• Published 10th Nov 2012
  • 15,052 Views, 324 Comments

Graphs - Mozzarella

A rule 63 Dash clone. And it's not even Twilight's fault this time!

  • ...

I Found him in a Box

"...and some have awesomeness thrust upon them."



The town was well known for it's eclectic architecture. No color went unused on the walls and shutters of the various houses lining the streets. The businesses were no less interesting. A bakery on one street corner appeared to have been made with the pastries it produced. The library, perhaps the dullest location imaginable, had been carved into a tree. Not to mention the headquarters of some of the farms located around town had been made to look like monuments of their staple crop. However, one building still managed to stand out through some inscrutable expression of flair and elegance.

Despite its undeniable style, Carousel Boutique had seen better days. It seemed as though most mares in Ponyville were already proud owners of one of Rarity’s designer dresses, which they would find to fit both their bodies and their interests perfectly. Upon seeing their custom garment, Rarity’s customers were sufficiently wowed.

Unfortunately, even the best of dress makers cannot wow indefinitely. Eventually, everypony that came in the shop simply said that nothing “popped out at them”. In addition, this seemed to be one of those towns that preferred to feel the breeze on their coat rather than look fabulous. It did not help that the shop’s proprietor had been put on foalsitting duty for the past few days.

Mannequins and boxes of thread were flying around the white unicorn as she gazed upon some sketches. The designs had become more elaborate as her frustration grew. With no one to absorb said frustration, she had to settle for mumbling about the three little demon-fillies that had hit her place of work.

She began to walk towards a colorful closet stuffed with fabric. A moment was spared to consider the fate of the three little forces of nature that had been unleashed upon her place of work.

“I do hope they’re at least staying out of trouble,” Rarity absently mumbled. The equine marshmallow paused, pondering what she just said. Floating supplies suddenly stopped in mid-air.

“Actually, self-destructive behavior seems to have paid off in the past.” Images of a certain goddess of eternal night flooded her head. “I went to battle with my friends against a malevolent goddess with no guarantee or even a chance of success.” She frowned and recalled some other previous misadventures.

“Twilight jumped off a cliff onto jagged rocks because Pinkie said she’d be alright...”

Rarity shook her head at these realizations. Surely this couldn’t be true. It defied reason.

With a tired, yet somehow frighteningly energetic smile, she proceeded to imagine several scenarios in which she could see if fate truly would not go against her and her friends. Among them were the incineration of her house, the removal of Twilight’s horn, and the amputation of Applejack’s legs. All with their consent, of course.

Needless to say, Rarity was not in the best of mental states and, consequently, these thoughts were accompanied by giggling fits. Although, the best was yet to come.

It would begin with a tragic accident involving Pinkie and a bridge. Perhaps her cannon misfired. Either way, Pinkie would no longer be with us.

But wait! What’s this? It’s a cloud of pink smoke! It is covering the town. Echoes of the earth pony’s trademark laugh echo through the now opaque air of Ponyville. Inevitably, somepony inhales it. Then laughs. And laughs. And laughs some more.

Within minutes all of Ponyville is laughing and carefree as ever. So carefree, in fact, that they cannot bring themselves to be concerned about their lack of breathing. And who could blame them? Oxygen is overrated anyway. Slowly, the laughter dies down. There are no survivors. But their last moments were absolutely hilarious.

Rarity fell on the ground, holding her sides. She wiped away a tear and realized that she appeared to have gotten off task.

“Oh Rarity, you should write that one down for the therapist.”

The fashion pony trotted over to her table and glanced at the ripped rags that used to be a flowing gown lined with gems. There was going to be a hat to go along with it, but she found her ceiling did not have the necessary clearance to accommodate it.

“Perhaps some of the materials could be salvaged?” she asked hopefully. The torn fabric promptly turned into a pile of dust with a soft poof. Rarity simply stared at the mound of ash, too dumbfounded to explain to the mannequins how that was impossible.

