• Published 1st Nov 2020
  • 384 Views, 8 Comments

Final Stage - Duke of Canterlot

Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Apple Bloom face their most evil threat yet - Starlight Glimmer

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The Beginning Stage

Apple Bloom rushed over to Canterlot Castle as fast as she could. She needed to warn Twilight. Apple Bloom knew deep in her heart that she could never trust Starlight – but no other pony seemed to share her reservations. Now the proof was here. The moon had told her all she needed to know.

She could see the light was on in Twilight’s chambers. Good, Twilight was awake.

Apple Bloom flew towards Twilight’s window, “hey, Twi’, we have a real emergency on our hooves!”

Twilight approached the window with a look of concern.

“Ah got the most ominous message from the moon.”

“What’s the matter? I haven’t heard of any problems.”

“Ah was warned of a real threat – one that will tear Equestria apart. A supposed friend is actually an enemy who seeks to take over Equestria.”

“And who is this supposed friend?”

“You aren’t going to like the answer, Twi.”

“Tell me. I’m ready for any foe – but I guess I’m not going to like the answer. I knew Prince Blueblood was a prick but I didn’t think he would take our breakup so hard. I can deal with..”

“It’s not Prince Blueblood. Do you think ah would be flying to you in the middle of the night in a frantic frenzy if he was the threat? Ah could have taken him out myself.”

“Okay, then who is this supposed friend? Discord?”

“No but ah think he’ll help us against this one – you trusted this one too much! Ah am sure glad that ah did not trust! Ah advised you that you should find some pony else to be the Headmare of the School of Friendship long ago. And you didn’t listen and now..”

“You can’t let your own personal biases cloud your judgment. I know Starlight Glimmer much better than you do and I know that she has been reformed. How do I know you aren’t just making this up because you don’t like her?”

“Did ah ever try to enslave a village? Did ah ever try to get revenge on you because ah’m a power-hungry megalomaniac? Ah know you consider your mentoring Starlight Glimmer to be one of your most incredible achievements but don’t let your own personal biases cloud your judgment.”

“Always throwing my words back at me. I see why Luna wanted you.”

“The moon told me like it did about the bugbears. The moon was right last time and it is right this time.”

“The moon is cryptic in its messages. It took us a day to decipher the bugbears were going to invade. Did it explicitly tell you that Starlight Glimmer is evil?”

“Not exactly. But it told me that a clever yet devilish pony was looking to cause trouble and it was one who took advantage of your kind heart. And it said to talk with Sunburst – that he would know.”

“Maybe it’s some pony we know from the Crystal Empire? Or heavens, maybe the pony is Sunburst himself looking to conquer Equestria?”

“You honestly think Sunburst has the desire to conquer Equestria?”

“Well..okay..maybe it’s not Sunburst. But the moon said that Sunburst would know, right?”

“Yeah it did.”

“Okay, let me talk to Sunburst tomorrow about this. I hope he isn’t upset that I’m putting him in such an uncomfortable position – blaming Starlight Glimmer of potentially initiating a coup d’état.”

“Ah can chat with Sunburst about it. Ah can take the blame if ah’m wrong. But the moon does not lie.”

“I agree but we don’t know for certain that we got the moon’s message right.”

Apple Bloom groaned. She was certain but she could understand why Twilight didn’t want to believe that her “star pupil” would be evil. Apple Bloom would have to play along and talk to Sunburst.

“Ah think ah got it right. But ah will work on getting you proof, ah just hope it’s not too late. You know as well as ah do how manipulative Starlight can be.”

“I’ll let you see what info you can gather from Sunburst. I don’t really want to think about the remote possibility that Starlight has been fooling us all the time.”

“She’s been fooling you all the time. Most of us know the truth.”

“That’s just because you were all biased against Starlight because of her past mistakes.”

“Mistakes? Understatement of the millennium! You freak out when the sun is off by a degree from its scheduled position. Starlight has done a lot more than that – if you treated her as harshly as you did yourself, she would be in line for execution.”

