began to spill from her eyes as she remembered how gross she was.

“I’m so sorry I did that you! I-I took advantage of your feelings! I-I led you on!”

Double Diamond felt another wave of calmness fill his heart. He always imagined how broken he would be when Starlight confirmed his suspicions. The suspicions he hated thinking about, that she used him. Hearing it in her voice, with devastation clearly displayed on her face, however; somehow just slowly lifted the demons that were plaguing him. He couldn’t deny anything now that he’s heard it from the mare herself. He had no choice but to face it.

“I know, it’s okay.”

“It’s not okay! It wasn’t enough to basically enslave all of you! I had to emotionally manipulate too and—“ she rambled, in between her voice breaking.

Double Diamond placed a hoof on her muzzle to silence her then gave her a gentle smile.

“I didn’t tell you this to bring back bad memories and make you feel bad.”

“Then... Why?”

“This is also going to be a little hard to listen to, at least one part is, but I’m just being honest.”

Starlight wiped her eyes and nodded, pressing for him to continue.

“Two reasons: the main one being so I can finally let go and move on... The second one was only if I was lucky... To, umm, see if you might change your mind and choose me...”

“Change my—? N-No, I’m sorry. I couldn’t even if I wanted to, which I, ummm, don’t... The pony I love has been and will always be Sunburst. I’m so sorry—“

“Starlight, stop apologizing! It’s okay. I didn’t expect you to choose me. It was probably on the very bottom of reactions I expected you to have. I was just being honest with you. I still want to be your’s and Sunburst’s friend and go to your wedding! I just really want to move on before I did. It will probably still take me awhile, but your wedding announcement is going to be helpful to drive it home—“

“It’s helpful?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah. I mean, I can’t exactly keep pleading denial and a change of heart if you two are getting married. But since I’ve had these feelings for years, it will probably take some time to get over it. But I’m sure I can—“ Once again, Starlight cut him off.

“I... I think I can make it even easier for you. I just... I don’t wanna hurt you more than I already have,” Starlight said.

“You have to hurt me. If you keep being nice about it, it will just make it harder. So whatever it is, please help me,” Double Diamond pleaded.

“Okay... I wanted to tell you guys after the wedding, just because I’m afraid of how you guys might see us but... Truth is, I’m pregnant,” Starlight announced.

Double Diamond’s jaw dropped for the second time that day. There was way more happening than he expected, which kind of sucked as they should’ve been feeling blissed out from Sugar Belle’s wedding.

“Preg...nant? HUH?! WHAT?! HOW—WHEN DID YOU TWO—???”

It was a terrible and invasive question to ask, but his mouth moved before the wheels in his brain began turning. Still, Starlight didn’t seem angry, or even embarrassed. She mostly looked ashamed.

“It was after King Sombra attacked. It was really scary, and Sunburst and I were both enslaved... And after Twilight and the others saved us... I just realized how short life could be and I wanted to be with Sunburst,” Starlight explained, her ears folding downwards.

King Sombra’s attack was quite recent. A month ago, right? Those two really must’ve been shaken up by it to waste no time getting passionate. He wonders if the wedding was because of the pregnancy or if they had already been planning it for sometime. But that wasn’t a question to say out loud.

“H-Hey don’t look so ashamed! This is wonderful news, I’m sure the two of you will be great parents!”

“Thanks... But are you alright?”

“Not very, to tell you the truth, my stomach is in knots yet I’m also strangely zen. But don’t worry too much about it. Give me time and we’ll go back to the way things used to be.”

“I hope not. The way things used to be, you were miserable. Let’s start a new page, where both of us are still good friends but you’re happy,” she smiled.

Double Diamond couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Seeing him cheer up also made her smile widened, despite all that took place.

“Thanks for being so cool about this Starlight. And hey, don’t tell Sunburst anything until after I leave. I would hate to make him feel bad. And congratulate him for me too,” he winked.

“Okay. I will,” she nodded, pulling Double Diamond into a hug. “Umm, you will come to the wedding, right?”