A knock on the door broke her trance. “Coming!” she sang. An indigo aura covered the front door as it swung open. Rarity walked down her staircase to meet the gray Pegasus at the door. Its head rose from a brown saddlebag with a scroll in its mouth.

“Mare phur woo” said the cross-eyed mailmare.

“Why thank you Derpy,” Rarity said, magically grabbing the rolled up paper. “How is Dinky?”

“She’s fine,” replied the Pegasus. “And Sweetie Belle?”

“Oh, she’s off doing Celestia-knows-what with those friends of hers.” Rarity said while rubbing her temple (Ponies have temples, right? Now they have temples). She’ll probably break all her bones she thought. It’ll be for the best. Giggles that must have seemed hysterical now came from the white unicorn. Derpy frowned at the ceiling and the floor (at the same time) and then backed out of the doorway.

Rarity sighed and unraveled the scroll. It was filled with blue writing and sported a blue microphone stamp. The unicorn’s eyes opened wide as she read the message. She dashed up the stairs to a chest along a wall with a big sign discouraging any small fillies from poking around in it.

“Oh please, oh please, oh please...”

The chest opened to reveal her stash of gems reserved for special clients. Her finely tuned instincts informed her that there were not enough gems in the chest to accommodate her client’s expensive tastes. Rarity's face contorted with almost physical pain as she began to search for her self-pity couch.

She stamped a hoof. “No! This is no time for that!” A hat floated off a shelf onto her head before she burst through her front door.

“Spike! Could you get the door!” said what appeared to be a pile of books.

“I’m kind of busy right now!” replied a somewhat smaller pile standing precariously on a ladder. "I told you they would do this. But no, we have to trust that they'll learn their lesson. Lemme tell you something, the word patience is not in Sweetie Belle's vocabulary!" The knocking at the door grew stronger and began to shake the entirety of the Ponyville Library.

“Bwah!” said the smaller pile right before tumbling down to the floor. A purple dragon emerged from the rubble a moment later. She has magic, thought Spike. Can’t she deal with these books with a spell? If this is about not showing off or something, I swear I'll-

The sound of rapping on the wooden door continued to grow in frequency and in volume. Spike hurried his pace as much as possible considering the various injuries he felt in his legs. “Ugh. Coming!”

The dragon turned the lock and reached for the knob only to receive an additional concussion when the door swung open and pinned him to the wall. Rarity, donning a green winter cap, bolted through the doorway and began to search frantically through the shelves that lined the walls.

“Twilight? Twilight!” she yelled. The most magical unicorn in Equestria broke out of her own book prison and turned to her fashionable friend.

“Oh hey Rarity. It's a little warm out for an ushanka, isn't it? Can I help you with something?” Books were being thrown from the shelves accompanied by incoherent mumbles from the crazed equine.

“Please do!” she whined (or is it complained?). “I just received another order from Sapphire Shores and I haven’t the time to gather the supplies!”

“Ok…?” Twilight replied, somewhat confused. “…and you need…a book?”

“Yes! Do you have any spell books? I need a spell that can make gems.”

Twilight shook her head. "Sorry, Rarity. It takes a lot of time and effort to just make something. Especially if you don't have a concrete, or crystalline I suppose, foundation to build upon."

"That's fine! I have a few. I just need more!"

“Oh? Well I guess that could make it a bit easier. Lets see…” She trotted over to a shelf containing books thicker than a pony’s hooves. She peered at their spines. “We've got telekinesis, pyrokinesis, pyromancy, The difference between pyrokinesis and pyromancy, voice alteration, necromancy- that one's illegal so don't try it. Telepathy, Thaumaturgy and You, uhh- economics? Why is this here? Umm, aminomorphication, biosynthesis, biogenesis, The difference between yadda yadda… No, I don’t think anyone has published anything on duplication. Come to think of it, I’m not too sure anypony has even looked too far into that subject. I don't think I can help you with this.”

Rarity’s lower lip curled and her eyes took on a size comparable to the circumference of a fire hydrant, threatening to emit a corresponding amount of water.

