• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,236 Views, 35 Comments

Chrysalis trial. - Kingless knight

Chrysalis father takes her statue to be unfrozen and stand trial for the crimes of breaking multiple changeling codes, like revealing your existence to the world!

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Law and Changelings

"The broken laws are: The law of secrecy, unauthorized declaration of war, the law of disguise, the law of alteration, and lastly, being a living eyesore," Mandible told Twilight as she looked through the book.

Twilight saw that being a living eyesore wasn't in the book. "being an eyesore is not a criminal offense." He turned a few pages to a section on annoying your rulers/parents. "Oh...why is there an entire section dedicated to this?" she asked as Mandible pulled out a photo of a young Spindle painted in gold color and a full grown-changeling with a purple mane laughing her plot off.

Mandible sighed. "Emila got jealous after dad called Spindle his lucky star, so a bucket of gold paint landed on Spindles head and it wouldn't wash out for three months." Spike burst out laughing and Twilight snorted into her hoof.

Twilight cleared her voice. "Ok, the law of secrecy states that no changeling is to reveal their existence to ponies. It doesn't have anything subjective about it that could be argued in a courtroom." She hit her head on a bookshelf, which caused a trap to activate that gave her body spots. "Argh! Ok, unauthorized declaration of war! Who did Chrysalis need to ask to declare a war?" Mandible pointed at himself. "What?" He nodded.

"I'm regent when my mother is asleep and when father is absent; meaning, I have to make decisions, but that's the limit. I mean, I can't order my sisters around like father or mother, but making sure they don't declare wars is fine." Twilight then had an idea.

"Wait, Equestria never got a declaration of war or nor did we declare any! Which means Chrysalis didn't break that law!" Mandible sighed, using his magic to get a notebook and a pencil to remove it off the list. "Ok, we just have the law of disguise, aaand it's also literal and has no subjective meaning." She said rubbing her eyes. "Do changelings even have lawyers?" Mandible shook his head. Twilight rubbed her eyes and hoped the other girls were having a better time.

Meanwhile, with Rainbow Dash

Rainbow dash sat next to the changeling queen, whose eyes and mane were crimson, sitting on a throne made of iron. The changelings watched a pegasus with a yellow coat and strawberry red mane fighting a diamond dog. "What is he doing?" Rainbow asked, watching the fight. The gladiator dodged the dog's attempts to grab him and then flew over the beast as it tried to catch the warrior and then he flew and in front of a wall. The diamond dog ran with an open jaw towards the gladiator, but before it could eat the pegasus, he flew out of the way, leaving the dog stuck to the wall. It struggled to escape but it was no use, as the warrior dive-bombed into the dog's head, knocking it out. "That was awesome!" Rainbow said, and the queen smiled.

The queen stood up. "What does the hive wish?!" They all cheered. "May this beast live to fight again?!" They cheered and the gladiator nodded, accepting the audience's decision. The queen of the stadium looked at Rainbow Dash. "I Myrmecia, the Queen of Rage, declare the next game to be a combat between the element of loyalty and Gladius!" Rainbow Dash tried to fly away, but the guard held her down.

Dash struggled. "I'm not playing your games!" The queen ate the rage from Rainbow Dash which calmed her down. "W-what did you do?" Dash asked, all her anger disappearing and being replaced by fear.

"My hive and I don't feed off of love, remember? We feed off anger! Luckily for us, somecreature invented buckball; one lost game can produce enough rage to last us two years!"

Her horn glowed red, pulling shards of a mirror out of a box. They formed a square and it showed a buckball bar with the visiting team winning and one pony with bloodshot eyes sitting in the middle of the chaos.

A changeling in disguise with bloodshot eyes smiled. "This is the life," he said, dodging a cup. "Hey!" The mob turned to the changeling in disguise. "He said Celestia is best princess!" He pointed to the pony who had thrown the cup at him and the bowl turned to a screaming match. "Get me two more pints of cider!" He said with their eyes losging their blood-shot feature.

The queen returned the shards into a box next to her. "Well, that was your last bit of relaxation."

The warrior changelings threw Rainbow Dash into the arena "Because of this, we like to have these games to entertain us and punish those who wronged us. Now you're next for the arena!" Rainbow Dash glared at the queen.

The stadium cheered as the gladiator took off his armor, leaving only the helmet that had the symbol of Mars and Caduceus on it.

Rainbow looked at Gladius "Alright, how about you take a dive and—" The gladiator unfolded his wings, which were twice the size of the warriors body length. "Show off." She smirked.

She did the same, remembering the only history lesson she listened to —because it was about a gladiator from legends— that the pegasus gladiators would unfold their wings as a show of dominance. They stared at each other, then the gladiator unsheathed one of his blades and threw it to Rainbow Dash "Consider it as an act of kindness," the warrior said, smiling , and she took the sword with her wing, and held it in front of herself.


She was in a living room drinking tea. "Thank you, Cocoon for the tea and cookies, but could you tell me where my friends are?" Cocoon sighed.

