• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 1,268 Views, 22 Comments

The Littlest Goddess - Art Inspired

Flurry Heart has many things on her mind like when she'd next spend time with Twilight, and how she'd go about befriending somepony as vile as King Sombra.

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Part Two: A Quick Game of Tag

"This..." King Sombra said with a sinking face, "is just as beneath me as I had imagined."

Flurry couldn't help herself, and released chuckles while saying, "Y-you sound... so much more different than before!" She then gently placed her hoof on his shoulder to say, "Your voice... It's so cute! I love it!"

Sombra shook her off of him, and made a verbal sound of disgust. "Let's just... get this over with! The sooner we play this silly game, the sooner I'll be back in control of the Crystal Empire!"

Flurry nodded, and looking into the red, and glistening eyes of young Sombra, she said to him, "I say we play tag together! You've played tag before, right?"

Sombra lifted a hoof out of curiosity. "What's... tag? I don't think that I've ever heard of it." He asked her, "Is it anything like war games? I love war games!"

Flurry frowned briefly. "Uh, no... It's nothing like... whatever that is. First, I tag you, like this." He felt her affectionately tap him on the torso, and then Flurry Heart asked him, "See? Nothing too complicated, and then... if you can manage to somehow catch up to me, and tag me back just by touching me... you win! It's that simple."

Sombra was surprised by the concept, but nevertheless, he had an empire to take over, so he grumbled at her, "This... is so unbelievably stupid... Are you sure that those are the only rules of this hideous game?"

Flurry heart nodded keenly, and tightly closed her eyes while she continued to friendly smirk at Sombra. "Are you ready?" She asked him, but in that moment, and just as a gust of wind brushed up against the two of them, Flurry tagged the king, saying, "You're it!" He just sat there for a second or two while motionlessly watching Flurry Heart do a one eighty spin. She galloped off, and away from him while shouting with splendor, "Catch me if you can, Sombra! Good luck!"

Those word rang inside of Sombra's head, and as he took off in full pursuit after Flurry Heart, he could be heard yelling back to her, "Not so fast! You won't get away from me, Flurry!"

He didn't even really mean for his tone to be so friendly, but that's just how the phrase left his lips, and as they dashed, passing crystal after crystal, they laughed with one another. Sombra would never have admitted it in all his life, but that day, he had fun being a colt, and playing a game for a change. At one point, Sombra had almost snatched Flurry's tail, but she was just a little bit quicker than Sombra. He was finally getting dangerously close, so just when he reached out to tag her at last, Flurry Heart took off into the sky. Due to this single, simple act of hers, Sombra realized that he had been tricked.

It seemed he wasn't ever even going to come close to beating Flurry Heart at this game of tag, and as he watched her wings flapping in midair, he scoffed sorely. "Hey!" He pouted childishly. "That's not fair! What do you think you're doing way up there? I never said that you could use your wings! Get down here right now!"

Flurry nestled herself on a nearby, low flying cloud, and proudly said, "You never said I couldn't use my wings, either, so I think I'll just stay up here until you give up, and pronounce me as the winner." She then just smiled once again, but this time, she smiled downwards at the young ruler from way up above. "Give up yet? I don't have all day, y'know."

Sombra felt sweat sliding along the ridges of his troubled forehead, and even though he wished for nothing else but to be able to catch Flurry Heart, and be the victor of this ridiculous game of hers, he knew deep down that he had been bested. It took him a moment, but soon enough, Sombra bowed his head shamefully. "Like I have a choice..."

Flurry Heart hopped off of her puffy cloud, and slowly gliding to him while giggling serenely, she asked, "Do you promise?" She took another gentle step closer towards Sombra while staring at him directly in the eyes. "Promise me, King Sombra, that you'll always, and forever be my friend, and that you'll never, ever do anything bad ever again."

Sombra made a face of utter disgust. "I don't see why I shouldn't just... just..." He stared at Flurry Heart with resentful spite, but soon, he calmed himself down. For whatever reason, King Sombra started to reconsider everything that had recently happened to him with just a little bit more care, and appreciation in his heart. "F-fine," he then shrewdly whispered. "I p-promise..." Flurry Heart came even closer so that she could hear him say, "I'll always be your friend..." His shoulders relaxed as he said, "That's exactly what I get... for making deals with a little kid."

Flurry wasn't offended by this in the slightest. She hugged him tightly, and told Sombra, "Yep! That's what you get!" Even though he was trying to get away, Flurry just latched onto him more and more snugly, so eventually, Sombra gave up his struggles. That was when Flurry lightened up, too, saying, "I know that you must feel cheated out of your candy bar... That is to say, you must not be enjoying the situation that you're in at all, but..." She sweetly blinked a few times before telling her new friend, "You've made me really, really happy today... Hold still, and I'll have you turned back to normal in no time."