“That’s another thing which you know I don’t approve, Apple Bloom. No creature should be killed by us – no matter how bad. It goes against our spirit. The worst we do is turn creatures to stone.”

“Some are unforgiveable. And if ah’m right about Starlight Glimmer, trust me – she is Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow times 1000.”

“Let’s shelve this conversation until we have more facts. Don’t you have your nightly duties to perform?”

“Yes ah do. But as Luna would tell me, some matters take higher priority. Ah will talk with Sunburst tomorrow and we can then work on our plans to vanquish the threat.”

“I hope you’re wrong. I really do. Now I’m going to get some sleep. See you tomorrow.”

Apple Bloom could tell from Twilight’s nervous tone – Twilight knew full well that it was more than a “remote possibility” that Starlight Glimmer was evil. Apple Bloom would get Sunburst involved tomorrow. Now it was off to her nightly duties.

Trixie was used to performing in some of Equestria’s most rundown areas. Griffonstone wasn’t a problem at all. In fact, the Great and Powerful Trixie swore that she would get the griffons to ally with her and Starlight! Then perhaps, Starlight would start taking her more seriously.

Even for Griffonstone, Alley Hook was an area considered especially dangerous. The sociopathic drug lords of Griffonstone all hid out in Alley Hook. Trixie was okay since she was prepared for any challenge she might face!
Trixie groaned as some male griffons were whistling at her.

“Give me some of that sweet unicorn ass”, one of the griffons said with a cackle.

Trixie snarled and said, “Not in your dreams.”

“Hey, Gonzo. I bet we can take this babe down for some fun”, said the griffon.

“I think you’re right about that, Leo.”

Gonzo and Leo made their way towards Trixie. She began to run. These two imbeciles were going to rape her.

Trixie ran as fast as she could but the griffons were making headway.

Suddenly, they heard a loud – “STOP THIS NOW! THIS IS A CUSTOMER, NOT A PIECE OF ASS!”

Gonzo and Leo cowered into a corner. A larger griffon approached Trixie with a golden eye and a moustache.

“Starlight gave me advance notice of your arrival.”

“Woah, this mare is working with Starlight”, mumbled Gonzo, “so sorry. We didn’t know.”

“You two morons make yourselves useful and cook me some crystal meth.”

Gonzo and Leo flew away.

“I am so sorry about those two. They think they’re tough birds – but I keep them in line.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie forgives you. So you know why I am here?”

“I most certainly do. I am Chapo, an ally of Starlight Glimmer. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“I need a thousand ounces of meth.”

“I’m assuming that since Starlight has figured out how to hack Equestria’s Treasury that the price won’t be an issue.”

“A million bits are in this bag.”

“Since I believe in the cause, we can cut that price 25%. Only 750 thousand bits are required. Use the rest to give us unfettered access to Equestria.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is grateful for your generosity.”

Trixie gave Chapo the money and she received the meth.

“Anything you need at all, stop by anytime. Those fools now know you work with our future leader and they won’t bother you anymore.”

“Thank you, Chapo. The Great and Powerful Trixie will ensure that griffonkind is treated well under Starlight Glimmer’s rule.”

“That’s the plan. Most of your ponykind is soft. They’ll take to my product easily.”

“Trixie knows so!”

Trixie transported herself and the meth back to Starlight’s alcove.

Trixie saw Starlight staring into a pot. This must have been for some spell. Trixie hoped that purchasing all of this meth at a discount would make Starlight proud.

“Hello Starlight”, said Trixie, “I have returned with a gift!”

Starlight looked up and saw two bags by Trixie.

“Thank you, Trixie”, said Starlight, “I knew that I could count on you. I also appreciate that you got our meth at a discount.”

“We will certainly get ponies all stoned outta’ mind!”

Starlight approached Trixie and the two mares began to kiss. Trixie was in heaven. She had done well and made Starlight proud. As long as Trixie had Starlight, Trixie was satisfied with any outcome that was in store.

Author's Note:

I'm probably going to go back and forth between "Final Stage" and "Goddess of the Moon".
Depends on my mood.