She sat in front of Fluttershy. "I'm sorry, but even if I told you, wouldn't be able to free them. They're with my sisters, and they won't let you take them away." Fluttershy looked disappointed and cocoon offered her a plate of cinnamon pie. "I'm sorry; I wish chrysalis didn't attack your friend's brother or kidnap you and your friends or try to conquer Equestria, three times." She started to tear up; Fluttershy placed her wing around her and the changelings sniffed.

The yellow pegasus gave her a few tissues and cocoon took them, blowing her nose. "It's not your fault what your family does." Cocoon sighed.

"I wish my siblings would understand; they feel so much pain and frustration from letting Chrysie take this path of madness! I just left the hive and the only worker I have is Pupa." At the mention of his name the little grub crawled out his mother's mane to give kisses. "I know, my little grub, I love you too." The grub purred before crawling back into his mother's warm mane.

Fluttershy smiled. "Do you know if my friends are fine?" The changeling nodded and then a chaos spirit teleported in, shocking Cocoon onto the ground unconscious. "Discord! You scared Cocoon."He looked at the changeling queen with her grub popping its head out of her mane. "Don't worry, your mommy will be awake soon, Discord, could you help bring cocoon to her bedroom?”

"Fine." He simply snapped his fingers, teleporting the grub and queen into her bed. "May I ask why you're here, Fluttershy? Normally we have tea at this time of day," he said as his eye turned into a clock, showing the time. "What is that?" He flew around Fluttershy. "Hmm, rare to see a Changeling King use magic." Fluttershy gave a confused look. "Where are the other members of your friend group?"

Flutter took a breath and said as quickly as possible. "Twilightcalledusbecausethevilliansstatuegotstolenandwefollowedachangelingnamedscythe. Thenscythewhobreathedoutacloudofash, nextthingiknowi'mhereandbeingservedteabyaverynicechangelingqueen." Discord nodded, understanding the frame of this story. "Could you get us to them?"

He snapped his finger and teleported to closest hive underground outside of the entrance. "Discord, I don't want to bother but—"

Discord explained himself. "This hive seems to repel magic, instead of absorbing magic like Chrysalis's. We have to go inside and see what horrible architecture it has." The first room was a normal house where ceiling and floor were swapped. "Odd, why would she copy my decor." It startedleaking a red liquid. "Oh, that's surprising," he said with Fluttershy hugging his head, not wanting to touch the red stuff. Discord placed a claw in and tastes it to find, "It's cranberry juice, Fluttershy, no worries, but it would be better if you didn't step in the juice." She nodded,the terror from thinking that blood was leaking from the ceiling still in her mind.

Discord opened the next room which was filled with green glowing spiders. "Um, this isn't bad." Discord stepped on one which turned to smoke. "That's not normal." Discord looked around then poked a random the walls to reveal it was a changeling standing at a corner of the room creating the illusion spiders from his horn. "Hello?" The changeling opened his deep green eyes and jumped into a wall but was caught by his tail by the spirit of chaos. Now the changeling was hanging by his tail, shaking in fear. "Could you lead us to our friends?"

The changeling gulped. "There are over a hundred ponies here; I wouldn't know who your friend would be unless they're the witness." Fluttershy's eyes widened at the mention of the word.

"Yes! My friends and I are all witnesses!" The changeling sighed, cursing under his breath.

Discord held the changeling's tail as he walked through a wall to a room filled with slugs, the next one was a room where the walls were nothing but eyes just staring at them. After being creeped out they jumped through to another one where there was nothing but hip-hop music playing while a changeling break-danced to it. "His Bill, he's just like this." He said, frustrated as the changeling stepped through another wall.

Back to the arena

Rainbow Dash ran at the gladiator who stepped aside and tripped the element of loyalty with his free wing. Rainbow Dash rolled around over before standing up and facing the warrior. "I'm guessing you're a racer?" She nodded "I have fought many racers. After an accident they think they could join the gladiatorial arena." He unsheathed his blade and ran at Dash but unlike her, he used his wings to build up speed for the blade to have a stronger strike. Rainbow Dash ducked before the blade was able to cut her head off; she got punched across the chin, flying a few feet away.

She looked into his eyes; there wasn't any smirk or over-confidence like would be seen on Spitfire or any other Wonderbolt having a new recruit; his eyes were complete concentration and calculation planning the next attack and the final strike. Rainbow Dash was going through her head as she blocked the his blade with her own as it was swung at her. She had never held a sword in her life and this guy is was a gladiator who had trained his entire life. She was certain he was going easy on her.

The stallion continued to attack, blocking all of Rainbow Dash's attempts to hit him; he was toying with her, and he was enjoying it to a degree, as he hadn't fought a real pony in years! Rainbow threw the sword down and flew upward since a pegasus can't hold a sword and fly. The pegasus picked up the sword Rainbow Dash thrown and flew to Rainbow like an arrow; he was fast, but Rainbow flew out of the way.

It turned into aerial combat as each tried to hit the other midair to the ground. The issue was Rainbow was fast, but the gladiator was more experienced, as he easily dodged the member of the Wonderbolts.

Meanwhile, During the Adventures of Discord and Flutter in the Hive of Disgust.

They entered a new room where the walls were constructed like a hornets' nest. "Um, why does each room look different?" The changeling raised a brow at that.