That day, the hard working crystal ponies that wandered the streets saw something completely unexpected. Down, and along the winding and curving roads, Flurry rode on top of King Sombra's back while he hung his head low, feeling vanquished. "Is that... Flurry Heart, and King S-S-Sombra?" Somepony asked aloud fearfully. More chimed in, and soon, discussions could plainly be heard all around them regarding what was happening all of the sudden. Soon, everypony was encircling them.

In time, Sombra reached the castle entrance, and Flurry Heart then commanded the guards to help escort her and King Sombra to the throne room. As they did, the guards also nervously pointed their spears at him the whole time, but they also made sure not to get the sharp ends anywhere near the filly that still sat rather comfortably on his back.

"I can't believe this is happening," King Sombra gloomy stated mostly to Flurry.

"Hmm?" Flurry asked him, "What do you mean?"

He just gave her a wayward glance from the corner of his right eye, and told her, "I can't believe... I humiliated myself back there..." He stared at her for a second. "I had you tell them of my coming..."

Flurry breathed in deeply before sighing, "Ohhh, that... Right... Well, I lied!" Sombra's jaw fell ajar, and the guards appeared just as startled hearing this from their princess as well. Flurry chuckled heroically, and said, "You didn't actually think that I'd do your bidding, did you?"

Sombra asked her, "You... planned to deceive me just so that you could become my friend from the very start?" He looked away, and as he approached the doors in front of him, Sombra said, "Flurry Heart... I never should've trusted you."

As they entered, Flurry replied, "And I shouldn't trust you, neither, now should I?" Just as her parents started noticing them together, Flurry finished up by quietly telling his Majesty, "Please... just don't make me regret giving you this chance... I realize that you have all the potential in the world to ignore what's happened between the two of us today, and strike, but just... don't... and for the time being, maybe let me do most of the talking."

Cadance was the first one to speak up. "Flurry? Flurry Heart! What in Equestria do you think you're doing?!"

"Sombra!" Shining Armor boldly took a few steps forward, and told King Sombra, "If you've hurt her in any way, you're going to regret it!"

"Daddy," Flurry voiced, hopping off of the king's back. "I'm alright! Both of you, try not to overreact..." They reluctantly did as their daughter requested, but they only settled themselves down a very little bit.

"We want to know what's going on," Cadance said sternly. "How did you escape the Ether? Discord told us that you would be trapped there forever."

King Sombra was about to start answering by saying, "Well, there were actually lots and lots of tunnels, and passageways, so I just kept on walking until-"

Flurry Heart interrupted him by saying, "That actually, really doesn't matter right now." She took another step closer towards her loving, and protective parents, and said to the two of them, "Mommy...? Daddy...? What matters is that I convinced King Sombra to be my friend." Together, they both looked up at Sombra, and then back down at their daughter as she continued to say, "We made a deal, and I was victorious! So now, King Sombra has to give up his old, nasty ways, and he's gonna start being a better pony from now on." She turned around, and sharply asked, "Isn't that right, your Majesty?"

King Sombra wasn't counting on Flurry Heart to twist her words like that. For a second, he remained silent while he somewhat growled underneath his breath, but soon, he'd give Flurry Heart his answer. "Yes," he said gruffly. "She beat me fair and square... but know this!" He pointed at them unexpectedly, and told them, "I still possessed the capabilities, and the power necessary to easily take over this nation. It is only because of your daughter's wits, and determination that you... all of you!" He beamed at the guards beside him who remained defensive even after all this time. "Are spared a demise worse than your darkest dreams imaginable."

Shining arched an eyebrow, and came closer towards the king. He remained rather close towards his daughter, and a good distance away from Sombra while he asked, "You're... not gonna try anything, right? Because I haven't forgotten our last few encounters! I still recall just how crafty you can be. How do we know you're actually, truthfully serious about this?"

Sombra brought his hoof up to his chest to say, "Honestly, you don't, but believe me when I tell you... I've already made a promise to Flurry Heart to be her friend for life."

This confession made Shining Armor's eyes widen, and he asked while finally smiling, "Really? Is that so?"

Cadance then said to her husband, "I'm not sure why, but... I think he's telling us the truth." She also pointed out, "He would've tried something by now if he wasn't being sincere, right?"

Sombra replied to her, "Most certainly..."

Shining sighed as he neared King Sombra, and as welcoming as he could sound, he said, "Well, you know what that means?"

Sombra asked glumly, "What?"

"By my right as the husband of Princess Cadance, I name you Thane of the Crystal Empire! I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now would we?"

Although Flurry's parents weren't one hundred percent on board with this development, it didn't seem like they had much of a choice in the matter. However, at the same time, that's not to say that they weren't still highly precautious when it came to Flurry's overall safety, and health. Shortly following a delicious dinner that evening, and after providing Sombra with his own quarters to reside in, they made sure to immediately station guards outside of Sombra's bedroom door. While they were at it, they also had Flurry Heart's bed magically teleported into their spacious room for the night.

Even though at first this greatly discomforted Flurry, as she hopped into her bed across from Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, she understood that it was only for the best. She curled up with her fluffy blankets, and her soft pillows, and only hoped while falling fast asleep that the choices that she had made that day were the right ones.