• Published 17th Nov 2020
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Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus - GMSeskii

A Void appears, threatening to destroy all worlds. Twilight is chosen to travel the multiverse and save it from an untimely demise. A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Each world is a different crossover. Complete!

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The Jasmine Dragon

The doors automatically closed behind Twilight and Tippi, cutting them off from Flipside.

“I can sense the Pure Heart…” Tippi said. “It’s a long ways away, but I have a clear signal…”

“You can do that?” Twilight asked.

“It is what I was made for…”

“I’ve been meaning to ask about that, how were you made? You’re an amazing piece of magically integrated technology unlike anything I’ve ever seen!”


Their conversation was cut short by a surprise visitor. A large, pudgy human man with a wiry gray beard came out of one of the side rooms, scratching his side and yawning. He walked right past them to the simmering tea and added a few crushed leaves to the brew. In the midst of pouring it into some teacups, he stopped himself. Cautiously, he turned to Twilight, Tippi, and the large red door behind them.

“...Hi,” Twilight said, waving with a hoof.

“Hmmm…” The old man set his teapot down and examined the creatures before him. A few seconds later, he broke out into a grin. “It appears my tea has become so legendary it is even drawing customers from the Spirit World! Yes, come, come…”

“Spirit… world?” Twilight asked.

Tippi fluttered forward. “Records on this world show it has a subdimension filled largely with spiritual entities…”

“Oh!” Twilight smiled. “I’m sorry, sir, we’re not from your Spirit World. But…” She took in a deep breath through her nose, allowing the tea’s soothing aroma to calm her. “I would really like some of that tea. Tippi?”

“I cannot drink…”

“The double-edged sword of needing no sustenance,” the old man said, setting out a cup for himself and one for Twilight. “You don’t need food, but you can’t have food. I am sorry, Tippi. Is there anything I can provide you so that you may join us?”

“No, thank you…”

The old man nodded solemnly, bringing the cup to his lips. “I am Iroh. You are in my tea shop, the Jasmine Dragon.”

“Wonderful place,” Twilight said, gesturing at the dragon rug with her wing. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. And w—” She stopped taking when her attempt to levitate the teacup went horribly awry. Instead of surrounding the cup in a magenta aura with her magic, when her horn lit a swirling bubble of air appeared under the cup and spilled the beautiful tea. “S-sorry! Sorry! That’s not supposed to happen!”

Iroh chuckled. “This is a tea shop, Twilight, I am in no danger of running out of tea.” He poured her another cup.

She crossed her eyes to glare at her horn. “Why aren’t you behaving?”

“Different worlds have different magic rules,” Tippi offered. “The levitation spell does not appear to exist, here…”

“Oh.” Twilight blinked. She opted to use her wing to lift the cup to her lips instead, finding this much easier. “This might prove problematic…” She took a calm moment to sip the tea, a warm sense of bliss filling her as the drink slid down her throat. “Iroh, this tea is amazing.”

“If it wasn’t I would be out of a job before the sun was down!” Iroh chuckled.

Twilight nodded in agreement, opting to drink more of the soft, yet slightly tangy drink instead of responding.

“So, travelers from beyond the Spirit World…” Iroh leaned in. “What is your story?”

“We are searching for the Pure Hearts,” Twilight explained. “They’re… powerful artifacts hidden in each world, from what I understand. About this big…” She traced an outline with her free wing. “And just… beautiful to look upon.”

Iroh shook his head. “I’m afraid I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“I hadn’t before today, either, but apparently they’re really, really important! Like, save all worlds kind of important!”

Iroh’s face became stern. “Ah… so that’s what the thing outside means.”

Twilight cocked her head. “...Thing outside?”

Slowly, Iroh walked to the front doors of the Jasmine Dragon and slid them open. Twilight couldn’t help but take in the scenery revealed to them: that of an immense city stretching as far as her eyes could see. The buildings were largely made of stone and tended toward a rectangular composition. What would have been the horizon was a wall that must have been absurdly high if she could see it from all these miles away. However, she hadn’t been led here to look at the earthen city—the actual target was a small purple vortex hovering just above the walls. It was hard to see in the glare of the morning, but it was unmistakable once noticed.

“It’s larger in this world…” Tippi observed ominously.

Iroh closed the doors with a sigh. “What, exactly, does that darkness wish to do?”

“Destroy all worlds. I’m… not sure why,” Twilight looked at the floor and scuffed her hoof across it. “I just know the creature behind it, Count Bleck, took my friends…”

“Then it appears time is of the essence!” Iroh clapped his hands together, suddenly moving with speed to the back of the Jasmine Dragon. “You no doubt have a long journey ahead of you, noble heroes, and I will do what I can to make it easier for you.”

“You really don’t have to,” Twilight said. “...Though, considering that I don’t know anything about this world, and that my magic isn’t even working properly, I might need it more than I think.”

Iroh came out of the back with a satchel. “In here are detailed maps of the world, navigation equipment, food, some spare change I keep around, and, of course, the most important thing…”

“A tea set?” Twilight guessed.

Iroh let out a belly laugh. “You met me five minutes ago and you already know me like the back of your hand!”

Twilight held up her hoof and raised an eyebrow.

“Hmm… I’m going to need a new idiom…” He laid the satchel over her back. It was made for humans so it slid downward, becoming more like a necklace than a proper satchel. He had to tighten it considerably to keep it from scraping on the ground. “There you go.”

“Thank you.” She moved to adjust it with her hooves, but found that her hooves slid right off the strap instead of grabbing onto it like they did back home. They were flat and solid—no different from a wild deer’s hooves. Mundane. “I can’t even pick things up with my hooves? That’s… that’s going to be really annoying.” She had to use her wing once again to comfortably adjust the satchel.