Twilight withstood the look for longer than some residents of Ponyville could have. Most likely because of her lack of an Y chromosome. And yet, her will was bested by the pleading countenance of the equine siren herself.

"Alright alright. There might be something I can do.” Her purple horn glowed and, moments later, a massive text floated down the stairs. “Look, I don’t keep this down here because it’s extremely valuable. But I can trust you. I present to you Mareium-Webster’s encyclopedia on all things magical! They use these in all the reputable magic universities. It contains information on advanced magic theory and experimental spells. They've got some notes from all the famous magic scholars out there and some instructions for novice magicians."

"This will tell me how to make gems?"

"Not necessarily. But if anypony has studied it, it’ll be in there. Now, I need you to promise to be careful, some of the spells aren’t completely-“

The door slammed shut. Neither Rarity nor the book was anywhere to be seen.

“-understood.” She sighed and noticed Spike drifting in and out of consciousness in a hole in the wall.

“W-was that Rarity?” he managed to mutter before blacking out.

The weather schedule said clear skies and sunshine all day. The overcast clouds above everypony’s heads begged to differ. Up in the sky, a faint rainbow trail streaked through the grayness that covered the town.

Whoever managed to mistake a blanket of stratus clouds for no clouds will be hearing from my hoof, thought the coolest rainbow colored pegasus in Equestria. Why do I have to clean it up?

Of course she knew why. She was the best Ponyville’s weather patrol had to offer. It would probably take all day to clear up the sky had anypony else been assigned the job.

Rainbow Dash swooped down low, just low enough to accidentally kick somepony. Whatever. It’s not getting in the way of my morning training. The colorful houses sped by as she performed a series of loops and sharp turns. She pulled upward and evened out into a glide beside the quickly passing buildings. She sighed as the cool air laced itself beneath her feathers.

She could recall a certain legend about bad luck coming to pegasi who shirk their duties. It was a lame one too. Repetitive rhyme schemes, cheesy dialogue, the whole spiel. Her eyes shot back and forth from the increasingly ominous sky and a fast approaching lamppost. Nah, that’s just what they tell foals so they take out the trash. Well, true or not, bad luck would befall the slacking pony. Tension started to build up in her right wing.

“Oh no…”

Muscles in the wing suddenly decided to gather for a group hug, much to the Pegasus’s dismay. “Gah! Foal of a-” she yelled aloud. She wobbled and began to loose altitude.

Ok Rainbow Dash. Relax. They taught you how to handle this. It's just a stupid wing cramp. Just straighten your wing and glide to a landing spot. This turned out to be easier said than done. She closed her eyes and winced as she stiffened the offending wing. It felt like stepping right on a caltrop. A multitude of obscenities flashed through her mind.

Oh, and she didn’t see the window.

The large spell book sat atop a pile of dust on a table. Rarity glanced at it once more through her gem-studded glasses and shot a determined gaze at a mannequin wearing a diamond studded dress.

Ok Rarity, you can do this. Her horn lit up and aimed at the mannequin. Behind her sat Twilight’s book along with a generous assortment of sloppy but beautifully written notes. The textbook would have been useful to a professional sorcerer with a working knowledge of complex magic. To Rarity, it looked like one third of the Rosetta stone.

There were a few words she could recognize. “The” and “magic” were found scattered about the pages. There were others that weren’t even written in Equestrian letters. There were much more of the latter category to be found.

Nevertheless, the unicorn pored over the relevant chapters. The subject of duplication had been studied by a number of lesser geniuses, including the obscure Zero X. Painter, before being dismissed as dangerous (The term he used was “suicidal”).

But some silly thing like mortality wasn’t going to stop a fashion designer with a purpose, right!? Of course not. Her notes soon contained a nonsensical plan that, on a good day, might not be fatal. But fashion waits for nopony.