She looked a bit apprehensive. He could tell she really wanted him to be there, so he patted her back to relax her.

“Hey, I said I wanted to go! If it means I get to see you smiling and at your happiest, I’ll go. I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

Something about that line seemed familiar to Starlight, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint it. But she didn’t have to, at least not now. The two hugged once more and then went back to the rest of their friends, Sunburst looking a little anxious as the other two grinned from ear to ear at Starlight.

“Starlight, I-I’m so sorry but they got it—“ He began, only to be interrupted by Night Glider.

“YOU TWO ARE HAVING A BABY?!” She beamed happily.

“I’M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!!” Party Favor yelled.

“...How did this happen Sunburst? When we left, you were talking about Sunset Shimmer coming back for our wedding,” Starlight asked.

“Even I don’t know how it happened,” he whined.

“Well... Congratulations you two!” Double Diamond smiled.

Just then, Princess Twilight slammed open the front door, looking strangely disheveled. She flew up to Starlight, pulled her face close to her’s and breathed heavily.


Starlight looked slightly panicked and turned to her friends for help, but Night Glider and Party Favor were too busy jumping in glee to help out. Double Diamond decided he’d rather not get involved and left to another room as Princess Twilight began scolding Starlight and Sunburst for not telling her sooner. Night Glider and Party Favor followed Double Diamond to make sure he was alright, and luckily for him, he seemed okay.

“Hey, you good?” She asked, just to make sure.

“Nope,” he replied, smiling.

“Huh? But you don’t look—“ Party Favor was interrupted.

“Finding out the mare you like is pregnant and getting married to someone else doesn’t feel nice. And getting rejected does sting but... It’s what I needed. I’m not fine, and that’s okay. I’m going to be better now that I got it over with,” Double Diamond explained.

“That’s our guy! You’ll be better than ever!” Night Glider praises.

“You know it! I’ll tell you guys all about how it went down after we leave.”

Weeks went by and a lot happened since then. Quite literally not long after Sugar Belle and Big Mac returned from the honeymoon, there was a huge attack that threatened all of Equestria. The group of friends couldn’t help but worry over Sugar Belle, and especially Starlight as she was pregnant and was specifically targeted by Queen Chrysalis. Still, somehow everything managed to be okay thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends. It always was.

Once things became more peaceful, they had decided to visit Starlight and Sunburst back in Ponyville, as they were worried for her unborn foal. She seemed just fine but Sunburst was in panic mode over the smallest things regarding her. It seemed the attack spooked him more than anypony else. Sunburst and Double Diamond had also reassured each other of their friendship, as Starlight had told her fiancé everything that went down. And Double Diamond was better. If he had any feelings left for the mare, he wouldn’t know as he wasn’t paying them any attention.

When the day of their wedding came, it was so lovely. The presentation was beautiful, no doubt due to Rarity’s influence and planning, and the other ponies helped make it fun and exciting as well. Starlight looked lovely in her gown and she was even showing a bit, and Sunburst didn’t look as, well; disheveled as he usually looked. They had changed location from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire, as the love and light from the wedding was sure to power the Crystal Heart, which did and made everypony look even lovelier.

Starlight’s bridesmaids had been: Maud Pie, Sugar Belle, Night Glider, and Princess Twilight. Sunburst’s groomsmen had been: Thorax, Party Favor, Double Diamond, and Discord (a favor his fiancé had asked so he didn’t feel the need to cause any horrible mischief at the wedding). Trixie and Sunset Shimmer had given lovely speeches for their banquet, it truly was a time to behold for every creature that attended.

During the wedding, after Sunburst and Starlight had their first dance, as well as dancing with their respective parents, Starlight took Double Diamond on the offer to dance with her, whilst Sunburst danced with Trixie. They spent the whole time enjoying themselves, making unimportant small talk throughout.

