• Published 23rd Apr 2021
  • 3,906 Views, 129 Comments

Legion - Thule117

Equestria is at peace, watched over once more by its ancient guardian the Doom Slayer. But when an evil from his past returns to threaten all he protects, he for once cannot stand alone. And so after 1200 years of slumber the Legion will rise. . .

  • ...

Prepare for the Worst

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

-Soldier's Maxim.

Twilight sat in her customary seat at the head of the friendship map, feeling oddly self-conscious. On either side of her, were no less than four fully armed and armored Legion soldiers in a square formation around her. Two from the Solar Guard, and two from the Lunar Guard. All four with their blast rifles held across their chests, and heads scanning every possible angle of approach. The four 'on loan' bodyguards acting as place holders for when Twilight would be assigned a Guard of her own to command, and then be issued a quartet of personal protectors from said Guard.

Not that Twilight would be giving many orders to her, as of yet unchosen, private military. It having already been decided that Derran and the other Legion officers would be taking care of overall command of the Guards for the duration of the war. Something for which Twilight was immensely grateful. As her understanding of military tactics pretty much began and ended at knowing how to play chess. Still, she was obliged to sit in on strategy meetings, as she and the other princesses technically had veto authority over pretty much everything.

Honestly, it was only now dawning on Twilight how much, and how fast, things were changing. Before Hayden's arrival, bodyguards were something only Celestia and Luna had, and even then they were more ceremonial than practical. Now however, Twilight couldn't even use the little fillies room without an armed escort, carrying enough firepower to level a city block, following her. More than that, every room in her castle was being constantly swept for bugs, scrying spells, and assassins. Meetings with her now needed to be by appointment, and anycreature who so much as looked at her funny was regarded as a potential threat.

That's not to say her protectors didn't do what they could to keep a low profile. They were always polite to everycreature, and did their best not to invade Twilight's privacy any more than they needed too. They answered every question she had to the best of their ability. And they also toned down the security checks when it came to Twilight's close friends and family. Though, that may have been because they had also been provided with a pair of bodyguards each. This, she was told, was due not only to their connection to Twilight. But because most, if not all, of them were now considered permanent fixtures in the Legion's odd religion.

Upon being brought up to speed on recent events, the Legion had declared Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinky Pie, Rarity, and Applejack to be "Sainted Ones". As if that weren't enough, the CMC had been lauded as "Prophets", and Spike was given the title of "First Among Equals" as well as "High Seneschal". Twilight still didn't yet exactly understand what all these titles and honors meant. But it essentially boiled down to the Legion being required, to do almost anything they said unless someone of higher authority told them otherwise. With Twilight and her fellow Princesses sitting at the top of the overall command structure. Spike in particular had been floored when told that, in regards to Twilight's castle and its upkeep, as well as any other household matters, he technically outranked even Derran, and could actually give the Doom Slayer orders in some cases.

Even Starlight had been given a title, hers was "Chosen of the Seraphim". A title which, like the others, granted her a degree of authority over the Legion and its soldiers, despite it being mostly ceremonial. However, the Legion's most extreme reaction to the events of the last twelve hundred years, had been when they learned of Flurry Heart. The best words Twilight could use to describe it were: the most controlled explosion of insanity Equestria had ever seen.

They had dubbed her ``The Firstborn" in an obvious nod to her having been born an alicorn. And according to Cadence, some members of the Legion had openly wept with joy when they saw her. In addition, all of the Guard commanders, save Leonidas and Musashi, had immediately petitioned Derran and the other princesses via magic for the honor of becoming Flurry's personal army. The debate that ensued had actually gotten a bit heated, and It had taken a direct order from both Derran and Cadence to calm everycreature down. Not to mention, no sooner had that drama settled, than soldiers began making requests en masse for leave to go see the "living miracle". And only the pointed reminder that they were on a war footing, had persuaded them to drop the idea.

And to top it all off, all of this had all taken place in slightly less than forty eight hours.

Now Twilight sat awaiting the start of the first war council she had ever attended. Aside from her bodyguards, she was currently alone, her friends, Starlight, and Spike all out in Ponyville helping the Legion get settled. However, all that changed as the nearby clock struck three. Almost immediately there was a hum of energy, and a faint scent of ozone, as just around two dozen or so balls of bluish light, about a foot across, appeared in the air above the Friendship Map. Glowing with an ever brighter intensity, the spheres of light suddenly seemed to burst in a blinding flash. When Twilight's eyes finally adjusted, Celestia, Cadence, Luna, and about twenty humans in varying styles of magitech armor, stood around the table with her. With only a slight ethereal glow indicating their actual illusory nature. These were the commanders and lieutenants of the Doom Legion. The leaders of arguably the most powerful military force ever to exist. And boy did they look it. . .

Each was clad in suits of magetech powered armor based on designs from their original lost homelands on D'nur, minus the helmets. Some were flashy, others conservative. Yet all bore some kind of sign of their ultimate allegiance to Equestria. In the case of Musashi and Leonidas, their loyalties were writ large upon their armor. Leonidas showing Celestia's cutie mark on his chest, knees, and pauldrons, while everything else was modeled with a motif of flame to represent the blazing sun. Musashi's decorations were less dramatic, with just an image of Luna's cutie mark across his chest, proudly positioned over his heart, and rendered in stunning detail.