He groaned. "Disgust isn't an easy emotion to produce from ponies, unlike joy or anger or fear. We place their dream forms into these rooms and milk all we can."

"That explains the techno Music." The changeling nodded, passing through a wall into the Grand Galloping Gala. "Is this Celestia's room?" Discord asked, walking past the illusions of nobility. Fluttershy looked around to see a tired stallion in a cowboy hat. The Pony, screamed, then started eating all the cake and throwing it at the guests. "I thought Celestia would be the first to do that." He was laughing like a maniac before poofing out of the room.

Fluttershy looked shocked, holding her hooves in front of her mouth. "W-why?" The changeling sniffed the room as the Illusion disappeared showing the changeling secretion walls.

"Because at some point the pony has enough, this so disgust turns either to rage, madness or just whatever that was." He then walked through another wall.

Discord was impressed with the operation and the design of the hives' chaotic architecture. It would be hard to travel through if it wasn't for their guide. "Ok, warning; Mom hasn't slept in a month because of a fungus outbreak and she had to help clean the larvea so she is a bit tired." He jumped through the wall and the pony and spirit of chaos followed.

The queen Archania, the creator of nightmare rooms, the ruler of the sixth largest hive! was asleep with her grubs crawling on her while Rarity was trying her best to take a ugly baby poop green jacket off.

"Fluttershy, Discord! Get something sharp and rip this thing off! Discord use that talon! I don't want to wear the most disgusting color there is!" she screamed, using her hooves but that lead nowhere.

"Suggestive, but I will offer a helping claw." The being of chaos used his talon, ripping the jacket apart.

Rarity sighed with relief. "Now burn it," she said, looking at the remains with pure hatred and disgust which the grubs took from Rarity like little sponges. This calmed Rarity down a little as the little grubs fell asleep. "Huh, that's odd." Fluttershy started taking the grubs and placing them on the queen or in the queen's hoof holes as she remembered pupa liked crawling through them to make sure no creature steps on them.

The Queen opened her eyes to see two elements of harmony and Discord. "How did—" She then noticed the grubs on her body, asleep. "Well played," she said, then saw the worker changeling. "What happened?"

"I followed protocol, lead them to the kill room... we should've had a meeting about this" No one was surprised about the planned betrayal except Fluttershy and the queen sighed.

She looked at the intruders. "Fine, you can leave; it's not like they won't try to free their friends." She looked at the destroyed jacket. "Thanks for that now, I have a reason why I don't wear it." She charged her horn and they were teleported out of the hive. "I hope mother awakens soon and the same with my grubs. No, they're too precious to wake up." She said, enjoying the warmth and the adorable snoring of her children.

The next location was a foggy swamp. "Um, this place—" Undead ponies pulled them down scaring their souls out as they reached the bottom.


"Ok, the hive uprising doctrine says the crimes of the queen can't pass on to the hive members!" She pointed and Mandible looked at it.

He looked at the barely sane Twilight, questioning if he should tell. "What should I do if she's like this?" he asked Spike who pointed at a spine of a book that said: Run From Madness.

He summoned a shield around himself. "That doesn't work because they revealed themselves before revolting against Chrysalis." Twilight's eye twitched.

The gladiator dodged the screaming element of loyalty but the angry pony did a quick U-turn, causing the warrior to hit the ground. The warrior stood up. "Wait, what if I don't want to fight?" She had that her question answered with a lightning bolt shot by one changeling in the crowd. "Ow! I got it!" One said fight! and the crowd slowly joined.

The queen formed a lighting net that went from top to bottom slowly. The gladiator glared at Rainbow Dash. "Now fight like a pegasus or you're fried like a chicken!" Rainbow Dash landed and started with a hoof to the face blocked by a wing from the gladiator and who retaliated with a kick to the mare's stomach.

Rainbow answered with a kick to the knee, causing the gladiator to trip. The show pony tried to do a wrestler move of flying high and landing hard which was crushed when the gladiator spun out of the away, leading to her left lower hoof being stuck in the dirt. The gladiator walked toward the wonderbolt. "I just need to get my hoof out and then I will clean the floor with you—" He helped her out, surprising Rainbow Dash, but he then punched her across the stadium. "You need to figure out if you're on my side or you're just a jerk!" He walked toward her with the same calculating eyes.

She prepared for lift-off and then flew at the gladiator, catching him off guard, and then crashed into the wall. Rainbow panted, she looked at the warrior as cracks formed on his body revealing dark grey compound eyes. "I haven't had such a good fight in my centuries... to be honest I was being fair, what fun would there be without some limitations," the gladiator cracked his neck and caught one of Rainbow dash's hooves with his own and the hoof came which caught and the final strike was a headbutt from the gladiator.

Rainbow fell to the ground unconscious.

Author's Note:

authors note: Well, two of the main six and Discord are dead, Twilight is insane, Scythe is going to kill all the reformed changelings, and I to celebrated my birthday on the 14th. Oh, and Dash has a concussion. Two of these are lies.

Thanks wh1msy again for beta reading this, seriously I wouldn't even be allowed to post this if it wasn't for them.

~wh1msy: No problem, dude :)