• Published 26th Oct 2020
  • 814 Views, 10 Comments

The Virtues of Vice - RoyalPonySisters

Nightmare Moon has been defeated, Princess Luna has returned, so why isn’t Celestia happy?

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Without Vice

Princess Celestia sat regally upon her throne, greeting petitioners, but her heart wasn’t in it. Luckily, after hundreds of years of practice she had become quite adept at holding the banal conversations that constituted her royal duties while her mind focused on something else entirely. In this case, it was her sister’s words from the evening. My sister had vice, while you have only virtue. She knew it wasn’t true, but why did Luna think it was so? Did she really appear so flawless, even to, of all ponies, her own sister, whom she could surely show her less polished side? No, she decided. That’s just the old jealousy talking. Luna may have claimed this was unrelated to envy, but Celestia knew better. These claims she made had no basis in reality, but were instead the nonsensical ramblings of a pony in deep pain. And I’m going to help her, she told herself firmly, but I can’t get caught up in her twisted beliefs. These are only Luna’s perceptions, not anypony else’s- or reality for that matter. She dwelled on the thought for a while, as it comforted her, but something stuck out at her- anypony else’s. Suddenly she had an idea.

With only the faintest glimmer of mischief in her eyes, the Solar Princess turned to the next petitioners approaching her. “Greetings, my little ponies. What are your names and what brings you here?”

The couple, a pair of ivory Unicorns, looked back at her with shock and delight, barely daring to admit to themselves that they were speaking with the Guardian of the Heavens herself. They held out a basket. Glancing down at it, Celestia could see a newborn foal.

“Can you bless this child?” The father, who had curly blue hair, and introduced himself as Astral Glow, asked softly.

“Of course,” Celestia said, smiling at the parents and their foal. “You have a beautiful child. What shall I say?”

Now the mother, whose name was Sparkle Dust, and had violet hair and eyes, spoke up. “Princess, if you may, please bless our daughter, Shining Light, that she may grow up to be a good mare and live a good life, and that she may posses even a fraction of your wisdom and kindness.”

Celestia levitated the basket up to her and repeated the words, and she meant them, truthfully. She knew many ponies believed her blessings contained special powers, and although she knew that to be false, her efforts to put a halt to the practice had only intensified the desire for it. She had resigned herself to its existence centuries ago, and now she participated to the best of her ability. Certainly she didn’t inform the earnest parents, who had worked so long and hard to get an audience with her, of the pointlessness of their task.

She returned the basket and the foal to her parents and then she said, “Astral Glow and Sparkle Dust, may I ask you a question?”

“I- of course, Your Highness,” Astral Glow answered in surprise. This was not part of the script.

“Anything, Your Majesty,” Sparkle Dust added.

“Am I without vice?” asked Celestia seriously.

Astral Glow’s eyes opened wide in horror as he glanced at his equally shocked wife, terrified by the question. “Of course, Your Majesty. Truly, there is no pony in Equestria more perfect than you.”

“You are the greatest pony in all Equestria, and nopony is as gracious, That is why we came to you, to receive your grace unto our daughter.” Sparkle Dust said. She looked from the Princess to her husband nervously, wondering if they had been sufficiently praiseful.

Celestia paused for a second, and then sighed. “Thank you for your honesty,” she responded and turned to her next petitioner.

He was a green Earth pony by the name of Grassy Field, and it suited him. She asked him, “What brings you here today?” and he responded. “Your Highness, I am a farmer. I have brought some of my best crops to you, as my gratitude for the sun you bring out every day that allows my plants to grow.” At this he held out a food basket, and she accepted it. It was overflowing with apples and carrots and softly folded oat stalks, and her favorite, sugar cane, and it smelled delicious.

Celestia smiled at him, and said, “Thank you, Grassy Field. I am grateful to the farmers like you who work so hard to feed Equestria. May I ask you a question?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

“Am I without vice?”

He froze. “Without question, Your Majesty! You give us the sun each morning, as you have done for centuries now. Ponykind only survives because of your generosity. There is nopony who can find fault in you!”

Celestia stared at him intently, and then looked away. “Thank you, my little pony. You may go.” So he did.

She greeted her next visitor, a Pegasus stallion with a light blue hide and a grey mane and tail. “Hello, sir,” she said. “What is your name, and what is your request?”

He hung his head shamefully, and wouldn’t meet her kind eyes. “Your Majesty, I am Stormy Skies. I- respectfully ask for your pardon.” He looked up.

Celestia nodded. “Continue.”

He said, “A number of years ago, I- I did something foolish. I stole a military uniform and sold it. In Cloudsdale, the punishment is quite severe. Not a day has gone by that I don’t regret this deed. May you please heed my request?”

She looked at him seriously. “A question first, my little pony?”

“Anything, Your Highness,”

“Stormy Skies, am I without vice?”

The Pegasus stared at her skittishly. “Well, certainly, Your Highness,” he said slowly. “You are as perfect as you are forgiving. That is why I came to you, after all. Because you grant forgiveness like no other.”

“And if do not grant you pardon?” Celestia pressed him. “Would I still be perfect and forgiving?”

“I- uh- of course!” he said. “If you choose not to pardon me, then it is because I am undeserving, for your judgement is flawless. You forgive all those who are worthy.”

“Very well, then,” she nodded sadly. “Stormy Skies, you are granted pardon. You may leave.”

“Oh, a thousand thanks, Your Majesty!” shrieked the stallion, and he cantered out joyfully.

Celestia watched him leave, then raised her foreleg to signal the end of petitioning for the day. The remaining ponies trotted out slowly, annoyed that they had waited for so long for nothing, but that was how it was with royalty. The Princess’s time was not unlimited. Celestia was left alone, aside from her guards, on her throne.

She frowned. This had not went the way she had hoped it would. But was it so surprising, after all? These were petitioners coming with requests, they were bound to try and flatter her. Satisfied with her explanation for the events, she decided to seek out an unbiased sample. She would prove Luna wrong without a doubt. “Guards,” she called out.

“Yes, Highness?” they responded instinctively.

“Cancel the rest of my activities for the day. I have... important issues I must address now.”

“Yes, Highness,” they said, and trotted out to do her bidding. Celestia then magicked herself to her bedchambers to prepare her disguise.