For the rest of the Legion, necklaces, bracelets, and etchings in their armor sufficed, typically depicting the twin teardrop swirl of ancient Equestria. However, Twilight noted that each had also either scratched her and Cadence's cutie marks onto the surface of their armor somewhere prominent. Or bore coins of metal around their necks with the symbols hammered or etched into them with differing levels of skill. Clearly feeling it important to acknowledge the new princesses as best they could. She was slightly curious why none of them had anything for Flurry Heart, given their overall reaction to her, but it was likely a simple matter of Flurry not having a cutie mark yet.

Turning to each of the princesses in turn, the commanders and lieutenants gave the Legion salute and bowed their heads. A degree of reverence to the action that Twilight found slightly worrying. Not least because of the shimmering light of religious fervor she could see lurking behind each of their eyes when they looked at her and the other princesses. Seeing it from Derran on occasion was disconcerting enough, but now having it multiplied just short of twenty times over was enough to make Twilight fidget slightly.

"Where is the Lord Doom Slayer and brother Santius? Should they not have arrived by now?" Leonidas asked, a faint note of disapproval in his deep, heavily accented voice.

"They both had some things to take care of, but they should be here soon." Twilight responded, feeling slightly defensive at Leonidas's tone. From her brief interactions with him, Twilight got the impression that Leonidas was a very. . . 'by the book' sort. However whatever offense he took to Derran and Michael's absence was swiftly muted, as the doors of the chamber swung open, admitting the final members of the council.

Derran, in contrast to his brothers, wore no armor. Instead having donned the dress uniform he had worn during his aborted coronation a year ago. The black cape, marked with his personal insignia, flowed out behind him as he entered the room, instead of being pulled to one side as it was the first time Twilight saw it. In addition to that subtle alteration, Twilight also noted the far less subtle addition of Unmaker strapped across his back, and a pistol holstered at his hip. Granted, Twilight very nearly missed these details upon seeing him, due to a very stark change he had made to his own body, specifically: his hair.

Derran's once flowing ebon locks had been shorn close to his skull in a military crewcut. Combined with his stern icy gaze and a presence that seemed to fill the room, it made even Twilight feel a chill of apprehension. The deceptively simple style change, seeming to drain away the warmth and gentleness of the Derran whom had serenaded Twilight from her balcony not three days ago. Replacing it with a cold and brutal aura that surrounded him like a cloak. As he walked into the room, Derran no longer looked like a friend or a lover, he looked like a general and conqueror. And despite knowing that's what Equestria needed him to be at the moment, Twilight couldn't help but dislike the change.

By comparison, Michael Santius looked even more angelic and serene standing at Derran's side. His expression beneficent, as the robes covering his armor softly billowed in time with his movements. Eyes of emerald green showing good humor and calm reverence, as he inclined his head toward Twilight, Celestia, Cadence and Luna. In his hand was one of his symbols of office, a simple staff of wood and metal, capped by the symbol of the two sisters wrought in silver and gold. Twilight still wasn't totally clear on how the Legion religion worked. But what she had pieced together led her to believe that, in addition to being a Legion lieutenant, Michael was also some sort of priest or holy mare.

"Apologies for making you wait your graces. Brothers." Michael offered with a soft smile. "A small matter of presentation unavoidably delayed us." He stated, his eyes flicking briefly toward Derran's head as they approached the table. The pair offered the Legion salute, and bowed toward Twilight and the other princesses. Neither Derran, nor Michael, sat down, as the Doom Slayer placed his hands on the edge of the table and fixed his brothers with a steely eyed expression.

"Given time is of the essence, and we all know why we are here and whom we are, I shall forgo ceremony and get right down to the matter at hand." Derran declared, his voice deep and commanding. "First order of business: Brother Leonidas, what is our current state of readiness?" Despite Twilight thinking it was impossible for him, Leonidas straightened up a bit more as he replied.

"All Commanders report one hundred percent of forces present and accounted for. Currently said forces are operating at rapid response strength, with ammunition and weaponry restricted to what each individual soldier had with them on awakening." Derran gave a nod as he considered the information.

"How many of our supply caches have been recovered?" He asked, his tone becoming clipped and efficient. To Twilight's surprise, the answer came from a sunburnt looking, round faced man in largely utilitarian armor, lightly decorated with colored beads and eagle feathers. His expression seemed far away, and his eyes filled with a tired wisdom. Twilight vaguely recalled him as the head of the Ghost Guard: Lord Roaring Bull.

"We have managed to locate nearly eighty six percent of the hidden caches." He stated, speaking in a faintly accented voice that, while calm, seemed to lend an immense weight to every word. As if there was some ancient hidden meaning in each syllable. "Between my men and Brother Musashi's we expect to have located them all within the next few hours." Derran nodded again, before a new voice, this one rough and regimented sounding, spoke up.

