• Published 12th Nov 2020
  • 2,099 Views, 6 Comments

The Day After - Grand-Galvatron

While Sci-twi recovers from her hang-over, Sunset shows her the events of what occurred last night. However...It's not as bad as she thought it was.

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The Day After

Sunset Shimmer was in the kitchen, preparing herself for some delicious blueberry waffles. Sunset will eat any kind of Waffle, but blue-berry waffles were always her favorite kind. Sunset yawned a little as she was getting the waffles out of the waffle iron. Last night was not easy for Sunset because, for one thing, her car had gotten a flat tire, and had to wait three whole hours because the employee who was supposed to pump was spending little time pumping her tire and more time arguing with his wife on the phone. The other thing, and most importantly, was that her girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle, was passed out drunk in the passenger seat and was snoring as loud as a steam-boat, and Sunset had to cover her nose because of one single detail...Sci-Twi's breath stank up the entire car until it completely reeked of alcohol. When they had gotten home, it took all of Sunset's will-power not to vomit everywhere because the smell was so bad. When she carried her sleeping girl-friend into her home, she let Twilight sleep on the bed, while Sunset slept on the living room sofa. Even though it was uncomfortable, anything would be better than smelling Sci-Twi's breath all night.

As Sunset was thinking about what events had transpired last night, she heard the bedroom door slam open, which was then followed by the sound of swift footsteps going for the bathroom. Sunset then heard a retching noise coming from the bathroom.

Sci-Twi then walked into the kitchen with her hand over her head, and when she sat down onto the kitchen table, she put her head face down on the table, as she did that, she let out a low moan after hitting her head too hard on the table.

"Oh, Twi, you're finally awake, how was your slee-," Before Sunset could finish her sentence, she saw Sci-Twi take out a pencil and paper and begin to write on it, then she gave it to Sunset while giving her an irritated glare.

The paper said, "Sunset, my head feels like it's going to explode, then implode, then explode again. It hurts to hear or talk right now. So, can you please talk a little quieter?"

"Damn, you must be having a really bad hangover," Sunset said with a concerned look on her face. "So, you want some orange juice with your breakfast.

"No... I just want a glass of ice water," Twilight murmured, all the while keeping a paper bag close to her, just in case she had to vomit again. "Uggghh, my throbbing head, what happened last night?"

"Wait, you don't remember anything that happened last night," Sunset asked.

"No, all I remember is eating that Whiskey Bon-Bon you were about to eat, and then I can't remember a thing past that," Sci-Twi said in a groggy voice.

"Well, let's just say, last night was a wild ride," Sunset said with a small smirk.

"Wait, what do you mean? I only had one Whiskey Bon-Bon right," Twilight said with a worried expression.

"Well, actually you had three Whiskey Bon-Bon's," Sunset said.

"WHAT?!" Sci-Twi gave out a scream which she instantly regretted as her head started throbbing even worse now.

"Oh no, I ruined our date, didn't I," Sci-Twi said as she started to tear up.

"No, no, Our date actually turned out to be a lot more fun because of it," Sunset explained.

"Wait, what?" Sci-Twi said with a confused look on her face. "What exactly happened last night?"

"Well, I can't tell you...but I can show you," Sunset said, her smirk growing even bigger now.

"What do you mean by that," Sci-Twi asked.

"It's all on my phone, I recorded the whole thing," Sunset said.

"Wait, you did, let me see," Sci-Twi said, with a worried expression on her face.

Sunset then got her phone out, and once she had found the video, she pushed the play button.

As soon as the video had started, Sci-Twi's entire body just froze, and Sunset upon seeing this started to softly giggle a little. As the video pressed on, Sci-Twi's cheeks started to turn red, she started to sweat and her hands started to tremble, and as the video had finally finished, Sci-Twi's face was as red as a Tomato and sweat were raining down her face like a fountain.

"Never again...I'm never drinking or eating those stupid candies ever again," Sci-Twi said as she was on the verge of tears. "My mom told me I should've looked for another place that seemed more appropriate for me, but I just wanted to take you to a place that looked good. I'm sorry I ruined our date for you." Sci-Twi said as she started to cry.

"Hey, calm down Twi, everything is ok, I actually had a very fun time because of it," Sunset said. "You were saying stuff that I thought would never have come out of your mouth like that like you saying that mathematics was bullshit and you rambling on that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow-Dash would've been the best ship in the world, I was having a great and fun time last night," Sunset said, barely able to contain her laughter.

"Oh, So you actually had fun last night, I'm sorry Sunset, I just didn't think I would get like that when I get drunk," Sci-Twi said as she finally calmed down.

"Hey, relax, at least you didn't start a brawl inside the restaurant and instead you were just rambling on how much you really hate math and talking about some of our friends having ships," Sunset said.

"Look, the point of what I'm trying to say is, no matter what happens and no matter how silly you get when you're drunk, you will always be my friend until the very end," Sunset said with a kind expression on her face.

"You...You really mean that" Sci-Twi said with a happy face, even though she was still crying, she was crying tears of joy from what Sunset had said to her.

"Of course, that is a promise," Sunset said with a sincere look on her face.

"Thank you, that really means a lot to me," Sci-Twi said. "Oh, by the way, I saw that you uploaded that video on the internet titling it, "Tipsy Twi's math rant," Sci-Twi revealed, which made Sunset's smile slowly fade away. "You know what that means?"

"What does that mean Twi," Sunset asked, although she didn't want to know the answer.

"It means no more snuggle time for the next 2 weeks," Sci-Twi said with a satisfied smile on her face. "There, I think we can consider that even," Sci-Twi said as she disappeared into her room to get dressed.

"Sigh, Way-a-go Sunset," Sunset said with a disappointed look on her face.

Comments ( 6 )

"It means no more snuggle time for the next 2 weeks,"


Poor Sunset. You done messed up. Messed up big time.

Silly Sunset. Never embarrass your bae on the wired.

the one thing Sunset enjoys doing with Scitwi has been flushed down the drain way to go Sunset

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