Visualize something splitting in two. A bubble slowly pinching in on it self. What did Twilight call that again? Binary fission? Yes. Envisage binary fission…

Primary magic school teachers would tell a young unicorn to be sure to use a thought process that one thoroughly understands when casting a spell. If one's interpretation of nominal descriptions deviates from their intent, bad things happen. But what do they know?

Several minutes passed as the magic gathered in her horn. Sweat beaded on her forehead. It turned out creating matter took a little more effort than telekinesis did. Now, just release it at the dress. No attention was paid to the object rocketing towards the window.

A crash, a bright light, and two screams filled the air. The once chaotic dress shop was now downright destroyed, by a certain OCD-afflicted pony’s standards anyhow. A cloud of dust filled the room containing about two unconscious ponies.

Eventually, they stirred. Moans of pain broke through the silence.



“My head…”

“My wing…”

“My shop! Rainbow Dash? What in Equestria have you done!?” The unicorn rose and trotted laboriously to the Pegasus.

“Emergency landing.” She muttered as she massaged her wing.

Rarity sighed and helped her friend to her hooves. She grimaced as she surveyed her shop. Broken glass was strewn about near the window, fabric was hanging off of shelves, and dismembered mannequins sat around the room. But, there did not seem to be a trace of blood.

“As long as nopony got hurt…” She looked expectantly at her target mannequin. It remained intact, but without a duplicate. It seems as though I cast the “knock it over” spell.

“Sorry,” Dash said with genuine guilt. “Let me help. I’ll have this place cleaned in ten se-”

“I think you’ve done quite enough speeding for today,” interrupted Rarity, imagining a tornado destroying what remained of her shop. I suppose I’ll give Sapphire a call. I can’t manage any more complicated spells today.

Rainbow Dash scanned the room for something simple to fix. Rarity still hadn’t stopped talking about how her sister “ruined” her “inspiration room”. An upturned box sat in the middle of the room with a strip of jagged multi-colored fabric sticking out.

Alright, she can’t possibly want that there.

She trotted over and nudged the box right side up, revealing the protruding fabric to be somepony’s tail.

Before her sat the unmoving form of a pony. It had a short, messy rainbow mane and the blunt snout characteristic of stallions. Everything from its eyebrows to its tail seemed to resemble a bolt of lightning. It had wings which were spread out on the floor and along its flank sat a very familiar symbol.

Now, Dash isn’t the most mature of ponies, nor was she aware of the spell that was cast upon her. A sly grin crept onto her muzzle.

Rarity, you naughty unicorn you.

“Hey Rarity? Is there a reason you have one of these things lying around?” Puzzled, the unicorn tore herself away from her self-pity-couch (I don’t care what it is, I’m calling it a couch) and strutted over to her friend.

“Whatever do you mean Rainb-” She choked as she took in the sight. “W-w-what is that?!”

“Honestly, Rarity. I’m flattered. I didn’t know you felt that way about me. I mean, I know I’m awesome and all, but you didn’t have to go ahead and make a doll of me to play with.” She winked at the unicorn staring incredulously at her.

Indignation overpowered her confusion. “What kind of pony do you take me for?”

Rainbow Dash continued her teasing, ignoring the angered unicorn. “It’s totally realistic too! You got my hair, my cutie mark, everything. Except, it looks more like a colt to me.” She took on an exaggerated offended expression. “Am I not good enough for you the way I am? And here I thought we had something special.”

Rarity’s face turned red. “I’ve never seen this thing in my life.” Then it dawned on her. “Oh no…”

“Aw don’t worry, Rarity. I won’t tell anypony. Your dirty little secret is safe with me.” Dash winked yet again. “Although, I would look out for Gabby Gums if I were you.”

Rarity turned away with a huff and walked over to Twilight’s gigantic textbook. “What’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked, now giggling obnoxiously. “Is that the catalog where you order these things?”

“No. As a matter of fact, it is a spell book I borrowed from Twilight.” Rarity’s mental light bulb suddenly lit up. Some petty revenge was in order. “I need to check the side effects of the spell I just cast on you.”