"An' how many of them have we started unloading? Last thing we need is to be caught with our pants down because the enemy decided to attack early." This, Twilight recognized, was the Commander of the Iron Guard: Lord Patton Murphy. His blond hair cut in a manner similar to Derran's, albeit slightly shorter, to the point that he almost looked bald. Roaring Bull seemed barely to react as he replied.

"Unfortunately, only a few dozen, none of which have been extensively unpacked." Patton looked ready to say something pointed, only for Roaring Bull to hold up a hand. "We didn't wish to commit the numbers a more thorough unloading would require until we had more knowledge of the strategic situation. I did however order Lieutenant Turok to designate a number of retrieval groups that are on standby." At this, the young stallion, or if you wanted to be literal, 'man', behind Roaring Bull gave a jaunty two finger salute. And Twilight couldn't help but contrast the Ghost Guard Lieutenant's upbeat demeanor and easy smile, with that of his more serious looking superior. Meanwhile, Patton's own Lieutenant gave a nod.

"Our retrieval squads are ready to hit the ground running as soon as the all clear is given sir." He explained, his voice somehow sounding both severe and congenial at the same time. "Sorry there wasn't time to brief you before the meeting." This man, bearded, with dark skin and with his hair covered by a billed, dark green cap, Twilight had already heard of mentioned once or twice, if only in passing. Lieutenant Avery Luther, whom most still referred to by his original rank of 'Sargent', had a reputation as a war hero even before D'nur fell. It was said the only reason he wasn't the Iron Guard's Commander was because it would take him away from the action too much. Patton just nodded in response, but was interrupted before he could do more.

"Say Boss, not for nothing, but, who exactly are we fighting? It's too quiet for the demons, and I seriously doubt you woke us all up because you needed help getting Parasprites out of milady's garden." The surprisingly irreverent question came as ever from Musashi Yamato, his illusory image next to Luna, currently leaning on something none of the others could see. And whom Twilight already knew as Commander of the night princess's personal military force: The Lunar Guard. Evidently the question was a popular one, as all of the Legion officers present immediately directed their gazes to Derran. Letting out a sigh, Derran's expression seemed to falter slightly as he replied.

"I suppose it was foolish to think I could put this off for long." He declared softly, instantly causing the Legion officers around him to glance at each other in confusion. Twilight didn't blame them. After all, what enemy could be so terrible that even the Doom Slayer would hesitate to speak of them? Then again, Twilight could certainly understand Derran's reluctance, considering the enemy's species. His next words were preceded by a heavy sigh, and a distinct flicker of shame in his eyes. "Before I answer, I must first tell you of a planet called 'Mars'. And the great heresy that was committed there. . ."

As Derran began his tale, Twilight, having already heard the story, studied the faces of the Legion Commanders and Lieutenants. She watched, as their expressions went from intrigued, to confused, to outright horrified. Derran laying out the events at the UAC Mars facility, as well as who was responsible, and why it had been done. As he wrapped up his explanation with the destruction of the last living Lord of Hell, and Samuel Hayden's disastrous attempt at betrayal that led to Derran's return to Equestria, the room was dead silent. The expressions on the faces of the assembled Legion officers were a mix of shock and disbelief, coupled with shame. Even Michael seemed to be having trouble processing what he just heard, his face displaying only heartbreak and sorrow. Finally, however, a voice spoke.

"So then. . ." The rough but feminine voice began. "what does this 'Ayden fellow want now?" The voice was, like many in the Legion, heavily accented. It was also one of the few accents Twilight had a name for, it was from Feyland, the same kind that Derran's wife had had. It came from the only female Commander the Legion possesed, Lady Bodica Iceni. Leader of the Glacier Guard. Standing next to Cadence, her fiery red hair and fur trimmed armor, only served to highlight her grim expression. Derran's countenance was no less dark as he answered.

"He desires that I hand over the Crucible. . . and he has threatened to destroy Equestria if I refuse." At that, the atmosphere of the room took a terrifying shift. As initial expressions of horror and shock, turned instantly to ones of barely suppressed, incandescent, rage. The eyes of the Legion Commander's and Lieutenants seemed to blaze with an indescribable fire, as the room filled with an immense pressure.

Instantly, Twilight felt her fight or flight instinct explode into action. Adrenalin flooded her body, her pupils dilating, her ears flattening against her head, and her stance unconsciously shifting in preparation to run or fly away at the slightest provocation. The temperature of the room seemed to plummet, and for a brief instant it felt as if Twilight's lungs had been paralyzed. Her body panicking as she struggled to draw breath. Only the placing of a calming hand on her shoulder, prevented Twilight from bolting for the door.

Looking up, she saw the one figure among the Legion who seemed to have retained his calm, gazing down at her. Michael Santius favored Twilight with a reassuring smile, as a sense of serenity seemed to spread from his hand throughout her body, allowing her lungs time to recall how to function. Her momentary panic eventually subsiding to the point she could stand her ground and listen.

"A. . . human did this?" Asked Musashi, disbelief warring with rage in his tone. Derran's reply was like ice as he replied.

