• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 866 Views, 17 Comments

Wasteland Wishes - OutOfFlames

After wishes that didn't go as planned, the two ponies from Equestria are sent to Capital Wasteland

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Prologue: Out of Chaos

The chaos has finally been put to an end. The Elements of Harmony have successfully defeated Discord, and by doing so they returned peace and order in all of Equestria. In their honor, Princess Celestia has declared the following week to be dedicated to the six mares. In order to make sure that everypony knows what happened, Princess Celestia informed Equestria’s biggest news company called “Equestria Today”, whose head office is located in Canterlot, in person about the events that had occurred in the short, yet vital period of time.

Equestria Today’s personnel was both excited and shocked to hear the story, and they were ready and eager to start gathering information about the heroes as soon as they heard what Princess Celestia had to say. They decided there and then to have Monday’s edition cover Discord as well as the events which had occurred, while the remaining six days of the week would be dedicated to cover each of the Elements of Harmonies themselves.

Upon finally gathering all the needed information, the order in which the ponies will appear on the papers in the upcoming “Elements of Harmony Week” has been decided. Obviously, the first one to make it to the headlines on Tuesday’s edition is Twilight Sparkle; the Element of Magic. She was so excited about the whole idea that she even wrote notes for the interviewers to read. The next day is about Applejack, the Element of Honesty, who gave the interviewers a sample of her newer apple pie made with an improved recipe in the hopes that it would be mentioned in the news and thus boosting her sales. Rarity, the Element of Generosity, took advantage of the opportunity and decided to wear some of her finest works for the pictures on Thursday’s edition. Friday’s newspapers stood out the most out of the week’s papers, as they were filled with confetti that burst out from between the pages as one opened them. Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter, really wanted to spread her party to everypony in any way she could whenever she could. Saturday’s edition was not as information-rich as the rest, with Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, being too shy to tell anything about herself in the interviews.

It was surprising to many ponies how Rainbow Dash was covered last. Most ponies from Ponyville and Cloudsdale expected Fluttershy to be the last one. The reason for this was explained by Rainbow Dash herself on Sunday’s papers. She would’ve gladly been the first pony to be seen on the news, but the latest Daring Do book was released on Monday and Rainbow Dash wanted to get herself a copy and read the book she described as “so awesome” as soon as it came out.
She ended up asking the other ponies if they could take the interviews before her. Of course, as friends who understood her reasons, they agreed. But even so, once everyone but she, the Element of Loyalty, had been interviewed, she had no choice but to get it over with. Of course she couldn’t resist mentioning Daring Do in her interviews, as she and her newest volume in the Daring Do franchise were the reasons she delayed the interviews in the first place.

It was Sunday eve and Rainbow Dash had read the day’s papers. She was satisfied with what had been written and the pictures that had been put there, but she felt a bit empty inside because a big adventure is now behind her and she might never again go on one as dangerous and important. As she was thinking back to what had happened about a week ago, she went to her wardrobe and dressed up in her Daring Do limited edition outfit. Though it might be “limited”, the truth is that Rainbow Dash wanted a matching outfit so bad that she begged Rarity to make one for her a while back. Rarity saw is as a challenge that would improve her tailoring skills, so she gladly accepted. She thought the costume would help her ease her nerves and feel like herself once again, but it made it worse; Daring Do has gone through so many dangerous and rewarding adventures, yet she had only gone through a few. The saddened pegasus moved towards her bedroom and lied down on her bed made out of clouds and slowly started to imagine what it would be like to go onto adventures as Daring Do’s sidekick. She let her imagination go wild, letting dangerous scenarios come into her mind and how the two pegasi would overcome them.

Suddenly she was brought back to reality by loud bangs outside. The ponies of Ponyville were celebrating the ending the week with fireworks in the honour of the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash thought the fireworks looked cool (and pretty), but she was also annoyed about how they were also interrupting her daydreaming. She slumped. “There’s no way she’d take me with her on her adventures…” she murmured to herself. She went to look outside from her bedroom’s window and she looked high up into the sky for a moment. She saw nothing of interest until a shooting star went by. Princess Luna had set it to fly through the sky in celebration of the six mare’s victory over Discord. Rainbow Dash opened her mouth and said in a saddened voice:

“I wish I could be Daring’s sidekick and go onto adventures...”
As soon as she blurted out those words, she was surrounded by bright, white light which appeared out of nowhere. She was startled and she tried to move away from the light, yet her hooves and wings refused to listen to her. After a few moments the light got closer to Rainbow Dash at a slow, yet steady pace, and soon, along with her, it was gone into nothingness.

Daring Do was taking it easy in her home in Canterlot, relaxing and thinking about adventures. It was the evening and there was not much else for her to do. She started to read the day’s newspaper and saw the article about Rainbow Dash. At first she though Rainbow Dash meant nothing to her, but as soon as she read about her feats, goals and, especially, how she admired her and loves her works, she got the sudden urge to know all about this pegasus.

After reading the article the second time with more thought, she placed the newspaper onto the table near the couch she was sitting on, took a comfortable position and started daydreaming about how she’d go onto adventures with Rainbow Dash being there by her side. She mostly thought about how Rainbow Dash would help keep her safe from dangers they might encounter in their adventures. And how the glory would shine on her.

But the ruckus from the fancy party outside interrupted her and brought her back into reality. She felt really sad. She thought to herself, I don’t suppose she would mind coming onto adventures with me, would she? She moved near a window and looked at the sky. She saw a shooting star fly by. She gave out a long sigh and said in a disappointed tone, “I wish I had a sidekick who would protect me from any dangers I could encounter…”

And once again the white light appeared, this time surrounding Daring Do and not allowing her to get out of the bright ring. Like with Rainbow Dash, the light got closer to Daring Do until both of them vanished into thin air.