“Now, it would be best if you kept a low profile,” Iroh said. “I sugges—”

Someone kicked in the doors to the Jasmine Dragon, drawing their attention. It was a short black-haired girl with bangs that were an utter mess while the rest of her hair was done up rather neatly in a ball-like bundle. This bundle was kept in place by a headband with puffy balls on the ends. Her outfit was somehow both simple and standout; a loose wrap of simple cloth held in place by a tall belt overtop a forest green undergarment. As she walked in, she took every step with a forceful thud that would have made most people’s feet hurt—and she was completely barefoot! She took a seat at the counter and held out a hand.

Iroh gave her a cup of tea without another word, suggesting this had happened many times before. She downed it like she was taking a shot, slamming the cup back onto the counter. “So, Iroh, why do you have a new door and a unicorn-bird?”

“You noticed the door, did you…?” Iroh chuckled.

The girl swiveled around on the stool, stomping on the ground with one of her bare feet. “It’s hard for me not to notice. I feel the nothing behind it. Really stands out.”

Iroh chuckled. “Well, I suppose it would be impossible to try to hide it from you, Toph.”

“You haven’t even tried!”

“I was planning on putting a curtain up before we opened officially.”

“Official opening times are for losers.” Toph kicked her feet up on the counter and leaned back, picking her ear with a loose finger. “You always say to go with the flow.”

“Yes, and the flow of the city is to have an opening time.”

“Eh, whatever.” Toph waved a hand dismissively. “You still haven’t explained to me why you have this stuff.”

“Well, Twilight? Want to explain?”

Twilight cleared her throat. “We are travelers from another w—”

“Stop it right there,” Toph said, holding up a hand without even looking in Twilight’s direction. “One, holy bat-cows you can talk. Give me a moment to process that. Two, ‘we?’ I only feel you and Iroh in here.”

“Um, I’m here as well…” Tippi said. “Can you not see me?”

“Nope!” Toph swiveled around in her stool to look right at Tippi with glazed over eyes. She waved her hand in front of her face. “Totally blind!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry…” Tippi shrunk back. “I didn’t know…”

Twilight furrowed her brow. “You can’t see… but you can feel. That’s why you stomp on the ground, isn’t it? And why you couldn’t sense Tippi, she’s flying.”

Toph clapped her hands together. “We got ourselves a regular detective here, Iroh! Amazing, where did you find this one?”

“She found me,” Iroh said. At this point, he had returned to his work, continuing to prepare tea for patrons that would presumably be arriving soon. “I still have no idea where she came from.”

“Another world,” Twilight explained. “We’re here searching for an artifact called the Pure Heart to stop an evil man from destroying all worlds.”

Toph pointed an accusing finger at Twilight. “That sounds like a quest.”


“I’m going with you.” Toph crossed her arms, grinning. “I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“That’s… not technically true,” Iroh pointed out.

Toph pointed a finger at his head. “Zip it.”

Iroh shrugged. “You are your own woman…”

“Uh…” Tippi said. “I’m not sure we should take on a… Er…”

“Not sure you should take on a blind girl?” Toph finished for her. “Let me show you something.” She stomped on the ground, prompting a pillar of rock to erupt from the tiles, smacking Tippi to the side. “You got yourselves a master earthbender right in front of you!”

Tippi recovered from the light smack quickly, but she backed away from Toph nervously. “Um…”

“Earthbending…” Twilight experimentally tapped the ground with her hoof, prompting a small chunk of rocky tile to bounce out of the ground. “This magic works!”

“You didn’t tell me she was an earthbender!” Toph called.

“I thought she was an airbender,” Iroh said with a shrug.

“I’m not… any of those things.” Twilight shuffled around on her hooves. “My world’s magic just works differently. Apparently.”

“And do stop earthbending in my shop,” Iroh said. “I can’t put it back.”

“Fine, fine…” Toph pressed her feet carefully into the ground and thrust her hands downward, pushing her pillar and Twilight’s chunk back into the floor. Then she waved her hands flat against the ground, smoothing the floor out as if nothing had happened. “There you go, good as new!”

“This magic is versatile…” Twilight mused. She spread her wings, sending out a burst of air. “Earth and air… what other kinds of ‘bending’ does this world have?”

“Fire and water,” Iroh answered.

Twilight was easily able to create a fireball at the tip of her horn, but when she tried to alter the water in nearby tea… nothing happened. “Hmm. I’m not getting a response.”

“I was thinking she was some kind of alien Avatar, what gives?” Toph asked.

Twilight stamped her hoof as she got an idea. “Aha! I’m an alicorn, a combination of three different pony races—unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. Fire, air, and earth! I simply don’t have a water component.”

“That’s not how bending works,” Toph said.

“Who are we to say what bending is like in other worlds?” Iroh asked.

“I… shut up.” Toph folded her arms and blew her hair out of her face. “Let’s just get going and save all worlds or some junk.”

“All right!” Twilight cheered.

“Now, we’re going to need to get out of the city,” Toph said. “And to do that, I’m gonna have to stuff the floating thing I can’t see in a sack and Twilight’s gonna have to act like an animal.”

“W-what?” Tippi and Twilight sputtered in unison.

Author's Note:

Toph has joined the party!

Toph’s Abilities: A Primer.

Press [REDACTED] to have Toph throw a rock, which will destroy certain earthen walls!

This can also be used to get the jump on enemies.

In battle, Toph has many earthbending techniques at her disposal such as flinging boulders and creating pillars of earth. She can usually hit stealthy or invisible enemies! Flying ones, though, those are hard for her.

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