"Hayden's status as a human is debatable given his physical state. However there is no question that the other inhabitants of his world are undoubtedly, human. . . and that they support him." Musashi's expression looked like he had just tasted something incredibly foul, but before he could speak, a clipped voice chimed in.

"Well then, I should think our course of action is obvious." The voice, carrying a Trottingham-like accent, all but shook with restrained fury, yet remained prim and proper regardless. This was Lord Montgomery Price, Commander of the Scarlet Guard. The Legion's aquatic warfare specialists if Twilight recalled correctly. "We assemble a strike force and send them to this Hayden chap's home world. They must have at least a few solar-fusion bombs or some-such lying about, so we seize control of their stockpiles, arm them, and sterilize the planet in its entirety." Here Price turned to fix Derran with a look of stony discipline. "With your permission my Lord, I will personally volunteer to lead the mission." Twilight felt her eyes widen in shock at the suggested plan. But before she could offer an objection to what seemed a terrifyingly casual proposal of genocide, Leonidas spoke up.

"I agree with our illustrious brother! These monsters are a stain upon the multiverse! They consort with demons and have directly threatened the Holy Land and the Seraphim! If they are so intent upon following the path of heresy, then I say let them burn!" He declared loudly, pounding his illusionary fist on an unseen table for emphasis. "I will accompany this mission as well! By the time the Scarlet Guard has seized the weapons, the Solar Guard will have turned the leaders of Hayden's obscene world to ASHES!!" A chorus of approval greeted this pronouncement, as others began to volunteer to go on the proposed mission of murder.

"Our Guard has the best magetech specialists, I offer them and myself to help seize the weapons!"

"You'll need some 'eavy support, ah know some lads ta' bring!"

"I got some boy's who'll be happy to cut you a path to whatever hole Hayden is hiding in Brother!"

"My snipers can assist!"

"No." The word, despite the one making it not being physically present, and despite being uttered with less volume than the shouting of the ones it was addressing, instantly cowed the Legion warriors into silence. As Celestia stepped forward, her mane billowing as she fixed her disapproving gaze upon the soldiers before her. Instantly, the aura of fury and terror the Legion had created was obliterated by one of penultimate authority. As the solar princess, with a gaze of steel and a presence that absolutely destroyed any thought of challenge, spoke in a tone that reverberated in Twilight's very soul. "I do not care how dire this situation has become." She stated, her eyes flashing. "I absolutely forbid any strategy that relies upon the extermination of an entire planet. Let alone the butchering of innocent civilians." Here her gaze and tone softened slightly. "Protecting ourselves is one thing, cold blooded murder is quite another." As she finished, Luna and Cadence nodded in agreement, their expressions stern. Meanwhile the Commanders and Lieutenants of the Legion seemed to register shock, before turning their heads in shame. As if suddenly realizing the gravity of what they had just proposed. Only Derran and Michael seeming immune, one appearing unfeeling, the other giving a gentle smile of approval.

"My Ladies. . ." Derran began, his voice calm, with only the barest touch of hesitation. "While I understand your reluctance, such a strategy would provide a swift end to the war and minimize the damage to Equestria. However brutal, the idea has merit." The look Celestia gave Derran, for all its calm, was legitimately terrifying. Her eyes glowing with a faint multicolored light, and radiating a power of command that would snap the will of lesser beings like a twig as her mane flared. How Derran was able to even meet her gaze at that moment without at least flinching, Twilight would never know. Yet as Celestia opened her mouth to speak, she was interrupted.

"With respect my Lord, the Seraphim's will is clear." Michael Santius's voice was calm, gentle, and seemed to wash away the building tension in the room like a fresh spring rain. Yet still, there was a clear note of iron in every word. For a moment it seemed Like Derran wanted to argue, but after turning and looking Michael in the eye for a moment, he slowly nodded his head.

"Yes. . . you are correct brother." He admitted solemnly, before turning to look at Celestia. "Forgive me my Lady, I simply wished to ensure all options were given due consideration. But in doing so, it seems I have spoken out of turn. As such I withdraw my statement and offer my apologies." Celestia returned his nod, her eyes and mane returning to normal.

"It's fine Derran, let's just forget it and move on." Inclining his head slightly in agreement, Derran cleared his throat as he continued the briefing.

"In any case, the point is largely moot. We have no means to create a portal to Hayden's world, nor enough information to devise a way to seize control of one of his. As such, we must instead approach this war from a defensive perspective." Here Derran turned to look at Twilight. "Lady Twilight, would you please call up the map?" Twilight nodded, Derran having already spoken to her about using the Friendship Map to help plan the defense. As it was the most accurate cartographic tool currently available. Lighting her horn, Twilight coaxed the map to life. All of Equestria appearing in miniature in stunningly precise detail, a few inches above the surface of the crystal table projecting it. Indicating the image, Derran made a sweeping gesture.