The giggling cut like a malfunctioning steam engine. “Uh, what spell?” Dash flew up to the unicorn’s side to peer at the book.

“Oh, just a spell I found to turn things into diamonds,” she said, matter-of-factly. “Oh dear…”

“What! What! What’s happening? Am I going to be ok?” The cyan Pegasus now wore a look of desperation and fear. Her head craned back awkwardly to survey her body for any sign of crystallization.

“I’m afraid it has already begun. First you will feel scared. Petrified, even.” Rarity fought to retain her composure (Laugh at my pun!). Rainbow fell back to the ground with tears welling up in her eyes.

“It will start at your hooves, and then move through your body.” Rarity held up her hooves for a dramatic effect. “Next will be your wings. Then, finally,” (Epic pause), “your head!”

“No no no! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! I swear, I won’t tell anypony about your fetish! Please help me!” Two blue hooves clasped themselves before Rarity, begging for forgiveness. Rarity deadpanned at her now apologetic yet still insulting friend.

“Humph,” she said with a flip of her mane. “I thought you of all ponies would understand a prank.”

Rainbow Dash gazed back at the new best prankster in Ponyville. “S- so you didn’t cast a spell on me?”

“Oh I cast a spell, but not one to turn you to stone. I was trying to clone that dress over there when you-” She paused. There was a sound. Breathing? Grunting? “Do you hear that?”

Dash’s ear twitched. “Yeah, it’s like-“The only other pony in the room attempted to reply, but was interrupted by an annoyed, raspy voice from across the room.

“Would you two shut up? Ugh, can’t a pony get some sleep around here?” it grumbled as it got up.

Rainbow Dash went stiff (Not like that you immature children!) and stared wide-eyed at what apparently was not an –er –adult entertainment device. Rarity held her hoof over her mouth as the mystery colt stood and stretched his wings.

Rarity leaned in to the first Pegasus in the room, equally wide-eyed “I think I… may have just… cloned you.

“You what?!” cried the Pegasus mare, stunning her friend. “Why would you do that?! What’s going to happen to me?! You can’t just go around magic-ing up clones of ponies! It’s unnatur-“ She stopped her verbal salvo after receiving a ball of thread to the mouth. The stranger balanced another ball in his hoof.

“I said shut up! Now will somepony please tell me where the buck I am?” The angered colt started towards them, rubbing its forehead. Rainbow Dash glared at him and, in an instant, hovered in the air with her hoof inches from his snout.

“Listen punk. Nopony tells Rainbow Dash to shut up. Now who are you?”

“I’m Rainbow Blitz,” he said, brushing away the accusing hoof. “And I’ll tell Rainbow Dash whatever I want.” Rarity blinked.

Rainbow Blitz?

“Keep talkin’ buddy. Now why exactly are you here in Rarity’s shop?” The shop owner continued to flash her eyes back and forth from the pegasus and the, well, other pegasus.

Did I…?

“Who’s Rarity?”

It was Dash’s turn to deadpan. She pointed her hoof. Rainbow Blitz directed his gaze at the white pony now flipping furiously through her spell book. How any book of Twilight’s could leave something unexplained was beyond her.

“Ok. Well, I was just out uh-” He paused and looked up, as if trying to search inside his head.

Dash floated in front of him looking less then merciful.

“I was…” The colt frowned in frustration and knocked his head with his hoof. "I-I don't know. Why don't I know? Why don’t I remember anything? “

“A likely story,” said Dash how she imagined an interrogator would say it. She pressed her face against his, still flying so that she could look down on him. He was about one or two inches taller than her. “WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!”

“I just told you I have no idea what’s going on!” he said, rising into the air to match her.

“And what if I don’t believe you, Rainbow Blitz? If that is your real name.”

“Do something about it! I want to see you try!” The mare brought back her hoof and moved to strike him (Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?) but felt a magical aura yank her away. She then found herself, and her doppelganger, to be magically suspended in mid-air. Rarity stood below them with a stern expression that discouraged any form of argument.

