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Trottin' on the Dock of the Bay

It was another morning in the world. Mistmane and Starswirl, having slept like logs for the entirety of the night owing to their long journeys, had settled the previous evening on slowing down and looking around this most strange and unusual city built seemingly on the sea. The place it reminded Starswirl of directly was Vanhoover, although that was built on a river and this city opened up into the sea. He'd also heard (or, rather, overheard) people discussing earthquakes, although thankfully most buildings here were earthquake proofed, so there probably wasn't any worries surrounding that or indeed anything else for that matter.

So, they set off into the harsh sun of this new land to look around the sights of the city. They exited the hotel where they had stayed the night and headed off, starting by proceeding north. They then took a left, and this left was shortly followed by a right. They stopped at a building that advertised itself as a cable car museum, though this left Mistmane a little confused. She couldn't see any overheard pylons or cables, or even winding drums, so quite how this place displayed cable cars was rather confusing. It transpired it was a rather broad use of the word 'cable car', as these were vehicles that ran on rails that were pulled along by cables connected to winding engines. Once they had finished looking around that, they set off for Chinatown, dodging along the way a rather unusual looking oriental woman muttering something about fanfiction. But Mistmane and Starswirl just ignored it, instead going to the south and turning left. Then, after having completed the great turn to the left, they turned right, and then left.

And then they were in Chinatown! Much to their disappointment, nobody was kung fu fighting. However, they had no doubt that the local kids were fast as lightning, were possibly slightly frightening, and fought with expert timing.

"I suggest we see the pyramid next," Mistmane suggested, whilst carrying a bowl of noodles. It was now lunchtime, and that was the food she had gone for. It reminded her of her native culture.

"I thought pyramids were more Somnambula's forte," Starswirl replied, finishing a mug of something or other before setting it back down again. "But I must admit, this is good. Where is this pyramid, and how do we get to it, oh great navigator?"

"We go this way," Mistmane said, and then the duo set off. They went east, and before long they saw it rising into the sky. This mighty structure was so tall it seemed to scrape the very heavens themselves, and its power and majesty was undeniable. Very tall and very thin for a pyramid, it glowed in the light with the sun reflecting off the metal and windows.

"The residents of this world are fine architects," Starswirl noted. "Maybe we can build similarly large and magnificent buildings in Equestria when we return there."

"I'm not too sold on the two blobs at the top," Mistmane admitted. "It does rather ruin the symmetry. Not the choice I would have made, but then again I'm not the architect."

"I imagine that whatever you come up with will be magnificent," Starswirl smiled, and with those words the pair set off again into the city, as they had a new place to go. They saw another big tower, and then continued again. They headed west, followed by a pair of right turns, and then onto a hill. And then stood in front of a tower for a bit and it was very nice indeed. Very, very nice indeed.

Once more finding themselves heading to the south, or possibly the southeast, the pair passed through some more streets, turning right and then left again as they proceeded on their way. They turned right and left again as they arrived on another street, followed by two more right turns and then a left. After following another road for a brief period, they stopped at a view point to point at the view, I suppose, and then it was time to continue on their way towards their next destination, which Mistmane was yet to disclose and thus kept quiet on the entire thing.

After stopping at a ferry point and watching a big red boat steam past, they now needed to get to another point to get a boat. They set off on their way, joining a busy road and then proceeding over a giant red bridge to an island in the sea, where islands are generally found. They went through a tunnel, and sneezed through their- sorry, that's the wrong story. They took an exit and suddenly turned around, followed by two right turns which took them to another right turn and back across the red bridge. Keeping left next, they suddenly found themselves weaving back down a street they'd already been down, turning left and right constantly before making a U turn. They arrived at the ferry arrival point and embarked, heading out to a very sinister looking island that sat nearby. They got off, and then proceeded to look around the prison that was on the island, before returning to the boat dock and heading back over to the mainland once more, having had enough of islands for one day today. Turning to the northwest, they turned left and right several times once more before suddenly stopping in front of the hotel.

Mistmane turned to indicate the sun, which was starting to set in the sky over the city. "That is certainly a beautiful sight," she said. "I can't think of many other places with such wondrous sunsets."

"Neither can I," Starswirl replied, and the duo went into the hotel for the night.

On the outskirts of the city, a man was talking over the radio with somebody else. "Yes, Mister Mayor, I appreciate you are concerned, but this is for your citizen's own good. The increased number of coronavirus cases requires this action."

"Alright," said a defeated voice on the other end. "Seal off the city."

The man removed the radio from his mouth. "All Project 722 units, this is Colonel Peterson," he said. "Assemble the blockades and seal off San Francisco."

Author's Note:

I will update this Author's note sometime tomorrow to show images of the things that were seen in San Francisco for of today's chapter.

Reason why and at the time of publishing: It's about the 9:00 P.M. hour for me here on EDT, so I got things to take care outside of my laptop at this point. :twilightsheepish: