• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 5,552 Views, 39 Comments

My little Wonderbolt Romance - Sparity

The Wonderbolts are back to Cloudadale, and Rainbow Dash is sure to get Soarins attention this time.

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My Little Wonderbolt Romance (Part 2)


The Wonderbolts waited at the judging stand for Soarin after they had decided on the winner. He flew up to the stands, watching Rainbow Dash flap her wings with excitement and fly above the arena as they walked in the arena together. As she landed back down on the floor, the Wonderbolts began.

"All the entries were amazing, with such short time to practice, you all had amazing routines," Fire streak began, passing the envelope with the winner in it to Blaze. Blazes light yellow hoof lifted the envelope from Spitfires light yellow hoof with a tinged of orange.

"We only have one Wonderbolts uniform to fit one winner, and that Pegasus is," she began opening the envelope. Rainbow Dash began biting her nails, curling her wings and tail with excitement. "That Pegasus is, Rainbow Dash!"
Rainbow Dash jumped off the ground squealing and screaming. She flew up to the stands where Soarin, Spitfire, WaveChill, Blaze and the rest of the Wonderbolts were waiting for their Rookie to collect her uniform. Blaze handed Rainbow Dash the uniform and the microphone to speak.

"Well, hi everypony! I've wanted this since I met Spitfire when I was just a filly; I never gave up on my dream of becoming a Wonderbolt and it’s finally here. I worked so hard for this and it finally paid off, I'm a Wonderbolt!" she looked over to Soarin and then Fluttershy, who from the stands, jump and squealed for Rainbow Dash, along with Pinkie Pie. Soarin winked at Rainbow Dash as she squealed again with joy.
Later that day, Rainbow Dash sat in her room with the uniform on. Fluttershy walked in with a smile on her shy face. Rainbow Dash pattered her wings in the blue uniform.

"Congratulations Rainbow Dash, you were great," Her shy voice excluded, hiding her turquoise eyes behind the light pink mane.

"I can't believe I'm a Wonderbolt, and Soarins girlfriend!" Rainbow Dash screamed running over to Fluttershy.

"What?" Fluttershy questioned, walking over to Rainbow Dash.

"Yea, before he announced the winner he asked if he could help me with being the new Wonderbolt, I still can’t get over it! But then said If the other guys helped me he would be jealous so only ‘he’ wanted to help me,”

"Then he didn’t ask you out?”

“No because then I asked if he was trying to ask me out and he said yes, so I obviously said yes,”

“So then why didn’t he say anything when you won?”

"I guess he wants to keep it from the public for a while," Rainbow Dash began, looking at every angle of the uniform. "Where is Pinkie Pie?"

"She popped her balloons after you won,"

"Was she okay?"

"Oh well, I don't know, I think so, should we go to everypony else and tell them, how you won?"

"Great idea!" Rainbow Dash shouted, grabbing Fluttershy hoof, flying out her window again down to Ponyville. Fluttershy curled up as Rainbow Dash’s' speed increased. They stopped in front of Twilight Sparkles library tree house. Dropping Fluttershy to the grass below, Rainbow Dash opened the door for Fluttershy and flew in. Twilight Sparkle slowly walked down the steps into the library as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash walked in.

"Guess who won?" Rainbow Dash smiled, strutting in her uniform as Twilight Sparkle walked down the light wooden steps.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, that's amazing! We have to tell everyone!" Twilight smiled, jumping around the bookshelves.

“I was thinking that too,” Rainbow Dash announced, flying around the room.


The next morning, Rainbow Dash waited for practice with the Wonderbolts. She sat in her room with her coal black mug lying in her hoofs filled to the run with warm coffee.

"They said they'd call me and tell me when and where to practice," she mumbled to herself on her bed. She looked up at the posters of the Wonderbolts as she waited. "I can't believe, I'm one of them now." She smiled and rested the mug on the floor as she fell to her back to the thoughts of her future going through her mind. Then, the high pitched ringing of the house phone began. She hesitated grabbing the large white phone off the beds edge.

“Hello?” she began, twirling her hoofs through her rainbow mane.

"Practice will be at the arena from yesterday in half an hour Rookie, be there in uniform, Soarin will meet you out front," on the other line was Spitfire, her voice scratchy and simple as always as she stated the facts.