“I’m going to need you two foals to settle down and listen.” The Pegasi crossed their forelegs and pouted identically.

Rarity smirked at the symmetry. “I’m not quite sure what has happened, but you two fighting is not going to make this any better. All I know is that you,” she motioned towards the stallion, “appeared after a duplication spell hit her,” she motioned towards the mare. “You two are going to go ask Twilight how to handle this… situation.” ...because I haven't a clue what's happening. Dash and Blitz floated down to the floor, refusing to make eye contact.

“Do either of you have anything to say? Perhaps an apology is in order?”

A few seconds passed. “Sorry,” they simultaneously muttered, still not looking at each other. Rarity smiled at them.

That’s adorable! “Ok, now hug.”

The pegasi raised their respective eyebrows at the fashion pony.

“I said hug!”

They quickly complied and embraced each other in their hooves. Each frowned as they tried to contain their blush. Blood began to pump to their wings and they quickly parted to contain their appendages.

“Awww. Ok good. Now you’d best get going!” Twilight’s spell book floated onto Rainbow Blitz’s back. He bent over and grunted at the sudden weight.

“Oof! This thing weighs a ton! Why do I have to carry it?”

“Well, you don’t expect your new girlfriend to do the labor, do you? Us mares simply adore a little chivalry now and then.”

The two cyan faces turned redder as they were ushered down the stairs and out the door, which did, in fact, hit them on the way out. They waited in silence for a few seconds, alternately glancing at their other self while the other was not looking.

He is sort of…

She is kind of…

More silence. Rainbow Dash suddenly remembered her task.

“Oh, uh, this way I guess.” She walked forward with Ponyville’s second rainbow Pegasus beside her through the busy streets.

Celestia’s sun could only do so much to warm the ponies below it. She left it up to the locals to control the weather if they wanted to see it. Still, no cloud was going to upstage the princess. A dull, distorted disk of light shined through the clouds above Ponyville. It was about noon.

“So… you don’t remember anything?” Rainbow Dash turned to her struggling companion. Was being thrown into Equestria and forced into manual labor unpleasant? Passing ponies did double takes at the twin Pegasi walking through the streets.

“No, not really,” said Blitz, relieved at the conversation. The situation was pretty awkward. “I know my name, and that I like to fly.” He frowned and thought about what he just said. “How do I know that I like to fly? I don’t remember anything before a few minutes ago.” Dash simply shrugged.

While the walked, the mare kept glancing at the sky. “I still have to clear up the sky,” she moaned to nopony. “Somepony went and misread today’s schedule.”

Blitz took a moment to consider her words. He was born very recently and knew nothing about where he was. It’s not like he could have plans for the day. She was the only pony he knew and she probably wanted help. Also, it didn’t hurt that he found her quite cute.

“I could give you a hoof, you know, if you want. I’d like to stretch my wings sometime soon,” he wiggled his wings under the crushing weight of the spell book. “Besides, I can’t leave all that work to some filly. That looks more like a stallion’s job.” He shot her a proud grin.

“I’m the best flyer alive!” She replied angrily. “I could do this job in my sleep. I just don’t want to.”

“Sure you could, Dashie.”

‘Dashie’ quickly turned her head to hide her reddening face. Dashie? Really? Blitz found himself wondering what provoked that name as well. Although, he took no small amount of pleasure in seeing her reaction.

“Whatever. We’ll settle this in the air later. Right now we need to return the book.”

“Sounds good to me,” he said, not seeming all that nervous about SETTLING SOMETHING in the AIR with THE Rainbow Dash. “Anyway, is there anything I should know about this place?”

“Well, we are in Ponyville, Equestria. Princess Celestia is our princess. And we are on our way to see Twilight Sparkle. She knows all about magic stuff. I guess she can tell us if you’ll blow up soon or something. That’s her textbook that you’re carrying right now.”

“Wait, what?” His expression fell.

“I said that’s her textbook.”

“No, the other part.” He said, looking more concerned.

