• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,458 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Sixty Eight: of Mommy and Memory

Trixie is Pregnant

Chapter Sixty Eight: of Mommy and Memory

Celestia stood there, her heart was pounding out of her chest. Her face was feeling hot. Her breathing was shallow and fast. Trixie just stared up at her with wide almost terrified eyes. She spoke quietly. "Mommy?"

Celestia knew there were all kinds of tactical solutions here to fix this. She could say 'just kidding, I’m a horrible pony' she could apologize profusely, 'I’m sorry I dumped you in an orphanage, please hate me now' she could teleport out of there and go cry in Fluttershy’s lap for hours, 'Fluttershy, my baby girl hates me.'

Instead of any of those well placed or thought out plans, Celestia chose the best one possible. She hyperventilated, felt dizzy, and then fainted.

Yes, the best response to telling a pony who had severe abandonment issues that you were their mother, had had sex with them multiple times now, and caused their abandonment issues to begin with. Oh Celestia never wanted to wake up from this very well thought out and well planned fainting.


Celestia stared at the letter Twilight had sent her. The only thing she could think in her mind was simple, she found herself repeating the words out loud multiple times as she sat in her room by the fireplace. 'she did what?'

The letter was a detailed explanation of the events that transpired once Trixie came to Ponyville wearing the Alicorn Amulet. The destruction she caused. The pain she spread over the town. The heartache left behind. More than that, the way Twilight assumed she was somehow better than Trixie.

Of all the stupid, idiot, blasted things that she could see her daughter doing. Turning evil and destroying the town was not one of them. For fudge's sake, Twilight once removed Celestia's leg in a spout of dark magic infused madness. Even that was easier to predict then her daughter getting the Alicorn Amulet and going crazy Sombra all over the entire town.

Celestia had to reach out to the only pony she knew that could help her. She had called in the big guns. Both of them.

The door flew open and slammed into the wall, both Princess Cadence and Luna ran in. The door shut behind them and they looked at her. Cadence spoke first. "Who hurt Twilight?"

Luna replied next. "Who broke your precious rubber ducky?"

They looked at one another.

Cadence spoke up. "This is code 'oh crap cakes I need help'."

Luna nodded. "Yes, the one we use hewn our rubber ducky is destroyed by evil villains."

Cadence shook her head. "No, it’s used when Twilight's hurt."

Celestia sniffled. Then laid the letter down. Then wailed. "My baby became a super villain! Waahhh!"

Cadence and Luna ran over to her. Celestia wept and sobbed as they both took one side and held her tight. She couldn't help it. Her heart was so broken. She failed her daughter numerous times now, this was the absolute worst thing though. She had read the letter. It was the most painful thing she'd ever seen in her life. Like a thousand tiny blades digging into her chest, ripping and tearing at the flesh, the bone and the meat until her heart was left bleeding and exposed.

Luna read the letter on the floor. Cadence followed her. Cadence read part of it aloud. "And just because the mare's wagon was destroyed and she was left homeless and forced to work on a rock farm she thought she could come here and destroy the entire town? What gives? What is wrong with this pony?"

Cadence’s eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, is Trixie okay?"

Luna gasped. "This is the name of your daughter is it not?"

Celestia sobbed. She buried her face into Luna’s neck. "I don't know! I ru-ru-ruined her life!"

Luna and Cadence wrapped their wings around Celestia and held her tight. Candace purred. "Shh, I'll check on her in a minute. I can find her and I'll make sure she's okay."

Celestia shook and trembled. "She can't know who I am. She can't."

"I won't let her. I have ways to... encourage safety." Cadence kissed Celestia on the cheek and then walked away. "I'll fix this. No mare was ever dangerous when pregnant after all."

Celestia looked at her. "What do you-"

Cadence vanished in a puff of magic and pink light. This left Celestia and Luna staring after her. Luna whispered. "That one scares me, she does not really have the power to make ponies pregnant does she?"

Celestia sniffled and shook her head. "Of c-course not. Not unless they only recently had s-sexual relations. But my baby is pure and untouched. I'm sure she's a virgin and waiting for the right stallion or mare. So Cadence c-can't make her eggs s-super fertile."

Luna nodded. "I agree. If the mare is named after me she is likely just as shy as I am. Lulamoon... such a pretty name."

Celestia nuzzled into her sister's neck. "Oh Luna, I’m such a failure of a mom. I hurt her. I abandoned her. She lost her home and her life, and her everything and I'm just so, so awful. Look at this letter, look at how Twilight treats her. They should be sisters, not enemies!"

Luna snuggled close to her. "Oh I think sometimes sisters are enemies, we should know that very well. Of course, there is always hope for them to become the best of friends as well."

It took nearly an hour but a pink light flashed in the room and Cadence reappeared. "It is done."

Celestia looked at her. "What is done? Is she safe?"

"Yes, she is safe as safe can be. She will not put herself in danger anymore, and I even helped steer her in the right direction for ultimate safety. Give it... three weeks? Yeah, three weeks tops and she will be living with Twilight Sparkle and the two of them will be happy as can be."


"Yes. Until then I will keep an eye on her. She's in a hotel right now, I've got my... staff, watching her. Feeding her, and treating her well. She doesn't even know that I exist." Cadence giggled. "Oh she's going to be such a wonderful addition to our family."

Celestia swallowed. "Thank you."

"Don’t thank me yet. Wait until you can call her your baby girl and she can call you mommy."