"Thanks I'll be there," Rainbow Dash quoted, hanging up and grabbing her uniform. In the mirror stood a new Pegasus, no longer Rainbow Dash, but Rainbow Dash the Wonderbolt, the Rookie. Thoughts of Soarin went through her mind one at a time as the simple nick name visited her vivid thoughts.

“How will he tell the rest of the Wonderbolts that we're dating, that I'm his girlfriend, his Rookie?” She thought to herself as she lifted the hood over her face. She walked down to her small wooden front door where she left for the arena, slowly flying through Cloudsdale. Small applause from the town below went towards her.

"Thank you, thank you," she laughed, bowing down to them. Slowly, she flew to them as they called her name.

"Can I have an autograph?" one small purple filly asked, holding a poster of the Wonderbolts. Her light pink mane lay short and simple with small white swirls in it. Her flank lay purple like the rest of her body; she still didn’t have her cutie mark.

"But, I just became a Wonderbolt yesterday?" Rainbow Dash questioned holding the pen in her hoof.

"Well you fulfilled your dream, and I want you as my inspiration so I can reach my dream one day, like you." The small filly smiled as Rainbow dash signed the paper. Rainbow dash moved the pink and white mane out of the small filly’s face and looked into her dark purple eyes.

"You can do anything if you work for it, never give up on yourself and you’ll do amazing things." she smiled flying off to the arena. The filly giggled as Rainbow Dash left. Rainbow Dash flew through the large town of Cloudsdale in the sky. As she approached the arena, she looked over to the crowd of Pegasi outside waiting for the Wonderbolts. One small filly, orange with a dark pink mane caught her eye.

"Scootaloo?" she asked flying over to the filly with excitement.

"Rainbow Dash! You are finally a Wonderbolt, I knew you would be one someday," she smiled, her scruffy hair flying along with her small wings and blank flank.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, kneeling down to the filly.

"Yea, and now you can agree I am your biggest fan!" she smiled, with her missing tooth. Rainbow Dash smiled and gave Scootaloo a brohoof and flew into the arena, where the Wonderbolts watched her walk in. Their equipment scattered around the arena floor was set up with; weights, rope, cones and others. She watched as Soarin approached her smiling with a small timer and clip board in his hand.

"You ready to start?" he asked as he moved in closer to her.

"Whenever you are," she stated smiling flapping her wings. Soarin moved in and kissed her cheek, leaving Rainbow Dash speechless.

"That's my Rookie, let’s start," He walked her over to the 100 yard dash where he had her stand at the starting line. "Okay, I want you to run, not fly, but run this as fast as you can when I say go okay?" Rainbow Dash nodded and waited for Soarin's leading. Then, the whistle blew and Rainbow Dash began. As she past the finish line, Soarin yelled out her time.

"3.5 seconds Rookie." He smiled, writing the numbers. Throughout the day, the Wonderbolts practiced and began a new routine with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash waited at the water break for something, anything interesting to happen. "I know we need to practice like crazy, but Soarin could at least tell them how we are now together. All he does is telling me what to do and moves on and stays with Spitfire the entire time. I will be the best Wonderbolt out there, but I need more than just him telling me what to do?" She watched as Spitfire and Soarin went over the routine with each other. They flew around the arena, their routine was amazing to Rainbow Dash, she wanted to join, but instead sat alone on the steps of the arena waiting for Soarin with her water bottle as her only companion. Once he was finished with the routine with Spitfire, Rainbow Dash waited for him to approach her, but he never did. She stood up and flew over to him as he sat with Spitfire and Firestreak.

"Soarin, can I talk to you?" she asked tapping his shoulder as she flew over him hiding her face behind her scruffy rainbow mane.

"Sure Rookie," he quoted getting up and flying outside the arena with Rainbow Dash. "So, what do you want to talk about Rookie?" Rainbow Dash sat in silence for a few seconds, and took a deep breath.

"Well, yesterday you said you asked me out and that you’d be jealous if the other male Wonderbolts helped me. Well, you aren't acting it at all,"

"Why do you think that?" he asked sitting on the steps beside Rainbow Dash as her eyelashes fluttered.