Stellar Flare was overjoyed to reunite with her daughter and husband, Sunspot. Sunburst shed some tears over having his whole family together, and they all in turn welcomed Starlight into it. Firelight was also overemotional at his only child’s wedding, and he welcomed Sunburst into their family, rambling on about how his wife would’ve been ecstatic that they had ended up marrying as adults.

It really was worth seeing Starlight at her absolute happiest. This day probably wouldn’t be topped until her foal was born. He can only imagine how that time would be.

When that time came several months later, imagination couldn’t even come close to the real deal. The couple had a filly. Dark pink coat, orange, messy mane. She looked so much like her parents. To top it all off, her magic seemed to be strong. All unicorn foals had strong magic when they are first born, but they all considered this one’s extremely hectic. Her magic was probably only triumphed by Flurry Heart at that age, who was an alicorn so the comparison was unfair and crazy.

They named her Luster Dawn.

Sunburst and Starlight’s family absolutely adored their newest addition, and Princess Twilight and her friends couldn’t keep their hooves off her! Of course, Double Diamond and the rest of the equal four loved her, and Sugar Belle seemed determined to give her a playmate sooner or later. It was only a matter of time.

Playing with Luster Dawn as long as he did made him long to one day have a family of his own. He should probably try bringing up the topic to his girlfriend back home. She’d probably smack him, as they had only been dating for six months, but he knew their bond was already so strong and it was only growing stronger. It quickly overshadowed the now unknown romantic bond he once shared with his dear friend.

He really was better than ever now, the future was something he greatly looked forward to.

Author's Note:

This was fun to write. Long though. I know the detail of the wedding made it much longer but what can I say? I like the ship haha. I also enjoy the headcanons of Luster being a StarBurst baby, Sunset and Sunburst are siblings, and Sunspot following Sunset into the human world.

I actually really love the GlimmerDiamond ship! It’s my second fave Starlight ship, obviously, I end-game StarBurst. I hated to put DD through all that, but it just came to mind when I thought up the idea of Starlight seducing him (and only him) into the village. He was super loyal to her after all, and if you look at when she returns to apologize, he doesn’t look angry at her.

I actually wrote the premise to this a year, maybe two years ago, and when I worked on that fic, it was completely different to how it was now. I feel as though I made both Sunburst and Double Diamond more scummy in my first draft, albeit unintentionally, so I toned it down way more here. It was more a jealousy fic than a moving on like this current version. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one, even though I kinda found the first version bad but kinda entertaining lol.

I also really wish Sugar Belle invited Starlight to the wedding in canon. It would’ve been nice to see her reaction to it. (Yeah, I know they forgave her and considered her a friend, but I’m aware that they also weren’t super close. I kinda wish they did more with that I guess?)

This was the first fic I’ve ever published, ever. Any feedback appreciated! I also have a deleted paragraph so I’ll post it here.

Another question that couldn’t help but plague him was: what if Princess Twilight and her friends delayed their visit to the village? He knows that it was a map that sent them, but what if the map waited just a little while longer? Maybe he and Starlight would’ve been the ones to get married and be expecting a foal. Would they even be happy? Starlight was angry and miserable without Sunburst, and everyone else was miserable without their freedom of expression. Would their foal also be forced to give up their cutie mark when they received it? Would they be a permanent blank flank? Double Diamond could kick his own ass for even daring to have these questions right now, of all times. Better now than later, he guessed.

Comments ( 8 )

:0 I LOVED THIS! This was just amazing! I really enjoyed the StarBurst in it :D I think it was nice to add Double Diamond's feelings in it, and I enjoyed the ending with Sunset Shimmer being there! This is my favorite fanfic!

Oh, thank you so much!!!:raritystarry:
I'm so glad you enjoyed my fic! I just had to add Sunset in there since I really like the headcanon that she's Sunburst's sister~. Thank you for taking the time to read it~! 😊✨

I like that headcanon too :twilightsheepish:


Twilight is about to have an anurisum

Unrequited love sucks, dude.

She needed to have one last Twilighting moment before moving to Canterlot

Tell me about it, but it’s definitely one of my favorite things to write about

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