"As you all can see. . ." Derran began. "The Equestria of today is far larger and more densely populated than it was twelve hundred years ago. There are a multitude of small villages and hamlets dotting the countryside, away from the, now more numerous, major population centers. All of them connected largely via roads and rail." Across the map, Twilight highlighted several hundred of the smaller towns with a simple spell. Montgomery Price stroked his mustachioed upper lip as he frowned, scrutinizing the map.

"Holding all that territory with just ten thousand soldiers is a bit of a tall order my Lord." Derran nodded.

"Indeed, which is why we are not going to attempt to do so." Derran replied, causing his fellow officers to give him a curious glance. "Much though it pains me, we must acknowledge our limitations. It is not feasible to hold every populated location in modern Equestria, our available manpower is too restricted." Here he gestured at Manehatten, Fillydelphia, and several other metropolises. "As such, we will fortify the major cities, and focus the bulk of our garrisons there. Any town or minor settlement that is not deemed strategically vital, will have to be abandoned, and the residents evacuated to the nearest city." At that the Legion Commanders and Lieutenants shifted uncomfortably.

"My Lord, could you clarify what will be considered 'strategically vital'?" Michael Santius asked gently, voicing the question he seemed to know his fellow warriors, as well as Twilight and the other princesses, had. Derran nodded.

"Centers of agriculture, mining, and manufacturing mostly, as well as any location that can be easily fortified and used as a staging area for launching counter attacks against the enemy." Several Commanders gave nods of agreement, as others focused on the map with contemplative looks. "We also must make every effort to secure Equestria's railways, as they will be essential lines of supply. While our Brothers can indeed simply run from location to location easily thanks to the Seraphim's holy blessing. We cannot carry the food or resources to sustain the cities or their populations. The rails are natural targets for the enemy. When they attack them, and they shall, we must endeavor to make it as militarily expensive for them as possible." Again there was a series of nods.

"I see several areas that could be turned into traps for the enemy." The commander who spoke, in an oddly soothing, deep baritone, was a true giant of a man, nearly seven feet tall if Twilight was to guess. With ebony skin and a face that, even when frowning in concentration, seemed to favor good humor. All these things made Lord Kunta Zulu, Commander of the Zulu Guard, stand out, whether he wanted to or not. Gesturing with an armored hand that looked like it could punch out a mountain, Kunta indicated the Everfree Forest, Whitetail Woods, and a number of gorges and other forested areas. "These locations are good cover for infantry. Most are right up against several villages, including some we might need to garrison. With a bit of magic and effort, they could be made into walls for the enemy, but we could pass through unhindered." Roaring Bull and Musashi nodded at their colleague's pronouncement.

"Brother Zulu is correct." Roaring Bull opined. "If the Zulu, Ghost, and Lunar Guards work in concert, we could easily render much of the land impassable to the enemy. If we can control their movements, make them more predictable, then we can easily cut down their effectiveness. Add in rotating patrols and escorts along the most vital railways, and that will see our supply lines secured." Derran nodded.

"Agreed. Then Brothers Zulu, Musashi, and Roaring Bull, the task is yours. Do your utmost to secure our lines of communication, and to express our most extreme displeasure to the enemy when they arrive." The three commanders each gave a cold smile as they nodded.

"Indeed my Lord." Kunta replied. At that point however, Patton spoke up.

"Well that's all fine and dandy, but this is starting to sound more and more like a war of attrition, and frankly we don't have the numbers to win that kind of war. Even if we kill hundreds of thousands, and make no question of it; we absolutely Light-damned will, Hayden likely has millions. It might be one thing if we were able to take the offense. Fight and fade like we did in Hell, but here we can't do that. Not to mention we're currently a pure infantry force, and you can bet your sweet bippy that Hayden is gonna be rolling in the armor as soon as he damn well can." Several of the other Commanders gave reluctant nods at Patton's assessment. Derran however, simply met his brother's collective gaze with a reassuring coolness.

"Under normal circumstances I would agree with you Brother Patton. However, I can assure you that we have several factors in our favor. First, despite all that he would like to pretend otherwise, Hayden is desperate. His Argent Energy reserves are sharply limited, and having retooled his planet's entire infrastructure to rely upon it, he has no alternative energy source to easily fall back on. It is for this same reason that I believe Hayden will do all he can to avoid heavy use of armor and aircraft, though we should certainly expect the possibility. In addition, Hayden's forces are purely tech based, they posses no magic, which hands us a massive advantage in firepower. On top of that, we have at least a month to prepare for Hayden's assault."

"Are you so certain Brother?" Asked yet another new voice. Glancing across the table, Twilight saw the speaker. A man with an aristocratic air, and a long thin mustache and goatee. He had clever, dark eyes, brown skin, and a mysterious smile. As he continued, Twilight couldn't help but be fascinated by the sibilant purr of his voice. As she remembered his name: Lord Tarif Saladin, Commander of the Shimmer Guard. "As brother Leonidas pointed out, we are dealing with heretics, honorless dogs. Why should we believe Hayden will keep his word and not attack sooner?" Derran inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement of the point.

"A fair question Brother Saladin. The truth is we cannot take any of what Hayden says at face value. We must operate under the assumption that he intends to attack early. However, I have good reason to believe he will keep his word." Saladin arched an eyebrow in curiosity.