"Well, first of all, Spitfire said you'd wait outside for me this morning and you didn't. When I came in you were with her. And during all the water breaks you were with her. Finally, you haven't even mentioned us being together to any of the team, and with me being with you that’s insulting," Rainbow Dash stated, turning her back on Soarin and looking over her uniform and hoofs as a single small tear trickled down her cheek.

"Rainbow, Spitfire is my partner for all our routines and it's been like that since I started, I was going to wait for you, but we had to set up. During the water breaks I need to talk to her about your progress since I'm training you and if I told the team about us, it would put stress on the team and us," he stated going ahead of Rainbow Dash and lifting her chin with his hoof.

"Really Soarin?" she asked, smiling at him and flapping her wings.

"How can I prove it?" he asked resting his hoof on the clouds below and getting closer to Rainbow Dash.

"Well you tell me," She asked, closing in on Soarin. Soarin smiled and leaned into Rainbow Dash, closing his eyes. As he was about to kiss her, Spitfire called him and Rainbow Dash from the arena. Soarin backed away from Rainbow Dash, biting his lip. He tried to mouth the words "sorry” but again, Spitfire called. He made an uncertain face as he lead Rainbow Dash into the arena. Soarin led her to another obstacle including agility. Cones set up in a line on a track waiting for Rainbow Dash.

"Use agility to complete this obstacle, you have to avoid all the cones or you will restart, you can use your wings, or run. Got it?" Rainbow Dash nodded as Soarin began timing her. She avoided each cone but watched as Spitfire approached Soarin, not noticing her. She tried to slow down, but rammed into Spitfire. They both crashed to the clouds below. As Rainbow Dash lay on top of Spitfire, her emotions dropped as Spitfire got angrier.

"Dammit Rookie!" she screamed pushing Rainbow Dash off her with her back legs.

"I'm so sorry Spitfire I, I didn't mean to, you just got in my way,"

"No don't blame me Rookie! I'm the leader of this group and I won't let you ruin that with your speed and 'agility' you got it?" She shouted, getting closer to Rainbow Dash.

"Spitfire that's enough!” Soarin shouted as Rainbow Dash hid her face behind her mane. "Get over it, you walked in her way, it's not her fault," Spitfires jaw dropped to the floor as Soarin stepped ahead of Rainbow Dash.

"Soarin, what is this Rookie to you?" she asked, temper lowering as he stepped ahead.

"My Rookie, and my girlfriend, my special sompony and everything you aren’t," The team looked over at Rainbow Dash as she backed away from Spitfire and Soarin. Spitfire laughed and backed away from Soarin and Rainbow Dash, mumbling words in which they couldn't hear. "Rainbow Dash, start again," Rainbow dash walked over to the starting line as the other Wonderbolts watched her. She shook herself up and got into position, waiting for Soarin. He started the whistle and she began flying around the cones with perfect agility once again.

"I think we had a rough day, maybe we should close early?" Spitfire announced as the Wonderbolts clapped for their rookie. The whistle blew and they began cleaning the equipment from the arena. Spitfire ignored Rainbow Dash and her stress bubbled “Oh no, someone I always looked up to hates me, she is going to kick me out of the Wonderbolts. I'll do anything to keep her from hating me, I just need to train hard, but I hurt her and fell on her. This is the worst first day I could have possibly had. I just want to go back to Ponyville and go to Applejack for help. Soarin isn't even treating me as a girlfriend, I know why but, he can at least seem happier around me. Does he like Spitfire? No, he can't he asked out me.” Rainbow Dash watched as the female Wonderbolts walked into the bathroom. As she walked in, she watched as they took off their uniforms. She joined and folded hers into its bag and left the restroom, without the girls. “Maybe, it's just because I'm new, maybe by next week I'll fit in more?” She asked as she flew out of the arena, not wanting to look back.

"Rainbow!" Soarin called from the arena. "We need to talk." Rainbow dash flew over to Soarin and landed on the clouds. "We need to finish something,"

"What?" she asked in sudden questions. Soarin quickly moved in and kissed Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash lay shocked as he pushed up against her. She closed her eyes and felt his heat on hers. The wind oh his wings flapping shifted her hair as he backed away, smiling at her