• Published 1st Nov 2020
  • 391 Views, 10 Comments

Cat's Eye View - applezombi

Embark on an adventure through Ponyville with the noblest of all creatures

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Epilogue: Faint Heart Never Won Fair Kitty

I awoke in the vet’s office. I was on an examination table. Something warm was curled up against my side. I opened my eyes and stared into my goddess’ gorgeous eyes. She meowed with soft concern, licking my cheek with affection. I meowed back, rubbing my head against hers.

“So the hero awakens!” I stiffened. The voice was the Tyrant’s. I glanced up. She appeared mostly unharmed from our little adventure. Her mane bore no trace of my hairball, and her wounds were cleanly bandaged. She was gazing at me lovingly.

“It seems I may have misjudged you, Sable,” she said softly. She reached out a hoof, and I stiffened, only to have her pet me gently. My beloved was purring at my side, so I allowed the caress. “You’re quite the dashing hero, aren’t you?”

Well, yes. I was. It was good to hear her recognize it, though.

“You rescued Pipsqueak. You helped me against two timberwolves, too. Princess Luna has been informed that she’ll be sharing the spotlight with a hero. She’s quite excited to meet you.”

The Princess of the Night wished to meet me? Would wonders never cease?

“So…” the Tyrant paused in her petting. “We have something to talk about, it seems. Your relationship with my dearest Opal is not what I assumed, at first. And I think you should have a chance to prove yourself a good father.”

My breath caught in my throat. My eyes found my beloved, and she mewled proudly.

“I will not accept a deadbeat transient, mind you! If you’re going to take responsibility for these kittens, you’ll need to make some changes. No more homelessness. You’ll have to find a real place to live.”

I didn’t like where this was going, but a noble cat adapted to change with grace.

“I don’t think you should give up your profession; Princess Twilight and Applejack both assure me you’re the best mouser they’ve ever seen. But a permanent address gives one respectability.” She placed a piece of paper on the examination table next to us. “This is an adoption form. If I sign this paper, I will have officially adopted you as my pet, alongside Opalescence.” She smirked. “I had to ask Fluttershy for your full name, and I’m quite impressed, Lord Sablefur Fluffytail the Seventh. An impressive name for a very impressive cat.”

I may have to stop calling her the Tyrant. What was her name? Rarity?

“But I wanted your permission, first.” She set a quill on the table next to me. “And there are some other conditions. I am a fashionista, after all. My pets have to maintain a certain level of fabulousness, which occasionally means clothing.” The idea was a bit frightening, but I locked eyes with my beloved, who was purring loudly. I reached out and pushed the quill towards Rarity.

“You’ve made a good choice, Sable,” she said, quickly signing the legal document. “Now, our first order of business.” The loveliest cat alive stood up from my side, and with a smug sort of smirk, sauntered to the other end of the exam table. “Revenge.”

I meowed in confusion, only to yowl in terror as a tub full of hot, soapy water levitated into the room, suspended in blue magic. I leapt to my paws, prepared to spring from the room, only to be caught in the same hateful blue aura. I growled and hissed as she lifted me into the air.

I took it all back. Purple-Maned Tyrant wasn’t good enough for her! She was vile and cruel! The most evil of all ponies! I glanced over at my beloved, only to find her nodding in smug agreement with her vicious owner. I trembled in terror, looking down at the frothy, soapy doom that awaited me.

“Oh, just admit it. You brought this on yourself, Lord Sable,” Rarity giggled. “Welcome to the family.”

Comments ( 5 )

Thank you! I've been trying to branch out of my comfort zone a bit, and write stories with a different tone/feel than usual.

This was a fun little romp, and an amusing read from an unusual perspective. Nicely done.

Hehehe, what an adorable story! I loved every second of it :D

Or every word, i guess? :rainbowhuh:

I agree with Cyonix here, this was very amusing and adorable and such a fun read! Heck, I even had tears of joy/laughter falling at that ending!
You are a very talented writer, Apple, keep up the good work here. I hope to one day see your name on a tangible, published book I can grip in my hooves and devour it long into the night! ^.^

This was cute. I could imagine my own cat during this story, and I liked how you gave the cat a human-level intelligence while still having it act as if it was a normal cat.

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