"May I ask your reason, my Lord?" He inquired. Derran nodded.

"Simply put: because Hayden is utterly insane. He genuinely believes himself to be the hero in all this. Breaking a promise would threaten that narrative. Granted it is not impossible he will find some way to rationalize an earlier start to the fighting, but I find the possibility unlikely. Not to mention, he very clearly has no idea any of you exist. Whatever information he has on the Legion, it led him to the conclusion that you were a weapon, not an army. He thinks I am alone in my resistance, and thus is secure in his belief that victory will be easily achieved." Saladin nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

"And what of the Crucible?" He asked, almost as an afterthought. "Where is it being secured?" Derran shook his head.

"Forgive me brother, but I am afraid that is one secret I cannot share. Rest assured however that it is safe, and in a location Hayden is unable to access." Again Saladin nodded.

"As you say my Lord." He conceded. Turning his attention back to the room as a whole, Derran began wrapping up.

"As it stands, each of you will be assigned a zone of the holy land to defend. As far as the fortification and evacuation efforts of your individual zones, I leave it up to all of your, and your officers, discretion. If you find you need skills better suited to other Guards, you should petition your brothers for aid as required. Unless otherwise needed, we will meet twice weekly to coordinate and adjust our strategy. Are there any questions?" No one spoke, and Derran nodded. "Good. Then before I open up the floor for a more open discussion, there are just a few final matters to attend to. Brother Khamun, Sister Bodica?"

At Derran's word, Bodica and the one Commander whom had yet to speak, looked up. Khamun was quite a bit shorter then most of his brothers. With dark brown skin, long lashes, full lips, and a shaved and tattooed head, Twilight honestly would have guessed he was a girl if she hadn't been told otherwise.

"Yes my Lord?" The pair replied almost in unison.

"I am designating both of your Guards as the personal forces of Ladies Cadence and Twilight. Sister Bodica shall serve Lady Cadence, while Brother Khamun shall serve under Lady Twilight. If you have objections, voice them now." Derran stated brusquely. Instantly, the expressions of Bodica, and Khamun, morphed into ones of shock.

"I-I'm honored my Lord! If Lady Twilight thinks me worthy that is." Khamun finally managed to get out.

"Aye! What e' said. If 'er Ladyship 'll 'ave me I'm more'n proud ta' serve her." Bodica agreed. Derran, his face unreadable, then turned to look at Cadence and Twilight, both of whom were still trying to process what was happening. Granted they had both been told to expect this, but neither had thought it would be done so soon.

"Very well. Then Lady Cadence, do you, as the Seraphim of Love, find Sister Bodica and her warriors worthy of service to you? To act in your name, protect your lands and ponies, and defend your honor?" Cadence, seemingly nonplussed, took a deep breath.

"I. . . well. . . yes I'm sure she's worthy. But Derran, is this really necessary?" Derran nodded.

"It is indeed my Lady, all Seraphim of the Holy Land must be assigned a personal Guard sworn to their service. I will not go into the reasons right now, but be assured it is important." Glancing around the room, Cadence still looked uncertain. Fortunately Celestia was willing to chime in.

"I know this seems like a big responsibility, but trust me Cadence, it's no different than commanding members of the EUP." Here she glanced over at Twilight with a motherly smile. "Same for you Twilight, I know you aren't used to having guards around, but it's not nearly as big an adjustment as it seems." Twilight wasn't entirely convinced of that, but she trusted Celestia, and nodded in agreement.

"Good." Derran stated. "Normally this would all call for a great deal more ceremony, but as I have mentioned, time is of the essence. As such: Sister Bodica, seeing that Lady Cadence has given her assent, you shall be first to swear the oath. Khamun's oath can wait until he and his Guard are physically present in Ponyville." Bodica, or more accurately her projection, nodded as she turned to face Cadence along with her blond, square jawed Lieutenant, whom Twilight vaguely recalled being named Thor Dreadhammer.

Falling to one knee in front of Cadence, they bowed their heads, as they placed their right fists over their hearts. Derran then, to Twilight's faint surprise, turned to Michael, who gave a slight nod as he stepped forward. Clearing his throat, he spoke in a deeply formal tone.

"Sister Bodica: Commander of the Glacier Guard, Wielder of the battle axe Hellbane; Honor, Wolf Queen of Odinia, and Sister in Arms of the Legion. On this day, before the Light, the Seraphim, and your fellow Commanders, do you swear yourself and your warriors to the eternal service of Lady Cadence: Seraphim of Love, Ruler of the Crystal Empire, Vanquisher of Chrysalis, Reviver of the Crystal Heart, and Mother of the Living Miracle?" Bodica did not raise her head as she replied.

"Before the Light eternal an' my honored brothers, ah do hereby swear m'self an' my warriors to Lady Cadence's service." Michael merely nodded in response, the expressions of the other Legion officers grim, as they scrutinized the kneeling Bodica and Thor. To Twilight it seemed almost as if they were judging them.