Celesta didn’t think that would ever happen, but she had some small, tiny hope that maybe, just maybe one day it could. That her baby girl would be happy, friends with Twilight, and able to call her mommy. Though it wouldn’t be safe for her to know who Celestia was. No, not ever. Celestia sniffled but she was already feeling better.

Cadence’s horn lit up and three tubs of cake flavored ice-cream appeared beside her. "Now, who's ready for some feel bad ice cream?"

Celestia smiled. "m-me."

The rest of that night was spent eating ice cream, crying, and then eventually violating Cadence’s marriage to Shining armor... the last one Celestia could at least say was a pre-existing condition and part of the nuptial contract he signed. It still felt awkward without him there. Maybe they would invite him next time. A little family bonding never hurt any pony, point in fact, Celestia found that family were much better at these... tasks, than other stranger ponies. There was a saying she was fond of after all, incest runs in the family.


Celestia woke up to feeling something cool brushing against her forehead. Her body ached and her cheeks felt wet and cold. She lay there, her eyes closed and her mind lingering on old memories for some minutes as she listened to the world around her. She heard breathing, and whispering, and the sound of air whooshing nearby followed by the gentle breeze that cooled her face.

Trixie's voice came out gentle and quiet. "How long will she be like this?"

Twilight replied. "Honestly, I have no idea. I know I got my panic attacks from her, but I haven't seen her have one since the last time some pony made a sugar free cake."

"Really, over that?" Trixie let out a sigh of disappointment. "Of all the ponies in the world, Trixie’s mother is the biggest lame pony... hehehehe, Trixie’s mommy... Trixie has a mommy."

Celestia's mind slowly began to remember why she was currently laying on a hard surface and passed out. Tactical fainting. Worked every time... okay no, it never worked, not even once. Though at the very least she could say she was warm there, there was a soft pillow under her heat that smelled like Trixie and a warm blanket over her back tucked into her sides.

Sooner or later though, she'd have to open her eyes and face the music. The music of the situation she put herself in. This was all her fault. The blame belonged to nopony else. None at all. All the things she shoved deep down, all the pain, the doubt, and the fear all shoved down into her chest making her feel like she was going to die. Yet she wasn't that lucky, she was immortal after all.

Slowly Celestia opened her eyes and looked around. Trixie was sitting in front of her, holding a fan in her lavender aura and waving it at Celestia's face. Twilight was over by the fireplace boiling a pot of water on it. Trixie wasn't looking at her, but the way she looked had Celestia confused. Trixie was smiling.

Trixie glanced over at Celestia and their eyes met. Celestia quickly closed her eyes shut tight. Trixie giggled. "Oh my gosh! She’s awake. Mommy, you’re awake."

Celestia cracked an eye open. "W-why do you sound happy about that?"

"Because I get to talk to you now!" Trixie giggled. "Oh we have so much to talk about. Oh, oh, can you teach me to braid my hair?"

Twilight groaned. "Trixie, you already know how to do that."

"I want mommy to teach me!"

Celestia looked up at her. "You... you sound happy?"

"I am happy! Oh I'm so happy. Oh, oh! You’re going to be a grandma! Grandma Celestia! Oh Mommy! This is going to be so happy. We'll be one big happy family!"

Celestia raised her head. Oh she felt like her entire body and head was in pain. Yet her heart felt light and fluffy. "You really don’t hate me?"

Trixie shook her head. "Of course not. Do you know how many years I’ve wanted to meet you? And, and to think you and me already knew each other. Oh this is even better than the way I always imagined it."

Celestia stared up at her. She moved her leg and found it wasn't able to move. there was something soft, but strict restraining her legs. She couldn’t' see under the thick red blanket very well but she saw some kind of red silk rope around her legs tying her down. Did... did Trixie really think that tying her up would work. Celestia channeled some magic to her horn and felt... nothing. Nothing at all.

Okay, now she was starting to panic. "Trixie... why am I tied up?"

Trixie stared at her. "Oh Mommy, can you call me baby? Or sweetie, or, or whatever you'd call your baby?"

Celestia smiled as warmly as she could. "My little moon, could you tell me why I'm tied up?"

Trixie grinned. "Oh, Luna came over and helped with that. I'm so happy your here. Unlike my dad, who ditched me and basically told me he would call the cops if I tried to talk to him again. You actually stayed here, you made love to me, you care about me. I'm so, so happy... but I also realize that we're going to have to have a serious talk. A very serious one."

Celestia couldn't help but notice that Trixie was speaking in the first person for quite a long time now. She wasn't going to mention it, but she was starting to think that perhaps the third person speech was connected to her abandonment issues. Still... to tie up the ruler of Equestria and to... "Where is my magic."

Twilight called out. "Magic blocking ring on your horn. That was my idea. I'll have tea for us in a minute, promise."

Oh... crap, Twilight was in on it too. Celestia cleared her throat. "Okay, well I love you, Trixie. You’re my little moon."

"Yay!" Trixie clapped her hooves together. "Okay, real talk now. Tell me how you feel about Fluttershy, do you love her? Do you plan to marry her? Is she going to be my step mom? Oh that might be kind of weird."

Celestia thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. Yes, yes she would have rather been captured by Queen Chrysalis and trapped in a changeling cocoon than answer any of those questions. Too bad that was never going to happen. She resigned herself to her fate. "Okay, let's talk. I think I really like her, maybe love her. I don't know about marriage… I’m more into harems myself, but harems need more than just one Pegasus… and no, even if I do marry her she won't be your step mom because that would be weird."

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