“Oh yeah. Princess Luna is Celestia’s sister. They both rule together. I keep forgetting about her. I really think she should get out m-”

He rushed in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. “I meant the part about me blowing up!”

“Relax Blitzy.” She smiled at his look of horror and pushed him off of her. “Oh, here it is. The library.”

Blitz took a break from freaking out to acknowledge the pet name. Blitzy? His wings twitched. He quickly distracted himself and looked upon the glorified tree house. “I thought we were going to see Twiloot Snorkel.”

“We are. She lives in a library.”

“Why?” Evidently his limited understanding of the known world extended to the places ponies normally live.

“I dunno,” Dash shrugged with her wings and tapped her hoof on the door. “She likes to read.”

Inside the door, a bandaged dragon poked at the lock with a six foot pole. He was in no mood to be knocked out again. Finally, the lock turned and the dragon quickly back-peddled away. “Come in!”

Rainbow Dash peeked inside and opened the door. “Hey Spike. Is Twilight around?”

Spike wiped his brow and lowered his pike, having escaped the grasp of the all-smashing door. “Hey. Yeah, hold on a sec. Twilight! Rainbow Dash is here!”

The library was significantly cleaner than before. The floor was only obscured by a few layers of Equestria’s finest literature. Twilight trotted over. “Hello Rainbow. What can I do for you?”

“Well, Rarity asked me to return some book…” Rainbow Dash brushed her hoof across the floor.

“Oh? How did it go? Did she finish her dress?” Dash smiled awkwardly and stepped inside. Another Pegasus walked in behind her, and carelessly dropped the textbook on the floor. Twilight cocked her head to the side. She was sure she’d met or at least seen everypony in Ponyville by now. “Um, hello. Can I help you?” She said.

Rainbow Blitz smirked at the purple unicorn. What better way to avoid feeling awkward than to act obnoxious?

“You must be Twiloot. I’m Rainbow Blitz.” He held out a hoof.

‘Twiloot’ simply stood there watching him. Rainbow Blitz? That sounds an awful lot like- She shot a look at Dash behind her. Blitz shrugged and walked in to inspect the room.

“It’s pretty messy in here. You clean it often?” He flew up to get a better view of the room.

Spike, far less perplexed than his pony roommate, was first to speak. “Uh, who is that?” he whispered to the familiar Pegasus in the room.

Dash glanced at her clone and back at Twilight, whose gaze was now locked on the Pegasus that hovered in her home. “About that… ya see… Rarity might have sort of cloned me.

Twilight still didn’t move. It really shouldn’t have been so hard for her to handle. She lived in the same town as Pinkie Pie, after all.

She shook her head to regain her senses. “What! How? Is that what she used the book for? Why did she want to clone you?

How should I know? I crashed into her window and then found him in a box.

Why would you crash through Rarity’s window?

You think I crash on purpose? My wing gave out on me.

"Well what if he's a changeling?!"

"Didn't we fend off, like, hundreds of those?"

The mares continued their exchange in raspy murmurs that were still clearly audible throughout the room. Blitz, meanwhile, grew tired of being left out of the conversation. He flew down between Dash and Twilight to put his two bits in the discussion that was clearly about him. He pressed his head indignantly against Twilight’s.

“Hey, I’m not a mute. If you’ve got something to say to me you can-“ He stopped. His eyes grew wide as he took in the sight of the library and the startled unicorn in front of him. Details jumped out at him and information seemed to flow into him. It was almost as if...

"Hey Blitz, you okay?"

...he’d done this before.

His vision went blurry and faded to a darker version of the library. Emotions hit him like a wave. Anger, urgency, and fear all clouded his mind. He was in another world before his head hit the floor.

Author's Note:

Why "Graphs" you say? Why not some pun about finding oneself or some sneaky addition of the number '63'? Well, first of all, I'm not clever enough to think of a good name. Second, if I named it "My Little Pony Rule 63 Shipping Fan Fiction" on my computer, I would have a lot of explaining to do. The name just feels right.