"Do you swear to always place her will above all other concerns? That none save the Light itself, shall stand higher than she?" At that Twilight arched an eyebrow, did that mean Cadence was higher in the chain of command for Bodica and her Guard than the other princesses? Twilight, despite having been told her and the other Princesses authority was effectively limitless, still wasn't totally clear on exactly how the Legion chain of command worked, but It certainly sounded like it.

"Upon the honor of m'self an' my Guard, an' in the name of the Light, aye do so swear." She intoned solemnly.

"And finally, do you swear, under pain of death and damnation, that no enemy or force shall harm the Seraphim of Love as long as even a single member of your Guard lives? That such shall be the strength of your defense, that blood need never stain her hoof or horn?" The way Michael spoke as he recited the final question, sent chills down Twilight's spine. The air in the room suddenly seeming heavier, as Bodica replied.

"Aye swear. An' may the Darkness take our souls if these oaths be proven false." Michael gave a final nod.

"Before the Light, the Seraphim, and your Brothers, these vows are hereby witnessed. Offer your weapon to your new mistress." Without a word, Bodica unstrapped a large double headed battle axe of black metal, etched with golden runes, from her back. Twilight having failed to notice it largely because most of it had not been rendered by Bodica's projection till now, and what was rendered was largely concealed behind her back. Balancing the weapon on her upturned palms, the Commander of the Glacier Guard presented it to Cadence, her head still bowed as she did so. Cadence merely stared at it, uncertain what she was supposed to do. Fortunately, Michael's next words cleared it up.

"Place your hoof upon the offered blade my Lady, and know that it is yours to wield for as long as you deem it worthy." Cadence nodded, stepping forward, she took a deep breath before placing her right hoof upon the haft of the battle axe. An odd expression passed across her face, as she looked down at Bodica, her eyes widening ever so slightly. As if some unspoken understanding had suddenly passed between them. Then Cadence favored Bodica and Thor with a gentle smile, as she withdrew her hoof.

"Thank you Lady Bodica, and you, Sir Thor." She stated, her tone heartfelt. The pair just nodded, smiles on their faces as they got back to their feet.

"Happy ta' be of service m' Lady." Bodica replied.

Twilight felt utterly spent. Following the swearing in of Bodica and the newly renamed Crystal Guard, the meeting had swiftly taken a turn toward the mind-breakingly tedious. Discussions of supply and material, evacuation planning, food distribution and rationing. Ideas for retooling of Equestrian manufacturing to produce weapons, ammunition and armor. The securing of vital resources, intelligence gathering, dealing with issues of civilian vs military authority, construction of defenses, construction of secondary and tertiary defenses. On and on and on it went, issues raised, discussed, and resolved before being brought up and discussed again later, the whole process seemingly without end.

Twilight considered herself an amazing organizer, more to the point, it was one of her great joys. However, as she finally stumbled out of the council chamber at well past midnight, she would not have cared if she never saw another spreadsheet or organization chart ever again. What was worse, was that most of the meeting wasn't even about hard numbers, but about whom the Legion needed to consult for hard numbers! Celestia had managed to fill in plenty of blanks, but even she apparently didn't know every facet of what was where in her kingdom.

Still, good progress had been made, and the fact that the Legion didn't need to sleep or eat, meant that work could begin immediately. Twilight groaned as she nearly tripped over her own hooves, what she wouldn't give for a bit of the Legion's indefatigability. Yet even so, her body was abuzz with nervous energy as she glanced over at Derran.

Out of all the worries on her personal list, Derran was currently number one. Ever since he had entered the council chamber, his whole persona had felt different. During the meeting he had felt. . . cold, even unfeeling at times. Never once had he smiled, or looked relaxed, and not one word he spoke was done with anything other than total seriousness. Even when his brothers had cracked a joke or two, or made some wry observation, his expression had not changed. Even now, Derran walked with his face frozen in a tight frown. His brow furrowed as if concentrating on something in front of him nocreature else could see. Somehow, it was even more unnerving than when he had been consumed by berserk rage six months ago.

"My Lord?" Michael asked as he walked alongside the two of them.

"Yes brother?" Derran answered, his tone distant.

"Your bootlace is untied." Abruptly, Derran halted, followed swiftly by Twilight and Michael, as he glanced down at his feet. Only to be met by the sight of two tightly tied leather shoes. As Twilight watched, Derran slowly raised his head, his unamused frown meeting Michael's innocently smiling face. For a moment, Twilight felt worried, as Derran glared angrily at his brother. Yet, despite being fixed with a glare that had sent the mightiest of demons fleeing in terror, Michael just continued smiling. Then, suddenly, Twilight blinked in shock, as the corner of Derran's mouth twitched.

Derran shook slightly, as he struggled to hold on to his serious demeanor. A faint sputtering escaping from his lips, as his cold mask shattered further. Tears streamed from his eyes as his iron will, for once, failed him, and he burst out laughing. Barely able to stand, he placed one hand on Michael's shoulder for support, as he too started laughing. Twilight just stared for a moment, watching as two warriors of legend, desperately leaned on each other as they howled with mirth at perhaps one of the stupidest jokes in the world. Yet as she watched, thinking about the absurdity of it all, Twilight felt the corners of her mouth quirk into a smile, a low chuckle building in the back of her throat. Before swiftly transforming into a laugh every bit as vigorous as the two humans before her.

It felt amazing, all the stress and strain of the prior meeting washed away. The tension bleeding out of them as they shed, if only for a time, the trappings of godhood, leadership, and expectation, in favor of the simple mortal pleasure of camaraderie and humor. Twilight had badly needed the outlet, and clearly, so had Derran.

She had no idea how long the three of them stood there, tears streaming from their eyes. However Twilight found herself quite grateful that her bodyguards had been dismissed earlier to await her at her quarters by Derran. She didn't relish the idea of having to explain this to them. As the three of them finally managed to get themselves under control, Twilight was amazed to see Derran grinning like a madmare. The coldness in his gaze replaced once more by the warmth she had come to love.

"Ah, much better." Michael exclaimed as he dried his eyes with a handkerchief pulled from within his robes. "Truly my Lord, you had become so dour I feared I may need to break out the rubber chicken." Derran just fixed his brother with a faux glare.

"How dare you! I will have you know brother, that never once in my life have I been 'dour'. Stern? Maybe. Concerned? Definitely. Brooding? Occasionally. But dour? Never!" Michael suddenly pretended to look horrified.

"And now you would lie in the divine presence of her Ladyship?! Light above brother, what has become of you?!" Here he turned to bow deeply to a struggling not to start laughing again Twilight. "My deepest apologies your grace! I really can't take him anywhere." At that, Derran baulked theatrically, before putting on a false tone of indignance.

"Take me anywh-I am your commanding officer?!" Michael gave a dismissive shrug.

"Oh please, my commanding officer would never be so dour or act so blasphemously before Milady. Whomever you are, I must say you fill his boots quite poorly." Twilight, with tears once more running down her face as she forced herself to control her laughter, only just managing to speak.

"Michael does have a point. You're way more dour than the Derran I know and love. Maybe you are an imposter." At that, Derran's expression turned to one of overacted exasperation.

"Et tu' my beloved? Et tu'?! Very well then, I shall prove it!" Here, Derran, in a blur of movement, swept Twilight off her forehooves, placing his right arm in the small of her back before bringing her into a searing kiss. For several seconds Twilight's mind went blank, as all of Derran's love and passion for her flowed to every part of her body. Her hooves tingling, as a distinct feeling of warmth formed in her flank. A big goofy smile adorning her face as Derran slowly broke the kiss. "Still uncertain of my identity?" He asked with a grin, his voice low and alluring. Twilight, temporarily unable to communicate, found herself unable to do anything but shake her head.

A short time later, after bidding Twilight goodnight, Derran and Michael walked down the hallway of the Castle of Friendship in silence. Both preoccupied with thoughts of the coming war. Derran would have liked to have gone with Twilight to bed, but there was simply too much to be done. His mind churned with all manner of strategic considerations, logistical issues, and military concerns. All the while trying to ignore the swirl of dark thoughts centering around Brother Price's earlier suggestion. However, he was broken out of both by Michael's voice.

"She is worried about you, you know." Derran let out a sigh, he might have guessed Michael would see through him to the deepest of his worries. Sometimes it was as if his Lieutenant could read his every thought.

"I know."

"As are Ladies Luna and Celestia." Derran nodded.

"I know." He replied again, a distinct weariness in his voice.

"It may not be my place to say my Lord, but. . . I do not believe the general you were, is the general we need right now." Derran let out another deep sigh, of course Michael had pinpointed his greatest dilemma. Truly sometimes even he stood in awe of his Lieutenant's perceptive abilities.

"The old me never lost a battle." Derran replied, his tone wavering between conviction and uncertainty. Michael's tone became slightly stern.

"Perhaps, but he very nearly lost the war for your soul." Derran shook his head.

"What would you have me do brother? The stakes have never been greater. The holy land itself is threatened, if we lose here. . . if we lose here we lose everything." Michael placed his hand on Derran's shoulder in reassurance, the pair halting before the doors leading back to the council chamber.

"I know the burden you carry my Lord, and do not doubt that I share your fears. However, despite those fears, I have no doubt whatsoever that we will win." Derran gave a low, exasperated chuckle.

"How can you be so certain brother? How can any of us?" Michael gazed into Derran's eyes with a look of pure conviction, at odds with his gentle smile.

"Because I have faith Brother. Faith in the Legion, faith in the Seraphim. . . and faith in the man whom taught me to believe in the impossible." Here Derran felt himself unconsciously return his brother's smile. "And that man, doesn't need to become a monster to win." Derran let out a sigh, feeling a sense of tranquility come over him. The weight on his mind feeling ever so slightly lighter. As he pushed his dark musings to the back of his mind, the doubt was still there, gnawing at the base of his consciousness, but for now he felt able to master it.

"Thank you, Brother." Derran stated feelingly. Michael simply nodded, as they reentered the council chamber.